Entrepreneur’s Inner Game Podcast

Nina Cooke: Business Freedom Coach helping successful, but stuck business owners grow their revenue while falling back in love with their business.

Every two weeks on the Entrepreneur’s Inner Game Podcast, Nina Cooke interviews successful business owners to discover their secrets of how they created a winning inner game to grow their business, build revenue and have time freedom. Popular guests include Catherine Watkin, Rob Goyette and Susan Epstein. Popular topics include: time freedom, creating more income, overcoming inner blocks. In alternate weeks, Nina shares her Golden Nuggets on how to remove your inner blocks, so you can your business faster and more easily. Find out more: ninacooke.co.uk

  • 27 minutes 51 seconds
    #110 - John Li: How To Use Your Mindset To Become More Productive

    John Li is the co-founder of PickFu. PickFu is a rapid consumer research platform that helps businesses succeed through real consumer feedback. Using PickFu, companies easily discover which creatives resonate with their target audiences. Thousands of global brands rely on PickFu to help them make better data-driven decisions about their products. 

    John is passionate about building systems that help others succeed. He and his family live in the San Francisco area, where he shuttles his kids around in his dream car (a minivan).

    Listen in to discover:

    • The key lesson that John has learnt in his entrepreneurial journey – it’s all about understanding how your business is going to make money so you can create it clarity and focus
    • How to deal with the ups and downs so you don’t get de-railed and waste precious time
    • Why mindset has been critical to accelerating John’s success and how he uses it to continue growing
    • How to work smarter by becoming more productive so you can accomplish more in less time, freeing you up for family, friends and hobbies
    • John’s Top Tip to grow your business so you know you are providing a service your audience will pay for
    • His biggest life lesson that has helped him to achieve financial success (this is a great mindset shift to grow your business)

    Find out more about John Li and his PickFu service at: https://www.pickfu.com/?coupon=NINA

    code: NINA  50% off your first poll


    Want to know how to boost your profits without working harder? Get Profit Maximizer Scorecard: https://www.profitmaxscorecard.com/

    25 September 2023, 6:15 am
  • 35 minutes 7 seconds
    #109 - Jason Graystone: How To Become Financially Free

    Jason Graystone is an entrepreneur, investor, and host of the Always Free Podcast.

    Since starting his first business at 22 years old, Jason’s love for investing & business helped him become financially free by the time he was 30 by adopting a unique blend of wealth creation strategies allowing him to replace his active income.  

    Jason has since built multiple -7 figure businesses, spoken on some of the world's most reputable stages in the investing space as well as universities, schools, and some large corporations including the MET police. 

    Jason runs an industry-leading education program to help people achieve true financial freedom.  

    Listen in to discover:

    • The money beliefs he created in his childhood that gave him the burning motivation to find financial security
    • How taking a risk in his first entrepreunerial venture at 14 paved the way for his success
    • Why delegation is critical to your success and how to do it effectively so you can focus on what you do best
    • Why trading your time for money is costing your dearly and what you can do to reverse this 
    • Jason’s definition of Financial Freedom and the 2 steps to achieve it for yourself (this is very insightful and inspiring)
    • The key questions to ask yourself to get back your mojo so you can fall back in love with your business
    • His biggest life lesson that has helped him to take a balanced view so he can make great decisions

    Find out more about Jason Graystone at: AlwaysFreePodcast.com


    Want to know how to boost your profits without working harder? Get Profit Maximizer Scorecard: https://www.profitmaxscorecard.com/


    22 September 2023, 5:05 am
  • 35 minutes 38 seconds
    #108 - James Allen: Discover the Secrets of a Productive Mindset to Boost Your Success

    Originally a productivity coach, James was obsessed with how to work fewer hours while simultaneously growing his income, which led him to learn about creating passive income with digital products.      James has helped hundreds of coaches & creators to boost their income online with his private coaching, courses and content, while cutting their work hours in half.      As the founder of ProfitYourKowledge.com, James has a passion for helping people turn their knowledge, ideas, and skills into an automated income that not only gives them more money but also more freedom and fulfillment.

    Listen in to discover:

    •   James’ simple 3-step process to overcome procrastination and become a productive entrepreneur •   Why having a clear vision of what you want is KEY to overcoming procrastination and how it will enable you to grow your income •   The secret to finding a marketing strategy that you will enjoy doing every day to bring in new clients •   How James found the inspiration to keep going when his first 5 online courses failed (and how you can use this to keep going when things get tough) •   Why having a great mentor/coach by your side is essential to getting big breakthroughs •   How to overcome stubborn resistance when you don’t want to work on your business…this could be a game-changer to your success •   The biggest lesson that life has taught him, and how it’s helped him to supercharge his implementation of his marketing strategy   •   James’ top productivity tip to grow your success

    Find out more about James at profityourknowledge.com


    Want to know how to boost your profits without working harder? Get Profit Maximizer Scorecard: https://www.profitmaxscorecard.com/

    19 May 2023, 6:36 pm
  • 31 minutes 55 seconds
    #107 - Joseph Gissy: How To Use Your Failures to Grow Your Success

    Joseph Gissy is a businessman coach, entrepreneur, and author, focused on helping businesses learn sales and marketing techniques to help gain massive exposure through digital marketing and automated systems. Financial advisors and small business owners work with Joseph to help build their prospecting pipelines and structure their marketing. He also is helping individual investors through his content to better understand the financial industry without all the jargon they get bombarded with.

    Listen in to discover:

    • Why Joseph loves to fail and the learnings he picks up from his failures that help him to greater success • His 3 steps to keeping alive the happiness and thrill of being an entrepreneur when times get tough • How he implemented the teachings in a motivational book to create an unstoppable mindset  • The secrets to maintaining his drive to succeed and his visualisation technique that enables him to achieve his goals • The biggest lesson that life has taught him and how it has helped him to pivot his business • Joseph’s top marketing tip to grow your success

    Find out more about Joseph at josephgissy.com


    Want to know how to boost your profits without working harder? Get Profit Maximizer Scorecard: https://www.profitmaxscorecard.com/

    25 April 2023, 2:37 pm
  • 34 minutes 38 seconds
    #106 - John Dwyer: Create the Mindset to Get More Yeses

    John Dwyer is the owner of a direct response agency, The Institute of Wow. He’s been marketing for 35 years and works with entrepreneurs to help them to grow they businesses. He’s consulted with Rupert Murdoch, McDonalds, KFC, 7-Eleven, BP and signed up Jerry Seinfeld to headline his marketing campaign for a leading bank.

    Listen in to discover:

    •   One of the biggest secrets of John’s success – and it won’t cost you a penny! •   How he found the courage to keep asking prospects to become clients even when they kept saying No •   2 rules to get over the fear of asking prospects for business •   The art of asking to get more Yeses – and the 2 keys to catapult your success •   How John stayed motivated to follow-up with prospects even though they didn’t seem interested and the big wins he achieved with his persistence •   An inspirations story of how John overcome a big setback where he lost everything and how he picked himself up and made it all back •   His biggest lesson that life has taught him  •   A top marketing tip + an excellent and easy-to-implement marketing strategy you can use immediately to get more clients

    Find out more about John at www.theinstituteofwow.com Get a free copy of his book, The Avalanche Leads Formula, at https://jdwowbook.com/ My Dreams Can Come True TV Show – https://theinstituteofwow.com/wow-tv-show/


    Want to know how to boost your profits without working harder? Get Profit Maximizer Scorecard: https://www.profitmaxscorecard.com/

    25 April 2023, 2:08 pm
  • 26 minutes 22 seconds
    #105 - Larry Yu - The mindset needed to build a 7-figure business

    Larry Yu is an experienced internet entrepreneur with deep knowledge of paid advertising, business operations, team building, and website and product design. He started his first business in college, scaling it to over 7 figures between classes before selling it shortly after graduating. That initial venture became a springboard for many other internet marketing ventures. Among them, is his agency Pinnacle Brands, a design agency specializing in high end branding and websites for personal brands.

    Listen in as Larry shares:

    • How he built a 7-figure business and the mindset that helped him to think big
    • The way he dealt with fears so they didn’t stop him from scaling his business
    • How he coped with setbacks with his “Punch through the wall” mentality that allowed him to get to keep building his success
    • The mindset secret that will help you to focus on what you do best and let go of the rest.
    • What differentiates the super successful from the less successful (this will surprise you)
    • What he wishes he’d known when he first started out which would have save him significant time, money and stress
    • His very favourite business book that helped him to create an unstoppable mindset and discover the principles behind every successful business
    16 March 2023, 10:56 am
  • 31 minutes 1 second
    #104 - Marc Mawhinney - How To Be A Consistent Action-taker To Grow Your Business

    Marc Mawhinney is a lifelong entrepreneur who helps coaches get more clients (without paid advertising)! He achieves this with his coaching programs, his podcast Natural Born Coaches, his Facebook group The Coaching Jungle, and his exclusive print newsletter – Secret Coach Club.       He's been a speaker at events like Social Media Marketing World, frequently makes media appearances and contributes for Entrepreneur.com. You can learn more about Marc at www.NaturalBornCoaches.com.

    Listen in to discover:

    • How to become a consistent action-taker to grow your business (even if you sometimes struggle to take action)
    • An easy way to overcome setbacks that keeps you on track and making progress
    • How to overcome that wall of resistance so you can take those important action steps that will bring in more clients and more revenue
    • Marc’s daily journaling routine that helps to keep his mindset focused on growing his business
    • How to identify and prioritise the key tasks to work on so they get done every day
    • Why mindset is so important to having all the success you want
    • How to keep yourself disciplined and motivated even when you’re procrastinating in your business  
    • Marc’s Top Tip to grow and engage your Facebook Group

    Find out more about Marc at www.NaturalBornCoaches.com and SecretCoachClub.com

    Want to know how to boost your profits without working harder? Get Profit Maximizer Scorecard: https://www.profitmaxscorecard.com/

    28 February 2023, 7:43 am
  • 24 minutes 54 seconds
    #101 - Wes Cuprill: How Financial Advisors Can Thrive With The Right Mindset

    Wes Cuprill is the sales, marketing, and systems maestro at Advisor Architect. Wes started his career in supply chain management where he developed expertise in business systems and processes. He's brought that same expertise with him to Advisor Architect, helping financial advisors and attorneys run efficient, profitable practices. 

    Listen in as Wes shares:

    • His mindset shift that caused him to pivot and find fulfilment in his work
    • The limiting mindset that stops Financial Advisors creating all the success they want…and how to dissolve it
    • Why a minority of financial advisors thrive and the majority don’t (this will surprise you!)
    • The secret to getting more done without working harder
    • How he overcomes setbacks so they don’t derail his success
    • Why it’s crucial to reach out when you feel challenged so you can consistently grow your profits

    Find out more about Wes and his services here: advisorarchitect.com


    Why aren't you a 7-figure entrepreneur yet? Find your mind blocks stopping you becoming a millionaire here: http://www.ninacooke.co.uk/scorecard

    22 June 2022, 6:37 pm
  • 25 minutes 51 seconds
    #100 - Rob Goyette: How very successful people use their mindset to grow their business without working harder

    Rob Goyette has been serving coaches since 2007. His areas of genius are in marketing, strategy, and technology. He is a wizard at helping his clients to build strong email lists, create irresistible offers and build high converting funnels to create passive income.

    I’ve known Rob since 2008. Rob has coached me and I've coached him, and it seems like we've been friends forever.

    Listen in as Rob shares:

    • How very successful people use their mindset to grow their business
    • His secret to embracing risk and taking his success to the next level
    • The critical action he took when his business plateaued that transformed his results
    • How he achieved his goal to hit a 7-figure revenue (it wasn’t by working harder!)
    • The game he plays in his head to take the pressure off achieving his goals
    • Top Tips to build your email list and make irresistible offers to your community
    • Why he believes mindset is critical to entrepreneurs’ success, and how working on his mindset has skyrocketed his success
    • His daily routine to get more done in less time, leaving him free to have an afternoon nap and spend more time with his family
    • The “punishment and reward” system that helps him to complete projects and open up more streams of income

    Get a Free Month in Rob’s Radical Results Power Hours here: GetMyFreeMonth.com


    Why aren't you a 7-figure entrepreneur yet? Find your mind blocks stopping you becoming a millionaire here: http://www.ninacooke.co.uk/scorecard

    30 May 2022, 5:41 pm
  • 23 minutes 48 seconds
    #99 - Rivers Corbett - The Mindset of Staying Focused on Your Goals

    Rivers Corbett is a solution-focused and agile Entrepreneur, Coach and Thought Leader with more than 23 years of success across food and beverage, hospitality, education and e-commerce. His broad areas of expertise include leadership, team building, coaching and mentoring, sales, marketing, branding, partnerships, customer experience, start ups and growth. 

    Listen is as Rivers shares:

    • Why the entrepreneurial journey is like the tortoise and the hare race, and how you can win the race 
    • A key way to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by your ideal clients
    • Why it’s important to hang out with the eagles, not the ducks (this will raise your game and accelerate your success!)
    • His step-by-step guide to stop getting distracted and stay focused on your goals
    • Why regular outreach to book more clients and grow your revenue is the lifeblood of your business
    • The mindset of effective and consistent outreach (it’s easier than you think when you learn how to use these tools)
    • How to deal with “Nos’ from prospects… it’s like playing the dating game
    • His #1 Tip to create recurring revenue in your business and how to effectively implement it

    Why aren't you a 7-figure entrepreneur yet? Find your mind blocks stopping you becoming a millionaire here: http://www.ninacooke.co.uk/scorecard

    31 March 2022, 6:01 pm
  • 29 minutes 4 seconds
    #98: Melanie Benson – Transform your Money and Success Mindset

    Melanie Benson, Authority Amplifier for Expert-preneurs, shows you how to stand out in a crowded market and attract high-paying clients and opportunities. Melanie has a proven track record of accelerating results for her clients (it's not uncommon to see 3-5x revenue increases in the first 6 months.) She’s the host of Amplify Your Success Podcast, is author of Rewired for Wealth, co-author of the best-selling Voices of the 21st Century, and Entrepreneur.com’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business, and has been featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Woman’s Day, and Parenting. Melanie is a founding executive team member of the Women Speaker’s Association.

    Listen in as Melanie shares:

    • How she re-wired her mindset to overcome her business challenges and accelerate her success
    • The key decision that catapulted her success to 6-figures within 9 months
    • Her “Values Exercise” that radically transformed her mindset about money and success, and enabled her to make smart business decisions
    • How to use her innovative “Confidence Booster” process to raise your fees (it’s easier than you think!)
    • The “Zero Friction Selling” process that will help you get more Yeses as it reduces your prospects’ resistance to buy from you.
    • Her Top Tip to amplify your business success (you will be able to implement this immediately in your business)

    Access Melanie’s 8 Steps to Being a Highly Paid Authority at MelanieBenson.com .

    Smash Your Income Glass Ceiling To Attract More Clients And Money… without doing more marketing! Click here for Free Video Training 

    18 March 2022, 3:06 pm
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