Honest Homeopathy

Amelia Phipps

Amelia is a stay at home mama with a passion for natural health. This is her honest journey into the world of homeopathy. She is making it her mission to empower mamas everywhere to live their most natural lives. For questions or if you want to connect, email: [email protected] Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/honest-homeopathy/support

  • 11 minutes 23 seconds
    My Farewell Episode & Remedies for Change

    This week we will share the final episode of the Honest Homeopathy podcast. I am so thankful for the community that has been built around this podcast in the past two years. I hope you have enjoyed each episode. We now have 75 episodes full of homeopathy knowledge to grow from and share with others. I know this is a change but one that I believe will be a great one! Tune into this episode to learn about some great remedies to have on hand to help process the different types of change we encounter in our lives.

    I hope you have enjoyed the podcast. If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from.

    If you are interested in still following along on my journey check out my blog where you can access all of my homeopathy content as well as more great content about homemaking and minimalism. I hope to see you there!


    13 November 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 48 seconds
    My Latest Remedy Haul + Upcoming Homeopathy Class

    This week I will be sharing my latest remedy haul. I will talk about all of the remedies I received in my latest order and how we used them in my home. I will share which remedies we have used in our home over the past week to help with sickness and mouth sores. Lastly, I will share info for my upcoming homeopathy class. Reserve your spot now!

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from. Be sure to reserve your spot in my upcoming Homeopathy Class beginning on November 2nd. ([email protected]) I hope to see you there. Thank you so much for listening, have a great week!

    Gateway to Practical Homeopathy Class Textbook: https://homeopathyworks.isrefer.com/go/GWI/MKumangai

    30 October 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 13 minutes 23 seconds
    Provings & Aggravations in Homeopathy

    This week we will be talking about proving and aggravations when using homeopathic medicines. Hopefully the information shared in this episode will bring some peace of mind. I will share which remedies we have used in our home over the past week to help with burns. Lastly, I share info for my upcoming homeopathy class. Reserve your spot now!

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from. Be sure to reserve your spot in my upcoming Homeopathy Class beginning on November 2nd. ([email protected]) I hope to see you there. Thank you so much for listening, have a great week!

    Gateway to Practical Homeopathy Class Textbook: https://homeopathyworks.isrefer.com/go/GWI/MKumangai

    Proving & Aggravation Article: https://www.esthershomeopathyclinic.com/homeopathic-aggravations-and-provings/

    23 October 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 19 minutes 31 seconds
    Cough Remedies + Homemade Elderberry Syrup

    This week we will be talking about the top remedies to have on hand for Coughs. Whether your cough is croupy or dry we will cover remedies for all of these types of coughs. I will share which remedies we have used in our home over the past week for heartburn and pimples. Lastly, I will share the recipe that I use in my home to make Elderberry Syrup. We will talk about the history and medicinal benefits of this amazing plant.

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from. Be sure to reserve your spot in my upcoming Homeopathy Class beginning on November 2nd. ([email protected]) I hope to see you there. Thank you so much for listening, have a great week!

    Gateway to Practical Homeopathy Class Textbook: https://homeopathyworks.isrefer.com/go/GWI/MKumangai

    The Elderberry Book: https://www.amazon.com/Elderberry-Book-Cultivate-Preserve-Homegrown/dp/0865719195/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+elderberry+book&qid=1697413954&sr=8-1

    4 cups of water

    1 cup of dried elderberries or 1 1/3 cups of fresh or frozen

    2 TBS grated ginger

    1.5 tsp cinnamon

    1/2 tsp ground cloves

    1 cup of raw honey

    To prepare the syrup you boil the water and add all of the other ingredients except the honey. Once the ingredients are boiling you will reduce to simmer for about 35 minutes. You will then remove from heat and cool, then strain the elderberries out and make sure to smash and squeeze all of the goodness out of the berries. After the mixture is completely cooled you can then mix in the honey. You do this in order to keep all of the beneficial bacteria in the honey alive as well. We store ours in the fridge and take a teaspoon every morning.

    Organic Elderberries: https://www.amazon.com/Frontier-Co-op-Organic-Dried-Elderberries/dp/B00RR27PHU/ref=sr_1_8?crid=GJ2HO849KBXI&keywords=organic+elderberries+dried+bulk&qid=1697413902&sprefix=organic+elderberries%2Caps%2C2086&sr=8-8

    Ginger Essential Oil: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/product/ginger-vitality

    Clove Essential Oil: https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/product/clove-vitality

    Honey: https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/product/food/sweeteners/honey/clover/honey-raw-clover/8558?package=SW011

    16 October 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 4 minutes 45 seconds
    Homepathy Class + $25 Bring a Friend Special

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from. If you leave a review, be sure to send me an email at [email protected] and I will send you my free homeopathy gift! Thank you so much for listening!


    10 October 2023, 10:33 pm
  • 18 minutes 25 seconds
    Bites & Burns + My Pantry Staples and Meal Plan for the Week

    This week we will be talking about the top remedies to have on hand for Bites & Burns. This will include remedies for insect bites, animal bites and more.  We will also talk about different types of burns such as scalds or sunburns.  I will share which remedies we have used in our home over the past week for smashed fingers and headaches.  Lastly, I will share the staple ingredients I keep in my kitchen pantry to help me make delicious, from scratch meals, at home for my family.  I will also share my meal plan for the week…seven meals that are primarily made from my kitchen pantry staples. I hope this information about the key ingredients we have in our pantry will inspire you to take a look at your own and to start creating some yummy, made from scratch meals. 

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from.  Be sure to send me an email if you leave a review and I will send you my free homeopathy gift! Thank you so much for listening!

    9 October 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 37 seconds
    Colds and Flus-Top Remedies
    This week we will be talking about the top remedies to have on hand for Colds and Flus.  I will also share which remedies we have used in our home over the past week for strains, sprains and back pain. Lastly, I will also share how you personally can get involved in protecting homeopathy by volunteering with American’s For Homeopathy Choice. If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from.  Be sure to send me an email and I will send you my free homeopathy gift! Thank you so much for listening! https://homeopathychoice.org/homeopathy-action-team/#/2/ https://homeopathychoice.org/homeopathy-action-team/#/2/
    2 October 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 11 minutes 18 seconds
    Head Injuries - Top Three Remedies to Have on Hand

    This week we will be talking about the top three remedies to have on hand for Head Injuries.  I will also share which remedies we have used in our home over the past week for our own head injuries and also how I was able to share homeopathy with some other Mama’s in my community.  Lastly, we will talk all about some new and exciting things that will be coming out from Honest Homeopathy.

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from.  Be sure to send me an email and I will send you my free homeopathy gift! Thank you so much for listening!


    25 September 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 12 minutes 52 seconds
    Hecla Lava for Toothaches & Azure Standard

    We will discuss our remedy of the week, HECLA LAVA and why the keyword to remember for this remedy is TOOTHACHES. The remedy Hecla Lava is known to help some specific issues involving pain in the mouth and jaw.  I will also share which remedies we have used in our home over the past week for chest congestion.  Lastly, we will talk all about the food distributor Azure Standard and share how you too can order wholesome and organic food from them to feed your family. 

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from.  Be sure to send me an email and I will send you my free homeopathy gift! Thank you so much for listening!



    11 September 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 14 minutes 42 seconds
    Sol for Sun Sensitivity and Natural Sunscreen Options

    We will discuss our remedy of the week, SOL and why the keywords to remember for this remedy are SUN SENSITIVITY. The remedy Sol is known to help some specific issues all having to do with the sun.  Some of these issues include skin cancers, skin disorders and sunburns. I will also share which remedies we have used in our home over the past week for a little virus.  Lastly, we will talk about non toxic skin care options for yourself and your family.  

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from.  Be sure to send me an email and I will send you my free homeopathy gift! Thank you so much for listening!





    4 September 2023, 12:00 pm
  • 3 minutes 21 seconds
    Summer Break :)

    I will be taking a break from the podcast from the Summer but will be back in the Fall. I hope you use this time to catch up on past episodes and learn all that you can about homeopathy. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments at [email protected].  I would love to hear from you and for us to journey together! 

    If you have benefited from this podcast please take a moment to rate and leave a review on whatever platform you are listening from.  Be sure to send me an email and I will send you my free homeopathy gift! Thank you so much for listening!

    26 June 2023, 12:00 pm
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