Hunt The High Country Podcast

Altitude Outdoors

Hunt the High Country is a podcast dedicated to t…

  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    Trent Williams - Archery Elk Hunting Tactics and Mindset

    In this episode, Billy hosts solo and talks with Trent Williams about chasing BIG bulls. Trent's mindset and resume show as he talks about a couple of big bulls he's taken and drops some great tactics for archery elk hunting in limited and OTC units. 

    4 July 2020, 4:34 pm
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    Decades of Mule Deer Data with Gary Fralick

    This episode has been long coming as Brad and Billy get a chance to talk mule deer research with a leader in the field: Wyoming Game and Fish Biologist, Gary Fralick. Gary discusses the history of the Wyoming Range Mule Deer herd, research projects, and management implications of that research. Gary's decades of experience of professional service makes this podcast full of amazing information regarding mortality, health, migration, and mule deer biology that you won't want to miss! 

    19 June 2020, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Gil Roden - Buck of a Lifetime

    In this episode we sit down with Gil Roden, a hard working Wyoming hunter who goes to great lengths to chase the rumor of a GIANT buck. Hard work, endless hours and some composure under pressure leads Gil to a buck of 10 lifetimes. Tune in to hear the whole story, learn a little about patterning and scouting big bucks and enjoy. This is an episode you won't want to miss!

    5 June 2020, 10:52 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Billy Kennington - A BIG typical Mule Deer
    Brad and Billy talk about Billy's 2018 season and how he outsmarted a giant typical buck! Billy breaks down the specifics of finding, patterning and killing a big mountain buck!
    10 September 2019, 6:08 pm
  • 1 hour 49 minutes
    Brax Hamilton and Storie Ratcliff - Hunting Mountain Mule Deer
    We sit down with Brax Hamilton and Storie Ratcliff and talk about what has made them successful mountain hunters. We mostly talk about hunting mule deer, tactics, and a little bit about their recent success and the big 220"+ buck that Brax got with archery tackle this past fall. Check it out!
    31 January 2019, 3:36 am
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    Robby Denning - How to Take the Best Buck of your Life! - HTHC Episode 9
    Do you like to hunt BIG mule deer? We sit down with Robby Denning and pick his brain on hunting big mule deer! We talk Winterkill, drawing tags, mule deer behavior, scouting, hit lists, locating bucks, tactics, and a lot more. Robby has great information on hunting mule deer. Be sure to tune in to this one!
    19 July 2017, 12:32 am
  • 41 minutes 41 seconds
    Mike Johnson Taxidermy Tips in the Backcountry! HTHC Podcast Episode 8.2
    In part 2 of our interview with Mike Johnson, we talk specifics on taxidermy tips for your backcountry hunts. Mike goes over tips on keeping capes from slipping, preparing your trophies for taxidermy, and a lot more. Check it out! Use coupon code "HIGHCOUNTRY17" in the Altitude Outdoors gear shop and save 10% store wide!!!
    14 July 2017, 12:19 am
  • 49 minutes 5 seconds
    Mike Johnson - Hunting 5 States, Drama Buck and More! - Hunt the High Country Podcast - Episode 8.1
    In Episode 8.1 (Part 1 of a 2 part series) we talk hunting Sitka Blacktails, Mule Deer in 4 states, a buck named Drama, wounding and lost animals, and a lot more. Be sure to check back for part 2 with Mike Johnson, where we discuss field care of your capes and antlers as well as some taxidermy tips and information!
    11 June 2017, 12:19 am
  • 48 minutes 8 seconds
    Ed Gramza - OnXMaps, What's a Prostaff? - Hunt the High Country Podcast - Episode 7
    Ed Gramza is the prostaff manager for OnXMaps and serves on several pro staffs for some great hunting companies! We talk about the OnxMaps products, a little bit about whitetail hunting in wisconsin and about what it means to be a prostaff member. Ed has some awesome perspective because he serves on both sides of the fence. We also talk about software, some common issues people have with OnxMaps that are easy to fix and a lot more!
    10 May 2017, 4:45 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Justin Finch - Mule Deer, Filming, Archery, - Hunt the High Country Podcast - Episode 6
    Justin Finch shares the exciting stories from his 2016 season, taking 3 awesome bucks with 3 different weapons! We also talk about filming your hunts, equipment, and mule deer hunting and behavior. Justin is a great hunter who finds success on almost every hunt. He shares some of his strategies, and success on this episode!
    4 May 2017, 6:06 pm
  • 48 minutes 52 seconds
    Randy Johnson - Sheep, Muleys, a lifetime in the desert - Hunt the High Country Episode 5
    Randy Johnson talks about his lifetime of experience hunting throughout the west for sheep, mule deer, and incredible experiences. Randy is a true steward of the hunting heritage and spends most of his time helping others achieve their goals in becoming better hunters, and better people.
    10 April 2017, 10:54 pm
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