NLP Courses Show

NLP Courses Show

Welcome to the show. Our goal in this weekly podcast is to explore what makes NLP transformational. This means we will tap into psychology, neuroscience, linguistics and storytelling, as we dive deep into the unconscious mind, language patterns and the core concepts of NLP. We may be controversial, and likely will be a bit outrageous. But regardless, we'll focus on NLP techniques that are proven to transform people's lives. Join us on this journey. Subscribe to this podcast

  • 13 minutes 13 seconds
    Milton Language part four: Transderivational Searches, and Nominalisations Can Change Your Life

    Welcome back to our podcast series on Milton Language patterns. Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of Deletions and how they can impact your brain and your communication skills.

    Great communicators know how to use Deletions to their advantage. They know that sometimes, leaving out certain information can actually make their message more powerful. We'll explore how this works and give you some tips on how to use Deletions to make your own communication more impactful.

    But that's not all! We'll also dive into the concept of Transderivational Searches and how they relate to Deletions. Trust me, it's not as complicated as it sounds - and understanding this concept can be a game-changer in your communication skills.

    Last but not least, we'll introduce you to Nominalisations - these are like the secret weapon of great communicators. They're powerful words that can transform the way you think and communicate. We'll give you examples of how to use Nominalisations in your everyday life and show you how they can help you achieve your goals.

    So, if you're ready to take your communication skills to the next level, join us for this episode. It's going to be a blast, and you'll come out the other side with some seriously impressive skills. Let's do this!

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice. 

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could visit and leave a review to show your support for the show. or you can leave us a review here:

    Additionally, we invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&A edition of NLP Courses Podcast. 

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Find out more about our NLP training by visiting

    27 March 2023, 1:20 pm
  • 11 minutes 41 seconds
    Milton Language Part Three: Cause-and-Effect

    In this podcast, host John Cassidy-Rice explores the power of cause-and-effect language patterns and how they can transform beliefs and create success in life. 

    He explains how cause and effect form the foundation of belief and how understanding this language pattern can help listeners connect information and create new beliefs. 

    John gives examples of cause-and-effect language patterns in different contexts, including with young children, teenagers, managers, teachers, and students. He also introduces the concept of complex equivalents and invites listeners to experiment with creating their own cause-and-effect patterns. 

    Through playing with language and having fun with it, John believes listeners can become more successful in life.

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice.

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could visit and leave a review to show your support for the show. or you can leave us a review here:

    We invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&A edition of the NLP Courses Podcast.

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Find out more about our NLP training by visiting

    13 March 2023, 6:34 am
  • 15 minutes 57 seconds
    Part Two Milton Language maps of the world

    Welcome to the second session in Milton's language!

    In this week’s episode, we will explore maps.

    Today, we will delve further into the idea that human beings create maps of the world through language, and explore the two major language patterns within Neuro-Linguistic Programming - the Milton Model and the Meta-Model.

    The Milton model is about being artfully vague, whereas the Meta-model is about being precise with language.

    Through language, we can create maps that are clear, easy to navigate, accurate and up-to-date, relevant, appropriate for its intended use, and provide context and orientation.

    The language we use in NLP is powerful in changing people’s thinking and helps them to operate from a map that is useful for their lives and goals.

    We also discuss the importance of prioritising clarity and simplicity over geographic accuracy, just like Harry Beck did in 1931 when he created the London Underground map. Join us as we explore this metaphor of maps and learn how to create brand new maps that can revolutionise the world around you.

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice.

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could, Click here  and leave a review to show your support for the show. or you can leave us a review here:

    Additionally, we invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&A edition of NLP Courses Podcast.

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Find out more about our NLP training by visiting

    27 February 2023, 10:43 am
  • 15 minutes 32 seconds
    The Power of Language: Unpacking Milton's Masterful Patterns - Part 1

    Are you curious about the power of language and how it can transform someone's life? Then you're in for a treat! Join host John Cassidy-Rice as he dives into the world of NLP language patterns and the works of Milton H. Erickson, the man who brought hypnosis out of the stage and into the medical arena.

    In this podcast, you'll discover how to communicate at multiple levels and get the right mindset to tap into the potential of language. From conversational hypnosis to influence and persuasion, we'll explore how language can speak not only to the conscious mind but also the unconscious mind.

    And who better to learn from than the master himself, Milton Erickson? His creative use of language was always tailored to the individual, making transformation playful yet effective. We'll also take inspiration from great artists like Claude Monet to see how their work applies to Milton's language patterns.

    So, don't miss out on this exciting journey through the world of language and its transformative powers. Download this podcast today and get ready to be amazed!

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice.

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could visit and leave a review to show your support for the show. or you can leave us a review here:

    Additionally, we invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&A edition of NLP Courses Podcast.

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Find out more about our NLP training by visiting

    13 February 2023, 5:12 am
  • 16 minutes 41 seconds
    A little bit of showmanship goes a long way - be careful not to go to far

    Are you ready to take a dive into the mesmerizing world of hypnosis and NLP? Well buckle up, because we've got a show for you! 

    This week, we're talking all about showmanship in hypnosis and how a dash of it can make a big impact. But, as always, too much of a good thing can have consequences.

    Join me on my journey as I recall the time I tried a rapid induction for the first time and the powerful results that came from it. I bet you'll be amazed to hear about the "Visual Squash" technique and how it can help someone enter a deep trance. Just remember, we want to keep the person's personality intact and have a conversation about what's important to them.

    So, let's get hypno-tized and discover the art of showmanship in hypnosis and NLP. Join me and let's make positive changes in people's lives!

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice.

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could visit and leave a review to show your support for the show. or you can leave us a review here:

    Additionally, we invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&A edition of NLP Courses Podcast.

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Find out more about our NLP training by visiting

    6 February 2023, 7:11 am
  • 12 minutes 41 seconds
    Questions about unlocking passion today

    We explore the idea of passion and share tips on finding it, pursuing it, and using it to live a meaningful life. 

    So why passion? Well, it's more than just a feeling – it's a powerful force that can drive your life to new places, but it doesn't have to lead to a career or making money. Passion can provide an outlet for creativity and fill your life with joy and energy. 

    So how do you find your own passion? Try out different activities, explore new hobbies, and practice commitment. Committing to something for a period of time allows us to glean an understanding of the depths and complexities of what it means to be passionate. 

    And not everyone needs passion to live a happy life. Some people are content to simply enjoy their lives as is, free from the constraints of passion. But for those seeking something deeper, passion can be that inner driving force that helps you move forward in life. 

    So if you want to know more about passion and how you can use it in your life, tune in to Passionate Pursuits. You've taken the first step in the process already – so let's get started!

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice.

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could visit and leave a review to show your support for the show. or you can leave us a review here:

    Additionally, we invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&A edition of NLP Courses Podcast.

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Find out more about our Business Coaching Course by visiting

    30 January 2023, 5:24 pm
  • 11 minutes 38 seconds
    Unlock your motivation and achieve success through a growth mindset.

    Unlocking your motivation and achieving success through a growth mindset is the focus of this session led by host John Cassidy-Rice. 

    He begins by debunking the myth of the "big break" that keeps many people from reaching their full potential. Waiting for something to happen in their lives can lead to disappointment and a lack of fulfillment.

    Successful individuals come closer to realizing their goals by taking action and committing to something. Finding one's passion is not always easy, but committing to something can trigger passion and lead to growth over time.

    One of the keys to unlocking your true potential is having a growth mindset, which is the belief that one's abilities and intelligence can be developed through taking action. This is in contrast to a fixed mindset, which holds that one's abilities and intelligence are set in stone and cannot be changed.

    The importance of having a growth mindset is highlighted by Dr. Carol Dweck in her book "Mindset" and will be discussed in this session. One of the key takeaways is that embracing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning can lead to greater success in the long run.

    In addition to exploring the growth mindset, this session will also delve into the topic of there is no failure, only feedback, and that by embracing challenges and learning from them, one can achieve success. Plus the skill of Reframing.

    Furthermore, the host John Cassidy-Rice emphasizes on the importance of dreaming big, having a vision, and committing to something that is positive, engaging, and makes a difference in the world or to oneself. He encourages the listener to commit to something and let the passion develop over time. He believes that having a big dream and staying committed to it is easier because you will face setbacks and challenges along the way.

    This motivational session has all you need to become a success - no big break required. Take the challenge, pledge to yourself, and dare to dream big and you'll easily unlock your motivation and reach your goals. Come learn the empowering tools needed to take control of your life and watch your true potential shine. Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired and transform how you approach life.

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice.

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could visit and leave a review 

    to show your support for the show. 

    or you can leave us a review here:

    Additionally, we invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&A edition of NLP Courses Podcast.

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Find out more about our NLP training by visiting

    23 January 2023, 5:11 am
  • 17 minutes 40 seconds
    Discover the Untapped Power of Your Passions — Take the Adventure Within!

    Are you looking for adventure? Are you feeling stuck and unfulfilled in life? 

    Tune into this podcast and join us on the journey to unlock your passions and discover the value of adventure on your life's journey. 

    Learn how to overcome fears, break out of routines, and explore exciting experiences while still making time for the things that matter most. Together we'll take a look at how to make more time for the things that bring you joy, and how to pursue activities that help you reach your goals. 

    Join us and learn something new - embark on an adventure and find fulfilment today!

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice.

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could visit and leave a review to show your support for the show. 

    Or you can leave us a review here:

    Find out more about our NLP Practitioner:

    Additionally, we invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a #Q&A edition of NLP Courses Podcast.

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Research quoted on podcast: 


    Authors: Fanzhu Kong, Lily Zhao, Cheng‐hung Tsai

    Year: 2020

    16 January 2023, 5:30 am
  • 16 minutes 8 seconds
    Let the Passion Flow: Uncovering your Lost Motivation

    In this weeks podcast we cover the concept of passion and its role in motivation.

    We will be discussing the idea that our outer circumstances are a reflection of our inner world and that the key to discovering and reclaiming lost passion is to examine our thoughts, values, and beliefs.

    They will also delve into the importance of understanding motivation and utilising the power of the unconscious mind to gain insight into our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

    They believe that change starts with changing our thoughts and suggest exploring the concept of the inner world as a way to understand and reclaim lost passion and motivation. Join us as we delve into this fascinating topic.

    If you found inspiration in this episode, share it with your followers on Instagram by posting a screenshot of yourself listening and tagging us @johncassidyrice.

    If you haven't left a review yet, we'd really appreciate it if you could visit iTunes and leave a review to show your support for the show.

    Additionally, we invite you to contribute to the podcast by submitting a question for a Q&A edition of NLP Courses Podcast.

    Simply record a question (under 4 minutes) at and it may be featured on a future episode.

    Research quoted in this week's podcast

    Barbara L. Fredrickson, Department of Psychology and Research Center for Group Dynamics at the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.

    One study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that individuals who experienced more positive emotions had better physical health, greater success in their careers, and stronger social relationships.

    9 January 2023, 5:43 am
  • 16 minutes 47 seconds
    You have the answer within you.

    You are at a crossroads in your life, people are giving you advice. Some of it was good, even great. Yet you don't act on it

     And then somebody goes all mystical on you and says, You have the answers inside you and you go well, that's all well and good, but how do I get to them?

    In this podcast, we explore how we access deep inner wisdom to pull our answers?

    This is a simple and profound method. 

    We explore a little known NLP technique that helps you uncover limitations and connects you with motivation. 

    What would your life be like when you can access your own answers? 

    1 January 2022, 7:00 am
  • 17 minutes 17 seconds
    Interview with Dave Marshall

    Reissue of missing podcasts: This podcast was discovered motivating children to eat vegetables.

    Our first interview:

    The INLPTA Master Trainer in the UK Dave Marshall.

    Dave shares what it was like in the early days of NLP.

    We cover:

    I recommend paying attention to Dave’s language patterns and how he uses tempo to change the mood.

    15 July 2021, 2:20 pm
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