JFK The Enduring Secret

Jeff Crudele

An in depth tutorial and discussion around the assassination of John F. Kennedy, (JFK) the country's 35th president who was brutally murdered in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963. The series comprehensively explores the major facts, themes, and events leading up to the assassination in Dealey Plaza and the equally gripping stories surrounding the subsequent investigation. We review key elements of the Warren Commission Report , and the role of the CIA and FBI. We explore the possible involvement of the Mafia in the murder and the review of that topic by the government's House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970's. We explore the Jim Garrison investigation and the work of other key figures such as Mark Lane and others. Learn more about Lee Harvey Oswald the suspected killer and Jack Ruby the distraught Dallas night club owner with underworld ties and the man that killed Oswald as a national TV audience was watching. Stay with us as we take you through the facts and theories in bite sized discussions that are designed to educate, and inform as well as entertain the audience. This real life story is more fascinating than fiction. No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and change the world forever.

  • 45 minutes 46 seconds
    Episode 231 A Deeper Look at the Radical Right Wing Groups and Characters of the Early 60's Part 9 Joseph Milteer and Somersett The Weekend Trip After the Assassination (Cont'd)

    Episode 231 is the ninth in a series of episodes where we begin to explore the radical right groups of the 1960's that clearly had great motive to murder president Kennedy. Emerging, alongside civil rights leaders, as a prime target for ire of white racists,  anti-communists, and and a wide variety of other conservative groups, President Kennedy was a a target among them all. This aspect of the assassination and the connection of the radical right is little explored.  We started  many episodes back, with the story of Joseph Milteer but its rather easy to pull on that string and find much more underneath the covers. Today's episode Part 9  contnues  the story tell of the trip that Milteer took on Saturday and Sunday November 23rd and 24th to Columbia, South Carolina. Part 9 covers more of the details of  the Q&A debrief of Somersett  by the Miami Police Department on November 26th regarding the event. Milteer would first stop in Jacksonsville and pick up Willie Somersett at the Union bus station. From there they would proceed to Columbia, staying overnight and meeting the next day with four men, three of whom were identified members of the South Carolina Ku Klux Klan. The discussions that were had that weekend between Somersett and Milteer on their drive to Columbia and back,  and while they were meeting with the Klansman, solidify in Somersett's mind that Milteer was in the know about the JFK assassination.  Somersett was  confident that the conspiracy had  emanated from Miami, New Orleans and California based on comments that Milteer made to him.. What is miraculous regarding these statements by Milteer is that they were made over the weekend following the president's assassination and they were relayed by Somersett to the Miami Police Department Detective on the case just days later.  The interrogation and Q&A are preserved in transcription and are  extraordianry for their content, timing and then documentation within days of the assassination.  The broader  story of Milteer  brings together a greater element of societal underground. We hear of the traditional groups and study them including the KKK, the John Birch Society, the White Citizens Councils, The National States Rights Party and the Minutemen. These handful of groups were intertwined with men who weaved their way in and out of the shadowy existence of this intense resistance to societal change.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This  real-life story is more fascinating than fiction.  No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

    7 July 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 25 minutes 41 seconds
    Episode 230 A Deeper Look at the Radical Right Wing Groups and Characters of the Early 60's Part 8 Joseph Milteer and Somersett The Weekend Trip After the Assassination

    Episode 230 is the eighth  in a series of episodes where we begin to explore the radical right groups of the 1960's that clearly had great motive to murder president Kennedy. Emerging, alongside civil rights leaders, as a prime target for ire of white racists,  anti-communists, and and a wide variety of other conservative groups, President Kennedy was a a target among them all. This aspect of the assassination and the connection of the radical right is little explored.  We started  many episodes back, with the story of Joseph Milteer but its rather easy to pull on that string and find much more underneath the covers. Today's episode Part 8 tells the story of the trip that Milteer took on Saturday and Sunday November 23rd and 24th to Columbia, South Carolina. Milteer would first stop in Jacksonsville and pick up Willie Somersett at the Union bus station. From there they would proceed to Columbia, staying overnight and meeting the next day with four men, three of whom were identified members of the South Carolina Ku Klux Klan. The discussions that were had that weekend between Somersett and Milteer on their drive to Columbia and back,  and while they were meeting with the Klansman, solidify in Somersett's mind that Milteer was in the know about the JFK assassination.  Somersett was  confident that the conspiracy had  emanated from Miami, New Orleans and California based on comments that Milteer made to him.. What is miraculous regarding these statements by Milteer is that they were made over the weekend following the president's assassination and they were relayed by Somersett to the Miami Police Department Detective on the case just days later.  The interrogation and Q&A are preserved in transcription and are  extraordianry for their content, timing and then documentation within days of the assassination.  The broader  story of Milteer  brings together a greater element of societal underground. We hear of the traditional groups and study them including the KKK, the John Birch Society, the White Citizens Councils, The National States Rights Party and the Minutemen. These handful of groups were intertwined with men who weaved their way in and out of the shadowy existence of this intense resistance to societal change.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This  real-life story is more fascinating than fiction.  No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

    6 July 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 48 seconds
    Episode 229 A Deeper Look at the Radical Right Wing Groups and Characters of the Early 60's Part 7 Joseph Milteer and the Constitution Party Meeting in October 1963 in April 1963

    Episode 229 is the seventh  in a series of episodes where we begin to explore the radical right groups of the 1960's that clearly had great motive to murder president Kennedy. Emerging, alongside civil rights leaders, as a prime target for ire of white racists,  anti-communists, and and a wide variety of other conservative groups, President Kennedy was a a target among them all. This aspect of the assassination and the connection of the radical right is little explored.  We started  many episodes back, with the story of Joseph Milteer but its rather easy to pull on that string and find much more underneath the covers. Today's episode Part 7 explores the Constitution Party Meeting in Indianapolis in October 1963 where Milteer  was a material player. Ths meeting was a consortium of sorts where many of the most prominent members of the radical right underground were further bound together and found an environment to further collaborate. A rift developed over the support of Strom Thurmond versus Barry Goldwater and Milteer is admonished for certain activities and nearly expelled from the party.  There story brings together a greater element of societal underground. We hear of the traditional groups and study them including the KKK, the John Birch Society, the White Citizens Councils, The National States Rights Party and the Minutemen. These handful of groups were intertwined with men who weaved their way in and out of the shadowy existence of this intense resistance to societal change. This meeting included those elements but it was more than that...it included other elements of society with means  The story is not faceless, and we will introduce many of the key characters in this series of episodes that were key to understanding how the radical right may have participated in the JFK Assassination. But first lets explore a bit about this meeting the Congress of Freedom as we go deeper  to connect the players and provide context. 

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This  real-life story is more fascinating than fiction.  No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

    4 July 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 32 minutes 59 seconds
    Episode 228 A Deeper Look at the Radical Right Wing Groups and Characters of the Early 60's Part 6 Joseph Milteer and the Congress of Freedom in New Orleans in April 1963

    Episode 228 is the sixth  in a series of episodes where we begin to explore the radical right groups of the 1960's that clearly had great motive to murder president Kennedy. Emerging, alongside civil rights leaders, as a prime target for ire of white racists,  anti-communists, and and a wide variety of other conservative groups, President Kennedy was a a target among them all. This aspect of the assassination and the connection of the radical right is little explored.  We started  many episodes back, with the story of Joseph Milteer but its rather easy to pull on that string and find much more underneath the covers. Today's episode Part 6 explores the Congress of Freedom meeting in New Orleans in April 1963 where Milteer  was a material player. Ths meeting was a consortium of sorts where many of the most prominent members of the radical right underground were further bound together and found an environment to further collaborate.  There is a   plethora of radical right organizations that are relevant to the JFK story, but this story is unique in that it brings together a greater element of societal underground. We hear of the traditional groups and study them including the KKK, the John Birch Society, the White Citizens Councils, The National States Rights Party and the Minutemen. These handful of groups were intertwined with men who weaved their way in and out of the shadowy existence of this intense resistance to societal change. This meeting included those elements but it was more than that...it included other elements of society with means  The story is not faceless, and we will introduce many of the key characters in this series of episodes that were key to understanding how the radical right may have participated in the JFK Assassination. But first lets explore a bit about this meeting the Congress of Freedom as we go deeper  to connect the players and provide context. 

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This  real-life story is more fascinating than fiction.  No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

    25 June 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode 227 My Trip to France And A Special Tribute to the Troops Who Fought at Normandy

    Regular episodes are coming back soon. I have been in France to visit Normandy and other locations as we celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the Normandy invasion. Join me in a discussion and tribute related to the men and women who undertook with success this epic event in world history.

    22 June 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 17 seconds
    The Mystery of William Bruce Pitzer And An Interview With His Nephew Bruce Fernandez Is Now Live At Our You Tube Channel!

    Please join us over at  JFK The Enduring Secret You Tube Channel for another gripping episode in our series entitled Mysteries of the Enduring Secret. Our newest mystery episode covers Commander William Bruce Pitzer. Commander Pitzer died October 29, 1966 and the cause of death was officially ruled a suicide. For those of you who are avid listeners of JFK The Enduring Secret podcast, you know that I produced an extensive podcast episode on this story. It's episode 98 of JFK The Enduring Secret. Well, now, on our JFK Enduring Secret You Tube Channel, Mysteries of the Enduring Secret Series, we bring to you an interview by Rick Russo and myself with William Pitzer's nephew, Bruce Fernandez . Commander Pitzer supposedly died of a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the right temple. Many still believe it was murder and the evidence weighs heavy on that side of the scale…that it was indeed murder. Commander Pitzer was in charge of the Educational Television Division at Bethesda Naval Hospital at the time of the President's death. On the Monday or Tuesday following President Kennedy's autopsy, fellow Navy colleague Dennis David would enter Pitzer's office and see him working on a movie film that had been taken of the President's autopsy. Pitzer was making stills from the movie frames, and analyzing the movie as well. This film has never surfaced. It was believed to be the filming of the pre-examination which likely took place that night before the official autopsy got underway. Listen to our earlier Mysteries of the Enduring Secret episode that covers the two morgues at Bethesda to understand better how Pitzer's involvement fits into the mystery of the two morgues.  Along with Robert Knudsen, Pitzer may have been one of two main characters who were involved in producing the visual record of what was actually determined at the Presidents true pre-examination autopsy. Pitzer's death occurred just two days before he was due to retire from active military service. The FBI joined the investigation of his death, and J. Edgar Hoover was directly informed almost immediately about it, as well as the ongoing results of the investigation. While the death was ruled officially a suicide, the forensic evidence points to foul play. The fundamental question was whether Pitzer was in possession of any of those original autopsy materials taken at the pre-exam,  and whether there were men determined to gain possession of those materials, and possibly to silence Pitzer in the process. Dennis David observed those materials with Pitzer... and David stated that they clearly showed a shot from the front which had entered and then destroyed a major portion of President Kennedy's brain, creating the related blow out in  the rear of his head. Join Rick Russo  and I as we follow the trail and discuss the case with Pitzer's nephew Bruce Fernandez, who adored his uncle, and who believes was murdered…Pursuit of the truth in this case  has become a life long  endeavor for Mr. Fernandez.  So hurry up and get on over to our You Tube Channel JFK The Enduring Secret and watch this latest episode. I guarantee…you wont be disappointed! Oh, and if you haven't subscribed yet to our you tube channel…please do! 


    4 June 2024, 10:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 38 seconds
    Episode 226 A Deeper Look at the Radical Right Wing Groups and Characters of the Early 60's Part 5 A Recap of the Characters...So Far

    Episode 226 is the fifth in a series of episodes where we begin to explore the radical right groups of the 1960's that clearly had great motive to murder president Kennedy. Emerging, alongside civil rights leaders, as a prime target for ire of white racists,  anti-communists, and and a wide variety of other conservative groups, President Kennedy was a a target among them all. This aspect of the assassination and the connection of the radical right is little explored.  We started  many episodes back, with the story of Joseph Milteer but its rather easy to pull on that string and find much more underneath the covers. Today's episode Part 5 is a recap of the characters we have introduced...so far. Part3 and  4 of this new wander addressed  the  story of Wesley Swift and the Christian Identify Movement. In Part 4, we heard  Wesley Smith in his own words. This religious practice evolved from the original concept of British Israelism to a brand of racist religious principles that Wesley Swift took to a new level. His church, the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, would be the glue that bound together the  plethora of radical right organizations that are relevant to the JFK story. They are the KKK, The John Birch Society, the White Citizens Councils, The National States Rights Party and the Minutemen. These handful of groups were intertwined with men who weaved their way in and out of the shadowy existence of this intense resistance to societal change. The story is not faceless, and we will introduce many of the key characters in this series of episodes that were key to understanding how the radical right may have participated in the JFK Assassination. But first lets explore a bit about these organizations as we go deeper and deeper and connect the players. Today we go deeper in the history of the Christian Identify Movement as we lay the background for its use by these various right wing organizations.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This  real-life story is more fascinating than fiction.  No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

    2 June 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 18 seconds
    Episode 225 A Deeper Look at the Radical Right Wing Groups and Characters of the Early 60's Part 4 Wesley Swift In His Own Words

    Episode 225 is the fourth in a series of episodes where we begin to explore the radical right groups of the 1960's that clearly had great motive to murder president Kennedy. Emerging, alongside civil rights leaders, as a prime target for ire of white racists,  anti-communists, and and a wide variety of other conservative groups, President Kennedy was a a target among them all. This aspect of the assassination and the connection of the radical right is little explored.  We started  many episodes back, with the story of Joseph Milteer but its rather easy to pull on that string and find much more underneath the covers. Part3 and  4 of this new wander address  the  story of Wesley Swift and the Christian Identify Movement. Today, in Part 4, we hear Wesley Smith in his own words. This religious practice evolved from the original concept of British Israelism to a brand of racist religious principles that Wesley Swift took to a new level. His church, the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, would be the glue that bound together the  plethora of radical right organizations that are relevant to the JFK story. They are the KKK, The John Birch Society, the White Citizens Councils, The National States Rights Party and the Minutemen. These handful of groups were intertwined with men who weaved their way in and out of the shadowy existence of this intense resistance to societal change. The story is not faceless, and we will introduce many of the key characters in this series of episodes that were key to understanding how the radical right may have participated in the JFK Assassination. But first lets explore a bit about these organizations as we go deeper and deeper and connect the players. Today we go deeper in the history of the Christian Identify Movement as we lay the background for its use by these various right wing organizations.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This  real-life story is more fascinating than fiction.  No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

    28 May 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 8 minutes 12 seconds
    A Conversation with Jefferson Morley, Jeff Crudele, Paul Bleau, and Jonathan Cairns is now live on our JFK The Enduring Secret You Tube Channel

    Hello everyone, and this teaser is to introduce another episode that is available on  JFK The Enduring Secret YouTube channel. On the YouTube channel, we provide  the audience with  video episodes  that contain content which  we don't feature on the regular podcast channel. Episodes which include our series entitled Mysteries of the Enduring Secret, and also we present  other spell binding topics that include interviews with JFK researchers and others connected to the case.   

     Today, we engage in a fascinating discussion with three distinguished guests: Jefferson Morley, Paul Bleau, and Jonathan Cairns.

    For years, we have seen the result of public opinion polls in an attempt to determine what the American people at large believe about President Kennedy’s assassination. Was it really the work of a lone nut?…as the Warren Commission would have you believe…or was it a conspiracy to assassinate…and worse yet…was it actually a coup d'état….

     The opinion of the American people is what is ultimately important here, so its not surprising that the organized question about it all has been laidd at the feet of the American public…Time and again…and the opinion polls have varied over time….with events like Oliver Stone's JFK movie really moving the needle toward conspiracy when it comes to public opinion…but the truth about the matter, is that very few people in the American public have studied the case in a great matter of depth……for years, the JFK assassination research community, faced with limited access to records and ,therefore, a disproportionate need to speculate….has varied greatly in its beliefs….creating its own myths and undermining the very reason for being…to find the truth…about just who killed JFK and why…

    But as the light dims some 60 years later, on the original witnesses to the crime and its aftermath…something interesting is happening….with so much of the puzzle solved…consensus is evolving and while there are still many things unknown ….there also springs in this new age…a fountain of hope…as the mountain of evidence begins to point generally... in the same general direction…that means less controversy perhaps…but it also has spawned a new question…with so much known…now…why not ask the small coterie of individuals that currently possess a great deal of knowledge….about the assassination…what they think…and do it in an organized fashion…an academic approach to conducting survey or poll if you will…and this time…it wont just be the public at large…but it will be a sizable sampling of the JFK assassination research community….

    Researcher Paul  Bleau takes us through his research to see if  if there is consensus on many of the major aspects of this case…and where the research community might concentrate its efforts next…collectively to accelerate the advancement around these last few puzzle pieces that are necessary to solve the who, why, and how...tthat still seems to exist…at least in part…around the case…

    And today we have the distinguished Jefferson Morley with us ti discuss Paul Bleau's research  along with another accomplished researcher Johnn Cairnes. We get a chance to engage in a fascinating array of conversation around a myriad of topics ranging from such subjects as Oswald's statements at the Dallas County Jail to the questions around Oswald's involvement in the intelligence community.  There are no dull moments in this conversation... so stay tuned…and keep listening….

    And  without further adieu. please get on over to the You Tube Channel and  listen to today's episode.

    25 May 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 46 seconds
    Episode 224 A Deeper Look at the Radical Right Wing Groups and Characters of the Early 60's Part 3 Wesley Swift and the Christian Identify Movement

    Episode 224 is the third in a series of episodes where we begin to explore the radical right groups of the 1960's that clearly had great motive to murder president Kennedy. Emerging, alongside civil rights leaders, as a prime target for ire of white racists,  anti-communists, and and a wide variety of other conservative groups, President Kennedy was a a target among them all. This aspect of the assassination and the connection of the radical right is little explored.  We started  many episodes back, with the story of Joseph Milteer but its rather easy to pull on that string and find much more underneath the covers.  Part 3 of this new wander addresses  Wesley Swift and the Christian Identify Movement. This religious practice evolved from the original concept of British Israelism to a brand of racist religious principles that Wesley Swift took to a new level. His church, the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, would be the glue that bound together the  plethora of radical right organizations that are relevant to the JFK story. They are the KKK, The John Birch Society, the White Citizens Councils, The National States Rights Party and the Minutemen. These handful of groups were intertwined with men who weaved their way in and out of the shadowy existence of this intense resistance to societal change. The story is not faceless, and we will introduce many of the key characters in this series of episodes that were key to understanding how the radical right may have participated in the JFK Assassination. But first lets explore a bit about these organizations as we go deeper and deeper and connect the players. Today we go deeper in the history of the Christian Identify Movement as we lay the background for its use by these various right wing organizations.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This  real-life story is more fascinating than fiction.  No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

    21 May 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 52 minutes 40 seconds
    Episode 223 A Deeper Look at the Radical Right Wing Groups and Characters of the Early 60's Part 2 National States Rights Party

    Episode 223 is the second of a series of episodes where we begin to explore the radical right groups of the 1960's that clearly had great motive to murder president Kennedy. Emerging, alongside civil rights leaders, as a prime target for ire of white racists,  anti-communists, and and a wide variety of other conservative groups, President Kennedy was a a target among them all. This aspect of the assassination and the connection of the radical right is little explored.  We started  many episodes back, with the story of Joseph Milteer but its rather easy to pull on that string and find much more underneath the covers.  Part 2 of this new wander addressed the National States Rights Party and continues the review of the five  key organizations, amongst a plethora of radical right organizations, that are relevant to the JFK story. They are the KKK, The John Birch Society, the White Citizens Councils, The National States Rights Party and the Minutemen. These handful of groups were intertwined with men who weaved their way in and out of the shadowy existence of this intense resistance to societal change. The story is not faceless, and we will introduce many of the key characters in this series of episodes that were key to understanding how the radical right may have participated in the JFK Assassination. But first lets explore a bit about these organizations as we go deeper and deeper and connect the players.

    Even as early as 1964, rumors and serious concerns over  the lone gunman theory and the evidence that might contravene it,  were becoming a major concern for the government and the commission. Conspiracy theories were contrary to the government's stated narrative from the very beginning. This  real-life story is more fascinating than fiction.  No matter whether you are a serious researcher or a casual student, you will enjoy the fact filled narrative and story as  we relive one of the most shocking moments in American History. An event that changed the nation and changed the world forever.

    13 May 2024, 1:00 am
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