Podcast Talent Coach

Erik K. Johnson

This podcast is created to help you with the ART of podcasting. Let's turn your information into engaging entertainment. I'd love to help you with your podcast. E-mail any questions or comments you might have to [email protected].

  • 35 minutes 38 seconds
    How to Book Big Guests and Other Answers – PTC 491


    Podcasters have been hitting me up with great questions looking for answers. Today we talk about booking big name guests and demonstrating your expertise during interviews without talking the spotlight from your guests.

    We will also answer questions about bringing energy to your podcast, podcasting 2.0, and the pros and cons of joining a podcast network.

    If you have a question you'd like me to answer, email me at [email protected].



    I remember you always said to be authentic. And I’m doing just that. However, I feel that I lack energy. I certainly don’t feel like I’m boring. And the stats are showing it. Something inside of me keeps telling me that I shouldn't decide how exciting I sound, it’s my audience that will decide that. How do I overcome the need to feel that I need to bring the energy like John Lee Dumas but I’m afraid I will sound like a rodeo cowboy? I just want to be me.

    -Edwin Soler – Closing the 18 Inch Gap



    Passion and energy are two different things. You don’t need to be JLD wild to have passion.

    When I hear you talking about the people you help or the struggles you’ve encountered at your last job, you get passionate. That doesn’t mean you are overly energetic.

    You definitely do NOT want to sound like a bad wedding DJ or some horrible car lot commercial.

    People can easily identify fake energy. It's like a fake smile. Faking it will blow any trust you've developed with your audience.

    But being authentic will endear you to your audience.

    Authenticity is being real and revealing things about yourself. Being authentic is about stirring emotion.

    Think of a suspense thriller you've seen. These movies aren't over the top enthusiastic. However, I would argue they have a lot of energy.

    Suspense thrillers have you sitting on the edge of your seat with a knot in your stomach wondering what will happen next.

    Don't confuse sounding exciting with being exciting.


    As you approach your podcast, be passionate about the topics you select. Smile a bit, and let the audience feel your enthusiasm for the content.

    It is similar to reading a story to your audience versus telling them a story. Reading the story to the audience doesn't have the same excitement and connection.

    When you deliver your content, vary your inflection a little. Stir different emotions throughout the content. Make them smile a bit. Get them choked up. Surprise them. Get under their skin and annoy them a little.

    Above all, let your audience get to know you.

    When you stir emotion and you talk about content that is interesting to you, I have no doubt you’ll be authentic, energetic, and enthusiastic.



    What are some good strategies to attract and connect with celebrities to appear as guests on my podcast? My podcast is "Cancer and Comedy: Healing Through Hope and Humor" and can be found at cancerandcomedy.com. I'm looking to have guests who are entertainers and other public figures who have faced cancer and have a story to tell of how they overcame their circumstances to have success. Two examples of dream guests would be Michael J. Fox and his Parkinson's Foundation and SNL performer Vanessa Bayer who overcame Leukemia.

    -Brad Miller – Cancer and Comedy



    For really big stars, reach out to their publicist. I Googled Michael J. Fox publicist and found Sharron Elkabas and her phone number. A quick search of the publicists for stars will help you get started.

    You might also consider a subscription to IMDb Premium. The cost is $12.50/month when you buy an annual subscription. That membership will give you contact info to most representatives.

    When you are reaching out to people to appear on your show, lead with what's in it for them. How will the guest benefit by being on your show?

    You might start with people who have something to promote, like a book or new movie. They have a bigger incentive to make appearances.


    Next, take great care of their handler. That might be their manager, agent, publicist or assistant. Make sure you give amazing service to the person who serves as your contact. Make it super easy for them to get their client on your show.

    Finally, ask for referrals. Tell the guest and their agent that you are always looking for great guests who have a story to tell. Then ask who they know.

    Asking for referrals is tricky. You don't want to ask "Do you know anyone?" It is too easy to say "no".

    You want to ask, "Who do you know?" This requires an answer.

    You can also ask for referrals from people in your network. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for guests. Be clear exactly who you'd like. Then ask, "Who do you know?"

    At the end of the day, you might not start with Michael J. Fox. But you can sure work up to that interview. We are in a connected world that has reduced the six degrees of separation to just a few.

    Each time you ask for a referral, follow with, "I appreciate that. My ultimate goal is to interview Michael J. Fox and Vanessa Bayer. Do you know anyone who might know either of these two?"

    You never know who has the connection.


    1. When do you think podcast 2.0 will become the standard?

    2. What are the pros and cons to joining a podcast network?

    -Craig McManus – The Garden Question Podcast



    Podcasting 2.0 isn't one thing. It is many things. Therefore, I don't believe there will be a single moment in time when it becomes the standard. I believe it will be implemented slowly over time.

    According to podcast hosting service Libsyn VP of Podcast Relations Rob Walch, "Less than 1% of all downloads happen with apps that support podcast 2.0 features."

    Adoption of Podcast 2.0 will be determined by Apple. It will come down to when and what Apple wants to incorporate. Because, most podcast downloads are still consumed via Apple.

    According to Podcasting2.org, "Podcasting 2.0 extends the RSS standard - the core technology that makes podcasting possible - to add new features. None of these features break any existing podcast feeds or podcast players, but, where supported, they enable podcasters to do more things, and enhance the experience for the audience."

    It can get very technical. In real people speak, Podcasting 2.0 will add some additional features that podcasters can use. The recent implementation of transcription is an example of 2.0. You hear a lot about it, because Apple has adopted it.

    You don't hear much about the other feature, because Apple isn't making a big deal of it.


    Some of the other Podcasting 2.0 features include:

    • Soundbite

    • TXT

    • Location

    • Value 4 Value

    • Chapters

    • Lock/Unlock

    • Author/Credits

    • Live Item

    • Trailer

    • License

    The lock feature is an example of the rough implementation. Hosts like Libsyn allow you to lock your feed, so it cannot be imported into other players without your consent. However, not all players play by the rules. They say they don't “recognize” the tag.

    Adoption of Podcasting 2.0 will be slow and piecemeal. I believe Apple will slowly implement parts of it such as author, chapter and license. But it may be slower to implement things like Value 4 Value unless Apple gets a cut.


    Whether or not to join a podcast network should be decided on benefits versus costs.

    What will you get by joining a podcast network? The biggest benefit is typically promotion on other shows across the network.

    You'll need to determine if those shows are speaking to your ideal listener. Will listeners of those other shows also listen to your show? If so, it may be a benefit.

    How much promotion do you receive? The network should give you specifics. They should tell you how many shows are on the network and how many times you will be mentioned on those shows.

    Where your promo on the other shows occur is also important. A preroll at the beginning is much more valuable than a promo tagged on at the end. Many more people hear the beginning than the end.

    There are other questions to consider. How many listeners do those other shows have? Does the network promote you outside of the shows on the network, such as email or social media?

    When it comes to the cons of joining a podcast network, consider the investment you'll need to make.

    How much are you required to promote the other shows?

    What happens if the network has a show you don't feel fits your brand?

    Can the network add other advertising to your podcast to make money for the network?

    Do you retain ownership of your content?

    How can you leave the network, and are you allowed to join another immediately or is there a non-compete clause?

    At the end of the day, how much are you willing to talk about other shows and promote other podcasts in order to promote your show to their audiences? How much return will you get for that investment?



    Question: My show is mostly an interview show with relevant experts on particular topics. Yet, I would also like to establish myself more as a trusted and knowledgeable person on the topics that we discuss. How can I insert my own voice more during interview episodes with experts yet without drowning out the expert's answers or acting like I want to one-up their answers?

    -John DeRosa – Classical Theism Podcast at classicaltheism.com



    This is a struggle of many podcasters. You want to demonstrate your authority without stepping on the toes of your guest. I get it.

    Interviews are great for a few reasons.

    First, interviews can help you expand your network. The guest can promote the show to their followers. You can also tag them on social media as you promote your show.

    When you interview others, you don't need to do all the work. You simply ask some great questions, listen intently, and ask solid follow-up questions. A great conversation is engaging.

    Finally, you benefit by association through interviews. Your guest is subtly endorsing your show by agreeing to appear on your podcast.

    But, how to you demonstrate your authority with an interview podcast? There are three things you can do.


    First, I like to present a bit before the interview begins. This allows me to demonstrate my expertise before the conversation.

    I will interview my guest. Next, I will determine the big takeaway from the conversation. Then, I will record a 5- to 10-minute intro to the episode where I teach around that topic.

    For instance, I interviewed Marc Mawhinney on Episode 487. Marc talked about the power of doing flat fee joint venture partnerships.

    After the interview was complete, I recorded an intro where I taught various reasons people would want to promote you, especially if you have a small list or audience. Money is just one of those reasons.

    Now I have demonstrated my expertise a bit and can focus on simply having a great conversation with Marc. If I want to offer a call to action, I can include it here before the interview begins. Everybody wins.


    The next way to incorporate you into the interview without stealing the spotlight from your guest is to ask better questions. Find ways to ask a short question that demonstrates your expertise.

    This strategy should be one or two sentences at most. It requires great editing on your part, especially with your follow-up questions.

    As an example, I might be interviewing Marc on JV partnerships. I might say, "I typically recommend my clients start by creating partnerships with those who really want to see them succeed rather than those just looking to earn money. What is your best tip to get started with joint venture partnerships?"

    This question does two things. First, it lets the audience know that I coach people. Next, it informs the audience that I have various ideas to use JV partnerships to generate revenue.

    I have just added a little of my expertise without taking away from the guest.

    It becomes an issue when the host wants to tell a story that takes three minutes before they get to a question. Be concise. Little by little you will build your expertise with every interview.


    The third thing you can do is create a solo episode between each interview episode.

    Your interview episode my be the great conversation around the topic.

    Then, you can create a solo episode where you dive deep into your takeaways from the conversation and how your audience can implement what they've learned.



    If you have a question you'd like me to answer, email me at [email protected]. I'd love to include you here on the show.


    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    4 May 2024, 5:17 pm
  • 39 minutes 53 seconds
    Jill Lublin on Guerrilla Publicity – PTC 490


    To grow your audience, you need to consistently attract new listeners. Marketing your podcast requires publicity and public relations.


    Publicity is defined as notice or attention given to someone or something by the media.

    Getting on other podcasts could be considered publicity. You're leveraging media to draw attention to you and your show.

    The average podcast listeners consumes around 8 different podcasts each week. To draw attention to your show, get on other podcasts.

    But you can also use other media as well.

    My client Greg Payne hosts the Cool Grandpa podcast where he helps grandfathers connect to their grandchildren in more powerful ways.

    Greg was featured in an article in the New York Times. His monthly downloads doubled overnight.

    That New York Times article led to another article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper.

    Get outside of your insulated circle and find other media who can highlight you.


    Public relations is defined as the state of the relationship between the public and a company or other organization or a famous person.

    Use publicity to improve your public relations.

    You know I'm big on relationships. The rapport you're building is the foundation of all sales.

    There are a variety of ways to let people get to know you and build those relationships.

    Getting interviewed on other podcasts is my favorite way. But you can also share your story in newspaper interviews, magazine articles, blog features, Facebook lives, YouTube video interviews, and any other opportunity you can find to get in front of your ideal target listeners.


    To get others to interview you, make it easy. Post your speaker sheet on your website for easy access. You can see my speaker sheet on my website at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/speaker.

    When people are interested in interviewing you, direct them to your speaker sheet. This will contain how they will benefit by interviewing you. It also lists the best ways to contact you.

    A speaker sheet helps you appear professional and organized. It will make it easier for people to contact you for publicity.

    I'm always looking for opportunities to be interviewed. If you would like to have me on your show, let's see if we can find a time to make that work.

    Email me at [email protected] and let's make it happen.


    To help you with your publicity and public relations, I'd like to share this interview I did with Jill Lublin.

    Jill is an international speaker on the topics of Publicity, Networking, Kindness and Referrals. She is the host of the "Jill Lublin Show" and author of 4 Best Selling books. Her latest book, Profit of Kindness went #1 in four categories.

    Jill is a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability and more visibility in the marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has over 25 years experience working with over 100,000 people plus national and international media.

    To make an even bigger impact, Jill also leads a conscious kindness community.

    Enjoy my conversation with Jill Lublin.

    Such a great conversation with Jill Lublin. You can grab her free publicity action guide at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/jill.

    Grow your audience by getting in front of new listeners. Find new people you can invite into your audience. Get started this week.


    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    27 April 2024, 8:56 pm
  • 34 minutes 18 seconds
    Is Content Really King? – PTC 489


    It is often said that content is King.

    That isn't necessarily true. Content by itself won't gain you an audience.

    Content isn't King. Great content is King.

    Anybody can copy information. Your content needs to be infused with story and personality to really connect with listeners.

    To help you create more powerful interviews, grab my list of "17 of the most Powerful Podcast Interview Questions Ever". It is a free download you can get at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/interview.


    It really hit me one time when I was interviewing a musician on the air. I won't mention his name, because he called me out right there in the middle of the interview.

    Before our conversation, I went online and read his bio. I went through the news release they sent me about the new album and the tour.

    Once the interview began, I felt pretty good. We were rolling along with the standard questions and he was giving the standard answers.

    In what city will the tour start? When does the album come out.? What can we expect when you roll through here?

    Then I asked him a question about a detail in his bio. I though it was something unique. But he said, "Well, I see somebody read my bio."

    That's when I realized I couldn't just ask typical questions and get typical answers. To create great interviews, I needed to get my guests to tell great stories.

    Everything I was doing to this point was simply a derivative of someone else. I was a cliché, a poor knock off.

    Why would anyone listen to me when they could get the same thing by listening a variety of other interviews with the same guest?

    From there, I took my original content and made it great.


    Later in my career I was interviewing Preston Brust of the country band LOCASH. He and Chris Lucas had been working hard for years writing songs for themselves and others while also recording and touring.

    LOCASH had a few different record deals, but had never had that big hit they needed to break through. Other artists were recording songs the two had written, but none of those had hit either.

    In 2011, country superstar Keith Urban not only decided to record a song written by Preston and Chris, but he was going to release it as a single. When I was talking with Preston, I asked him what it felt like when he got the call that Keith Urban was releasing their song. Here is what he said.

    "Things weren't going so good. I get this phone call. I'm in the backseat of my friends car and I get this phone call and it sounded like something was wrong. And he says, 'I'm sitting next to Keith Urban and he just told me that 'You Gonna Fly' is going to be his next single, and he's releasing it next week.' And I literally had them stop the car and I got out of the car and I just let out this yell. It just felt like I'm back."

    They were back. That song went to number one on the country charts. Preston and Chris then wrote a hit for Tim McGraw and eventually a top 5 hit for themselves.

    I guarantee that question about how it felt to get that call hasn't been asked many times if ever of Preston.

    We created such a relationship over the years that he still texts me. They just finished their latest song called "Hometown Home" and he sent me the early version.

    That kind of relationship doesn't happen with typical questions and standard answers. Your audience also isn't attracted to typical interviews.

    Be different.


    Over the years, my style and content developed. I became myself. That is when my show became #1. My content was original and fresh. Nobody else was doing it.

    If your content isn't great, nothing else matters. The production of your podcast could be the best available. You could have all the bells and whistles available in your studio, including the best mic. The marketing of your podcast could incredibly creative and unique. However, if the content is average, no one will care.

    Don't simply go through the motions creating your content. Find a unique angle. Your take on the subject should be interesting. Make your content stand out using stories, creativity, and personal revelation.

    Content won't attract an audience unless it is great content. When your content is great, you become king. Make it happen.

    There are four key areas of focus when creating great content and tightening up your show. 


    Old-timey radio would say, "Hello Everybody in Radioland!" You're not an announcer talking to a group. Be a person talking to another person.

    To be engaging, you need to be human. You need to be yourself.

    As you record your podcast, use your natural voice and your own words.

    Individuals who are new to broadcasting tend to want to sound like their broadcasting idols. They try to imitate those they have heard on the radio with their voice and clichés.

    Unfortunately, new broadcasters tend to sound as if they are using scripted drivel done in some character voice that is forced and unnatural.

    You don’t need to sound like Wolfman Jack, Howard Cosell, Don LaFontaine or Howard Stern. In fact, you shouldn’t sound like those guys.

    The big personalities are who they are. You should be who you are.

    If you are naturally over-the-top, then be over-the-top. If you are not, don’t fake it. You’ll sound like an amateur and people can tell.

    Be natural. Talk with a little energy, but always deliver it as you naturally speak.

    The days of "the voice for radio" are gone. You don’t need a big voice to be on the radio. And you surely don’t need a big voice to create a podcast. Your voice becomes unique by what you say, not how you sound saying it.

    Be yourself. Use your own voice instead of trying to impersonate someone else. Use your natural voice and your own words.


    That's right, of course, like I said, obviously.

    If you find yourself saying "obviously" or "of course", you are making two mistakes.

    The first error is repeating yourself. If you are saying "obviously" because you feel everyone already knows the information, you are wasting your breath.

    If it is obvious, there is no need to say it.

    To frame it in a way to indicate it is something everyone knows, I might simply make a statement. I may say, "Because the sun comes up in the East, I prefer my bedroom windows be on the West side of the house."

    Everyone listening to me knows the sun comes up in the East. I simply include the statement.

    If I use a phrase like, "Of course", it appears I didn't want it to look like I was trying to teach you about the sunrise. I didn't want you to think I just learned that. "Of course" plays it off, but it also doesn't need to be there.

    If it is "of course", there is no need to say it in the first place.


    The second error is lack of confidence, so we add filler words.

    You may want to sound knowledgeable to those who know the information. Yet, you know there is a segment of the audience that does not know the details.

    To inform those unaware, you add the "of course". In this case, you're just wasting words.

    I may say, "The band will be at the arena Saturday night, of course." Some may be aware of this performance. Yet, there may be people in the audience who haven't heard the news.

    It makes sense to add the information, but you don't need the "of course".

    The idea is to sound knowledgeable and credible to those that already know, while providing the information to those unaware. You simply need to restructure you sentence and eliminate the cliché.

    Use a sentence like, "When the band is at the arena Saturday night, parking will be at a premium."

    This sentence provides new information to both segments of the audience. I include the "arena Saturday night" portion for the new listeners while giving those already aware of the concert new parking information. Both receive a benefit without the filler words.

    When you include "that's right" or "like I said", you are repeating yourself. Your listener heard you the first time.

    Most people use these cliches to fill time while they think of the next thing to say. Avoid going in circles. Your listener will quickly become uninterested. Know where you're going and keep moving forward.


    I hear so many cliches in podcasts today. They are present in business in general.

    A cliché is a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. It is a very predictable or unoriginal thing or person.

    We had a leader of our division who would use one particular cliché on every conference call we had.

    Every month, we would have a conference call to keep each station in sync. It would be run by our division leader. The call would then feature 4 or 5 other speakers covering various topics. The call would last about 30 minutes.

    After every speaker would finish their report, our division leader would say, "Really good stuff." "That was really good stuff, Ray." "Thanks, Sarah. Really good stuff."

    When he would talk about new resources that were available to us, he would wrap it up with "really good stuff". When he talked about new music coming out, he would call it "really good stuff".

    What started out as a compliment became a hollow nod that carried no weight. It was overused and lacked original thought. It was predictable.

    He got so predictable, as the speaker would wrap up, we would say to ourselves, “that was really good stuff” right before our leader would chime in with the same line. It kept us entertained on the call, but added nothing to the conversation.

    What cliches are you using? They are everywhere. Many times you don't realize it is a cliché until you start listening to your own show, or a coach points it out.

    The one that sounds most out of place to me on a podcast is, "To be honest with you". When somebody says "to be honest with you", I immediately think, "were you lying to me before?"

    What message are you trying to convey when you say, "to be honest with you"? I assume you are simply trying to add emphasis to what you are saying. In reality, the cliché has lost its power. It means nothing. It's a cliché.

    There are many others. We are thinking out of the box. We are pushing the envelope. We are taking it to the next level. It's Erik here to remind you something or another. You know what I mean? You know what I'm saying.

    Listen to an older episode or two of your show. Really listen to the shows like a listener. Find the cliches and eliminate them. Be original.


    And now it's time for …

    This phrase seems harmless. It looks like a logical transition from one segment to another during your podcast. Unfortunately, this phrase gives your listener permission to leave the show.

    When you use "and now it's time for..." or some similar phrase, it tells the listener that one segment is over and we are moving on to something else. It also signals a natural break in the show and the perfect time to exit.

    The transition is a lot like a commercial break in a television show. It is time to grab the remote to see what else is available. This is why TV shows started using the cliff hangers to keep you around.

    Famous American showman P. T. Barnum noticed that people were lingering too long at his exhibits. If he could get them through the exhibit faster, he could get more people through in a day and make more money.

    Barnum posted signs around the exhibit indicating "This Way to the Egress". Henry would ask Barbara, "Have you ever seen an egress? No? Let's check it out."

    Unaware that "Egress" simply meant "Exit", people followed the signs to what they assumed was a fascinating exhibit only to end up outside.

    Take down your "egress" sign. If you truly want to hold your listener from one segment to the next, don't send up the signal. Simply move to the next segment.


    On a coaching call the other day, I pointed out to the host that he was using "I want to keep this moving" quite often in his show.

    When he says "I want to keep this moving", I know we are switching to a new topic. I can punch out here if I'd like.

    Instead, just move on.

    Imagine you are at a cocktail party. You are discussing the baseball game that you saw over the weekend.

    After the baseball topic runs its course, do you say, "Now it's time to talk about my new car"? I doubt it.

    You probably just roll right into, "Hey, I bought a new car last week." It is a natural transition. Your friend doesn't think, "Hmm, that was a pretty rough transition." They have moved on right along with you.

    As you wrap up one segment, move right to the next. You might end the first segment with, "If you take those steps, things should be back to normal." Roll into the next with, "Jackie has a question about teamwork," and play the call.

    The next segment just starts. You've hooked them on the next segment without opening the door to leave.

    Don't flash the exit sign. Eliminate "and now it's time for" to hold your listener for the entire podcast.


    Focus on these four areas to create great content. Avoid repeating yourself. Eliminate the cliches. Create smooth transitions in your content. Above all else, be original.

    When you be yourself and ask great questions, it will be difficult to copy you. The content will be original. And, people will love you for it.

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    20 April 2024, 4:53 pm
  • 32 minutes 24 seconds
    Connecting With Your Personality – PTC 488


    People come for your content. They stay because of your personality.

    We have heard it so often. People do business with those they know, like and trust. It's all about building rapport.

    People like you and fall in love with you because of your personality and story.

    On this episode, I want to share with you a session I did recently during my Audience Explosion Blueprint Workshop. This was a powerful 3-day workshop where I helped a group of podcasters build their strategy to grow their audience.

    This particular session will help you develop your personality and begin building powerful relationships with your audience.


    And what I want to help you do in this session is really get clear on your personality. Your personality is your unique style.

    A lot of people think personality means I need to be funny or I need to be over the top, I need to be this big, boisterous, iconic personality. Personality just means you're uniquely you. It it's what makes you different from everybody else.

    There are 4 or 5 characteristics that you possess that people love about you.

    Listeners may say things like I love how warm she is, or I love how inviting he is. I love how he listens. I love how attentive he is. He's always able to distill my problems down to 1 or 2 sentences. I love how he makes me laugh, or I love how she makes me smile when she walks in the room.

    There are plenty of characteristics that you can have that make you uniquely you and why people love you. I want to help you figure out how to bring more of that into your content. Your personality is what keeps people coming back week after week and episode after episode.

    Your personality is why people fall in love with you. The content gets listeners to come. Your personality gets them to stay.


    If you rely only on content, you're a commodity. I can get content anywhere. Not only on other podcasts, but I can get content in books and blogs and websites and videos and everywhere else.

    However, I can't get you anywhere else other than your show. So if you think of various subjects like cooking, how many cooking shows are there? How many cooking channels are there? And politics... everybody is talking politics these days. Anybody can interview celebrities and athletes.

    What makes these shows different? What makes the cream of the crop rise to the top? It's all of their personality.

    If you think of somebody like Rachael Ray, she doesn't have a background as a culinary chef. She's just a mom that gets in the kitchen and makes up easy stuff for her family to eat. And, women love her for it.

    Rush Limbaugh took political talk and really brought back AM radio by adding his personality into it and adding a little humor into it. He added his sarcasm and his wit. Rush was also incredibly knowledgeable about the subject matter.

    So many people try to copy Rush, but they can't because they can't copy Rush's personality.


    It is the same thing with Oprah Winfrey. Oprah, Sally Jesse Raphael, and Phil Donahue. Every channel had one of those talk shows on it where it was sensationalism. It was tabloid sort of conversation.

    They were all doing the exact same thing. Oprah decided she didn't want do the exact same thing. She wanted to do a show her way and talk to people that interested her. Oprah wanted to talk about things that are meaningful, not only to her, but to her audience, to the women who were watching every day.

    And so she talked started talking about weight loss and started talking about the books that she loved, and she started talking about all of those things. Next thing you know, Oprah rises above all the rest, and Oprah becomes Oprah instead of Oprah Winfrey.

    It's how she became who she is, because she stopped trying to be like everybody else and started being herself. Oprah started being her authentic self.


    I watched Bob Costas. Bob is so knowledgeable about the sports, especially baseball. When you would watch Bob interview somebody, Bob's questions were often longer than the answers that his guests gave, because Bob knew so much.

    Unfortunately, when he tried to do his late night talk show, Bob's questions were way too long and his talk show didn't survive.

    But Costas was a great sportscaster and a great broadcaster, because he brought things out of the people he would interview. He knew so much about his guests and topic and had such a passion for it, and he let that come forward.

    And that's what makes great broadcasters. When you hear a great play-by-play guy, they're unique because they're bringing their personality into it. All these other guys that try to copy that individual and it doesn't work. The copycats aren't unique, and they don't rise to the top.

    There are very few great play-by-play guys because the greats are uniquely themselves, and that's what I want you to bring to your show. Bring uniquely you in there.


    Once you've defined your personality, then you can put your unique spin on everything that you do. You put that unique twist on all of your content, because you use it as your content filter.

    Add your ideal client, that ideal target listener we've been defining. We add your personality, and we use that as the filter for all of your content.

    So when you need to talk about x today, how are you going to use that filter to make sure that x is unique for your show? You know exactly who you're talking to, and you know how to infuse your personality into it so it becomes uniquely your.

    Think about how many shows teach you how to get out of debt. There's all sorts of finance shows on the radio, but there's only one Dave Ramsey show. Right?

    Dave has his 8 baby steps. He's like that older brother that'll give you the swift kick in the butt when you need it.

    Ramsey will let you cry on his shoulder, but he's going to give you the tough love when you need it because that's Dave's personality.

    There are so many other people that try to do financial talk, but they only talk about the information rather than the entertainment and the human aspect of it.


    ESPN's top ten is another example. Every sportscast shows highlights on their newscast. Back when the local news ran sports, they would show highlights all night long. And, every highlight was the same as every other highlight.

    Well, ESPN decided to take the top highlights and create their own top ten list. And now it becomes a debate. How is that dunk better than the catch in left field? The highlights all the same. They're just packaged a different way and put through the filter of ESPN.

    ESPN is talking to the guys that are hanging out at the sports bar debating over which team was the team of all time. They just took that same competitive nature and put the top ten around it.

    Anybody can show highlights. And anybody can talk about the best play of the day. But, ESPN puts it through their filter and does the top ten list.


    It is all about your traits and your characteristics and what makes you uniquely you. That's what brings your personality forward, because there's so many traits and characteristics that make up who we are. We can't possibly bring all of them out on the show.

    We want to find the 4 or 5 or 6 personality traits that we really want to wrap our arms around and help us with how we approach topics and infuse those topics with our personality. In radio, we would call it role definition. What stories are you going to tell today that define your role on the show of who you are and who you want people to perceive you to be that will help bring that forward.

    We infuse that into the show to let people understand what we're all about. It is often said that people do business with those we know, like, and trust. People get to know you through the stories that you tell because your personality and your authenticity come out in that.

    MORE THAN 3%

    There have been studies done. Chet Holmes talks about it a lot in his book The Ultimate Sales Machine. He says, if you look at your entire market, how many people in your market are in the market to buy today? If you consider everybody, those that are actively seeking a solution to what you have, about 3% of your target market are buying today. They're actively out searching for the solution.

    Three percent of your market have their credit card out, and they're ready to make a purchase. That's 3% of your entire market.

    The next 7% of the market could be convinced to buy today. Those are the people that are saying, "You know, I wasn't thinking about it, but now that you mentioned it, I do need one of those widgets that you're selling."

    These people have a problem and they need a solution. It's just not critical and not top of mind right now. But if you remind them about it, they could be in the market to buy. So that's 7%. There's there's 10% of your market right there.


    The other 90%, they're not buying today. They're not in the market today.

    So the next 30% are going to need what you have. They just don't need it today.

    If you're selling automobiles, I'm going to need a new car. I just don't need a new car today. I'll probably need a new car maybe a year and a half, maybe 2 years from now. When my car wears out, I'm going to need a new car. But today, I'm all good. Don't need a new car.

    The next 30%, they don't think they need what you have today because they need more information and more education on you on what the problem and the solution happened to be.

    Maybe you're selling mattresses and they say, "You know what? My mattress is fine. I'm good. I sleep fine at night."

    And you ask, "How old is your mattress?"

    They respond with, "Oh, my mattress is 12 years old."

    You can now educate them that mattresses wear out after 7 years and sleeping on a bad mattress causes bad back and and, all sorts of pain. You can ask, "Do you wake up in the morning with a stiff back?"

    Now they begin to think they may have a problem.

    Here is where you can explain it's probably because their mattress is worn out, they don't know it.

    So, it takes more education. They start to think maybe they do need a new mattress. They just needed more education.

    That example is a little quicker process than maybe what you're going through to explain, like Larry does with doing things right with time management. It might take a little longer to educate.


    And then the final 30%, they're probably not going to buy from you because of other reasons, like brand loyalty or things like that. Maybe you sell computers. If you sell Macs and I'm a PC user, I'm not going to buy. I'm not going to buy your Mac, because I don't use Macs. I use PCs. Yes. I'm in the computer market, but not your market.

    Maybe you sell Fords and my wife works for Toyota. I'm probably not gonna buy your Ford, because I get a really good deal over at Toyota.

    Now maybe I see the light and I realize my PC is inferior and I want to use a Mac. Now I'm all of a sudden in your world.

    Or maybe my wife leaves Toyota and goes to work for IBM, and now all of a sudden I'm in the market for another vehicle and Fords might be my vehicle.


    So when it comes to your podcast, we talked yesterday a lot about building relationships. The job with your podcast is to build the relationship with the 90% that aren't buying today so that when they're ready to buy, you're the one they think of for the solution.

    It really helps move along that 7% that weren't thinking about buying today but might see the opportunity. If you're only speaking to the 3% that are in the market to buy today to fix the solution today, you're missing 97% of your market.

    We spoke yesterday that most consumers do up to 70% of their market research before ever reaching out to a company. By the time they reach out to the company, they're 70% of the way through their research and their buying decision.

    So if you're only waiting until they're ready to buy, you're missing a great opportunity to build a relationship with them and be their go-to solution when they are ready to buy. And your personality and your story, that's what helps build that relationship.

    Those 3%, they're buying today. They're in the market to buy the solution for their problem today, but chances are they've done a whole bunch of research and homework. So if you're only if you're trying to get in the game now, they already have a relationship with 2 or 3 or 4 other companies, and now you're trying to weasel your way in to the front of that line, and you're trying to play catch up.


    All you need to do is be your authentic self, because your authentic self is is what can't be copied. So, ideally, when you're yourself, we want to make them pick a side. We want to make them care about what it is you're talking about by having an opinion and sharing that opinion and that thought.

    Many times we get on our show and we don't wanna ruffle any feathers. We want to make everybody happy. We want to please everybody.

    But when you're pleasing everybody, you're pleasing nobody because you're just vanilla middle of the road. I could take it or leave it, and that's the death of your show.

    Think of all of the big personalities that you can think of, whether it's, Howard Stern or, Jimmy Kimmel or Stephen A. Smith on ESPN. You either love them or hate them.


    They make you pick a side. If I have everybody rate your show on a 1 to 5 scale where one means I hate it and I never listen to it, and 5 means I love it and can't miss an episode. If I have to have everybody rate the show and everybody rates it a 3, you're dead in the water because 3 means I could take it or leave it. 3 means, "Yeah, you know, it's it's nice." They don't care.

    If they don't have anything better to listen to, they will listen to you. That's not bringing anybody to your show.

    As you have more fives than you have ones, you're in the game. You're doing well.


    We would look at music research in radio to decide which songs to play and which songs to play more often. Everybody in the research pool would rate the song on a 1 to 5 scale. I always turned down songs that had great 3 scores.

    But if a song was polarizing, if you had a song like the Macarena or something, and people are like, "Oh my god, I can't hear that again", and other people are thinking, "Oh my god, turn it up, that's my jam", we've got a song.

    If a songs had scores with a lot of ones and a lot of fives, and there weren't hardly any threes, that song was absolutely monstrous. There were probably twice as many fives as there were ones, and we played the crud out of that song. And that's why you still hear it at wedding receptions today, because it's that polarizing sort of song.

    When you use your personality to make people pick a side, it makes people pay attention.

    When you make them care about your show and you make them pick a side, that's when you know you've hit.


    And we talk about you don't need to be over the top. One of my favorite personalities is Barbara Corcoran.

    Barbara Corcoran of Shark Tank is phenomenal. But Barbara's not over the top. She is that very wise, kinda smart ass sorta host. Kevin gets a run for his money from her.

    Barbara talks a lot about being the waitress that she was when she finally got her first opportunity to get into real estate, and how she made her millions in New York real estate. She talks about the scrappiness that she went through to create that agency and become who she is.

    It is unique. Barbara is not over the top, but she's got that that fiery personality. There's a little something lying underneath the surface there. She's got that that scrappiness, that can-do attitude.

    People just love Barbara Corcoran.


    She has two podcasts. One is called, Business Unusual where she would help people with their business questions.

    And then, because people love her and love who she is, she started getting questions about all sorts of other life sort of things, like their relationships or job searches or things like that, which didn't really fit Business Unusual. So she launched a second podcast called 888-Barbara.

    On this show, she answers all of your questions from the bedroom to the board room, and she would just answer questions about life. Things like "should I quit school and start a job", or "should I get married or move to Hawaii?"

    There were all sorts of questions there. I don't think she does that show anymore, because her bandwidth is limited now. But it was a great show.

    And it was just all about her personality. It just brought her forward on both of those shows and really made her authentic.


    That's what I'm talking about for your show. You don't have to necessarily be this big over the top boisterous sort of personality. On the podcast, you just need to be you and find those things that people love about you.

    So when you think about Barbara Corcoran on Shark Tank, not taking any lip from anybody. Barbara is nice and sweet until it's time to not be nice and sweet.

    The producers do a great job developing her character on that show by highlighting those little pieces. Robert might throw a jab at her or Kevin might might give her a little barb, and all of a sudden she comes back at them.

    She might say, "I'm talking here, pipe down." You know, nobody's gonna push her around. She's a sweet little lady until it's time to not be sweet little lady anymore.


    The producers do a great job developing her character and her personality on that show by bringing those sorts of things out. That's what I love about the show. When you have multiple personalities on a show, each needs to play a different role.

    If you're doing a podcast that has cohosts or you consider bringing in somebody else to help you with the show, multiple hosts require multiple personalities. If you're both the same, one of you isn't necessary. When you have somebody cohost the show with you, they should complement what you do.

    When two guys are hosting a sports show, one guy should be the jock and the other guy should be the dork. They're opposites and complement each other.

    There was a show on ESPN for years called the Mike and Mike Show, and they talked sports. One of the Mikes played professional football. Huge lineman kind of guy. He grew up in the sport, and looked like a lineman. Mike looked like a football player, and he was able to speak to sports from the athlete side.

    The other Mike was this little nerdy journalist and probably never played a lick of sports in his life other than golf. But he was incredibly knowledgeable about everything, all sports, because he researched it all as a journalist.

    These two both approached the topic of sports from two different sides. They had two different personalities and two different perspectives, which made them perfect for each other.

    So if you're going to have multiple hosts on your show, make sure that you have multiple roles and you're bringing something a little different to your audience.


    What I want to do is go into a little work time. I am going to pull up a document for you to work on.

    It's my personality development worksheet. It's how you can assess your personality and what characteristics you want to bring forth on your show.

    The personality development worksheet looks like this. So I want you to describe the persona you want to project on your show, how you want to be perceived by your audience.

    There should be a handful of characteristics there that you want people to feel when they interact with you. I want you to list 20 adjectives that describe that persona. That's going to push you. You'll probably be able to come up with about 8 off the top of your head. And then you're going to need to push yourself for the rest of them.


    Then I want you to select 5 words from this list below here that you'd like to highlight on your show. So one or two of these might need to be developed a bit. They might not be naturally present for you, but three or four of them should be authentically you.

    So here's the list of adjectives here. Not exhaustive, just something to get your mind spinning a little bit.

    Let's say confident is one that you would like to be perceived as. And maybe you feel you lack that confidence right now. What ways can you bring that forward in your in your podcast, in your show, and in your presentation. That can be developed.

    So that might be one where you go, "I'd like to be perceived as being confident."

    We can work on that in your content. But maybe you are detailed. Maybe you're practical, maybe you are likable. Find the adjectives in here that describe who you want to be perceived by your audience so we can work on developing that in your show.

    So in your in the chat is a download link for this personality development worksheet. What I'd like you to do is is click that link and download it. And we're gonna spend about 15 minutes woodshedding that document. Alright?

    Push yourself to get to 20. It's gonna be a challenge for you, but really define who you want your personality to be.


    That was a part of the presentation from my Audience Explosion Blueprint Workshop. You can download my Personality Development Worksheet at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/personality.

    If you'd like help developing your personality, I'd love to have a chat. Visit www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply and apply to have a strategy call with me.

    We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    13 April 2024, 5:19 pm
  • 50 minutes 49 seconds
    Marc Mawhinney – The JV Partnership – PTC 487

    When it comes to growing your podcast and building your business, a joint venture partnership is a powerful way to find success.

    Many people view a JV partnership in a very simplistic way. The most common JV partnership is an agreement to promote a product or service in exchange for an affiliate commission.

    But, there are many other ways to leverage a JV partnership.

    Why would people want to promote you? This is a common question, especially if you have a small audience or small email list.

    There are various reasons, and money is only one of them.


    Money is surely one motivation for promotion. This is what most people think of when they hear JV partnership.

    In this agreement, you would provide your promotional partner an affiliate link through your system like ThriveCart. You can see the power of ThriveCart at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/ThriveCart.

    Your partner promotes your offer using their affiliate link. When their audience makes a purchase through your link, your partner earns a commission on the sale.

    You can also created a simple referral system if you're a coach. In this system, your partner would send an introductory email to you and the person they are referring to you. If that person signs up for your coaching, you can pay your referral partner a referral fee.

    This method requires a little more manual work, but you don't need a lot of software to help you set it up. Just track it with a spreadsheet.


    The second reason people would promote you is because they love you.

    Your friends and family would be willing to promote you, because they want to see you succeed.

    Reach out to the people you know who also know others who could be your ideal client. Ask if they will help you spread the word.


    People may want to promote you, because they love what you do.

    Your superfans love to be part of a winning team. When Alex Hormozi launched his new book “$100M Leads”, he had thousands of people promoting him. These people received a bonus chapter of the book when they hit a threshold.

    Alex's partners weren't in it for the money. They just loved what Alex teaches and wanted to be part of something exciting. He simply empowered his superfans to spread the word.


    The next reason people might promote you is for exchange of promotions. Partners will often promote you in exchange for promoting them.

    Sometimes, your list isn't big enough to match your partner's list. How can you give equal exchange?

    My tech guy wanted to be part of an AI summit. Unfortunately, he didn't have an email list largest enough to qualify.

    My tech guy came to me and offered some services in exchange for using my list. I will email about the summit to fulfill his obligation to the summit. In exchange, I will receive some tech work.

    He will promote the summit. In exchange, he will get exposure to the summit audience to promote his services.

    Get creative with your partnerships.


    That other reason people might promote you is for association.

    These people may want to gain the credibility just by being associated with you.

    I volunteered as the Dean of Podcasting in Dan Miller's 48 Days Eagles community. I happily offered value in the community and promoted it whenever I could.

    The biggest benefit I received was being associated with Dan. He was a great man, and I was honored to be part of his world.

    Find people who want to be in your world.


    There are a variety of ways people can promote you and you can promote others when you create a partnership.

    The easiest way is to feature them on your podcast and get on their show. This is the best way to grow your audience. Podcast listeners listen to podcasts. Get on other shows.

    Cross promotion is the second way to promote each other. This can be in exchange for money as described before. It could also be simple exposure.

    In a cross-promotion, I could mail your lead magnet offer to my email list. In exchange, you could email my offer to your list. No money exchanges hands. It's a simple promotion.

    Next, you could use gift giveaways in your partnership.

    A giveaway is a collection of gifts contributed by a group of experts. Each expert emails their list a link to the giveaway for the free gifts.

    As people visit the giveaway page, the giveaway host grows her list by people opting in for the giveaway. Contributors grow their email lists by people opting in for their gift.

    Many times there is a fee to participate in a giveaway. It is nominal, but usually worth it to grow your email list.

    I love using summits as a way to create partnerships. This is like a series of webinars centered around a theme, but each expert doesn't sell anything. They simply offer free gifts to build their email lists.

    Live events can also be used in a partnership. This is similar to a summit. It's just live. You can appear on my stage in exchange for a fee or promoting the event.


    At my Podcast Profits Summit, Marc Mawhinney laid out the power of joint venture partnerships.

    Marc Mawhinney is a lifelong entrepreneur who helps coaches get more clients without paid advertising. He achieves this with his coaching programs, his podcast Natural Born Coaches, his Facebook group The Coaching Jungle, and his Secret Coach Club.

    Marc has been a speaker at events like Social Media Marketing World, frequently makes media appearances and contributes for Entrepreneur.com, and is a master at the joint venture partnership.

    I want to share this interview to help you see how you can implement JV partnerships in your podcast and business.


    Marc's May 2023 issue of his Secret Coach Club newsletter was dedicated to the topic of flat fee JVs. You can get a copy of that newsletter, which sells for $97, at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com.flatfeejv.

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    6 April 2024, 7:47 pm
  • 27 minutes 31 seconds
    The Business Is Marketing – PTC 486

    Your great content will only get you so far. You need to master marketing in order to succeed.

    It's not just marketing your business. You also need to grow your podcast with powerful marketing. It all works as a system.

    I recently spoke with a few podcasters on the verge of throwing in the towel and ending their podcast. However, I've had a few conversations with other podcasters who are doubling down and going all in.

    The difference between the two groups is marketing. To build a successful podcast, lean into your marketing.


    The first podcaster, let's call her Anne to protect her identity. She is frustrated by the perceived lack of return on investment.

    Ann told me, "Although I love podcasting, I am not sure I can justify the investment of time and money for the ROI that I am receiving right now in leads and revenue. I am just not seeing that things will shift soon enough and I know it's a long game. I haven't decided yet if I am pausing the show or going to do seasons or how I am moving forward but I know I need to step back from everything and reevaluate."

    This is common in all podcasting.

    There is an old saying in the advertising world. It is to marketing pioneer John Wanamaker. He is quoted as saying, "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don't know which half."

    Marketing is cumulative. Each piece add to the next.

    Business owners want to believe if they run an ad on Facebook, it immediately generates a sale. That isn't how marketing works.


    Here is an example of how your marketing might work.

    Your ideal client will hear you mentioned on another podcast. Awareness has begun.

    She hears you interviewed on another podcast. Now she might think hmm, that brand sounds familiar.

    When she next sees you on a summit, familiarity starts to set in. She might download your lead magnet.

    Next she might see your logo as a sponsor of an event. That triggers memory of the lead magnet that she digs up to review.

    Your lead magnet gets her to check out your podcast. She listens to a few episodes and starts to understand what you do.

    Finally, she comes across your Facebook ad. She clicks the ad and takes action to schedule a call with you.

    So, let me ask you this... Which piece of your marketing worked?

    The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It all builds on each other. Each part serves a purpose.

    Your podcast allows you to build the relationship with your audience over time. When she is ready for your solution, you are top of mind.

    It truly is a long game. You don't become best friend with anyone overnight.


    The next podcaster needed to focus on revenue. Let's call him Bill.

    Bill was a couple dozen episodes into his show. He was getting frustrated with the lack of growth.

    When we talked, Bill told me, "I'm pausing everything right now to get other pieces in place. I need to focus on things that generate revenue. Right now, I have so many things swirling around that I'm not getting clear. I'm getting derailed and distracted."

    What Bill needs is a strategy. How does the podcast fit into the overall revenue generating strategy for his business?

    "Build it and they will come" sounds great when Kevin Costner's character hears it in the movie Field of Dreams. But the real world isn't like that.

    Growing your audience takes marketing. Not advertising, but marketing.

    The Oxford Dictionary definition of marketing is, "the activity or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising."

    Advertising is part of marketing. But all marketing isn't necessarily advertising.

    Everything you do to make people aware of your product, service, podcast, or anything else is marketing.

    When you mention your podcast from the stage, you are marketing. Mentioning the show in your newsletter is marketing. If you're getting interviewed on another podcast and you mention your show, you're marketing.


    To get your show to grow, start making people aware your podcast exists.

    This doesn't need to take a ton of time. Tie it in with everything you already do. If you speak, mention it. When you email, mention it. As you're being interviewed, mention it. If you participate in a giveaway, mention it in your lead magnet.

    Be intentional.

    When you say, "I need to focus on things that generate revenue", marketing is a big part of that.

    Get in front of new prospects. Give those people something for free in exchange for their name and email address and get them on your email list.

    Send emails to your list, and invite those people to listen to the podcast.

    Create great content on your show that shows people what you do. Invite them to a sales conversation with you, such as a discovery call, webinar, or video sales letter.

    Give great value in the sales conversation, and ask for the sale.

    Rinse and repeat.

    It's a system that grows over time. Business is not a get rich quick game. Build relationships over time and get the flywheel turning.

    Once you begin creating success stories for clients, highlight those success stories on your podcast as part of the system.


    The third podcaster isn't sure where he is going. Let's call him Chris.

    When he emailed me, he simply said, "I think it may be time to wrap up this project, but I'm not sure."

    This is natural. There are ebbs and flows in our journey.

    When I begin working with a client, we spend time on their purpose. If you don't have a strong "why", it is difficult to get through these periods of self-doubt.

    A strong purpose will help get you through the dark times when you're not sure it's all worth it.

    It will also help to document your successes. When you receive positive email from your listeners, print them and put them in a folder. You can review them when you need that pick me up.

    When great things happen or you help a client achieve big things, write it down. Add it to the folder. Revisit those successes when you need some motivation.

    We all encounter times when we wonder if it is worth it and if it is time to pack it all up and call it a day. The great things you accomplish and the people you help will remind you how valuable you are.


    Now, let me show you a few examples of podcasters who pushed through the doubt wall.

    I recently sent an email with the message of good is good enough when it's done.

    When you are working on your next big thing, perfection is your enemy.

    You don't have to get it perfect. You just have to get it going.

    Take action, and get started.

    Edwin sent me an email. Here is a bit of it.

    "I will cross the threshold with the podcast. I wanted to have eight of them completed before launching. That was my perfectionist point of view.

    I want to record podcast number seven. And the next week after that I’ll follow up yet number eight. And I will have finally crossed the dreaded podfade threshold.

    Perfection is an illusion; things only get perfected as we put them out there and keep making small changes and improvements. And that’s what I’m doing with my podcast. Looking for those improvements to keep making it better and better."

    Edwin understands the value of pushing through. He understands the long game.

    I love the way he sees his perfectionism getting in the way, and pushes through anyway.

    That seven episode benchmark is important. Many podcasters fade away at that mile marker. The honeymoon is over. The shine has worn off. It is now time to produce the podcast for a bigger, more powerful reason than it's fun.

    This is the point where your purpose kicks in. Define your why and revisit it often. Then, get to work marketing your podcast. Get it to grow.


    That's where Charlie found himself when he reached out to me.

    Charlie says, "I'm an expert producer but not expert podcaster. We do consistently 300 to 500 downloads per episode. Now is time to market it."

    Charlie gets it. He has done a great job building the foundation and creating the show. So far he has created about 36 episodes.

    The party is right. The tables are set and the food is out. It is now time to invite the guests.

    When your podcast is brand new, it is good that your audience is small. You only get one chance at a first impression.

    A small audience allows you to mess up without hurting your downloads. You can try things without much consequence.

    Over the first year, you can refine your content and find your voice. You have the chance to get the show right. Then, the marketing can kick in.

    Charlie is ready for the next step. He has a solid foundation and has found his voice. He has tried a few things to get the podcast to grow. It is now time to create an effective marketing system to grow the audience.

    Your show doesn't grow on it's own. It will take some effort on your part. Marketing doesn't take a lot of time and money. When you have a marketing system, you can do it in about 15 to 30 minutes a day without spending money.


    The last podcaster has gone through both sides of the journey. Dan has relaunched his podcast. It's called Narrowing the Divide with Dan Woerheide.

    When he emailed me, he said, "I paused a lot over the last 18 months. Much was self-inflicted. I'm now getting back on track and getting motivated. My purpose is to encourage and inspire others. I'm getting back into coaching. I feel connected in that space. My podcast will be one of the outreach efforts."

    Dan understands his purpose. After the evaluation of his situation, he understands how the podcast fits into the system.

    Your podcast isn't your system. It is part of the marketing system.

    If we go back to our example at the beginning, we can understand the journey.

    Your ideal client will hear you mentioned on another podcast. Awareness has begun.

    She hears you interviewed on another podcast. Now she might think hmm, that brand sounds familiar.

    When she next sees you on a summit, familiarity starts to set in. She might download your lead magnet.

    Next she might see your logo as a sponsor of an event. That triggers memory of the lead magnet that she digs up to review.

    Your lead magnet gets her to check out your podcast. She listens to a few episodes and starts to understand what you do.

    Finally, she comes across your Facebook ad. She clicks the ad and takes action to schedule a call with you.

    Which piece of your marketing worked?


    I was recently on Dan's show. We talked a bit about that next step.

    Define your why and your purpose. Create your long journey. Understand how your podcast fits into your marketing system.

    Your podcast doesn't stand alone. It is part of the machine.

    What are your goals? How are you measuring success?

    When you can define the measurable benchmarks, it is much easier to understand if you're succeeding.

    More downloads is a good benchmark. It isn't great.

    More discovery calls or more registrations for your webinar or increased email list would be better data. This will tell you if your marketing system is working.

    All of the parts work together to grow your business. There isn't one piece that can stand on its own.

    Your podcast is designed to build relationships with your listeners. It builds the know, like and trust. And your podcast works hand in hand with all of the other pieces in your marketing system.

    But none of it will work until you overcome the perfectionism, get started, and push through the valleys.

    If you would like my help defining the process, let's talk.


    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    30 March 2024, 9:39 pm
  • 54 minutes 2 seconds
    Dave Jackson – Profit From Your Podcast – PTC 485


    Many podcasters want to create a profit from their podcast. However, most lack a strategy to generate revenue and grow their business.


    When I created my first product for Podcast Talent Coach, it was a complete flop. Nobody wanted it.

    I started a mastermind in 2013 with 8 of my entrepreneurial friends. We all had aspirations to create successful businesses.

    Podcast Talent Coach was just getting off the ground.

    I had also purchased Brendon Burchard's Total Product Blueprint. As I went through the program, I created my plan. The mastermind helped me refine it.

    My first product was a course. It was the Podcast Talent Coach system.

    This program was designed to help podcasters transform their information into entertainment and turn their podcast into powerful, profitable relationships.

    The course was a 7-disc set that covered everything you need to know to create a successful podcast. It had everything I learned over my decades of radio experience being on the air, coaching talent, and programming radio stations.

    It started with the magic of audio and using theater of the mind.

    We talked about content creation, storytelling, and getting results for listeners.

    Disc 2 was about the structure and strategy for your podcast.

    We then got into content consistency and the power of one-on-one communication.

    The course included how to prepare for each show to ensure you reach your goals and lead your listeners to your call to action.

    It covered how to review your show for constant improvement. We then got into generating revenue and using your podcast to grow your business.

    Finally, the course laid out how to get started and put it all into action.

    It even had an accompanying workbook to walk you through all of the steps.

    As you can see, it covered everything. Unfortunately, nobody wanted everything.


    People just want the solution to their most pressing problem.

    The more I talked with my listeners, the more I discovered they had two big problems.

    First, they wanted to grow their show and increase their downloads.

    Next, they wanted to profit from their podcast.

    These podcasters needs to master storytelling and content creation. They needed to build an effective structure for their show. However, they didn't WANT it.

    Sell what your listeners want. Give them what they need.

    Sell the outcome, the benefit, and the transformation. They don't care about the process to get there.

    That's when I changed my strategy. I created my Audience Explosion Blueprint program. You can see that at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/audience.

    I also created my Podcast Profits Accelerator membership. You can see that at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/accelerator.

    When I started to focus, my business began to grow.


    Begin by talking with your listeners and ideal clients. Ask about their challenges and struggles. Then, create a solution to help them overcome those problems.

    When you create the solution to their most pressing problems, it becomes much easier to generate a profit with your podcast.

    Sell the outcome and the benefit. They won't care about the calls or videos or templates. Your potential clients only want the outcome.

    My clients only want to grow their audience and profit from their show. They don't really care how we get there. The membership and coaching calls and resource library aren't important until they buy into the transformation.

    Start by having conversations.


    Dave Jackson is the host of the School of Podcasting podcast. He is also author of the best seller Profit From Your Podcast: Proven Strategies To Turn Listeners Into a Livelihood.

    He launched the School of Podcasting in 2005 and was inducted into the Podcasting Hall of Fame in 2018.

    Dave joined me on the Podcast Profits Summit to talk about overcoming your challenges without spending thousands of dollars. I want to share that session with you today.

    To get access to the first chapter of Dave's best seller Profit From Your Podcast: Proven Strategies To Turn Listeners Into a Livelihood, you can find it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/jackson.

    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    23 March 2024, 7:09 pm
  • 32 minutes 19 seconds
    How Can I Increase My Downloads – PTC 484

    Have you had little success finding new listeners and growing your podcast downloads? You aren't alone.


    I recently sent an email to my tribe asking about the biggest challenge most podcasters face. Podcasters like you mentioned things like these as their biggest challenges...


    • Finding more subscribers interested in my content

    • I need perfect people listening to my podcast

    • I'm trying all things to increase downloads

    • Learning to build an interactive community

    • What else can I do to grow my downloads

    • I have no email list

    • I need a strategy


    Have you had similar struggles?

    You've tried many things. Empty promises is all you get from the webinars you've attended.

    It is time you get a growth strategy that works.

    That's why I've turned my Audience Explosion Blueprint program into a powerful 3-day workshop. I shot a video all about it. You can see it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/audience.

    During the Audience Explosion Blueprint workshop, you'll develop a REAL strategy to consistently and easily grow your podcast audience.

    This event will help you quickly and easily explode your audience without the frustration, hard work and guessing.

    To overcome your growth struggles, join us. You can see all the details and get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/audience.


    Podcasts fade away for 3 reasons.

    Podcasters give up because podcasting is more work than they thought it was going to be. They don't have a system in place to produce their show easily and consistently.

    Podcasters give up because downloads of their show doesn't grow as fast as they thought it would. They don't have a strategy in place to help them grow consistently.

    And finally, podcasters give up because the show doesn't make money as fast as they thought it would. They don't have a process in place to grow a business with their podcast.


    Let's talk about growing your downloads.

    Many podcasters approach growing their downloads with a spray and pray approach. They try a million things and wonder why nothing works.

    Imagine you were trying to lose weight.

    Today, you try cutting out all carbs.

    Yesterday, you tried riding the stationary bike for 30 minutes.

    The day before that you didn't do anything, because you got busy.

    You tried the Atkins diet the day before that.

    It was walking around the neighborhood the day before that.

    You only ate Lean Cuisine meals the day before that.

    Unfortunately, you missed two days, because you were out of town.

    But you ate nothing but vegetables the day before you left town.

    You hit the gym for the first time in 3 months the day before that.

    This has been going on for 3 weeks and you wonder why you haven't lost any weight.

    When you dabble in a variety of tactics, nothing seems to work. But when you focus on a few select tactics and work consistently, you have a better chance of experiencing results.

    But, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Before we can talk tactics, we need to talk fundamentals.


    Why do you want to grow your downloads?

    A powerful "why" can be inspirational to you and your tribe.

    Podcasters give me many reasons they want to grow their downloads.

    It could be to spread your message. Maybe you want to build your authority.

    Growing your downloads can help you grow your business or market your goods and services.

    Maybe you want to grow your downloads so you can be a thought leader. Or you're creating a home base for your tribe to find you.

    Growing your downloads could help you have more impact in the world. Maybe you want to generate more revenue or have a bigger and better reputation.

    There are many reasons you might want to grow your podcast downloads. And all of these reasons are valuable and worthy. But you can't choose all of them.

    You need to select a reason that is meaningful to you. The reason must stir the fire inside of you and inspire you. Your why can't be for anyone other than you.

    When you have a why that stirs you in a special way, it will be much easier to execute your growth plan consistently and effectively.


    Once you have your why, you need to understand the reasons podcasts don't grow.

    Your downloads may not be growing, because you are not getting in front of new listeners. Find people who are not aware of you and invite them into your world.

    Greg Payne hosts the Cool Grandpa podcast. His show was featured in an article on grandparents in the New York times. His downloads nearly doubled overnight.

    When you find pools of your ideal listeners who aren't aware of your podcast, you can tap into that community to really help your downloads grow.

    The next reason you may not be growing is because you are not keeping current listeners coming back.

    If you are bringing in new listeners but not keeping them coming back, it's like putting water in a bucket with holes. The bucket never fills.

    Give people on your email list and your social media followers a benefit of listening to the show this week. Effectively tease next week's episode.

    Your downloads may not be growing because there is nothing unique about your show in your niche.

    Share your story and personality to stand out from the rest.

    Finally, your podcast downloads may not be growing because you are not getting people to actually listen. Downloads are not enough. If people don't actually push play, the podcast will stop downloading for them.


    What does growing your downloads look like? How many do you actually want?

    I recommend you focus on quality over quantity.

    Having an audience of 100 who want everything you offer is much more valuable than having an audience of 1,000 who are only superficially interested.

    Imagine if you could get on stage in front of 100 people every week and make offers to them. How valuable would that be?

    That is the power of your podcast. Quality over quantity.

    Each month, Libsyn shares data about downloads on their podcast The Feed.

    Last fall, Libsyn said median downloads for shows that have been available for between 30 and 60 days was 139 for shows hosted on Libsyn.

    That median if you stack all the podcasts largest to smallest, the one right in the middle is the median. 50% have more downloads and 50% have fewer.

    The adjusted mean (or average) is 1,346. It is adjusted because they throw out top half percent and any show that has 3 downloads or fewer.Only 6.9% of all podcasts on Libsyn had more than 5,000 downloads in the month.

    Keep your downloads in perspective. Find the right listeners and serve them well.


    There is a process to growing your downloads. When you follow this strategy consistently, you can grow your show.

    First, start growing your downloads by identifying your ideal target listener. Know everything you can about that single individual.

    Next, determine where those people hang out online. Who already has the attention of those people? You can't attract them if you can't find them.

    This is the reason you can't attract everyone. It is incredibly difficult to find everyone online or determine who has the attention of everyone.

    Once you've found them, get in front of those people. Engage those people with your story and personality. Build rapport.

    When you are in front of them, provide those people a reason to get on your email list. I know it sounds odd.

    Why don't we invite them to listen to the show? If they listen and don't come back, you can't reach them again. When they are on the list, you can contact them again and again until they unsubscribe.

    Now that they are on the list, nurture your list and encourage those people to listen to your show. Give them a real reason and benefit.

    Spend 30 minutes a day following this strategy and growing your downloads.


    As you implement this strategy, there are a variety of way to get in front of new listeners.

    You can get interviewed on other podcasts.

    Swapping email mentions with other podcasters can be effective.

    I like appearing on summits.

    You can create a crowdsourced episode full of other experts who can share the episode with their followers.

    Speak at events to get in front of your ideal listeners.

    Providing value to masterminds has been effective for me as well.

    As we talked about earlier, don't try everything. Select two or three and focus with consistency. Give the strategy time to take effect.


    Are you ready to put this into action and build your strategy?

    I've turned my Audience Explosion Blueprint program into a powerful 3-day workshop. You can see the details at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/audience.

    Let's work together to build your strategy to grow your downloads.

    During the Audience Explosion Blueprint workshop, you'll develop a REAL strategy to consistently and easily grow your podcast audience.

    This event will help you quickly and easily explode your audience without the frustration, hard work and guessing.

    To overcome your growth struggles, join us. You can see all the details and get registered at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/audience.


    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    16 March 2024, 6:18 pm
  • 37 minutes 47 seconds
    What is Your Biggest Challenge? – PTC 483


    What is your biggest challenge? I asked that recently to podcasters on my email list. On this episode, I'll help you through a few of them.


    Whatever your challenge, do the little work daily to build your foundation.

    Country artist Chris Young is a great example.

    The first time Chris Young came to town was around 2009. He played in the radio station conference room to about 20 people.

    This was shortly after he was the winner of the 4th season of the TV show "Nashville Star" in 2006.

    The next time here in town, he played to a small club with a few other artists for a few hundred people.

    Over the next few years, Chris returned to town as the opening act for a variety of other artists. Each time he played to a few more people than the last.

    Finally in 2019, Chris came to town to headline his own show for about 5,000 people. He has done that a few other times since then.

    Here is a guy that got great exposure on a television singing competition with a big audience. He has put in the consistent and methodical work over time to get where he is today.

    Other artists on the singing shows don't make it, because they haven't put in the work to create the relationship over time.

    Just look at the winners of American Idol, like Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Taylor Hicks and Jordin Sparks. They didn't put in the work.

    Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson have been working for years to get where they are today even after their American Idol start.

    You can't create a relationship in 20 weeks of a tv season. It takes years.

    Do the work. Get rich slowly.

    Whatever your challenge, give it time.

    Let's look at a few of these questions.


    I’m trying all the things to increase downloads. I send out a weekly email and post on social media. I also mention my podcast when it’s applicable on music teacher Facebook groups. I’ve been a guest on a few podcasts. I guess my biggest challenge is not knowing what else I can do to grow downloads. They are increasing but very slowly. Maybe that’s normal?


    - Jeanette

    Yes, Jeanette, that is normal. I know we don't like to hear that it takes time. But, it takes time.

    Rarely will you see your downloads grow at a huge rate unless you get in front of a large pool of your ideal clients.

    Greg Payne is one of my clients. He hosts the Cool Grandpa podcast.

    As he was growing his podcast, he was able to get mentioned in an article in the New York Times.

    Who reads the New York Times? Typically a lot of people who are grandparents.

    Greg doubled his downloads overnight.

    Getting into the New York Times isn't something we can do everyday. However, you can find other influencers who speak to your ideal clients. Those influencers make great partners.

    To find the influencers who have the attention of your ideal target listener, begin by defining your listener. You can do that quickly and easily by downloading my Ideal Target Listener Worksheet here: www.podcasttalentcoach.com/listener.

    Keep working both sides of the growth equation.

    First, keep your current listeners coming back. Your email and social media tactics will help remind your fans to listen.

    Then, find those new ideal clients and invite them into your world. Get them on your email list, so you can email them as well.

    The podcast interviews you are doing should help. Let's find other areas to ramp it up.

    Above all else, create great content, share yourself, and be consistent.


    My biggest challenge is getting the guests to share the episode.

    - Kate

    This is another common challenge, Kate. We can't expect our guest to share, but it is always great when they do.

    There are two things you can do. First, select better guests. Next, make it incredibly easy for them.

    Let's talk about better guests.

    Dave Jackson at the School of Podcasting is a great guest. When he is interviewed on a podcast, he will play a clip of that interview on his own show.

    Dave will give a shout out to the host of the show. He will also tell people where to find it. He is a great guest.

    If you want guests to share your episode, find guests that share episodes. If you see someone mentioning they were interviewed on a podcast, get those people as guests. They know how to share.

    When you book your guests, let them know up front before the interview that you would appreciate if they would share the assets you send them. Make the expectations clear from the start.


    Next, make it easy for your guest to share.

    I was on a call with a client this week. She was telling me her guests weren't sharing the episodes as much as she would like.

    She told me that when the episode is published, her team sends the guest a link to a folder containing all the graphics and assets along with a link to the show. They then ask the guest to share.

    The guest has to do too much work in this scenario. As a guest, I need to sift through the graphics, write an email, craft a social post, determine which asset to post, and link to the episode.

    To make it easier for the guest, write the email for them. Craft the social post for them. Make is as easy as possible with as few steps as possible.

    Tag your guest in your social posts and ask them to repost it.

    You are much more likely to get your guest to share if you make it super easy.

    But at the end of the day, not every guest will share. These steps should help you get a few more to spread the word.


    My biggest barrier is lack of courage to put myself out there.

    - Leah

    Impostor Syndrome is real, Leah. We all struggle with it a bit.

    Regardless of what we are doing, we want people to like us. It's natural.

    When we understand that there will always be someone who doesn't like what we do, it makes it much easier to do it anyway.

    We were discussing this the other day with my coach. He was talking about the importance of celebrating our wins.

    When we review and celebrate our wins, it puts our minds in the right space to do what needs to be done.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the assessment that something else is more important than fear."

    Nelson Mandela said, "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."

    Having the courage to do anything is recognizing the fear is there and then taking action anyway.

    I find it most helpful to have a written list of successes and feedback from others.

    Many people have sent me great reviews and testimonials. But like many people, one negative comment can derail everything.

    That list of positive feedback can help me get and stay in the right frame of mind regardless of what others say.

    People want what you have, Leah. Take action in spite of the fear.


    Learning to build an interactive community around the podcast is my biggest challenge.

    - Dot

    Community comes from relationships. Are you sharing yourself on the podcast to build those friendships?

    Make real connections.

    When you share yourself, you will find other will tend to share themselves with you. Over time, you community will grow.

    Next, give listeners a reason to engage along with a benefit of engagement. What's in it for them?

    Finally, make it easy for them to engage. Tell them exactly what you want your listener to do.

    On a recent coaching call, my client told me their podcast was not generating any feedback or response.

    I listened to the podcast to review it. When I got to the end, the host said, "You can email me at the email address, and follow me on social media."

    Why would I email you?

    Remember the last time you ran into an old friend? You caught up and had a good chat. When it ended, one of you said, "I'll give you a call sometime."

    Has "sometime" ever come? I doubt it. You have no reason to call, so the call never happens.

    We all tell ourselves we need to do a better job staying in touch with our friends. Then we realize a year has passed since we last talked.

    If you want your listeners to engage, give them a real reason to engage.

    I have a free resource that will help you. It is called "75 Ways To Drive Engagement With Your Podcast". You can download it for free at http://www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/engage.


    I'd love to have a strategy in place before I launch, then I know what I'm aiming for!

    - Ruth

    Don't let perfection prevent you from starting.

    If you wait for all the lights to turn green before you step on the gas, you'll never move.

    On the other hand, having a strategy is wise decision.

    Start with the end in mind. What do you hope to accomplish with your podcast? Be specific.

    Let's say you want to grow your coaching business with the podcast. How do people become clients? That might be your discovery call.

    How do people get to the discovery call? That could be through your lead magnet. Maybe you're a life coach and your free resource is "6 Steps to a Successful Life".

    When people download your lead magnet, they discover the six steps. You then invite them on a call to see how to implement the six steps.

    Next, we need to determine how people get your lead magnet. We promote the lead magnet on the podcast. But, we must also create content that drives demand for the lead magnet.

    Create great content that shows your listeners what is possible when they take the six steps. You might interview people who have done it. You could take a deep dive into one of the steps.

    The content should demonstrate why people need to take the six steps. Get listeners to envision the transformation.

    Finally, you need to block out time on your calendar each week to record the show. Treat that block of time with respect. Be consistent.

    Now you have a strategy. So, let's get started.

    You can refine the strategy as you go along. But you can't refine anything until you start.


    How do you choose a podcast name? How can you verify that that name is not already in use? Is it necessary to trademark your podcast name?


    - Gordon

    This is a really gray area, Gordon. Let's take each part separately.

    The purpose of the podcast name is to get people to think the show looks interesting and might be for them.

    The Gordon Show doesn't tell me anything about the content or make me think the show might be for me. It would take a lot of marketing and explanation to get that across.

    You also don't want to be too cool for the room with a show nobody understands. Shows like More Perfect and The Drive really tell us nothing.

    More Perfect is an NPR podcast about stories from the Supreme Court of the United States. Could you have guessed that?

    The Drive is about maximizing longevity, including physical, cognitive and emotional health. I was thinking football.

    On the other hand, it is pretty clear what Your Money Briefing and Secrets of Wealthy Women are all about.

    The name of your show should make people think the show is for them.


    Is your name already in use? Google is the easiest way to determine that.

    There are many podcasts that use the same name.

    I searched for the Money Magic podcast. Here is the list I found.

    • The Money Magic Podcast with Vangile Makwakwa

    • Money Magic with Patrick von Finanzzauber

    • The Money Magic Podcast with Brady Wade

    • The Magic, Money and Marketing Podcast with Jennifer Donovan

    • Practical Money Magic with Audrey Heesch

    • Magic Internet Money with Brad Mills

    • Mindset, Money, & Magic with Nadeen Martinez

    • Money & Magic with the Witchy Bookkeeper

    • Love Money Magic with Christy Teloh

    Those are just 9 that are close. There are a ton of other varieties.

    When choosing a name, be unique to help you get discovered in search.

    See if your show name is available for purchase as a website URL. That's a good place to start.


    Finally, is it necessary to trademark your podcast name?

    No, it's not necessary. Yes, it is beneficial.

    A trademark can help you protect your intellectual property. It can also save you from someone else suing you for using their intellectual property if they were to obtain the trademark.

    There are plenty of benefits to getting the trademark. But it isn't required.

    Keep in mind that having a trademark and defending a trademark are two different things.

    Once you have the trademark, you must prevent others from using it. That may sometimes include legal fees.

    If you don't defend the trademark consistently, it can be difficult to defend if the time comes. That's why many big businesses go after little guys infringing on a trademark.

    You need to defend it against every use or put an agreement in place that allows for the use by others.

    I am no legal expert. Consult an attorney before making any decisions. If you want solid podcast legal advice, see my buddy Gordon Firemark. He is the Podcast Lawyer™.

    You can find Gordon at http://www.gordonfiremark.com. Tell him I sent you over.


    Great questions this week. If you have a question, you can always email me at [email protected].

    If you would like a little more personal and powerful guidance, and you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, apply for my free strategy call.

    Go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. There is no charge. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    10 March 2024, 4:29 am
  • 47 minutes 11 seconds
    Ensure Your Message Is Felt With Janelle Anderson – PTC 482


    Your message can be powerful when you clearly understand whom you're targeting. A message designed for everyone reaches no one.


    I was on a podcast strategy call with two nurses the other day. They help healthcare practitioners decrease anxiety and stress, calm down their inner voice and enjoy life.

    Their goal is to bring resilience to humanity.

    Part of their curriculum is continuing education for healthcare providers.

    As we talked, we realized most of their clients are nurses. Though doctors and other healthcare providers can benefit from their content, nurses make up the majority of the revenue.

    We often get scared of losing a client. People tell me, "Yeah, but I can help them, too."

    I understand you can help everyone. However, you don't have enough time to help everyone. You also don't have enough time and money to market to everyone.

    The biggest problem with trying to help everyone is the clarity of your message.


    If these two try to create content for everyone, how can they possibly frame the content for nurses and doctors? They have different needs and pain points.

    A surgeon comes in for about an hour. They are in a very high pressure situation for a short burst. Then they move on.

    Nurses have a little less pressure, but it is consistent. The pressure lasts for their entire eight or ten or twelve hour shift.

    When these two hosts try to speak to both doctors and nurses, the examples are mixed and the solutions are blurry.

    The content can be much more powerful when they focus on nurses alone.

    By focusing on nurses, the listener understands exactly what we are offering. She can see it is exactly what she needs. And, she has clarity on how it fits into her life.

    The listener can envision the results, because the examples are clear. She says, "I can relate – that sounds just like me."


    By focusing on nurses, the hosts might miss out on a few doctors enrolling in their program. But, they will make it up by increasing the number of nurses that enroll.

    Let's say 80% of the clients are nurses and 20% are doctors. Let's also assume we have 100 clients. That would give us 80 nurses and 20 doctors.

    Now, let's say focusing only on nurses changes both sides by 20%. We lose 20% of our doctors and gain 20% more nurses, because we are now perfect for nurses.

    We would now have 96 nurses and 16 doctors. Our total number of clients just increased from 100 to 112 or 12%.

    They don't have enough doctors to lose. There are many more nurses to gain.

    When you narrow your message and focus, you will provide more clarity. You will gain more listeners and have more clients.

    Download your Ideal Listener Development Worksheet for free online at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/listener.


    Today, Janelle Anderson joins us to help us ensure our message isn't just heard, but felt.

    Stir emotion with your message.

    Janelle Anderson is known as the Speaking Confidence Coach for coaches. She is a Certified Professional Coach, author, and renowned speaker.

    Janelle is on a mission to empower coaches to launch on a strong foundation of clear messaging aimed at the audience most aligned with their passions and strengths.

    She helps coaches grow their business through masterful speaking and storytelling with her business, Emerging Life Coaching.

    I recently shared my message on Janelle's summit. She was recently a guest on my Podcast Profits Summit. This is that conversation.

    Be yourself. Your authentic message builds trust.

    You can download Janelle's Niche Discovery for Coaches for free at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/message.



    If you don't have a mentor who can take your hand and walk you every step of the way, go to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply, click the button and apply to have a chat with me. We will develop your plan and see how I can help and support you to achieve your podcast goals.

    2 March 2024, 6:45 pm
  • 35 minutes 49 seconds
    Why You Can't Grow Your Podcast – PTC 481


    If you're like most podcasters, one of your biggest challenges you want to overcome is how to grow your podcast. I hear it often.

    Today, I want to help you dive deep into audience growth.


    Here are links to those resources mentioned in this episode:


    Libsyn – Audio host for podcasters – https://libsyn.com

    The Feed – the official podcast of Libsyn – https://thefeed.libsyn.com

    Alex Hormozi – https://www.acquisition.com/bio-alex

    Dan Kennedy – Magnetic Marketing – https://magneticmarketing.com

    Taylor Swift – https://www.taylorswift.com

    Big Machine Records – https://www.bigmachinelabelgroup.com

    Podcast Strategy Call – https://podcasttalentcoach.com/podcast-review-questionaire/

    Send me an email at [email protected].



    In this episode, we dive deep into the challenges faced by many podcasters when it comes to growing their listenership.

    You receive invaluable insights into why some podcasts stagnate and what you can do to overcome these hurdles.

    We start with the critical importance of making your audience care. Provide unique value in your episodes.

    Infuse each episode with authenticity and stay true to yourself. We discuss strategies to build a relationship with your listeners, such as cleverly weaving your episodes together and harnessing specific tactics designed to not only attract but also retain a dedicated audience.


    There are two sides to the audience growth equation. To grow, you must spend time attracting new listeners. Then, invest time keeping your current listeners coming back episode after episode.

    Maintain regular contact with your existing listeners to keep them invested in your podcast. Reach out frequently.

    While many podcasters dream of reaching a staggering 5,000 downloads per episode to successfully sell ads, the sobering statistic is that only 7% of podcasts hit those numbers. That is according to Rob Walch at Libsyn.


    The quality of your audience is more significant than sheer numbers. Therefore, it starts by identifying your ideal client.

    Identifying your ideal target listener and developing content specifically tailored to their interests and needs is key to cultivating a meaningful connection.

    I share a few stories from my radio career, illustrating the importance of forging a genuine bond with listeners. It starts by being your authentic self, as mimicking others won't create the same loyal following.

    Being relevant, interesting, and true to your identity are the cornerstones of developing a consistent audience that returns each episode. You can't please everyone - it’s better to focus on resonating deeply with the right people.


    You need a strategic approach to audience growth. There is a big difference between having a strategy – an overarching plan – and the tactics – the individual actions within that plan.

    I'm creating a workshop to help you grow your audience. I want to ensure it is extremely powerful for you.

    When it comes to increasing your downloads, what is your biggest challenge?

    Send me an email and let me know at [email protected]. Let's grow your show the right way and for the right reasons.


    24 February 2024, 8:40 pm
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