Fun and effective strategies for swimming lessons, teams, and Aquatic Professionals. Listen to best practices and interviews with other members of the swimming community to get the most out of your swimming program. Support this podcast:
See "Finding Deliberate Practice," "SIP 052: Swimming is a Habit," and "SIP 067: Deliberate Practice."
Your framework and routine should reinforce the key things you want to accomplish with your swimmers.
My number one goals:
Coach behavior on deck:
If you see something to fix, you must say sometime.
Avoid socializing and standing in one spot; unless resting.
If you are expecting excellence, then excellence is expected OF you too.
Enforce what you want done; non-enforcement = acceptable behavior.
Know when to back off; you can still say something without demining or making someone feel bad.
"You didn't streamline. Next time streamline."
"You forgot the streamline." They nod and agree. "next time." You and they smile.
Establishing your habits, your consistency, and defining the framework that will lead to better swimmers faster.
Why routine is important:
SIP 052: Swimming is a habit (
SIP 045: Importance of Routine (
What is our routine and why do we do it?
100 IM K
50 Swim
2 x 25 Position 11
Question of the Day
What is the order of a 100 IM swim event?
Learning Set:
Two small groups that switch back and forth
Group 1, Skill 1
3 x SL on BK; stay underwater until you get to the flags if possible.
Group 2, Skill 2
3 x SL + 1 FLY stroke NO KICKING! Do the fly arms at the surface; okay to move yourself backwards
Aerobic and Practice what you learned set:
All together building on Question of the day and the small group practice.
3 x {
1 x 100 FREE with fins
2 x 50, 25 BK, 25 2 strokes Fly then fly kick rest of 25, then 25 BK
3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 Breath
1 Challenge
Document how to run an effective Developmental swim lesson program.
What elements do you absolutely need to be effective?
- A plan, formula, or guide
- Routine
- Consistent dedication to the mundane like streamline
○ Establishing habit
○ Instilling discipline (hard work and precise body control)
- Balancing the hard work with fun; activity, activity, challenge
- Earning respect
- Talking with parents
- Know your progressions
Today we look at the lesson coordinator handbook for finding an effective instruction segment on training swim instructors in person. We will do a brief overview of what's included in the workbook as well as any discussion on why certain elements are included and what the activity activity discussion format looks like.
With all of summers insane madness Are you ready to push through into fall and winter programming? That's right with all the rush, activity, intensity, and pure energy that comes with the summer months where do you find the motivation to continue working on aquatic programming and hiring.?
We're gonna take a look at how to set realistic and specific goals for yourself.
Celebrate your achievements and reward yourself by for hitting specific milestones that you may have set in the spring
Seek feedback and support from staff that may have left already, are still in high school and remaining in town, or veterans that have made a career with you. Seek also your peers and surrounding areas and find out how things went with them. Debrief with your team and any other members of the aquatic community that use your facilities.
Set goals for trying new things and to improve your own experience like new courses, new training, or new opportunities.
Take vacations!
Why we have a single sheet for repeating parent tot classes.
What we used to do:
- Follow the lesson plans based on day.
- Challenges
○ People missed classes
○ Parents have VERY drastically different abilities, interest, and involvement.
○ New instructors not as familiar.
- Have to find which day, which lesson
○ Different ability levels and ages in the classes; why are we resetting for advanced people for the new?
What we did:
- Used the same lesson plan online using a TV on the deck
- Safety and state certification removed the TV from the deck
What we're going to do
○ Projector inside against a large white wall
○ Bluetooth music on QR code on the lesson plan
Why the repeatable lesson plan works:
- Establishes habit
- Each activity is narrow and very deep; lots of opportunity to do it in different ways from beginner to master.
- Songs still involved
- Additional skills.
We review the swim lessons plans found at and see how our swim instructors use them including their success and struggles.
What has it been like? What is our procedure?
How do we teach?
Getting swimmers moving.
Handling difficult swimmers.
Coaching and commands.
Resilience of children and adaptability.
Tools: Lesson plans and TV for website lessons.
What should you do if you are comfortable? What should you do it if you're not comfortable?
Covid-19 and the coronavirus pandemic is real. We just saw this week that the president got infected and foolishly hosted events without face coverings that subsequently infected many other people at a White house event. I know. This is insane. Right?
If the white house can't stay safe, how can we expect to remain safe while teaching swimming lessons?
We live in a world that requires us to go to work. Aquatic professionals need to bring in revenue. We need to have people taking lessons, using the pool, and participating in our programs.
How can we make ourselves feel safer?