Live No Lies Podcast

John Mark Comer

How do we follow Jesus in a cultural moment that is increasingly hostile to Christian orthodoxy of any kind? Join John Mark Comer as he interviews leading Christian intellectuals about the intersection of post-Christian culture and spiritual formation. If you want to take the conversation deeper, order John Mark’s new book "Live No Lies: Recognize and Resist the Three Enemies that Sabotage Your Peace" today. Available wherever books are sold.

  • 48 minutes 10 seconds
    Roberta Ahmanson on the Parallels Between 5th Century Roman Culture & Our Secular Moment

    For those of you that felt like 6 episodes wasn't quite enough, this one is for you. Roberta Ahmanson is a brilliant expert on all things Church History. For context, she logged in for this remote interview with John Mark from a library of 20,000 books, all of which she's read ... Based on the premise that there is much to learn from the Church's history, John Mark and Roberta rewind to the culture of 5th century Rome to discuss the parallels between that moment and our own, and how Christians functioned in the midst of it. 

    If you haven’t heard, John Mark is also launching a new ministry this Fall called Practicing the Way.  Through Practicing the Way, John Mark will create beautiful spiritual formation resources and experiences to help you and your church be with Jesus, become like Jesus and to do what he did. To join The Circle, become a pilot church or learn more today, head to

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    11 November 2021, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    John Mark Comer and Tyler Staton: Why a Book on the Devil, the Desert Fathers and Mothers & the True Nature of Freedom

    The tables are turned, and John Mark sits down in the hot seat for today’s interview. Join him and his good friend, and pastoral successor, Tyler Staton for a conversation on the story behind writing a book on the world, the flesh and the devil. But of course, the two of them end up talking about all sorts of even more interesting subjects. 

    If you haven’t heard, John Mark is also launching a new ministry this Fall called Practicing the Way.  Through Practicing the Way, John Mark will create beautiful spiritual formation resources and experiences to help you and your church be with Jesus, become like Jesus and to do what he did. To join The Circle, become a pilot church or learn more today, head to

    Order Live No Lies today

    Free Resource | Soul Care Prayer Rhythms

    Check out John Mark’s full conversation with Danielle Strickland

    Visit John Mark's New YouTube Channel

    20 October 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Jon Tyson on the World as a Formation Machine, the Temptation of Project Self & the Importance of Family

    Many deep streams of church tradition and spiritual wisdom meet at the person of Jon Tyson - John Mark's close friend, who he acclaims as “one of the best living preachers [he] knows.” Jon is leading a community of people at Church of the City New York to live counter-formatively for Jesus in one of the world’s most progressive, individualistic cities. Join the two of them for a conversation on the key stages of spiritual formation, the threat of self as we follow Jesus, why the onus for discipleship must be on the family & more.

    If you haven’t heard, John Mark is also launching a new ministry this Fall called Practicing the Way.  Through Practicing the Way, John Mark will create beautiful spiritual formation resources and experiences to help you and your church be with Jesus, become like Jesus and to do what he did. To join The Circle, become a pilot church or learn more today, head to

    Order Live No Lies today

    Free Resource | Soul Care Prayer Rhythms

    Check out John Mark’s full conversation with Danielle Strickland

    Visit John Mark's New YouTube Channel

    13 October 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Dr. Nancy Pearcey on Loving Your Body, Human Rights and Secularism’s Low View of Sexuality & Gender

    Dr. Nancy Pearcey has been described as "America's preeminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual.” John Mark describes her book Love Thy Body as “hands down the best work [he’s] read on the worldview behind the sexual revolution.” In this conversation, the two of them discuss Personhood Theory, and how this kind of thinking has a bearing on gender, abortion, sex, human rights & more. This is a weighty conversation, but an important one. We hope it serves you as you navigate following Jesus in this complex moment.

    If you haven’t heard, John Mark is also launching a new ministry this Fall called Practicing the Way.  Through Practicing the Way, John Mark will create beautiful spiritual formation resources and experiences to help you and your church be with Jesus, become like Jesus and to do what he did. To join The Circle, become a pilot church or learn more today, head to

    Order Live No Lies today

    Free Resource | Soul Care Prayer Rhythms

    Check out John Mark’s full conversation with Danielle Strickland

    Visit John Mark's New YouTube Channel

    6 October 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Rich Villodas on Political Enmeshment, Sabbath as Resistance & Contemplative Prayer as the Path Forward

    When it comes to contemporary teachers of the way of Jesus, Rich Villodas is one of John Mark’s personal favorites. Serving as a pastor in the New York City borough of Queens, Rich and his community are living lives of profound resistance for Jesus in a busy, bustling city. For those of you looking to find a way to follow Jesus that feels more accessible to you as a sometimes distracted, absent-minded human being - this conversation is for you.

    If you haven’t heard, John Mark is also launching a new ministry this Fall called Practicing the Way.  Through Practicing the Way, John Mark will create beautiful spiritual formation resources and experiences to help you and your church be with Jesus, become like Jesus and to do what he did. To join The Circle, become a pilot church or learn more today, head to

    Order Live No Lies today

    Free Resource | Soul Care Prayer Rhythms

    Visit John Mark's New YouTube Channel

    29 September 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    J.T. Thomas on the Spiritual Realities Behind Racism, Trauma & True Peacemaking

    J.T. Thomas is one in a million. Courageous, peace-filled, convicted - J.T. is the founder of Civil Righteousness and a true peacemaker, living at the intersection of Jesus’ teachings and activism. Join the two of them for a conversation on generational trauma, the spiritual realities that fuel racial injustice & how to build a response to racism that’s informed by the way of Jesus.

    If you haven’t heard, John Mark is also launching a new ministry this Fall called Practicing the Way. Through Practicing the Way, John Mark will create beautiful spiritual formation resources and experiences to help you and your church be with Jesus, become like Jesus and to do what he did. To join The Circle, become a pilot church or learn more today, head to

    Order Live No Lies today

    Free Resource | Soul Care Prayer Rhythms

    Visit John Mark's New YouTube Channel

    22 September 2021, 12:00 pm
  • 51 minutes 24 seconds
    David Brooks on Politics as Secular Religion, Moral Formation & Why the Church Needs Saints Not Celebrities

    It’s the one and only David Brooks. Blisteringly smart, down to earth, thoughtful - David is a New York Times columnist, expert sociologist and one of John Mark’s personal heroes. Join the two of them for a conversation they had in David’s home on the greatest contributor to one’s moral formation, the bitter fruit of a life that idolizes politics, the Church’s need for more faithful saints & more. 

    If you haven’t heard, John Mark is also launching a new ministry this Fall called Practicing the Way. Through Practicing the Way, John Mark will create beautiful spiritual formation resources and experiences to help you and your church be with Jesus, become like Jesus and to do what he did. To join The Circle, become a pilot church or learn more today, head to

    Order Live No Lies today 

    Free Resource | Soul Care Prayer Rhythms

    Visit John Mark's New YouTube Channel

    13 September 2021, 9:13 pm
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