Build with Leila Hormozi

Leila Hormozi

  • 23 minutes 45 seconds
    How To Care More For Your Employees | Ep 165

    Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) shares how to be a better leader after answering questions that were asked at the recent scaling workshop. Is it possible to care too much or what do you do when you feel you may care too little for your team? 

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    26 July 2024, 7:30 am
  • 25 minutes 36 seconds
    Mastering the Skill of Recognizing Talent | Ep 164

    “Humility is usually a better indicator of success and of potential than misplaced confidence.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) shares invaluable insights on recognizing and developing high-potential leaders to drive business growth, emphasizing humility, progress, and extreme dedication. Learn how identifying and nurturing the right team members can exponentially transform your business.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:41) - The importance of people in business success

    (2:31) - Transforming a business with the right team

    (6:14) - Defining high potential players (HPP)

    (10:35) - 1st principle: Looking at rate of progress

    (15:32) - 2nd principle: Prioritizing humility over arrogance

    (19:03) - 3rd principle: Embracing extremes

    (23:05) - Prioritizing team development

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    24 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 27 minutes 11 seconds
    Become an Effective Leader with These 3 Principles | Ep 163

    “In order to move forward, you must direct people into the future rather than resurrect the past.” Today, join Leila (@LeilaHormozi) as she guest speaks and talks about the three essential leadership principles: prioritizing immediate reinforcement over powerful but delayed feedback, differentiating constructive criticism from harmful insults, and focusing on future improvements rather than dwelling on past mistakes. She breaks down effective leadership into operational steps for creating an unshakable business culture and driving your team towards consistent growth.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:33) - Principle 1: Latency over intensity

    (7:34) - Principle 2: Criticism vs. insults

    (19:50) - Principle 3: Future focused feedback

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    22 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 10 seconds
    Mastering The Game of Money | Ep 162

    “What do I want to happen from making this money?” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) delves into the mindset and strategies necessary to achieve financial success and build an unshakable business. She explores key principles on understanding money as a game, using it as a tool, the importance of measuring financial metrics, and adopting a long-term mindset.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:36) - Learning the rules of money

    (2:22) - The importance of market selection

    (4:43) - Money as a tool & creating value

    (9:04) - The power of measurement

    (12:35) - Long-term money decisions

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    19 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 39 minutes 37 seconds
    How To Turn Angry Customers into Raving Fans | Ep 161

    “If you try to calm somebody down who's angry, they get more angry." Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) offers insightful strategies on transforming angry customers into loyal advocates, emphasizing the supremacy of customer service over price and product. She introduces effective complaint handling frameworks like the H.E.R.E method, and shares experiences from real-life scenarios such as MVP software launch and service failure resolutions, illustrating how these strategies can enhance business practices, reduce churn, and increase customer lifetime value.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:31) - The power of customer service

    (6:16) - Handling upset customers

    (12:20) - The H.E.R.E framework

    (15:53) - Jumping into the angry boat with customers

    (23:46) - Turning negatives into promoters

    (26:38) - Overcompensating for mistakes

    (31:36) - Learning from customer complaints

    (36:19) - When you ignore feedback

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    17 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 16 minutes 19 seconds
    Why Punishing Your Team Will Never Work | Ep 160

    “Sales can be a hard thing to do but if you have somebody who makes it fun, it makes it all worth it.” Today, join Leila (@LeilaHormozi) as she guest speaks to talk about the impact of positive reinforcement versus punishment in workplace management, highlighting how supportive environments can boost employee loyalty, productivity, and innovation. Drawing from experiences at Gym Launch and case studies like Coinbase and Neutrogena, Leila provides practical examples of transforming team dynamics and business outcomes through positive reinforcement.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:29) - Hiring mistakes and lessons learned

    (4:35) - The turnaround: hiring the right leader

    (6:20) - Positive reinforcement vs. punishment

    (8:03) - Real-world examples: Coinbase vs. Neutrogena

    (12:15) - The cost of punishment in the workplace

    (13:56) - The benefits of positive reinforcement

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    15 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 21 minutes 17 seconds
    Stop Letting Emotions Influence Your Behavior | Ep 159

    “Unless that person is asking for help, then me indulging in that emotion often doesn't actually help.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) delves into how emotional behavior impacts workplace and personal relationships, highlighting the manipulation tactics of stress, sadness, and anger due to poor communication skills. She offers methods for fostering direct communication to reduce emotional manipulation and enhance productivity.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:41) - Understanding emotional manipulation

    (2:43) - Overcoming emotional reactions

    (6:17) - Example #1: Cranky employees and workload

    (9:34) - Example #2: Sadness as an attention-seeking tool

    (17:27) - Example #3: Anger as a manipulative tactic

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    12 July 2024, 5:30 pm
  • 27 minutes 36 seconds
    How a Fitness Contest Taught Me Business Skills | Ep 158

    “No goal will ever make me happy. The process of achieving the goal, that is what was worth it.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) shares valuable business insights drawn from her bikini competition experiences, emphasizing the role of practice, behavior, and clarity in goal-setting for achieving success. She provides an unconventional perspective on the importance of perseverance, work-life balance, networking with like-minded individuals, and maintaining integrity in the pursuit of ambitious business objectives.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:39) - Lesson 1: Life is not fair

    (6:38) - Lesson 2: Surround yourself with extraordinary people

    (11:43) - Lesson 3: Success is found in who you become

    (17:48) - Lesson 4: Behaviors dictate success, not thoughts

    (22:33) - Lesson 5: Clarity creates speed and success

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    10 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 19 minutes 38 seconds
    I Brainwashed Myself to be Rich | Ep 157

    “If you want to make more money, you need to be able to resist urges to spend or to give them money.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) shares critical strategies for wealth accumulation, including the importance of speed in wealth creation and innovation through frugality. Learn from her journey to a net worth of over $100 million, as she emphasizes the need for a proactive money mindset to build and maintain wealth successfully.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:50) - Principle #1: Ignore advice from broke people

    (5:24) - Principle #2: Money loves speed, wealth loves time

    (7:25) - Principle #3: Money goes where attention flows

    (10:02) - Principle #4: Frugality drives innovation

    (13:33) - Principle #5: Always have an 'Oh Sh*t' fund

    (15:14) - Principle #6: Never rush financial decisions

    (18:29) - Mastering emotions around money

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    8 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 53 minutes 47 seconds
    Brutal Truths About Being a Women in Business | Ep 156

    “Hate is the price of success.” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) tackles misconceptions about gender-based disadvantages and emphasizes the importance of self-responsibility, skill development, and resilience. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, she encourages women to leverage their inherent advantages, manage emotions effectively, and integrate family and business life harmoniously.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (1:19) - Challenges and misconceptions in the workplace

    (4:55) - 1st: People disrespect you not for your gender

    (10:34) - 2nd: Your values can and will always conflict

    (17:13) - 3rd: Being treated differently ≠ being treated unfairly

    (20:52) - 4th: People will still discredit you no matter what

    (27:20) - 5th: Lots of men will hate you for winning

    (31:57) - 6th: Learning how to say no

    (38:23) - 7th: Being underestimated is not a disadvantage

    (43:22) - 8th: Letting your emotions become an excuse for your behavior

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    5 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 11 minutes 54 seconds
    The Consequences of Unsupportive Relationships | Ep 155

    “What you're willing to do to help somebody become the best version of themselves?” Today, Leila (@LeilaHormozi) explores the crucial aspect of balancing personal ambitions with marital goals, emphasizing the importance of mutual goal alignment for a successful and supportive relationship. She underlines how selecting a partner who complements and supports your aspirations can significantly impact personal happiness and professional success.

    Welcome to Build where we talk about the lessons I have learned in scaling big businesses, gaining millions in sales, and helping our portfolio companies do the same. Buckle up, because we’re creating an unshakeable business.


    (0:40) - Creative solutions for balancing goals in marriage

    (1:55) - Conflicting goals: when love isn't enough

    (3:11) - The impact of choosing the wrong partner

    (10:08) - The importance of picking the right person

    (11:09) - Redefining love and support in relationships

    Follow Leila Hormozi’s Socials:

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    3 July 2024, 9:00 am
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