Welsh Song Weekly

Learn Welsh Now

Welsh Song Weekly is a new podcast where Jason Shepherd of the 'Learn Welsh Podcast' learns and records a traditional folk song from Wales every week of the year from Saint Davids Day 2013 to Saint Davids Day 2014.

  • Week Two: Arglwydd Dyma Fi - Welsh Hymn

    Welsh Song Weekly is a new podcast where Jason Shepherd from the 'Learn Welsh Podcast' has taken up the challenge to learn and record a traditional Welsh song every week for 52 weeks from St. Davids day 2013 to St. Davids day 2014. Today's song is a Welsh Hymn called 'Arglwydd Dyma Fi (Here I am God)' which demonstrates the influence of Welsh hymns on the sound of Welsh Folk Music.

    Week 2: Arglwydd Dyma Fi

    Lyrics and the english Translation

    Mi glywaf dyner lais
    yn galw arnaf fi
    i ddod a golchi ‘meiau i gyd
    yn afon Calfari.

    Arglwydd, dyma fi
    ar dy alwad di,
    canna f’enaid yn y gwaed
    a gaed ar Galfari.

    Yr Iesu sy’n fy ngwadd
    i dderbyn gyda’i saint
    ffydd, gobaith, cariad pur a hedd
    a phob rhyw nefol fraint.

    Yr Iesu sy’n cryfhau
    o’m mewn ei waith drwy ras;
    mae’n rhoddi nerth i’m henaid gwan
    i faeddu ‘mhechod cas.

    Gogoniant byth am drefn
    y cymod a’r glanhad;
    derbyniaf Iesu fel yr wyf
    a channaf am y gwaed.

    I hear thy tender voice
    Calling me
    To come and wash my sins
    In the River of Calvary.

    Lord, here I am
    At your call
    Wash my spirit in the blood
    That flows from Calvary.

    Jesus invites me
    To receive with the saints
    Faith, hope, pure love and peace
    And all of heaven’s honours.

    Jesus strengthens me
    In his work through grace
    He gives strength to my weak spirit
    To beat my hateful sin.

    Praise be forever
    For the Atonement and the Cleansing
    I will receive Jesus as I am
    And be washed clean in the blood.
    8 March 2013, 10:25 pm
  • Week One: Mynd Drot Drot - Childrens Nursery Rhyme
    welsh+song+weekly+logo.jpg Welsh Song Weekly is a new podcast where Jason Shepherd from the 'Learn Welsh Podcast' has taken up the challenge to learn and record a traditional Welsh song every week for 52 weeks from St. Davids day 2013 to St. Davids day 2014. Today's song is a children's song and nursery rhyme called 'Mynd Drot Drot' /Going Trot trot. The song is about a white horse taking a child's mother into town to buy something nice for the families tea.

    Week 1: Mynd Drot Drot

    Lyrics and the english Translation
    Mynd drot drot ar y gaseg wen, Mynd drot drot i'r dre, Mam yn dod yn ôl dros fryn a dôl A rhywbeth neis neis i de.
    Teisen i Bil, a banana i Sil, A thamaid i'r gath a'r ci, Afal mawr iach i Ben y gwas bach A rhywbeth neis neis i mi
    Going trot trot on the white mare;
    Going trot trot to town.
    Mother comes back over hill and meadow
    With something really nice for tea!

    A cake for Sil
    A banana for Bil
    And something for the cat and dog.
    A wholesome apple for Ben the little servant-boy
    And something really nice for me!
    27 February 2013, 6:39 pm
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