Bud and the News, Carl recaps his latest GT, and we learn a lot about the month of February.
We're talking last weekend's Nashville teams tourney. We got the TO's and player's perspective from Jacob and Bud respectively.
Ridge joins Tristan for a quickie recap of his time at Clash.
The return of Bud and the News, a little tournament roundup, mixed feelings on Gitz, the psychology of Warhammer, and most importantly, some banger 80's cartoon theme songs.
LVO chitchat, deep thoughts on new releases, and is the future Orruks?!
LVO quickie recap with Dayton and Ridge: new releases, unique takes, and the final match results.
Carl's getting ready for LVO, Ridge and Tristan are getting ready for some big time FOMO.
Tristan goes full robot, Dayton's weirdly obsessed with the month of January, and Carl finally nurgles his way to a 5-0!
Surprising Donkey Kong, Transformers, and X Planet Games lore, respective tournament prep for Carl and Tristan, and a little Ork talk.
Truly equal parts holiday joy and chaos. We've got steaming hot takes on everything from cereal to dwarves to the latest GW updates. Merry merry!
Dayton and Tristan present a classic mixed bag of topics; including Dolph Lundgren films, nostalgic Warhammer and fantasy memories, and fun facts about the Grouse bird.