We encourage and equip leaders to build praying churches that cry out for a spiritual awakening in our time.
In this episode, the guys encourage the church to stay in the fight and overcome by the blood of Jesus
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In this episode, the guys discuss how to partner with the holy spirit and discern the attacks of the enemy
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In this episode, the guys discuss how to Weaponize a season of waiting on the Lord's promises.
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In this episode, the guys talk about how to Overcome the Accuser of the Brethren
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In this episode, the guys talk about the battle of the mind and how to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy.
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In this episode, the guys talk about the dangers of distraction and how to keep your eyes on Jesus. Visit awakennetwork.com for more info
In this episode, the guys talk about how Satan is a REAL foe in this spiritual battle that we are all apart of. Visit awakennetwork.com for more info
In this episode, the guys discuss the importance to FIGHT in this Spiritual war against the enemy.
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In this powerful episode we hear from precious saints from the UK David and Romie Malam. These believers have stewarded the flame of love for God, his church, prayer and his reviving presence for some 55+ years! David and Romie offer an alternative vision to the older generation of checking out and coasting into glory with the remaining years one has on this side of eternity. Instead, they charge their generation and the new generation of Samuels whom the Lord is raising up to PRESS IN for more!
In this episode, Chad interviews Pastor Corey Jones from Crossroads Tabernacle in Ft. Worth, TX. Pastor Corey recounts the moment Jesus revealed to him that "the glory had departed" from his church. Exhausted from trying every gimmick and trick under the sun to grow the church, the LORD had to bring Corey LOW to give him the GREATER vision he had for the church to be a PRAYING CHURCH. Pastor Corey's church radically changed to a PRAYING CHURCH some 26 years ago and haven't looked back or quit crying out to God for a move of his SPIRIT.
To attend CONTEND FOR THE COAST Conference go to:
contendforthecoast.com to register!
In this episode, We talk about Revival and the power of walking in Humility Visit awakennetwork.com for more info
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