Two comedians take an unmerciful and hilarious look at athletes who have lost big games...with the law! Crime in Sports does the research, and finds the funny in the world of sports true crime. New episode every week!
This week, we begin a special series about one of the most iconic, famous & absolutely insane people that we've ever talked about! We discuss his origin, where a few severe blows to the head may have helped contribute to his daredevil ways. His young life is filled with crime. From petty thievery, burglary, frauds, schemes, and outright extortion, to all the way to winning his wife, by kidnapping her. He also figures out that you have to be outrageous, to draw a crowd, or even to sell insurance.
Grow up in a rough & tumble mining town, become a criminal mastermind by the time you're a teenager, and get your wife to marry you by dragging her by the hair, from her family home with Evel Knievel - Part 1!!
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Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we look at the life of a World Series MVP, who seemed to have a roller coaster of a career, from being a marginal player, to being one of the best catchers in the league, and back again. That may be because he was also doing every drug he could get his hands on, including his favorites, quaaludes & cocaine! He made a big show of being clean, for many years, only to find out that it all may have been a sad act!
Be the best overall athlete in the state of Oklahoma, jump into the stands to punch a heckler, and make everyone think you're Mr Clean, while doing coke, and crashing your car with Darrell Porter!!
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We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we finish up the story of one of the biggest female stars in wrestling history, with Joanie having a lot of problems keeping clean, and also having a longing for fame. She tries to do movies, but ends up in many porn titles, while sliding into a hole of addiction/depression. She is arrested several times, including trying to stab Japanese police, after an apparent attempt to take her own life. Finally, her sad demise...
Do porn with your ex boyfriend, have your manager send Dr Drew emergency messages, concerning your addictions, and get gang tackled by Japanese police, so they can disarm you with Joanie "Chyna" Laurer - Part 3!!
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We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we continue the tale with Joanie, starting a life after wrestling. It's a bit bumpy, to say the least. She poses more for Playboy, tries her hand in multiple less than blockbuster films, and some tv shows, including "The Surreal Life", where she fights with Mini Me, dances drunk & naked, and fights with X-Pac. She's also arrested for a domestic issue, and has developed a nasty meth habit!
Start your new life, away from the wrestling ring, get pummeled by Joey Buttafuoco on national television, and barricade yourself in the bathroom, so you can be left alone with your meth with Joanie "Chyna" Laurer!!
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We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we check out a woman who came up with some hard times, to end up as one of the first women in wrestling to actually wrestle men. With her muscular physique, and aura of menace, she became a giant star, and even had a relationship with HHH. This leads to bigger things, like acting, interviews, autobiographies, and a Playboy cover spread. But there was problems bubbling under the surface, the whole time!
Grow up always feeling a little bit awkward in your skin, grow your confidence by growing your muscles, and become a huge wrestling star with Chyna AKA Joanie Laurer!!
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We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we look at a man who had nothing but success in his future. He achieved a great deal of that success, including a Super Bowl, but he always had something dumb, hiding around the corner. From too many nightclub incidents to count, to making a spectacle of himself during a boat sex party, to blowing tens of millions of dollars, he screwed it all up! Will he turn it around, with music??
Be anywhere from 6'8 to 10'3", be one of the grossest people at a giant boat orgy, and somehow blow $50 million with Bryant McKinnie!!
Check us out, every Tuesday!
We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we finish the story with a trial for 12 murders, including the firebombing of women & children. He wants to be his own lawyer, then changes his mind, but his whole case unravels when several of his crew testify against him. he lashes out & makes more threats, but the evidence is very strong. Will he be executed, or will the President of the United States get him off the hot seat?
Call the judge in your murder trial a "nazi", have your best friends turn on you, and have your only hope to avoid the death penalty rest with the highest office in the land with Kaboni Savage - Part 2!!
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We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we look into the most violent, heartless & criminally active person we've ever talked about. He had an ultra short boxing career, because he was busy, setting up a drug empire, and committing cold blooded murders. Anyone who testifies against him also isn't safe, because he will firebomb whole families, just to get back at you. Wiretaps capture him saying some of the worst things imaginable. He's a true menace to society!!
Put your boxing career on the shelf, in favor of a more lucrative drug empire, threaten all of your associates with murder, for the slightest disloyalty, and talk on wiretaps about pouring barbecue sauce onto burned children with Kaboni Savage - Part 1!!
Check us out, every Tuesday!
We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we check out a baseball player, who won a World Series, with Willie Mays... after he shot a man to death in a bar. He was also a WWII veteran, and Negro League superstar. But his love of booze & casual hook ups sent his life spiraling out of control, eventually selling his World Series ring for liquor money, and committing a string of crimes, that he's lucky he wasn't executed for. Does he ever turn it around???
Be an alcoholic by the time you should be a junior in high school, get hit in the head with so many baseballs, that you think it might have lead you to a life of crime, and try to turn it around by cleaning pools in the sun with Hank Thompson!!
Check us out, every Tuesday!
We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we finish up this terrible tale, with Tom fighting to get out of prison, all while even more unspeakable charges are leveled against him. His legal team call it a "giant conspiracy", that may even involve the Atlanta Hawks! He is eventually released from prison, tries to become a boxer & does some bit acting parts. Then, he does it, again. And this time, he's caught in the act, by 2 police officers. Will he ever be "good, now"?? It's Tom Payne - Part 2!!
Be sued by a cellmate for an unprovoked attack, cal the whole legal & basketball system "a giant conspiracy" against you, and be caught, in the act of doing the exact thing you've always denied with Tom Payne!!
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We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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This week, we look at a man who broke barriers, both in good ways, and VERY bad ways. He was the first black player in the history of Kentucky basketball. He was one of the first players to come out of college, early, to join the NBA. His future seemed bright, until multiple accusations pop up, concerning the tallest rapist in history. He even has a certain signature to let police know what he did. Will he turn it all around, for part 2??
Become a pioneer of race relations, claim "hardship" to get into the NBA, so you can take care of your family, and be arrested for many rapes, in multiple states with Tom Payne - Part 1!!
Check us out, every Tuesday!
We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!!
Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman
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