The Tinfoil Podcast

The Tinfoil Guru

The Tinfoil podcast is a monthly show where I document the ongoing struggle between mankind and the lizard people who wish to control our world. Content includes Essays, interviews with underground legends, little known hidden truths, and life-style advice for those holed up or on the run.

  • The Tinfoil Podcast Episode 1: In Cod We Trust welcomes you to the first episode of The Tinfoil Podcast! It’s been a loooooong time since I’ve made any direct contact with the outside world, but with things like TOR, FORTRAN simulated programming, and social media I’ve been able to find a balance between keeping a buffered connection to the rest of the world while enjoying endless solitude. This month, I delve into a range of topics that I feel are important to understand before I jump into the Bill Nye conspiracies in episode two.

    First, I take a quick look at the political situation evolving between republicans, democrats, lizards, and molemen in an essay I wrote and hid into the code of the old website. I felt it was too good to just let vanish so I’m sharing it here, read from the horses mouth if you will. By the end, you will know who is working for who, and who is which species.

    Next we have an interview with Marty Mouse*; a neo-nazi brother of Micky Mouse. I’ll be frank folks; I’m completely against the sort of thing he stands for. It doesn’t matter to me if you are Jewish, Buddhist, Dudiest, or most other faiths (other than those lizard-oriented ones). I’m tolerant of all who want to fight the good fight against our lizard oppressors. He did however have direct access to Walt Disney’s frozen head, so I figured despite our differences there were a few valuable truths that Todd (the guy I kidnapped to interview Marty because I don’t let anybody know what I look like) could squeeze out of him. I found out he sells weapons to the lizards, so I’m unsure of whether or not to let him live much longer.
    A photograph of Marty Mouse

    From there I return to give a brief salute to the times where we had a much higher respect for the cod fishing industry, and to reveal the lizard people’s attempts to segregate us into a heartless mob by changing all our currency, pledges of allegiance, and faith in our founding ways from the cod fishermen who built our great nation, to their use of “God.” Thus bringing conflict into our systems of checks and balances.

    As for the pie recipe at the end: just toss fried rice and beans into a pie crust and bake for a while; more details in the cast.

    I hope you enjoy this episode! Next month I will delve further into topics concerning Bill Nye’s lizard-origins, water on Mars, and the computer glitch passed on as a “blood red super moon eclipse.” Seriously, what kind of bullshit is that? After all that and the moon-shenanigans happening every other day, I’m surprised most of you still believe in the moon.

    *Marty Mouse is played by guest speaker Vincent C. The interview parts of the show are all improvised, unscripted, and unedited (except for sound quality). If you would like to be a guest speaker for the show, send me a message through the “contact” page on

    1 October 2015, 4:36 pm
  • The Tinfoil Podcast Episode 0: Welcome welcomes you! This is the test post introduction to The Tinfoil Podcast, giving you a brief glimpse of the world you don’t know you live in, and what I’ll do to reveal its true colors.

    The Tinfoil Podcast. Now on iTunes!

    25 September 2015, 4:59 pm
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