Burn Fat With Your Brain with Maggie Sterling

Maggie Sterling

  • 22 minutes 11 seconds
    230 - What To Change When The Scale Isn't Going Down

    In this episode, Maggie and Ryan discuss what to do when the number on the scale isn't moving. They explain that the real reason most people aren't losing weight is because they are overeating, often in small ways they may not even realize. Instead of drastically cutting calories or eliminating food groups, they recommend focusing on reducing the extra snacks and unintentional eating outside of meals. By paying attention to hunger cues and planning ahead, you can identify and reduce the overeating that is preventing weight loss.

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    17 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 26 minutes 11 seconds
    229 - Tips For Listening To Your Higher Brain Over Your Habit Brain

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of slowing down and tuning into your body's signals when trying to lose weight. Your habit brain may be telling you to react quickly and eat, but your higher brain knows what you truly want. To listen to your higher brain, create pauses between urges and actions, and consider tools like timers, reminders, or journal prompts. Recognize that the work may feel challenging at first, but gets easier with practice. Finally, regulating your nervous system through exercises like deep breathing or walking can help you better connect with your higher brain and reach your goals.

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    10 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 20 minutes 10 seconds
    228 - External Motivators And Mental Guardrails: Staying Motivated For The Last 10 Pounds

    In this episode, Maggie discusses the concept of creating mental guardrails to help with weight loss, particularly when trying to lose the last 5-10 pounds. She emphasizes the importance of finding strong internal motivation and reasons for wanting to lose weight, as external motivators like upcoming events are often not sustainable. Maggie also explores the idea that having a small weight range can lead to more negotiation and overeat ing, as the consequences don't seem as significant. She encourages listeners to decide whether they are content with their current weight range or if they truly want to push for the last few pounds, and to set up their own mental guardrails accordingly.

    Ditch your Diet APP waitlist

    3 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 27 minutes 31 seconds
    Vibe Club Sneek Peek— Following My Plan More and Feeling Like I Deserve To Overindulge On The Weekends

    This is a Vibe Club coaching call to give you guys an idea what coaching calls are like inside Vibe Club. 

    Enrollment is open until Wednesday 5/1!

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    29 April 2024, 4:50 pm
  • 14 minutes 37 seconds
    227 - Overcoming Nighttime Cravings

    In this episode, Maggie and Ryan dive deep into the common struggle of dealing with late night cravings and urges to snack after dinner. They explore the unique challenges that arise when you're tired and worn out at the end of the day, making it harder to resist those cravings. Maggie shares her insights on why these urges feel so strong and compelling, and how our thoughts and emotions play a big role. Together, they discuss practical strategies and mindset shifts to help listeners navigate these tricky moments without giving in to overeating. If you often find yourself raiding the kitchen at night despite your best intentions, this episode will provide valuable perspective and tools to help you stay on track.

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    26 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 16 minutes 11 seconds
    226 - Why Your Plan Only Works on Paper (and What to Do About It)

    In this episode, we discuss the common mistake people make when creating their daily meal plan: planning for a perfect day without considering inevitable obstacles. Many people set themselves up for failure by making a plan that only works if everything goes smoothly, which rarely happens in the real world. We explore why this approach leads to frustration and failure, and how you can create a more realistic plan that accounts for the challenges and surprises life throws your way. By learning to plan for obstacles and make adjustments as needed, you'll be better equipped to stick to your diet and achieve sustainable weight loss success.

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    Vibe Club Enrollment Opens May 1st

    19 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 23 minutes 39 seconds
    225 - 5 Things Slowing Down Your Weight Loss

    In this week’s episode, we dive into the surprising factors that might be putting the brakes on your weight loss journey. From the unexpected impact of not wanting to hurt our own feelings to the often overlooked importance of managing sleep and stress, we uncover why some of your best-intended efforts aren’t paying off. Join us as we explore practical strategies to address these obstacles head-on, helping you to stay on track towards your health goals without falling victim to the common pitfalls that can slow progress. Whether you're struggling with snacking, stress, or setting unrealistic goals, this episode offers insights into navigating the weight loss journey with more ease and success.

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    Enrollment opens quarterly: Next enrollment May 1st

    12 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 16 minutes 3 seconds
    224 - Tough Love vs. Gentle Honesty

    In this episode, we dive deep into the battle of tough love versus gentle truth in the journey of weight loss. Discover the power of being honest with yourself, without the harshness that often comes with self-critique. Ryan and Maggie share insights on how a balance of directness and compassion can lead to lasting change. Tune in to explore which approach might work best for you and how to apply these strategies in your daily life.

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    (Enrollment opens quarterly)

    5 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 22 minutes 10 seconds
    [Replay] How To Stay Motivated For Weight Loss

    Struggling to stay motivated in your weight loss journey? This episode dives deep into why motivation isn't the key to success and what actually works. Discover practical tips for building habits and consistency that outlast fleeting feelings of motivation. Learn how to shift your mindset and create a sustainable path to your goals without relying on motivation. Tune in to transform your approach to weight loss and start achieving your desired results today.

    29 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 24 minutes 1 second
    [Replay] Weight Loss Begins With Self-Acceptance

    Hey everyone! This epsiode was probably one of the top 3 episodes that I got positive feedback from, so I am reposting it! If you have already heard it, I think its even worth a re-listen!

    In this episode, we discuss the idea that true weight loss begins with self-acceptance. Many people believe that the key to weight loss is simply eating less and exercising more, but this narrow view ignores the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to weight gain.

    We explore the concept of treating ourselves with kindness and compassion when it comes to our bodies and our weight.

    We discuss the importance of developing a healthy relationship with food, rather than viewing food as a source of comfort or punishment. We also talk about the benefits of mindfulness and self-compassion in weight loss efforts, and how to move away from a focus on perfection and self-criticism and towards a more positive, accepting attitude towards oneself.

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    22 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 27 minutes 13 seconds
    223 - How To Stop Emotional Eating

    Learn how to handle emotional eating effectively. This episode dives into understanding the real reasons behind our urges to eat when we're not actually hungry. Discover practical strategies for managing emotions without relying on food for comfort. It's about exploring curiosity towards our habits and finding healthier ways to cope with feelings. Tune in for insights on creating a balanced approach to eating and emotional wellbeing.

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    Curiosity Worksheet

    15 March 2024, 8:00 am
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