Half Hour Intern

Blake Fletcher

A podcast that explores the interesting paths people take in life, and why and how they take them. From cuddle therapists to financial advisors. New episodes every Tuesday.

  • 35 minutes 53 seconds
    Energetic Healing (with Terje Kuusk)
    Do you ever feel a bit off? You can’t really put your finger on why, but you’re not quite yourself. Have you ever considered that maybe your internal energy isn’t flowing very well, or that negative energy in your surroundings is bringing you down? Today’s guest Terje Kuusk is a Reiki master practitioner (heals and fixes energy flows in the body) and practices real estate energy clearing and upgrading as well. We’ll discuss Terje’s connection to energy and how we can tap into and clear the energy around us.
    14 August 2018, 7:02 pm
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Raw Denim (with David Shuck)
    How do you feel about the things that you own? Does your enjoyment for them usually peak right when you purchase them and then slowly fade from there? There’s certainly science to back that up, which is one of the reasons that they say it’s better to spend your money on experiences as opposed to things. But what about things that we own that grow and change, whose ownership becomes a sort of experience in itself? A couple years ago I learned about raw denim and and decided to purchase a pair for myself. Unlike most of my clothes, I was looking forward to what they would look like in a year or two, and every day I wore them brought me more satisfaction that my new jeans were truly becoming MY jeans. The experience that I’ve had with my jeans is something that today’s guest, David Shuck, knows an awful lot about. He is the managing editor of heddels.com, the foremost website for all things raw denim. We’ll discuss denim and the philosophy behind owning things that need to be broken in.
    24 July 2018, 7:21 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Tour Cycling (with Reed Olsen)
    Most of us live our lives looking forward to things. This is fortunate. This is the privileged position that we are in. It also means that we often neglect the present and miss out on the magic of the mundane. We look forward to getting off work, so we don’t have as productive of a day. We look forward to the weekend, so our week seems less fulfilling. We look forward to getting to our destination, so we overlook the beauty in the journey. Being present in the here and now is a popular philosophy, but few of us truly embrace it the way that today’s guest has. Reed is a tour cyclist. He rides his bike 100’s (sometimes 1000’s) of miles on vacation. He has ridden similarly freakishly long distances to work and back, day after day. Reed has taken what for many of us is the thing that stands between us and being where we want to be, and embraced it as the place that he does want to be.
    10 July 2018, 7:33 pm
  • 46 minutes 18 seconds
    The Sketch Effect (with William Warren)
    They say a picture is worth a thousand words. You know what’s really worth a lot? Both. Science tells us that if we both see and hear a concept our retention and comprehension go through the roof. It was this fact that today’s guest, William Warren, unknowingly channeled when he sketched concepts out during meetings at his former company. His drawings were so great that he became known for them in the office, and ultimately left to start a company dedicated to them and the art of visual communication.
    3 July 2018, 4:59 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Behavior Analyst (with Gianna Biscontini)
    Like just about everything else under the sun these days, we seem to be putting a lot more scrutiny and focus on the workplace. And why not? It’s where we spend the majority of our day. There’s the ‘work is work’ camp who believe that work was never meant to be fun, they pay you for it after all. There’s the ‘work should be fun and rewarding’ camp who believe that each of us should be able to have a role we enjoy. Luckily for us, more and more companies are coming around to the latter camp. Happier bees make more honey. Today’s guest, Gianna Biscontini, is a certified behavior analyst and founder of W3RKWELL. She created W3RKWELL to help other companies understand how to keep employees happy and healthy for the long run.
    26 June 2018, 5:34 pm
  • 44 minutes 53 seconds
    Replay - Ep. 20 Sensory Deprivaton Floating (with Mike Garrett)
    We're on vacation for 2 weeks. Enjoy some of our favorite episodes from the vault while we're out. New episodes start 6/26!
    19 June 2018, 4:45 pm
  • 54 minutes 55 seconds
    Replay - Ep. 60 Cuddle Therapy (with Travis Sigley)
    We're on vacation for 2 weeks. Enjoy some of our favorite episodes from the vault while we're out.
    12 June 2018, 8:04 pm
  • 51 minutes 23 seconds
    Replay - Ep. 82 Paranormal Psychic (with Adrian Lee)
    We're on vacation for 2 weeks. Enjoy some of our favorite episodes from the vault while we're out.
    5 June 2018, 5:09 pm
  • 46 minutes 8 seconds
    Brand Strategist (with Corin Camenisch & Sheila Cannon)
    What is your brand? Are you the funny one that also has a soft side? Are you the quiet one that opens up to close friends? It can be so hard to nail down because people are so complex, and we’re constantly changing. The same can be said of most businesses. This is why businesses are turning to outside experts, like today’s guests from Blow Branding, to help them define their brand. Is it what you do? Why you do it? How you make people feel? We’ll learn all about the recipe in today’s episode.
    22 May 2018, 5:42 pm
  • 34 minutes 3 seconds
    Zip-lining (with Mike Seper)
    I’m going to give anyone reading this a peek behind the curtain. When I’m writing these blurbs for the episodes I try to come up with a thesis around which I will write. Now, sometimes when I come up with a thesis I try to tap into the collective zeitgeist and think of a stat or a fact that we all agree with that is going to support my thesis. Like, ‘we all like puppies’. After I think of the stat or fact, I then go to good old google and search for it, to add some level of integrity to what I’m saying. Cut to this weeks episode.
 I think to myself, the most wanted superpower has to be flight. This is gonna tie in perfectly to this week’s episode on zip-lining and why people like my guest, Mike Seper, love it. So I go to google, see if a large scale survey has ever been done on what super powers people want, and low and behold one has been done. Cool, just gotta make sure everyone wants to fly like Mike and I and then we can get this show on the road. And…4th?! 4th place! Flying is not first, nor second, nor third. 4th. The number one power people want is invisibility, which in addition to ruining my blurb about flying, really throws a monkey wrench in my idea that the vast majority of humanity is good. Something tells me that these people don’t want invisibility so that they can anonymously help more people. Anyway, to all my fellow flyers at heart, today we learn about a way we can get close to the real thing.
    15 May 2018, 5:37 pm
  • 54 minutes 21 seconds
    Young Enterprising Society (with Khalif El-Amin)
    Picture the person that you think has the perfect job? Who are they? If I had to guess I would say that the person you are imagining has a job that they love. Perhaps a trade that they’re really good at. I’m always so envious of the chef’s I see on Chef’s Table. These people have a singular focus. One that they love and one that they’re great at. Doesn’t that make for the perfect job? ‘Find something you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life’ sort of stuff. Well, what if you’re like today’s guest, Khalif El-Amin, and you don’t want to find just one thing? What if you want to do a lot of different things? And help other people do a lot of different things? Now that can give a restless soul like me some hope.
    1 May 2018, 7:21 pm
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