learning English every day
Is she turning towards you or away from you , no one can agree . She is a mysterious subject of (Dutch ) master Jan Vermeer’s, girl with the pearl earring . A painting (often referred to ) as the mona lisa of the north . Belong to a (Dutch ) styles of the (idealized ) ,sometimes overly (expressive ) paintings (known as tronies ) . The girl with the pearl earring, has the allure and subtlety characteristic of Vermeer’s work. Vermeer’s treatment of light and shadow , (or chiaroscuro ) ,uses (a dark flat) background to (further spotlight her three dimensionality , instead of being like a set piece , in a (theatrical narrative ) scenes she become a psychological subject, her eye contact and slightly (parted) lips , as if she is about say something , draw us into her gaze .
Dutch 荷兰的
idealized 理想化的
tronies 特写肖像画
chiaroscuro 明暗对比法
theatrical 戏剧化的
narrative 记叙文的
gaze 凝视
Trauma , is an experience that is constructed like any other experience os constructed . That is doesn’t trivialize , that just shows you the real power of predictions in the economy of your everyday life . What’s happening when (an adverse ) experience become traumatic ? The brain is weighing that experience very heavily in its future predictions . From (a metabolic ) standpoints ,it’s always better to predict and correct than it is to react, the traumatic event is re-experienced again and again and again , which only strengthen those connections and only make those predictions more likely in the future , the reason why a brain would do this is to avoid missing a threat .
trivialize 重要的
It’s just fun and gorgeous , and it’s (see through ) so we can see each other ,all the barbies in their own barbie dream houses wake up in the morning , and then can wave at each other .
This is a product of so many discussions , so many references , I can’t even tell you the meeting we’ve had about the pink . We sat with all these difference kinds of pinks and we were like what is pink ,how does the pink interact . Because we didn’t want it to be so classy that it didn’t . When I was a litter girl , I like the pinkest brightest thing . Because barbie was invented in 1959 , and it felt like we can ground everything in that look , 1950 soundstage musicals. (Gene Kelly ) or (Vincente Minnelli) ,like those kind of wonderful fake but emotionally ) artificial spaces . One thing that those soundstage musical did so well were beautiful artificial skies . There is a sort of surrealness of the (gradation) of the color
You can light (them into these intense colors ,you can light pink and orange form the bottle ,the blue from the top , you can really go (kind of expressionistic ) with it
surrealness. 超现实
gradation 渐变层次
expressionistic 表现主义
I am from new York , and my favorite comfort food is grilled cheese , growing up as a picky eater , (grilled cheese ) was the number 1 thing that I could get from every single family member and every single restaurant . And It be almost the exact same every single time . It reminds me of being best friend with my mom .
My favorite comfort food is congee , a type of rice porridge , there are also many different types of congee . And I’ve had it plain . with dried scallops ,with preserved egg and salted pork, and just whitefish .growing up , my mother would make this for breakfast somedays ,and she will also make it for me when I was sick , and I couldn’t keep any solid foods down .
My favorite comfort food is Lahmajun, it is a thin flatbread , almost like pizza , that’s (enjoyed in and ) around the middle east . It’s typically made by taking small dough balls and flatting them into really thin pieces , and them it’s topped with beef or lamb , some vegetables ,and spices , and then it cooked in oven for just a few minutes . My family and I typically buy a dozen or so of them from Armenia bakeries or grocery stores here in LA , because they make them really tasty
plain 清淡的
scallops 干贝
flatbread 小面包干
Flat 平坦的
oven 烤炉
Watching a kitten fumbling around , it might feel as if you’ve never encountered anything so devastatingly adorable in your mortal live . But you may also feel the conflicting urge to squeeze or smush the kitten . This urge which phycologists call cute aggression ,is a surprisingly common one estimate to affect about a half of all adults . Cut aggression is importantly not link to the actual intention to do harm, instead it seems to result from emotional overload . Some scientist think the cute things (elicited) such positive emotions from certain people ,that the experiences becomes overwhelming . They hypothesize that sightly aggressive discordant thoughts ,are the brain’s way of putting the brake on, and regulating those intense feelings , not getting you to actually eat a kitten .
elicited 引出
hypothesize 假设
estimate to affect 估计影响
discordant 不和谐的
Diet is the behavior that’s been studied the most in terms of trying to affect thing like aging and longevity.
There really three components of diet that seem to be impacting aging :
So the first is. How much we eat , the second is what we eat , and the third is when we eat .
So in terms of how much we eat , a lot of science went into this idea of caloric restriction . Caloric restriction isn’t a starvation .it’s usually just about a 20 precent reduction in the overall caloric intake . The other thing , that has been study , is this concept of what we eat , a lot of research has gone into whether things like plant-based diet are actually beneficial to aging and longevity, there seems to be some evidence ,that eating less animal products , more fruit ,veggies , more wholefoods ,it’s going to be better overall .
But what scientists found , is actually fasting can (con mimic ) some of the benefits , that we’ve seen with (caloric restriction ) , so if people can perhaps minimize their eating to a small window , we think (that this can actually recapitulate ) a lot of benefits , that we are saying in the caloric restriction studies .
In all those very different contexts ,one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success . And it wasn’t social (intelligences ), wasn’t good looks , physical health , and it wasn’t IQ . It was grit . Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals . So far the best idea I’ve heard about building grit in kids , is something called growth (mindset ) ,this is an idea developed at sanford university by (Carol Dweck ) . And it is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed .that it can change with your effort . Doctor (Dweck ) had shown that when kids read and learn about the brain . And how it changes and grows in response to challenge , they are must more likely to preserver when they fail. Because they don’t believe that failure is permanent condition
Creamy , rich new York style cheesecake is one of the city’s most iconic desserts , the simple cheesecake recipe calls for cream-cheese ,sugar and eggs . At each spot ,we will be judging based of the three qualities .
The filling , it should be smooth , (creamy ) and light.
The topping , it should add the refreshing brightness to a rich cheese cake .
The crust ,if there is a crust , it should add texture and flavor to the overall cheese cake .
Ok ,that I can get so down with, I really like that one , it’s sweet and tart, and I think I just prefer more like a fruit on my cheesecake , the plain is good ,but this like next level .
For someone who doesn’t like cheesecake , yeah ,they should eat this .
I like also, how it taste almost like a meringue, because they whip (their egg white ) a lot ,so it’s fluffier , not so dense .
meringue 蛋白霜 蛋白酥
Dense 浓稠
fluffier 轻柔
Tart 酸的
Plain 无装饰的
Iconic 象征性的
The fashion fad that could improve your mood , the hashtag dopamine dressing , now has over 95 million (views) on tiktok and is inspiring people to go bold .
what exactly dose dopamine dressing means
So dopamine dressing actually plays into the psychology of color . And how wearing and seeing these different fun bright color can actually create a release of dopamine in our brain , which actually is chemical responsible for happiness and just feeling good overall ,so we can basically lean to in difference color categories ,depending on what we want to manifest and how we want to feel .
I love anything manifesting .so let’s us start with these pink and red ,these really bright colors .
Yes , red as category itself , really represent strength ), and love and confidence . Yellow and Orange actually stands for happiness ,joy ,and it’s inviting ,it’s warm , Green and blue over all stand for peace , (tranquility) and good health .
Willow has been here at the prospect park zoo for about three years, she is pretty great gregarious ,charismatic ,obviously ,very cute . She is just a lot of fun to work with . In the wild , red pandas would spend a lot of time up in trees , red pandas are endangered so it’s important that we breed them to help keep our population in zoo’s healthy . We were able to successfully ultrasound her and confirm that there is at least one cub there , the vet wasn’t sure how many ,so we’re just waiting to see .
Red pandas have what’s called delayed implantation ,delay implantation is when a fertilized egg lies in a dormant state , and is to be an implanted later when the situation is right for that species .
So we don’t have know exactly when that happens ,that’s why we don’t have an exact date for birth .
Habitat destruction is really impacting, red panda is in particular .so To have a birth of a red panda is really important .
Charismatic 有魅力的
delayed implantation 延迟着陆
ultrasound 超声 超声波
fertilized 已受精的
US emissions fell during the height of the (pandemic ) as people were stuck at home and they are far fewer vehicle on the road ,but that changed as (the pandemic) east ,And new report in this week shows emissions rose again by a small (amount ) last year , many researchers , scientists or lawmakers are argues that American need to reduce their use of fossil fuels , much sooner than they may have planned . Miles O’Brien is back with a look at (alternative ) for home heating , that could proves useful and reduce the costs of fossil fuels .
A super efficient ,economical all electric home ,it can be done
Welcome to (mark )’s home in Stanford California , built in 2013, it’s way to (fully practice ) what he (preaches ).
We have solar on the roof , electric heat Pumps , an electric heat pumps water heater it’s forcing myself to just use only electricity
Would you declare this as a success ?
It’s way beyond what I expected , I actually produce 20% more electricity than I consume .
preaches 布道 宣传
Pandemic 疫情
vehicle 交通工具
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