Joe DeFranco's Industrial Strength Show

Joe DeFranco

  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    #513 The "Lowest Risk, Highest Reward" Strength Exercises for ALL Populations... Plus a Surprise Celebration!
    For the second week in a row Joe is "podcasting while impaired" after having a root canal performed prior to the show. After sharing some details about the procedure (and the "injury" he suffered afterwards) Joe announces this month's "Muscle Up" supplement sale. He then gets into today's two main show topics: The first part of the show is a last-minute "celebration" of Joe's 10-year podcasting anniversary. In the second half of the show Joe shares his Top 10 Lowest Risk, Highest Reward Strength Exercises for ALL Populations. *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps goto
    6 March 2025, 3:59 pm
  • 56 minutes 18 seconds
    #512 The Secret To Improving Balance & My Biggest Pet Peeve w/ the "Stretch Mediated Hypertrophy" Craze
    Joe kicks off this week's show by sharing aspects of his "rough week" with the audience. Once he's done venting, he begins his training talk :) During the 1st half of the show he shares an online interaction he recently had with an ignorant "science-based" lifter... This discussion is centered around "stretch mediated hypertrophy" and Joe's biggest pet peeve with the current "lengthened training" obsession. The 2nd half of the show is dedicated to balance training. Joe reveals the SECRET to improving balance in the "real world" as well as the most overrated balance training techniques! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit  
    27 February 2025, 2:55 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    #511 How To Train Through & Around Common Injuries w/ Dean Somerset
    This week Joe welcomes Dean Somerset to the show. Dean is a Personal Trainer from Edmonton, Alberta Canada with over 2 decades of experience working with a wide variety of clients on a host of different goals. These goals include injury/post-surgical recovery, athletic performance, weight loss, or just enjoying their time in the gym. Dean has also written for major publications like Men's Health, Women's Health,,, and a slew of other websites and print media. On today's podcast you'll hear Dean speak on a number of different topics. Highlights include: 1) What does Dean attribute his longevity in the fitness industry to? 2) Does Dean believe "bad exercises" exist? 3) When you're in pain, how do you know if you should train through it, around it, or rest? 4) Tried & True advice for dealing with "The Big 3": Low back pain, Shoulder pain and/or Knee pain 5) Overrated/Underrated: Knees Over Toes Training; Static Stretching; Training the Rotator Cuff in Isolation; Barbell Movements for the Over 40 Lifter; Speed Training for the Over 40 Lifter 6) The TRUTH about dealing with asymmetries...and Much MORE! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps goto
    20 February 2025, 1:58 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    #510 Is There Such Thing As A "Bad Exercise?"
    This week Joe answers the polarizing question: "Is there such thing as a bad exercise?" He also reveals the 5 [extremely popular] exercises that do more harm than good for most lifters. Joe concludes the show by sharing the #1 reason dips hurt your shoulders [and what to do about it]. *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit
    13 February 2025, 8:09 pm
  • 1 hour 8 seconds
    #509 From Pop Warner To The Pros: How To Set Your Kid Up for Long-Term Athletic Success
    On this week's show, Joe provides advice to a "sports dad" who wants to set his son up for long-term athletic success. Specific topics discussed include: The importance of having an off-season; The TRUTH about dealing with asymmetries and muscular imbalances; How to "play the odds" and have your child peak (athletically) when it matters most; The ultimate "youth athletic development timeline"; The biggest issue Joe has with "overbearing sports dads"; Joe's SuperBowl 59 prediction...And More! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps goto
    6 February 2025, 7:15 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    #508 The Most Misunderstood Aspect of Exercise Selection & How I Overcame My Lifelong Fear of "Sales" in 1 Minute!
    On this week's show, Joe covers 2 different topics. He spends the first half of the show clearing up the confusion surrounding "exercise selection". More specifically, he explains how/why "exercises" DON'T determine the outcome of your training. (Make sure to have a pen & paper handy because there's even a "pop quiz" during this portion of the show! Lol) Joe spends the second half of the show talking about how/why he changed his views on "sales". He also reveals the secret to overcoming the dreaded "price objection"! *For a full list of Show Notes w/ Timestamps goto
    30 January 2025, 5:48 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    #507 Are S&C coaches to blame when players/teams have injury-plagued seasons?
    Are strength & conditioning coaches to blame when players/teams have injury-plagued seasons? On this week's show, Joe answers this question while, ironically, battling a painful "injury"! (You can't make this stuff up!) Tune in to find out why Joe recorded this week's show with a giant bag of frozen vegetables tied around his waist (Lol)... And you'll also learn the nuanced TRUTH regarding athletes and "injury prevention"! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps goto
    24 January 2025, 6:12 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    #506 Does Strength Decline After The Age of 40? [Pete Holman & Joe D. discuss the nuanced details]
    This week Joe welcomes Pete Holman to the Industrial Strength Show. Pete is a Physical Therapist, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, a published author, and the inventor of the Nautilus Glute Drive, the GolfForever Swing Trainer, the Glute Slide and many other innovative fitness products. On today's show you'll hear Joe D. & Pete discuss the nuanced details surrounding "aging and strength/performance". Specific topics of discussion include: Is maintaining our strength after the age of 40 considered "progress"; Chronological age vs Training age; The different types of strength - What is most important as we get older; Why glute training is NOT just for Instagram models...And so much more! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit
    16 January 2025, 4:29 pm
  • 39 minutes 5 seconds
    #505 All The Dieting Advice You See On Social Media is Wrong! [Do THIS Instead]
    Joe is fed up with all the nutrition misinformation that floods our social media feeds - especially during this time of year! On today's show/rant, he explains WHY mainstream dieting advice isn't working and WHAT you need to do to break the yo-yo-dieting cycle! It's time to get lean & HEALTHY in 2025 and it starts with today's show! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps visit
    9 January 2025, 3:48 pm
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    #504 Having Multiple Side Hustles vs Focus on ONE Thing: How To Build Wealth in the Fitness Industry in 2025
    Joe starts this episode by announcing the first "MuscleUp" supplement sale of the New Year! He then shares the horrifying story of how running out of MuscleMAG 300 almost cost him his life! [If you shop on Amazon you MUST LISTEN to this story!] BUYER BEWARE. During the final 40 minutes of the show, Joe answers a business question from a new listener who wants to know if it's better to focus on ONE THING or DIVERSIFY and have multiple side hustles/revenue streams? *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps goto
    2 January 2025, 9:17 pm
  • 45 minutes 12 seconds
    #503 Do These 6 Things To Become Mentally Strong AF in 2025
    Joe finishes the 2024 podcasting year STRONG by sharing 6 tried & true strategies guaranteed to improve anyone's mental toughness! Whether you're an entrepreneur, athlete, or "average Joe" this is a must-listen as we head into the New Year! *For a full list of Show Notes + Timestamps goto
    26 December 2024, 7:38 pm
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