Ghost Stories with Anjelah

Actress and Comedian Anjelah Johnson-Reyes has a dark side.  Entertainer by day, but at night she’s binge watching murder documentaries and stories about the paranormal.  Ghost Stories with Anjelah is a podcast dedicated to real life stories & encounters that are out-of-this-world.  Each episode Anjelah features a variety of special guests & co-hosts ranging from celebrity friends to avid fans.  Do YOU have a ghost story that you want to share live?  Submit yours now at  This podcast also premieres LIVE on your favorite social media channels including Facebook & YouTube.  See you on the other side.

  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    12: Ghost Stories with Anjelah- Ep 12
    Special Guest: Psychic Medium AJ Barrera

    Check out my website for dates to see if I'll be performing close to you. I would love to see you at one of the shows!

    and feel free to add me, like me, or follow me on my other social sites. :)
    4 April 2024, 3:32 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    8: Ghost Stories with Anjelah Ep. 8
     This week we heard about a creepy dormitory that was previously a convent house, a spirit throwing a man against a wall, and a ghost rearranging furniture. Thank you all for joining!

    Check out my website

    and feel free to add me, like me, or follow me on my other social sites. :)
    3 April 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    7: Ghost Stories With Anjelah ep. 7
    This was the best episode yet! Thank you to @momorodriguez for being our special and only guest this episode. Our convo was so good we didn’t even get to take callers! And I got a special message from my gramma. 🥰 #GhostStoriesWithAnjelah

    and feel free to add me, like me, or follow me on my other social sites. :)
    2 April 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    6: Ghost Stories With Anjelah Ep.6
    This week my friend Justin Martindale told us A crazy premonition story that might have saved his life. I shared my own premonition story and we heard about a little girl ghost in the stairs, a grinding teeth ghost, and a shortcut through a cemetery story that this woman will never forget. #GhostStoriesWithAnjelah
    1 April 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    5: Josh Wolf Tells Us 2 Creepy Stories!
    My friend @joshwolfcomedy shared 2 creepy stories of a haunted hotel and a demonic growl, plus we had a baby with no soul, a 2-year-old playing with a ghost, a weird blob of energy in a cemetery and a few more! #GhostStoriesWithAnjelah

    Check out my website for dates to see if I'll be performing close to you. I would love to see you at one of the shows!

    and feel free to add me, like me, or follow me on my other social sites. :)
    29 January 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    4: Katie Cazorla has an LA Ghost Story!
    Tonight my friend @officialkatiecazorla shared with us a creepy story of her first LA apartment... she lasted 1 month there and left! We had a grandma ghost who leaves treats and we learn that New Yorkers ain’t afraid of no ghost. Lol Thank you to all my callers who joined and shared a personal ghost story and thanks to everyone who watched live! Leave me a comment below if you have a story you would like to share! #ghoststorieswithanjelah

    Check out my website for dates to see if I'll be performing close to you. I would love to see you at one of the shows!

    and feel free to add me, like me, or follow me on my other social sites. :)
    28 January 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 1 hour 50 seconds
    3: Camille Guaty has a Ghost Story!
    Thank you to my special guest @camilleguaty for telling her story with thunder sound effects and everything! Thank you to everyone who joined #GhostStoriesWithAnjelah! Leave me a comment below if you have a scary story and i may pick you to go live next time!

    Check out my website for dates to see if I'll be performing close to you. I would love to see you at one of the shows!

    and feel free to add me, like me, or follow me on my other social sites. :)
    27 January 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    2: Gabrielle Ruize has a Childhood Ghost Story!
    Another fun episode in the books! Thank you to my special guest @gabrielleruiz and everyone who told a story! Thank you all for watching and commenting, this was so fun!! #GhostStoriesWithAnjelah

    Check out my website for dates to see if I'll be performing close to you. I would love to see you at one of the shows!

    and feel free to add me, like me, or follow me on my other social sites. :)
    26 January 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 56 minutes 38 seconds
    19: Haunted Cemeteries, Castles & Basements
    This week on #GhostStoriesWithAnjelah we are joined with a very special guest; comedian Frankie Quinones and two fan submissions.  Last week we had a crazy moment where a "disembodied voice" interrupted one of our stories... we'll be replaying that in a later episode...

    Frankie Q:  My story is from when I lived in San Francisco with my cousin and a couple other homies. In a house that was built in the early 1900’s. Had a creepy basement and everything. Everybody who’s lived there has a story or two but I always thought it was exaggerated. Until I was home alone for a week and shit got real. 😳

    Micah – Micah is a magician who has performed at The Magic Castle in Hollywood. He has stories about ghosts at the Magic Castle.

    Sean – During the Orbs of Oahu Ghost Tour he volunteered to go into the Spirit Portal and had visions and visits from both of his deceased grandfathers.

    #GhostStories #Paranormal
    5 May 2021, 1:30 am
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
    18: Wow! A disembodied voice on this episode!!!
    #GhostStoriesWithAnjelahwith​ Special Guest "Exotic" and 2 Fan Submissions 

    Exotic: There’s 2 entities that have been with me my entire life. Only a couple people have seen them with me over the years. I spoke with one lady who believes deeply in spirituality and energies and entities and she told me some deep shit that freaked me out myself. 

    I’ve been woken up out of my sleep on about 3 occasions in my life by spirits.

    My first encounter ever was a VERY dark spirit in my grandmothers house.

    One of the entities that is “always with me” popped up behind my reflection of my micro wave when I closed my door literally like a scary movie scene. 

    I also believe I’ve communicated in my sleep with 2 family members that have passed away.

    Wendi Flores – Grew Up  in a haunted house. Some of her experiences were:
    So growing up we lived in this older house. For a while my room was in the basement. I would see a shadow person walk past our door pretty regularly. One night my cat was sleeping with me and I woke up to him being pulled away, not walking ... pulled... when I woke up he (the cat) was looking at me  like wtf ...and I saw this shadow hand move down the wall next to my bed. I was so used to seeing things that it didn't scare me, I even looked under my bed.  

    Another time, my sister and I were playing in another part of the basement and I was walking backwards away from her (we were actually probably fighting) lol... and it felt like I bumped into someone... I turned around and was 2 feet from the wall and no one was there. 

    Another story, I moved my room upstairs at one point.  I had put my brush on my made bed. When I came back a few minutes later, it was gone.. I was looking everywhere for it. I blamed my siblings and they all promised they didn't touch it. This actually happened a lot. I went back into my room a little while later and it was back on my bed.   Things happened so frequently, things moved, and the only time I was scared is when I was walking up the stairs from the basement. I felt like I had to run up them.

    When I was in Elementary school we had a craft day where we made paper mache crafts. I crafted this crazy looking demon thing, almost the same size as me. And named him George. He became my new friend... because I had named the shadow guy George and he was my 'imaginary friend.'

    I grew up in a very strict Christian home, so when my mom found out about George, the pranks and the shadow figures. She had a pastor from the church come pray over our house, she prayed for deliverance over our house and us children. 

    It didn't change much really. Other than making her feel better. 
    21 April 2021, 3:50 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    17: Fortune Feimster's Mom Left her HOME ALONE with Ghosts!
    #GhostStoriesWithAnjelah​ - Ep. 16

    Special Guest Fortune Feimster and three fans join the podcast.

    FORTUNE : So i've never seen a ghost. I just feel energy. My house growing up was very old. Built in the late 1800's. It always had a weird energy and I never felt settled there. Years later I was casually talking with my mom about that house and she said it was the most haunted house she's ever lived in. I was like excuse me? She said for years she heard things like footprints upstairs or walking up and down the stairs. She'd get up and everyone would be sound asleep. She'd hear doors slam. She was like I hated being in that house. I was like why didn't you tell me? and why didn't we move? It finally ended because she got fed up one night when she was alone and she yelled out to the ghost, "If you don't leave this house, I am calling Duke University and having their paranormal department (or whatever it's called) come and get you out." And she said she never heard from it again. Then we ended up selling that house and it's gone on the market about every five years so we think it may still be haunted. 

    Anita  – She is a teacher and local ghost tour owner in New Braunfels, TX. She has many amazing ghost stories that happened to her personally and also from local legend. She was supposed to be on the show in Dec, but couldn’t attend. We bumped her from the last show as well due to time restraints. 

    Araceli and Mathias Banks- They are a husband and wife who once they moved in together started experiencing strange things in their house. A few things were Christian music randomly blasting throughout the house, colored pencils on the floor that spelled out Hi, drawings on mirrors, weird sounds, things going missing, sightings of a little girl. Video attached is from Mathias. He was in the bathroom, listening to music and his suit that was hanging up started moving. There was no air blowing near the suit and no reason for it to be moving that way. Bumped from the last show due to time restraints. 

    Aria Trueblood – Experiences over the past 5 years with sleep paralysis and visitations from people who may have died in 3 separate locations where she has lived. 

    7 April 2021, 1:30 am
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