In this episode, the team takes a look back at 2024, sharing their personal highlights from the year and reflecting on the standout moments in the world of wargaming. They also discuss their exciting plans and projects for the year ahead, giving you a glimpse of what’s to come.
As always, Guy brings us up to speed with the latest news and releases from the wargaming community.
Links:Subscribe to WSS Space Battles: A Spacefarers Guide (Wombat Games) Table Ready from Warbases The Wars of the Roses, Hail Caesar (warlord) SAGA Age of Chivalry Victrix Wargames Atlantic Liberation of South Vietnam
In this episode, Guy and Chris head to Firestorm Games in Cardiff to participate in a Barons' War tournament. Guy catches up with the tournament organiser for an insightful chat while Chris shares his thoughts on tournament gaming—a rare experience for him!
As always, we also bring you all the latest news and updates from the wargaming world.
Links: War of the Roses, Hail Caeser (Warlord) Spectre Mythos (Spectre Miniatures) Armies of Germany, Bolt Action (Warlord) Conquest: Alexander & Hannibal, Strength & Honour (Too Fat Lardies) Debris of War German Veteran Infantry Platoon (Warlord)
In this episode, on top of all the wargaming news, we dive into a common challenge for wargamers of all experience levels: finding new people to share the tabletop battlefield with. Whether you're new to the hobby or a seasoned wargamer looking to expand your circle, we discuss tips, tactics, and resources for finding like-minded players, from local clubs to online communities.
Links: Vanguard Normandy (Warlord) The Silver Bayonet: Italy: The Shades of Calabria (Osprey) The Armies of Westphalia and Wurzburg 1807-1814 The Fall of Berlin (RKX Miniatures) Des tranchées aux barricades: Revolt in the Desert Warfare 2024 Battleground Firestorm Games Footsore Miniatures
In this episode, the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy team bring you all the latest news from the world of wargaming. They also dive into the topic suggested by regular listener ChatGPT — wargaming on a budget. The guys explore how to get the most out of your gaming experience without breaking the bank.
Links: WSS Online Freakz: Mutant Murder Machines Reisswitz Press For Ireland and King James! The Jacobite Infantry at the Battle of Aughrim 1691 IWM Podcast Festival Partizan
In this episode, the team reunites to catch up on all the exciting things they've been up to during the summer.
Chris has had a sneak preview of Bolt Action 3. He shares his exclusive first look at the updated rules, and the team dives into a discussion about the pros and cons of new rule versions.
Guy also brings us the latest updates from the world of wargaming.
Links: WSS Subscription Bolt Action 3 (Warlord) Guards of Traitor Toll (Grey for Now) Sarissa CMYK Nam ’68, Tour of Duty (Plastic Soldier Company) LaserCast
This episode of the Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy podcast is a mixed bag. We kick things off with the launch of the Great War Games Survey for 2024. Following up on last month's chat with Joe Bilton, we'll delve back into terrain and Jasper's experiments with the wonder product of decorators' caulking. Additionally, Guy brings us the latest news from the world of wargaming.
Links: Great Wargaming Survey WSS Online General D'Armee 2 (Reisswitz Pres) Blood Red Roses (Society of Ancients) Tint Tiny Terrain (Baccus) Baccus; Teeny Tiny Terrain - The movie!
In this episode, Jasper brings us some big news about Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy, and we talk to terrain guru Joe Bilton who gives us some hints and tips.
Links:WSS Online, a new way to read Server Down, websites out ‘Nam 68 (PSC) Bolt Action: Third Edition Stargrave: Dead or Alive (Osprey)
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, the team reflect upon what in the media has inspired them with their gaming.
Deathship One Chain of Command Far East Handbook Forgotten Battles: Raids in the European Theatre 1939-1945 Band of Brothers (2001) Hornblower (1998-2003) Sharpe (1993-2008) Cross of Iron (1977) Attack (1956) Bridge Too Far (1977) Theirs is the Glory (1946) The Rest is History Spartacus (1960) Spartacus: Blood & Sand (2010-2013) Rome (2005-2007) Mersada (1981) Gladiator (2000) Bequest to the Nation (1973) Black Hawk Down (1997) Full Metal Jacket (1987) Sahara (1943) T-34 (2018) Fury (2014) The 317th Platoon (1965) The Winter War (1989)
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy Magazine Podcast, the team reflects on Salute, the UK's largest wargame show. Rovering reporter Guy brings all the news from the show, and Mark gives us their thoughts.
Links War game scenarios: The Italian wars battles 1494 - 1559 Hail Caesar Epic Battles: The Punic Wars Bolt Action 3 V For Victory Arnhem Heroes by Empress Miniatures The Silver Bayonet: Egypt: Shadow of the Sphinx WSS Magazine Instagram WSS Magazine Facebook Offensive Miniatures AB Miniatures Eureka Miniatures Bad Squiddo Games Footsore Miniatures TooFatLardies Battlefield Accessories Great Escape Games Pendraken Warbases Atlantic Games Sarissa
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, we think about how to get our painting mojo back. Also, Guy and Chris are joined by Troy, the man behind Sonic Sledgehammer Studio on YouTube.
Links: Sonic Sledgehammer Studio Aly's Brown Liquid Marine Juice Ballads of a Cosmic Frontier Soldiers of Napoleon, Great Battles - Wagram, Campaign Supplement Spectre Operations To The Strongest! Celtic Fringe & Montrose Campaign Book Bring and Battle
In this episode of the Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy podcast, we discuss 'what is old is new'. Guy talks to Rapid Fire's Colin Rumford and Richard Marsh.
Links Rapid Fire Dead Mans Hand Redux (great Escape Games)Frostgrave: Mortal Enemies (Osprey) This Quar's War: Clash of Rhyfles (Wargames Atlantic) A War Transformed (Osprey) Achtung Panzer! (Warlord) Society of Ancients Battle Day
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