Widow Cast: A personal story and insights on being widowed.

Joann Filomena, Life Coach School Certified Life Coach, Widow Coach, and Weight Loss Coach

After becoming widowed, are you wondering why you are feeling the way you do (or not feeling!)? As a widow and as a widow coach, I want to share my story and insights for other widows to feel that connection and know they are not alone.

  • 24 minutes 26 seconds
    Turning a Dreaded Milestone Into a New Start 156

    Welcome widows to episode 156.  A new year has always been a fresh start to me - but not after the death of my husband.  That New Year, I was still in shock and did not expect to see that year coming in without Jim.  Yes, the new year can become one of those milestones that tug at the heart, just like their birthday, wedding anniversary, and day of their passing.  But you CAN learn how to turn this new year into a new start again.  You can check out my website:  https://joannthelifecoach.com   My subscription membership for widows:  https://widowcoachingcenter.com  or email me at:  [email protected] 

    9 January 2021, 7:37 pm
  • 39 minutes
    What is Normal for New Widows Ep 155

    Today, I'm sharing all that I've learned over the years of widowhood about becoming widowed and those first months.  We have also opened the doors to our subscription membership program today (Dec 2020) - so go check it out!  Email:  [email protected]  Website:  https://joannthelifecoach.com  Subscription Program:  https://widowcoachingcenter.com

    15 December 2020, 8:32 pm
  • 37 minutes 50 seconds
    Interview With Widow Coach Jamie Metzgar

    First off - The Widow Coaching Center subscription membership program is open until 9 p.m. EST on Sept. 24, 2020.  So if you've been waiting to take that leap, go check it out at https://widowcoachingcenter.com   Today's episode is a fantastic opportunity to Jamie's story first hand as she went through widowhood and started on that long journey back to self.  What Jamie shares is so very valuable.  Jamie went from the trauma to building a new life.  

    Email me at [email protected]   Website:  https://joannthelifecoach.com 

    24 September 2020, 9:46 pm
  • 39 minutes 56 seconds
    Looking For Permission as a Widow

    This week I had two excellent examples of the struggle we have at times as widows when we are making a decision or even wanting something more in our life, but feel a little guilty about that.  Have you ever thought about doing something or buying something and it felt a bit extravagant, so you shyed away from it?  Today I'm sharing a couple of stories that you just might identify with . . . . . . how it is when we are wanting permission.  Find me at https://joannthelifecoach.com  Email:  [email protected] 

    22 August 2020, 6:57 pm
  • 34 minutes 41 seconds
    Too Busy to Feel; But Then Not Busy Enough to Face it All

    This episode was inspired by a member in Widows Empowering Widows on Facebook who had both a wedding anniversary coming up, quickly followed by the first anniversary of her husband's death.  She had been keeping herself very busy since he passed.  But now feels like she cannot keep herself busy enough to distract herself from the pain of these upcoming dates.  What happens when busy works for a while, but then you can't be busy enough?  Email:  [email protected]  Website:  https://joannthelifecoach.com 

    9 July 2020, 7:08 pm
  • 27 minutes 50 seconds
    Get on Your Death Bed

    Widows, don't run away!  "Get on your death bed" will make total sense if you join me in listening to this episode.  It is the practice that I think everyone should apply to constantly stay motivated in their life.  It is what some very very successful people practice to keep focused on what's important.  More about widow coaching:  https://joannthelifecoach.com   Subscription membership: https://widowcoachingcenter.com  Email me:  [email protected] 

    19 June 2020, 4:15 pm
  • 29 minutes 2 seconds
    Feeling Jealous of Other Widows

    Have you ever encountered another widow who was left "better off" than you were?  How did you feel about that?  What do you think when you read another widow who is thriving in life after her loss?  Are you envious?  A little jealous?  I saw this come up in my free Facebook Group:  Widows Empowering Widows.  Today I want to share how jealously can actually rob you of what you desire!  It holds you back.  Want to know how to process that feeling and come out the other side?  Listen in!  Email:  [email protected]  Website:  https://joannthelifecoach.com 

    9 June 2020, 7:40 pm
  • 26 minutes 18 seconds
    Anticipation and The Body Response

    How anticipation, good or bad, can affect your physiology and well being. If you are widowed, be sure to check out my books on Amazon and find me on Facebook.

    Email:  [email protected] 

    Website: https://joannthelifecoach.com/

    Book links: https://joannthelifecoach.com/books/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Widow...

    13 February 2020, 7:13 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Relationships With the Dead

    Today's Widow Cast podcast was recorded live while broadcasting on video to my free Facebook group:  Widows Empowering Widows.  In our group, conversations had come up around the feeling that the relationship with their spouse who had passed on was gone and no more.  On the contrary, relationships are all about how we think about the other person.  Because those relationships are part of who we are, they can live on even as we move through the grief process.  Find out how on today's episode.   You can reach out to me at [email protected]  Check out the subscription membership at https://widowcoachingcenter.com 

    6 February 2020, 8:50 pm
  • 29 minutes 32 seconds
    Ep 147 Widow Thoughts

    What are you thinking as a widow?  About you?  About your loss?  About your life?  About your money?  About all your external relationships?  Our thoughts often are all over the place.  Sometimes our brain is telling us thoughts that make us feel awful or fearful.  I think many thoughts are "thought errors."  You are not at the mercy of every thought your brain fires at you!  Learn more in this podcast about what "thought errors" are how to deal with them.  email:  [email protected]  Website:  http://joannthelifecoach.com 

    2 January 2020, 8:08 am
  • 23 minutes 3 seconds
    Ep 146 Grief Quotes Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

    Widows - Do you see too many social media posts that are like a kick in your soul?  They are depressing - make your sadness heavier.  It is one of the reasons I took on opening a Facebook Group page called Widows Empowering Widows - I wanted to share a message that was UPLIFTING.  You CAN begin to turn that sadness into a life that brings you joy.  I want to share with you quotes from the writings of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.  email me at [email protected]   Website: http://joannthelifecoach.com 

    26 December 2019, 7:01 am
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