What happens when two friends who LOVE snacks & have mostly differing opinions enter the chat? Welcome to the weekly journey with Jami and Fallon, who love laughing as much as they love food. Follow along as they live their motto: Live. Laugh. Snack. Jami Crockett is a displaced West Coast girl living in Nashville, TN. She enjoys random pop culture trivia, all things snacks & beverages, and a good sleuthing mystery to solve. Fallon Klug is a Midwest girl making her way in the South by way of New York City. The way to her heart is back scratches and leftovers (and snacks, of course).
Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
As all good (and tasty) things must come to a close, today will be the last episode of The Snack Show. We have absolutely LOVED the past two years talking snacks with y'all and are celebrating YOU today by going back and sharing all our favorite moments, episodes, snacks, and people that made this show so great. And we are celebrating with superlatives! So grab a snack and join us for one last Snack of the Week. THANK YOU for being part of this snacking community -- we love you all!
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise.
Snack of the Week:
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Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
All hail to the Dairy Queen! We all know it and we all love it and she has so much to offer. On today's episode, we share about this history and all the amazing food and ice cream that DQ has to offer.
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise.
Dairy Queen:
Snack of the Week:
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Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
Christmas time is heeerrreee, advent calendars toooooo! Y'all, Advent calendars are a gift to us all especially the ones full of snacks! Today we review all of our favorite so you can be fully prepared with your own calendar this season. Let us know what you buy!
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise.
Advent Calendars:
Snack of the Week:
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Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
Happy National Homemade Bread Day!
Oprah famously shouted it out once but we are completely with her -- WE LOVE BREAD! On today's episode, we talk all our favorite types of bread -- both homemade and otherwise. Join us as we celebrate everybody's favorite carb.
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise.
Snack of the Week:
Big thank you to our sponsors:
Spotify for Podcasters: Download the Spotify for Podcasters app or go to www.spotify.com/podcasters to get started.
Nuts.com: Nuts.com is offering new customers a free gift with purchase and free shipping on orders of $29 or more at Nuts.com/snackshow.
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#bread #carbs #snacktime #snacking #snackideas #snackfaves #snackdebate #junkfood #food #snacksonsnacks #foodpics #foodstagram #foodlove #mofome #eatmoresnacks #teamjami #teamfallon
Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
We got to sit down with a fellow food lover and podcast host, Michael Ornelas from the Fine Dining podcast to hear about all his adventures at the most mediocre restaurants in America! Y'all, this episode is full of belly laughs that we know you will love. And make sure to go check out Michael's podcast, Fine Dining right after this episode!
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise!
Fine Dining:
Snack of the Week:
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Spotify for Podcasters: Download the Spotify for Podcasters app or go to www.spotify.com/podcasters to get started.
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Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
We are sitting down with Matt Moore, author of his newest cookbook Butcher on the Block. Today we hear all about the stories that make up this awesome beyond-a-cookbook book and of course, he shares some of his favorite recipes & food treats!
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise.
Snack of the Week:
Big thank you to our sponsors:
Spotify for Podcasters: Download the Spotify for Podcasters app or go to www.spotify.com/podcasters to get started.
Wear We Are: check out the show and make sure to subscribe!
Nuts.com: Nuts.com is offering new customers a free gift with purchase and free shipping on orders of $29 or more at Nuts.com/snackshow.
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Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
It's time to get exclusive as we talk snacks + food from your favorite membership-only store: Costco! They got food, they got clothes, they go cell phones, they got GOLD...the wishlist is endless and hilarious. Join us and make sure you share your favorite Costco items over on our Instagram @thesnackshowpod.
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise.
Costco + Kirkland Brand Snacks:
Snack of the Week:
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Spotify for Podcasters: Download the Spotify for Podcasters app or go to www.spotify.com/podcasters to get started.
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Welcome to The Snack Tank with Jami "Cuban" Crockett and Fallon "The Lady with Short-Hair" Klug. Today we will talk to three contestants who are going to share their favorite snack with us. At the end of the episode, we each will decide, do we promote their favorite snack or do we deny their favorite snack. This is Snack Tank.
Today's episode is available in video right in the Spotify podcast app or YouTube! So feel free to tune in & see our guests in all their visual snacking glory!
Love this show? Make sure you are subscribed and if you would, please leave us a rating & review! You're the best. Let us know your favorite snacks over at @thesnackshowpod!
As always, we invite you to follow us over on Instagram @thesnackshowpod and on Tik Tok @thesnackshowpod! We want to hear your favorite snacks!
#snacktank #combos #mikeandikes #injeracrisps #snacktime #snacking #snackideas #snackfaves #snackdebate #junkfood #food #snacksonsnacks #foodpics #foodstagram #foodlove #mofome #eatmoresnacks #teamjami #teamfallon
Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
As we sneak up to Halloween this month, we are taking the time to celebrate the goodness of a good mash! Step aside monsters, we are taking a Snacker Mash! On today's episode, we share some of the best snack mash-ups the snacking world has to offer -- everything from two ingredients that have never collided before to two brands that finally put down their swords and decided it was better to join forces in this snack-iverse! Join us and learn some new snacks to try this season!
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise.
Snack Mash-ups:
Dream mashups:
Snack of the Week:
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Spotify for Podcasters: Download the Spotify for Podcasters app or go to www.spotify.com/podcasters to get started.
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Welcome to The Snack Show with Jami Fallon!
Today is all about pudding. But what is it?! What is it not! We are welcome to all forms of pudding that claim to be. We even sneak into some Jell-O talk but that's enough spoiler there. Tune in to hear the history of pudding -- how it's transformed through out the year -- along with our favorites and new ones you may have never heard of. Thanks for listening! And join the conversation over on Instagram @thesnackshowpod
And don't forget: The Snack Show is on YOUTUBE! If you are wanting a visual component to add to your audio experience of The Snack Show and you are not on Spotify, please come join us now. It's a good time, we promise.
Snack of the Week:
Big thank you to our sponsors:
Spotify for Podcasters: Download the Spotify for Podcasters app or go to www.spotify.com/podcasters to get started.
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