A violent, white supremacist ideology is spreading around the world, with believers trying to create chaos, in order to seize control. When recruitment posters for a group calling itself The Base start to appear in Manitoba, Winnipeg Free Press journalist Ryan Thorpe decides to go undercover...and infiltrate. Ryan meets with a Canadian Armed Forces reservist trying to establish a local neo-Nazi cell, and discovers that he is planning attacks and destruction abroad. This six-part series follows the extraordinary case through Ryan’s perspective as an infiltrator - while host Michelle Shephard, a veteran national security journalist, explores the rise of white supremacist accelerationism.
Fraud. Abduction. Murder. Every week, Crime Story host and investigative journalist Kathleen Goldhar goes deep into a tale of true crime with the storyteller who knows it best. From the reporter who exposed Bill Cosby, to the writer who solved one of Australia’s most chilling cold cases — Crime Story guests include: Gilbert King (Bone Valley), Eric Benson (Project Unabomb), Carole Fisher (The Girlfriends), and many more. In this episode, Michelle Shephard joins Kathleen to discuss her new and intensely personal documentary called The Perfect Story. More episodes are available at: https://link.chtbl.com/-p9G_pHX
Patrik Mathews could be facing up to 25 years in prison for U.S. firearm offences. His and others’ arrests may have destroyed the appeal of accelerationist groups like The Base — but where is the movement heading now? For transcripts of this series, please visit: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/podcastnews/white-hot-hate-transcripts-listen-1.6226840
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