The Dirtbag Diaries

Duct Tape Then Beer

Stories from the world of adventure, climbing, and skiing.

  • 17 minutes 34 seconds
    The Shorts— Everybody Loves Lyle

    “With no roads to this wave, we had hiked in a dozen or so miles along the beach from the nearest town as a huge swell raged next to us,” writes Tyler Homen. A weekend of surfing with buddies turns epic when everyone’s favorite pup, Lyle, goes missing.

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    26 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 44 minutes 43 seconds
    Querencia (Español)

    Creciendo en Michigan, Vanessa Chavarriaga Posada no creía que el esquí era cosa de ella, y no fue hasta que se mudo a Wyoming que descubrió la alegría que le podía traer. El año pasado, decidió esquiar el pico más alto de México, el Pico de Orizaba, con una meta significativa: incluir a sus papás, que nunca habían entendido completamente las actividades que hacía su hija, en el paseo. Durante este viaje, Vanessa reflexiona sobre qué significa pertenecer, crear acceso, y descubrir alegría. 

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    12 April 2024, 10:01 am
  • 41 minutes 36 seconds
    Homecoming (English)

    Growing up undocumented in Michigan, Vanessa Chavarriaga Posada didn't think skiing was for her, and it wasn't until she moved to Wyoming that she found how much joy it brought her. Last year, she set her sights on skiing Mexico's tallest peak, Pico de Orizaba, with a meaningful twist: her parents, who have never quite understood why skiing was so important to their daughter, would join her at basecamp. On this trip, Vanessa reflects on belonging, creating access, and finding joy.

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    12 April 2024, 10:00 am
  • 45 minutes 28 seconds
    The Only Way Out Is Through

    Natalie Brechtel joined the U.S. Antarctic Program at the South Pole for a supposed dream gig, but instead it was the start of a year marked by harassment, a toxic work environment and loss. Despite losing the ability to trust both her colleagues and herself, she kept going back, redefining what it means to feel safe. A decade later, she faced one final exit challenge: to lead her team on a 26-day traverse to the South Pole. 

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    One Percent For the Planet

    22 March 2024, 10:00 am
  • 35 minutes 44 seconds
    The Shorts-- Chasing A Vision

    At different points in their lives, both Brice Ruiz and Ashley Lose found themselves at a crossroads. Brice wanted to run his first ultramarathon, but wouldn’t call himself a “runner.” Ashley and her partner had just hit the road when she found out she was pregnant, pushing them to reconsider their definition of home. In each of their essays, Brice and Ashley find a path to creating the lives they wanted to lead. 

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    8 March 2024, 11:00 am
  • 36 minutes 37 seconds
    Race Day

    Chances are at some point you’ve signed up for an organized race or event. Maybe you’ve participated in a local turkey trot or maybe you’ve run Western States. You register, pay the entry fee, train, show up and try hard. Race day can almost feel like magic. This is a story about the people behind the scenes making all that magic happen.

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    23 February 2024, 11:00 am
  • 43 minutes
    The Winter Rangers

    During their twelve winters as winter rangers in Yosemite National Park, Rob and Laura Pilewski have learned a thing or two about what it means to love a place– and a person. 

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    9 February 2024, 11:00 am
  • 34 minutes 8 seconds
    The Shorts-- The Wilderness Within

    Both Julia Hoer and Josie McKee suffered traumatic experiences that forced them to reckon with their identities and priorities. But through time in the mountains, each learned that they had within them everything they needed. 

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    26 January 2024, 11:00 am
  • 50 minutes 55 seconds
    The FIFTY

    This year to celebrate the new year, Fitz sat down with professional skier Cody Townsend about his goal of skiing all of the Fifty Classic Ski Descents in North America. We might just have to call this episode the Many Years of a Big Audacious Idea.

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    Alpenglow Speaker Series

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    12 January 2024, 11:00 am
  • 40 minutes 36 seconds
    Grand Traverse

    The Grand Traverse is a ski race like no other: skiers begin at midnight and navigate 40 miles through the dark and they often face blizzards, frostbite, and gear failures. The race follows old postal routes through Colorado’s high mountains connecting the iconic ski towns of Crested Butte and Aspen– racers trudge over mountain passes topping out at over 12,000 feet. Needless to say, the event is reserved for hearty and adventurous folks – like Pat O’Neill. Pat is the only person who has participated in the race every year since it began in 1997, and he’s come to realize the race is about more than finishing fast— it’s about the adventure, his ski partners, and the memories. 

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    22 December 2023, 11:00 am
  • 12 minutes 21 seconds
    The Shorts--The Myth of Stars

    As a kid, Lauren DeLaunay Miller desperately wanted to see a shooting star. Years later, in the vastness of the Utah desert, she finally got her wish. 

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    8 December 2023, 11:00 am
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