ITE Talks Transportation

ITE Talks Transportation

The Institute of Transportation Engineers will bring you conversations with thought leaders in transportation on the future of the industry on the 4th Tuesday of each month.

  • 21 minutes 23 seconds
    Dale Picha, P.E., PTOE, Texas Department of Transportation – Crash Responder Safety Week
    Dale Picha, P.E., PTOE, Director of Transportation Operations for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) San Antonio District, joins the ITE Talks Transportation podcast to talk about Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW). Dale highlights the importance of this critical information campaign that promotes safety for first responders responding to crash sites and ITE's role in CRSW. He also discusses TxDOT's Traffic Incident Management program and how data plays a role in promoting and maintaining safety.
    3 December 2024, 3:32 pm
  • 17 minutes 30 seconds
    Transportation Resilience with Aimee Flannery, Global Principal – Transportation Risk & Resiliency, Jacobs
    Aimee Flannery, Ph.D., P.E., Global Principal – Transportation Risk & Resiliency at Jacobs, joins the ITE Talks Transportation podcast to talk about making the transportation system more resilient and steps the industry can take to set standardized methods to measure resilience. She discusses several strategies to improve transportation resilience, including hardening assets, nature-based solutions, and improving system redundancy. She also addresses educational and training needs around resilience and how to better support practitioners in their professional development on the topic.
    22 October 2024, 1:29 pm
  • 21 minutes 18 seconds
    Brian Cronin, Director, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office – National V2X Deployment Plan
    Brian Cronin, Director of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office of the U.S. Department of Transportation, joins the ITE Talks Transportation podcast to discuss the recently released National V2X Deployment Plan. The plan, drafted and advanced with collaboration across public and private partnerships, provides stakeholders with vital information to enable a safe, efficient, and sustainable transportation system through the national, widespread deployment of interoperable V2X technologies. Brian talks about what agencies need to do to implement the plan, the short- and long-term goals of the plan, and available resources for implementation. He also touches on the Accelerator Grants and pilot projects that have resulted in real deployments of V2X at-scale, and talks about what the future may look like with full deployment of V2X.  
    26 September 2024, 5:41 pm
  • 21 minutes 2 seconds
    Cipriana Patterson, P.E., PTOE, Toole Design – Equity in the Transportation Profession and Beyond
    Cipriana Patterson, P.E., PTOE, Director of Operations, Mid-Atlantic Region for Toole Design, joins the ITE Talks Transportation podcast to delve into issues of equity, representation, and collaboration. She shares both her background and her experience as a Black woman in transportation, and discusses what more can be done to make both the profession and the built environment a better experience for all users. She also talks about HBCUs and their role in the development of Black transportation engineers and planners, and the importance of representation in the industry. 
    27 August 2024, 12:04 pm
  • 16 minutes 20 seconds
    From Student to Younger Member: Sam Harris, ITE Young Member of the Year, Georgia Department of Transportation
    ITE's 2024 Young Member of the Year Sam Harris, P.E., joins the ITE Talks Transportation podcast to share his journey from beginning at ITE through a Student Chapter to his current leadership roles on the Safety Council and the ITE Georgia Section. He also shares his passion for safety and how he has progressed in his career, as well as what he looks forward to accomplishing in the future.
    25 June 2024, 1:31 pm
  • 17 minutes 9 seconds
    The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Transportation with Venkat Nallamothu, toXcel
    ​Venkat Nallamothu, P.E., Director, Transportation Operations and Safety at toXcel, joins the ITE Talks Transportation Podcast to talk about the influence technological innovations are having on the transportation industry, specifically artificial intelligence (AI). He discusses the potential implications of AI on transportation infrastructure such as connected and automated vehicles, how AI has evolved in transportation to where we are now, and the role ITE can play in the use and application of AI. 

    28 May 2024, 4:47 pm
  • 31 minutes 30 seconds
    What's New in the 11th Edition of the MUTCD with Kathy Falk, Vice President, Kimley-Horn
    Kathy Falk, Vice President with Kimley-Horn, joins the ITE Talks Transportation Podcast to discuss the newly released edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). She discusses the significant changes within the 11th edition, and highlights how the manual addresses safety concerns surrounding pedestrians and bicyclists, including bicycle lanes. She covers other new parts of the MUTCD, including provisions for setting non-statutory speed limits, and shares more about ITE's delegation to the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and what this body does. 
    23 April 2024, 3:24 pm
  • 15 minutes 13 seconds
    Rachel Carpenter, Chief Safety Officer, Caltrans – An Innovative Approach to Safety
    Rachel Carpenter, Chief Safety Officer at the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), joins the ITE Talks Transportation Podcast to discuss why the department adopted the Safe System Approach in an effort to reverse traffic fatality rates and address speed, among other safety improvements. She also explains their work with the Safe Systems Pyramid which takes a public health approach to safety, and elaborates on some of the specific strategies Caltrans implemented to win the National Roadway Safety Award. Rachel was a keynote speaker at the ITE Virtual Spring Conference in March. 
    26 March 2024, 2:06 pm
  • 29 minutes 2 seconds
    The Power of Community Engagement in Transportation – Odessa L. Phillip, PE, President and CEO, Assedo Consulting
    Odessa L. Phillip, P.E., President and CEO of Assedo Consulting, LLC, joins the ITE Talks Transportation Podcast to discuss community engagement as part of the decision-making process for transportation planning and project design, addressing the challenges of this process as well as the most effective strategies she's found. She also speaks to the importance of equity considerations when having these critical conversations, as well as what she sees as some of the emerging trends in community involvement.
    27 February 2024, 3:12 pm
  • 17 minutes 34 seconds
    Shailen Bhatt, FHWA Administrator – Safety, Leadership, and the Impact of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
    Federal Highway Administrator Shailen Bhatt joins the ITE Talks Transportation Podcast to talk about the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and how it will impact communities taking advantage of the various funding opportunities it provides. He also discusses safety and why it's his top priority in his role, and what it will take to see improvement in this area. He also shares his views on leadership and its importance in his career and beyond.
    23 January 2024, 6:42 pm
  • 24 minutes 1 second
    Alex Argudin, CEO, Miami Parking Authority – Parking Trends, Challenges, and Innovations
    Alex Argudin, CEO of the Miami Parking Authority in Florida, USA, joins the ITE Talks Transportation podcast to talk about parking trends and challenges in a densely populated city, how Miami is utilizing parking more efficiently and effectively, and how these trends are affecting other urban areas. Alex, who is Chair-Elect of the International Parking and Mobility Institute (IPMI), also discusses some of the changes that have impacted the parking industry since COVID, how curb priorities have changed, and how equity and sustainability factor into parking decisions.
    28 November 2023, 1:24 pm
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