Welcome to Two Bits, the American Numismatic Association’s podcast about the wonderful world of coins and currency. Enjoy wide-ranging discussions about numismatics, in a fun and engaging way. Host Doug Mudd has collected coins since the age of 10 and is currently interested in ancient coins, modern paper money, WWI and pre-19th century medals and coins. He was Collection Manager for the Smithsonian Institution’s National Numismatic Collection from 1991 to 2004 and has been the curator of the ANA’s Money Museum since 2004. Author of numerous numismatic lectures, exhibits and publications, he writes a regular column for The Numismatist and has been an ANA Summer Seminar instructor since 2002. He is also the author of the NLG award winning book All the Money in the World printed in 2006 by Harper Collins as part of Smithsonian books. Host Mitch Sanders is the author of the column "Getting Started" in The Numismatist magazine. A lifelong collector, his numismatic interests range from popular collectibles like Mercury Dimes and Franklin Halves to more esoteric items like Canadian Chartered banknotes and Swedish plate money. From 2003 to 2010 he served as a representative of the general public on the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee, and was committee chair from 2005 to 2009.
Join Doug and Mitch as they discuss the fundamental ingredient of coinage: metal. They consider the origins, histories, and properties of the metals used in coinage, and rank them according to how interesting their stories are. Find out why a small amount of gold goes a long way, and why silver is compelling even in a sometimes supporting role.
Join Doug and Mitch for the last in their series of podcasts about the Lincoln Cent. join them as they discuss the action-packed years of 2009-2010, which featured four commemorative reverses and a new, permanent reverse. Find out about their compliments, and a few nitpicks, for the latest examples of this century-old coin.
Join Doug and Mitch as they discuss a coin that has been touched by so many people since 1959: the Lincoln Memorial Cent. They describe the artistry of the coin (and the Memorial itself), varieties in the series, and the details of changes in the coin's composition. Find out how this classic coin has rolled with the changes!
Join Doug and Mitch as they kick off Season 2 of Two Bits with a discussion of the coin that started so many numismatists on their hobby journey: the Lincoln Cent. They explain the coin’s historical origins, the controversy and jealousy that accompanied its debut, and the coveted mistakes that are part of the series. Find out why the humble cent is such a compelling collectible!
Virtual exhibit: 1943 and 1944 cents (https://www.money.org/money-museum/virtual-exhibits/1943-1944cents)
Join Doug and Mitch for Part 2 of their numismatic literature roundup as they discuss more favorite works from overviews to deep dives. Find out how these great books can inform and inspire your collecting pursuits! Books discussed include:
Ancient Coin Collecting (Volumes I to VI) by Wayne Sayles
Vatican City Coins 1929-1979 by Peter Jencius
Coins of the World by R.A.G. Carson
Join Doug and Mitch as they discuss some contemporary and classic works of numismatic literature, with subjects ranging from compelling moments in American history to the vast array of worldwide issues. Find out why Doug's book is one of Mitch's favorites!
All The Money In The World by Doug Mudd
The Early Paper Money of America by Eric P. Newman
In God We Trust by William Bierly
Join Doug and Mitch as they discuss Augustus Saint-Gaudens and his gold double eagle. They describe his monumental sculptural work, his vital role in the Renaissance of American Coinage, and the challenges involved in making his coins a reality. Find out how the determination of Theodore Roosevelt and the artistry of Augustus Saint-Gaudens combined to create an American masterpiece!
Join Doug and Mitch for our latest episode of Two Bits and our first celebrity interview. We have a conversation with Ken Bressett about his long career in the hobby, including his role as editor of the Red Book, his many publications and his unexpected adventures, including numismatic scuba diving!? Find out how a flavored beverage launched the collecting pursuits of one of the best known numismatists of our time!
Join Doug and Mitch as they discuss the history, economics, and artistry of coinage in the Greek world. They also offer suggestions for starting an affordable collection of these ancient artifacts and review some recommended reference works. Find out why ancient Greek coins are still fascinating after 2,500 years!
Join Doug and Mitch as they delve into the origins of coinage of the ancient world. They discuss the challenges of the barter system, the spread of metallic standards, and the invention of coinage as we know it. Find out why it's easier to make change for a coin than for a cow!
Join Doug and Mitch for a discussion that ranges from the silver mines of the Old West to the halls of government in Washington DC and beyond (including the land of Oz), recounting the economic and political forces behind Morgan and Peace Dollars. Find out about all of the historical twists and turns involving these popular collectibles!
For information about collecting Morgan and Peace Dollars, check out Collecting and Investing in Morgan Dollars: A Comprehensive Approach, by John Baumgart and Michael S. Fey, Ph.D., part of the ANA's eLearning Academy (ANA eLearning Academy Recorded Webinars)