The Life Without School Podcast

Stark Raving Dad

Heyyyy, welcome to the Life Without School podcast by Stark Raving Dad! Here to help you and your children live the life *you* want to, not just the one you’re told you should.

  • 39 minutes 52 seconds
    The Only Home Ed Resolutions You Need This Year

    In this episode, I'm digging deep into what could be the most important commitments we make as home educators this year. I explore:

    • How to confidently reject any and all expectations that don't serve your family
    • Building genuine confidence as your child's primary educator
    • Breaking free from the pressure to make learning look "educational"
    • Setting goals that actually matter to your family
    • Protecting your own energy to create a sustainable journey

    Whether you're feeling the weight of expectations at the start of this year, or you're ready to build a clearer, more intentional path forward - this one's for you. 🎯

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    20 January 2025, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Finding Balance With Screens

    In this episode, I’m digging deep into one of the biggest challenges facing homeschooling families today: finding balance with tech and screen time.

    I explore:

    • What the latest research really says about the impact of screens on our kids (it's not as simple as 'good or bad').
    • How to create screen-free boundaries that actually stick.
    • How my family found our own balance with technology, and what you might want to borrow for your own.

    If you’re struggling to make screens a positive part of your life without them taking over, or want some help dialing your balance, this one's for you! 👏🏼

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    19 October 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 24 minutes 59 seconds
    Don't Believe These Unschooling Myths

    In this episode, I spend some time examining three common perceptions that are unique to unschooling:

    • That unschooling is 'unparenting'
    • That unschooling will create lazy children
    • And that unschooling means you have no rules or structure whatsoever

    It’s a super interesting discussion that leads us through areas like life rhythms, autonomy and motivation, and regardless of whether you’re unschooling or not I think you’ll find this episode really useful!

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    21 March 2023, 10:00 pm
  • 23 minutes 47 seconds
    You Are Enough

    In this episode, I'm sharing six ways you can overcome any feelings you have about not being 'enough' as a home educating parent. Not smart enough, organised enough, social enough, qualified enough...

    I wrote a post recently that started scratching at the surface of this. Today, we're digging deep.

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    20 October 2022, 9:00 am
  • 32 minutes 6 seconds
    Your Child Is Falling Behind

    In this episode I'm talking more about something this podcast was literally born from: the idea of children falling behind where they should be.

    First, I talk about how the world generally views progress in childhood, and why it’s so problematic and broken. And then second, I present a different view of that. A different idea of measurement and benchmarking and progress for our children.

    Wherever you are in your journey right now, I hope this way of looking at things brings you and your children some comfort, some reassurance, and some *confidence*.

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    29 June 2022, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 31 seconds
    Turning Around The "Ohhhh, You Homeschool?" Questions

    In this episode I'm going to do something that might feel a bit uncomfortable. But if we want to move education forward in any real meaningful way, the kind of thinking I’m about to take you through is incredibly important.

    I’m going to take some of the main questions that home educators are traditionally asked - some of the main worries people express when they hear you’re a home educating family - and then I’m very simply going to turn them around.

    I’m going to ask them of the formal education system that’s currently in place almost globally. And I’m going to put some pressure on that system to give us honest answers to those questions.

    I think you’ll find this conversation, and the questions it asks, both interesting and challenging - whether you’re home educating or not!

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    4 May 2022, 9:00 am
  • 34 minutes 33 seconds
    Dear Grandparents

    With so many families making the decision to leave the formal education system and take their own path through life, it also means there are a whole lot of grandparents out there going...

    Hold on, what’s happening here?! We have a comprehensive, effective school system designed specifically to educate us in all the areas we’ll need to fully prepare for life. Why on earth would anyone walk away from that? And...what’s going to happen to my grandchildren now that they’ve had the opportunity to go through that system taken away?

    It...just seems a bit crazy.

    Grandparents, I hear you. So today, in this episode, I’m sitting down to have a chat with *you*.

    p.s. if you enjoy this episode, I've written a guide on this topic called The Home Schooling Guide for Grandparents. There’s lot of the same material covered, but the process of reading and reflection is quite different to listening. Take a look :-)

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    31 March 2022, 7:00 am
  • 34 minutes 12 seconds
    We're Looking At Education All Wrong

    The definition of education is being taught, and the learning that results from it. A process that happens, for a child, in a classroom.

    But if you read that a couple of times, does it sound interesting and inspiring? Does it really sound like it’s centered on our children, designed to help them become independent, life-long learners, who know how to get the best out of themselves?

    I don’t think it does. So today, together, we’re going to give education a new definition. We’re going to take the entire concept, and everything that sits within it, and look at it all with fresh eyes.

    You might find some of what we discover here surprising.

    And I *know* you will find it enlightening.

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    14 February 2022, 9:00 am
  • 31 minutes 48 seconds
    The Big Home Education Questions Everyone Asks

    Will your children be sheltered? How will you educate them properly if you're not a qualified teacher? How will they get a good job when they grow up?

    Everyone who chooses a life without school will be asked these kinds of questions at some point. In this episode, we chat through the nine most common ones a home educating family will hear, with the goal of empowering you to confidently frame your own answers to them, in your own ways. I hope revisiting this episode from time to time will give you those little boosts of confidence you sometimes need, whenever you need them.

    And - because I’ve been asked many times for an episode that speaks directly to your family and friends, to help them understand your thinking behind the questions they will want to ask you - I hope you’ll find this episode a good starting place to share with them. One that is the right balance of thoughtful, and thought-provoking.

    Thank you for listening!

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    3 February 2022, 5:00 am
  • 28 minutes 6 seconds
    Monthly Q&A: Comparing Your Children To Others | Slow Life Seasons | Explaining Home Ed to Your Kids

    We're back with another question and answer episode, where I take a few of your questions and talk my way through them. I really love working on this episode each month, because your questions always reflect the struggles, the worries, and the hopes and dreams, of so many of us. A big thank you to Amy, Jacqui and Kate for taking the time to send in their recordings so we can hear, directly, from this wonderful community.

    In this episode we talk about:

    1. How to avoid comparing our children to others - especially those who go to school.
    2. How to navigate slower educational seasons of life when we don't feel we're doing enough.
    3. How to explain home schooling and unschooling to our children, as we move away from the school system.

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    27 January 2022, 5:00 am
  • 37 minutes 27 seconds
    On Being Their Coach, Not Their Teacher

    Today, I want to talk about why I believe it’s so important that we - as home educating parents - play the role of coach, and mentor, and guide to our children. I want to take you through the simple, but powerful, framework Kate and I have used to help our children discover, explore, and run with their passions. And I want to talk about some related things, like perseverance and failure.

    I’m SO excited to have this conversation. I’ve been sent a lot of messages about this kind of thing over the years, from parents who truly want the best for their children but who haven’t quite been able to help them become the passionate, self-driven explorers they hoped they would.

    So, I really hope this conversation speaks to the feelings, and the struggles, and the genuine care and hope that those messages are born from. And, that it gives you a good mix of inspiration, and reflection, and tangible action.

    For regular encouragement and support just like this, including weekly mini-episodes covering all sorts of helpful things, sign up to the full Life Without School Collection right here:

    20 January 2022, 8:00 am
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