Joe DeFranco's Industrial Strength Show

Joe DeFranco

  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    #488 How Much Does Food QUALITY Affect Body Composition, My "Disguised" Lower Body Mobility Routine & More!
    This week Joe answers 4 unique listener questions. SPECIFIC TOPICS INCLUDE: 1) How to maintain muscle mass, specifically in the posterior chain, while prioritizing BJJ 2) My lower body strength & hypertrophy workout that's really a MOBILITY routine in "disguise" 3) How much does food QUALITY affect body composition [when calories and macros are equated for] 4) Alternative progressions for low-load exercises that are difficult to add weight to... And MORE! *For a full list of Show Notes w/ Timestamps goto
    12 September 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    #487 The TRUTH About Eccentrics, Muscle Damage & Hypertrophy, Strength Exercises That Improve Shoulder Mobility & More!
    Joe opens this week's show by reminding the audience about September's "MuscleUp" supplement sale and cohort #3 of the Iron Business Blueprint. He then gets into this week's training talk. Specific topics of discussion include: 1) The TRUTH About Eccentrics, Muscle Damage & Hypertrophy 2) How To Maximize Recovery Between Workouts [The 3 Keys to Success] 3) Top 4 Strength Exercises That Also Improve Shoulder Mobility 4) The Biggest Differences Between Training Females vs Males... And MORE! *For a full list of Show Notes w/ Timestamps visit
    5 September 2024, 2:52 pm
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    #486 The Best Training Splits for Longevity, "Fall Prevention" Exercises for Older Clients, NEW Program Alert & More!
    This week Joe is joined by his CPPS co-creator & Team Forever Strong co-founder Jim Smith, aka, "Smitty Diesel"! After a brief discussion detailing how & why they've each lost 5 pounds this week (Lol) - Joe and Smitty begin answering listener questions. Specific Topics Include: 1) What's better for hypertrophy - Supersets of the same muscle or antagonist muscles? 2) What are the best training splits for longevity? 3) Specific exercises/recommendations for "fall prevention" in older clients 4) How to program core exercises for older clients who have vertigo and can't do things on the floor 5) Insight into the creation of "TRIUMPH", aka, Team Forever Strong's newest program... And MORE! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit
    29 August 2024, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    #485 The Secret To Training When You're NOT Motivated, The TRUTH About Supersets (NEW RESEARCH) & More!
    This week Joe covers a wide variety of interesting topics. HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: 1) The secret to training when you're NOT motivated 2) The most convenient & accurate way to measure [training] volume 3) The TRUTH about supersets [New Research!] 4) What goes through Joe's mind when he sees an over-fat person exercising? 5) How to properly grab a dumbbell [NOTE: You're probably doing it wrong] 6) How to avoid cheating/pushing off your back leg when performing Reverse Lunges... And More! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit  
    22 August 2024, 3:37 pm
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    #484 13 Ways To Identify an UNQUALIFIED Personal Trainer or Fitness Influencer!
    On this week's show Joe teaches the audience how to spot "the real ones" vs "the fake ones" in the fitness industry! He starts by sharing his "Personal Trainer Priority Pyramid" [which will help you decide who you should - and shouldn't - be following online]. He then reveals 13 common "red flags" to look for when hiring a personal trainer. If you're currently working with a trainer - or you're looking for one - this episode is a MUST-LISTEN! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps goto
    15 August 2024, 4:26 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    #483 Three Ways to Make Knee Pain Magically Disappear, The Time My Finger EXPLODED Doing Reverse Curls & More!
    On this week's show, Joe answers an interesting mix of listener questions. TOPICS INCLUDE: 1) Should we avoid eating vegetables because they contain "antinutrients"? 2) Three pre-squat primers that make knee pain "magically" disappear 3) Has Joe ever seriously injured himself in the gym? 4) Proper exercise sequencing for pain-free overhead pressing 5) The optimal bench press grip for pec development AND shoulder health... And More! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit
    8 August 2024, 3:39 pm
  • 1 hour 45 minutes
    #482 Ben Bruno on Training to Failure, Cherry Picking Research, Early Mentors & More!
    This week Ben Bruno makes his 4th appearance on the Industrial Strength Show - and as per usual - he and Joe have a lot to talk about! Highlights from their conversation include: Ben's first 4 mentors in the fitness industry; Training around back pain (and dealing with people online giving stupid advice); How both Joe and Ben trained at 13 years old; Thoughts on training to failure; Tracking your (training) volume; How/Why Ben "cherry picks" research; Favorite training splits for "longevity"; The question EVERY personal trainer should start EVERY training session with; What Ben has learned from arguing online with well-known fitness influencers...And Lots More! *For a full list of Show Notes  visit
    1 August 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    #481 The Most Overlooked Component of Every Set, Why PubMed is Not Bookmarked on My Computer & More!
    Joe kicks off this week's show by giving away some FREE STUFF to his audience! He then answers 4 listener questions: TOPICS INCLUDE: 1) The most overlooked component of each set (What we can all learn from Joe's 1989 training footage!) 2) Why PubMed is NOT bookmarked on Joe's computer 3) Strength Training vs Cardio - Which is better for Longevity? 4) Troubleshooting the band pull-apart (What to do when you've tried all the best cues, but your client only feels the exercise in their traps?) *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit
    25 July 2024, 3:06 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    #480 My Debut as a Wedding Officiant (cRaZzY story!), The Ideal Year-Round Body Fat % for Men & More!
    WARNING: This is not your typical Industrial Strength Show. (If you listen to this podcast for training info only, this is NOT the episode for you.) Unlike most weeks where Joe answers listener questions and/or invites special guests on the show - This week is more like grabbing a coffee with a friend and "shooting the sh*t" together :) Joe spends the first half of the show detailing his [CRAZY] debut as a wedding officiant. If you know Joe, you can probably already guess his experience was far from "normal"! LOL. He then shares a conversation he had [at the wedding] regarding "the ideal, year-round body fat percentage". He concludes the show by answering a last-minute DM from a listener who asked, "If yoga is considered strength training". *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit
    18 July 2024, 3:37 pm
  • 1 hour 28 minutes
    #479 How To Build "Capped Delts" While Avoiding Impingement, My Biggest Professional Accomplishment & More!
    This week Joe answers 4 unique listener questions. SPECIFIC TOPICS INCLUDE: 1) Why are deficit push-ups recommended (for shoulder health), but bench-pressing w/ your elbows below the bench are NOT recommended? 2) Joe solves the "delt dilemma" (Lateral Raise variations that target the medial delts WITHOUT causing shoulder impingement) 3) What's the minimum daily protein intake to maximize gains? 4) What does Joe consider to be his biggest professional accomplishment up to this point? *For a full list of Show Notes & Timestamps visit
    11 July 2024, 1:20 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    #478 The Art of Building Muscle: Why Mechanical Tension is NOT Always The "Be-All, End-All"...

    This week's show is a follow-up from last week's discussion on the effectiveness of EMG testing for determining the best hypertrophy exercises. On today's episode Joe explains why "high activation/low mechanical tension" exercises STILL have a place in the muscle building process. He shares 3 specific reasons WHY they're valuable, along with the importance of knowing when to "trust your experience over science". *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit

    4 July 2024, 2:01 pm
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