Launch with Jamie Ivey and Lisa Whittle

Ivey Media Podcasts

Launching your kid into the world is no joke, whether you're sending your kid to kindergarten or off to college. Some days we wonder if we’ve done anything right. One thing is for sure- we all want to do it well. Jamie and Lisa are here to help in your parenting journey, never perfect, always honest and in the trenches with you. They are experienced but not experts. Let’s launch together!

  • 29 minutes 32 seconds
    BONUS EPISODE: Mothers & Sons with Lisa and Addison Bevereever

    Friends we hope you have loved Season 2 of Launch! We are so thankful to be on this parenting journey with you and we hope you've been as encouraged as we have from the incredible guests we've had on the show. 

    Today we wrap up season two with one last bonus episode! My good friends Lisa and her son Addison Bevere join us today to talk all about parenting and the relationship between mothers and sons. Lisa is a minister and a best selling author. Along with her husband, John, Lisa is the co-founder of Messenger International, a ministry committed to providing discipleship resources to every person regardless of where they live, what language they speak, or what their financial position looks like. Addison Bevere is currently the COO of Messenger International along with being an author, husband, father, and all around family man!

     Lisa gives us such a transparent and honest look into her own upbringing and challenges she had to overcome to break unhealthy cycles. Addison shares an encouraging word on how his mother's humbleness and ability to apologize turned tough moments into experiences of connection and growth! This episode is so encouraging for everyone!

     Head on over to wherever you listen to podcasts and give us a rating and review. This helps us reach more people and in turn, encourage more parents around the world! 


    Messenger International

    Lisa Bevere

    Addison Bevere

    27 June 2023, 10:00 am
  • 31 minutes 27 seconds
    BONUS EPISODE: Mothers & Daughters with Chrystal Hurst and Kariss Fariss

    The mother daughter bond can be so special and unique. Though this bond may vary in different seasons and may even be complex depending on personalities, we believe it’s possible with God to have an irreplaceable mother daughter relationship. 

    On today’s episode, Jamie sits down with mother daughter duo Chrystal Hurst and Kariss Farris. Chrystal is a wife, homeschooling mother of 5, speaker, writer, podcaster, and more! Chrystal’s oldest daughter Kariss is a wife, mother of 4, wedding photographer, business owner, speaker, and writer! Both of these women come from a long legacy of godly mothers and grandmothers and have so much wisdom to share! Chrystal shares how so many circumstances in her life have come to pass because of her mother speaking life and truth into her, even when it wasn’t pretty! Kariss is currently in the trenches with little ones and has a word of encouragement for moms that we all need to hear! 

    Maybe you’re at home feeling like you’re drowning with littles. Or maybe you’re going through the teen years and fighting for a good relationship with your daughter. I pray this episode reminds you that you’re not alone, you’re doing the best you can, and God is with you and for you! 

    20 June 2023, 10:00 am
  • 35 minutes 52 seconds
    Expanding Your Kids World View with David Platt

    There are roughly 3 billion people in the world who don't have access to the Gospel. As a parent, how would you feel if your son or daughter wanted to take the good news to the nations? 

    Sharing a biblical worldview with our children is so important as followers of Christ, yet often times feels scary as a parent. Out of fear we keep our kids from knowing the dark parts of world. We shield them from poverty, those who are incarcerated, or simply those who are just "different" from us. How could our families look different and how could the hearts of our children transform if we were to learn together how to serve the least of these in our very own communities? 

    Today's expert is David Platt, husband, father of 4, and lead evangelical pastor at McLean Church. David has written numerous books on faith and is the founder of Radical, an equipping program helping Christians and churches develop and focus on the importance of spreading the gospel. He confronts the hard reality of the current state of our society and focuses everything back to the truth of the gospel. In today's episode David challenges parents to ask this question: Are we discipling or disinfecting our kids? Wondering what that means? Listen now and get ready to be challenged! 

    13 June 2023, 10:00 am
  • 32 minutes 58 seconds
    Time Management with Crystal Paine

    Have you ever felt guilt over the time you haven’t spent with your kids because of work? Have you worried if you’re not spending enough time with them? Today Lisa and Jamie discuss one of the hardest topics in today’s parenting climate, time management. You’ll hear how two working moms with multiple kids have learned to manage their “yeses” and “noes” and how they became comfortable with asking for help! 

    The Money Saving Mom, Crystal Paine is today’s expert. Crystal is a wife, mom of 6, best selling author and podcaster. Crystal’s newest book is The Time-Saving Mom and her passion is to help women everywhere live with purpose and joy! 

    Time is a gift from God and he will never call you to more things than the time you have. Let’s work together to ensure we’re pouring our time into the things that will matter 25 years from now! This conversation will challenge you to look at how your extra-curricular activities align with family values and will encourage you to make changes that work for the harmony of your family!



    Connect with Crystal

    Money Saving Mom

    Crystal Paine Show

    The Time-Saving Mom

    6 June 2023, 10:00 am
  • 30 minutes 1 second
    The Longest Relationship - Siblings with Catherine Garza

    There’s nothing more that every parent wants than for their kids to be friends with one another - but how does sibling rivalry turn into friendship? Today Jamie and Lisa discuss the intentionality it takes to help cultivate a culture of friendship amongst your kids. From sharing rooms, to having their own text chats, and having different friend groups, Jamie and LIsa share with us the language they use and their expectations for the way their kids treat each other.  

    Today’s expert is Jamie’s dear friend Catherine Garza. She is a wife and mom of 4 children, and 2 daughter in laws and she's the perfect friend to text when you have those hard questions. Catherine discusses how she taught her children how to become friends through teaching empathy, teaching how to sincerely apologize, and how to forgive one another. 

    At the end of the day we surrender our kids to God and trust Him with the process. Our kids may not be best friends, but it is possible for them to have a close relationship that outlasts the parent relationship!

    30 May 2023, 10:00 am
  • 45 minutes 29 seconds
    The Hard Truth About Race in America with Shanera Williamson

    Racism is a difficult and uncomfortable topic to discuss, but nonetheless an important topic for us as parents to talk about with our children. Are you afraid of exposing them to too much? Are you afraid of not knowing what to say? Today Lisa and Jamie share their experiences with their children and share practical and natural ways this topic can be integrated into your family conversations. 

    Shanera Williamson, host of Brown Mama Bear Podcast joins us as today’s expert. Shanera is also a wife and mom of three adult daughters. Brown Mama Bear Podcast is about her experience raising her daughters in a predominately white circle. Shanera is used to the tough conversations that we must have with our children living in the society we do today. The mission of her podcast is to support parents in the topic of race by providing tips, encouragement, and sharing her own experiences.

    As always, we appreciate you leaning in and learning with us!


    Brown Mama Bear Podcast

    Be the Bridge

    A huge THANK YOU to Launch's partners who made this season possible:

    Find Your Christian College
    Aro – (use code LAUNCH for one free month)
    Light Speaks Loudest – (use code JAMIE10 for 10% off)

    23 May 2023, 10:00 am
  • 43 minutes 2 seconds
    Keeping Our Marriage Healthy with Josh and Christi Straub

    Picture this: you’re standing in the kitchen knocking out your daily chores. Your spouse is sitting on the back patio reading. All the kids are young adults and out of the house. Do you recognize the person in the kitchen? Are you friends with the person sitting on the patio? We hear it all the time, the kids were the one connection point in your marriage and now that they’re gone, so is that connection. Today Lisa and Jamie discuss what we can do in the thick of parenting today that can help us not get to that place in the future! 

    Today’s experts are Dr. Josh and Christy Straub from the Famous At Home podcast that focuses on emotional and family wellness. They also author two children’s books called What Am I Feeling and What Do I Do With Worry? Josh and Christy share how it's so much more important to dive into the hearts of one another rather than dive into the schedule of the week, budget, what the kids are doing, etc. What is going on in each other’s hearts matters more than what’s going on between the two of you. 

    Please know that what every marriage needs and is able to get will look different from couple to couple, and will look different in various seasons of parenting. Josh and Christy challenge us with a 15 minute exercise that every couple can do to continue building the marriage that will outlast the kids in your home! 

    Check out the link below to view Jamie and Aaron Ivey’s resource for healthy marriages and use the code MARRIAGE to get $10 off!  Thanks for listening!



    Famous At Home

    Complement: The Surprising Beauty of Choosing Together Over Separate In Marriage

    16 May 2023, 10:00 am
  • 40 minutes 31 seconds
    Who Will Teach These Kids with Holly Knight

    Public school, private school, or homeschooling? When you become a parent no one tells you how hard this decision will be when you have to make it for your innocent 5 year old baby! Today Jamie and Lisa hash out this debate in a judgment free zone! They challenge all of us to respect other family’s decisions and to give back to our community no matter what school you choose.

    Mom of 5, Holly Knight is our expert for the day. Not only did Holly attend public school, private school, and homeschool as a child, her kids have also experienced all three throughout her parenting journey. Holly encourages us to be open minded to what your child needs in different seasons of their life and encourages us to not make decisions based on other’s expectations.

    Just a friendly reminder, no matter which option you choose for your child, God is faithful yesterday, today, and forever!



    Holly Knight

    Stubborn Obedience

    9 May 2023, 10:00 am
  • 33 minutes 25 seconds
    Are We Friends? with Lysa TerKeurst

    One of the most fun things about parenting is that you’re raising your future best friends! Today Jamie and Lisa discuss the complexities of parenting our kids and what it looks like to be their friend. Lisa shares great insight on how parenting and being a friend isn’t necessarily a one time shift, but instead a percentage of different seasons. Jamie challenges us to be realistic in our expectations and not to put pressure on our kids to be our friend! 

    Lysa TerKurst, best-selling author, teacher, and mother to five adult children shares with us feedback from her children on how to respect your adult children’s boundaries, while also being a present friend. 

    This episode is a challenging one as we take a hard look at our own desires and intentions and learn how to balance parenting and friendship! Thanks for listening and share with a friend!



    Lysa TerKeurst

    2 May 2023, 10:00 am
  • 41 minutes 36 seconds
    Show Me the Money with Rachel Cruze

    We’ve all heard it said, or have said it ourselves, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” But too often as adults we mismanage it like it does! What does it look like to steward our money like it really is a gift from the Lord? What about our life would need to change for us to be givers of our money? Today Jamie and Lisa share their own mistakes with money, how they handle money with their kids, and questions they still have surrounding teaching their kids stewardship. 

    Rachel Cruze joins us as today’s expert. Rachel is a Ramsey Solution Financial Coach and is passionate about helping people get out of debt, take control of their money, build wealth, and have fun in the process. Rachel shares how shame, disappointment, mistakes, and regrets keep parents from teaching their kids about money, when in actuality, it should be those very things that motivate you to set your kids on a different path! She shares with us the importance of contentment and the difference between owning nice things, and nice things owning you! 

    Whether you’ve been saving since you were 16 years old, or you're in your 40’s with no budget, it’s never too late to learn new habits and manage your God-given gifts in a way that honors Him! 


    Rachel Cruze

    Ramsey Solutions

    25 April 2023, 10:00 am
  • 35 minutes 46 seconds
    Let's Talk About Bodies with Alisa Keeton

    First things first, we enter this topic as women and as mothers with sensitivity, grace, and more grace! 

    Talking about our bodies is complex! There are many radically different messages being communicated to women, our daughters, and even our sons, about their body. How do we as mother’s deal with our own issues with our body, while teaching our children a healthy view of theirs? Is it possible to teach our children to let go of shame, walk in confidence, and believe they are so much more than their bodies? These are the questions we try to answer today as we tackle God’s creation of body, mind, and spirit.

    Alisa Keeton joins us on today’s episode on how we worship and honor God with our bodies! Alisa is an author and speaker and passionate about educating and inspiring people to live healthy and whole lives in Christ. Through The Revelation Wellness program Alisa spreads the message of what it means to love God, get healthy, be whole, and love others. 

    As we said before, we enter this space with grace and the desire to grow in our love of Jesus and how he created us as a whole being. We’re in this together friends!

    10 Compliments That Have Nothing to do with Looks:

    1. You are brave.
    2. You are creative.
    3. You are a leader.
    4. You are capable.
    5. Your enthusiasm is infectious.
    6. You are a good friend.
    7. You are thoughtful.
    8. You are brilliant.
    9. You are powerful.
    10. You are a hard worker.



    The Body of Revelation: Physical and Spiritual Practices to Metabolize Pain, Banish Shame, and Connect to God with Your Whole Self

    Alisa Keeton

    18 April 2023, 10:00 am
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