The Warblers by Birds Canada

Andres Jiménez and Andrea Gress for Birds Canada

The Warblers shares Canadian information, insights and inspiration on the world of birds and bird conservation. The lively discussions are hosted by Andrea Gress and Andrés Jiménez whose curiosity leads them to discover fun facts and useful tips as they travel uncommon flightpaths to learn from expert guests.

  • 38 minutes 40 seconds
    Did a chickadee steal my hotdog? Experts answer your questions

    As a special treat we've rounded up some of your most curious bird related questions and answered them in this episode (or tried to!).

    Why do some birds have red eyes? Can owls hybridize? Can birds smell? And of course, we'll try to solve the hotdog mystery. 

    Help us keep doing what we do best by donating today. Or another great way to help...
    Order some bird-friendly coffee for your cozy holiday season, and when you use the code "warblers", Birds and Beans will donate to this podcast. 

    Check out Winter is better with Project FeederWatch for more information about bird feeding, or How do birds survive the extremes of winter?! for some mind blowing winter bird facts!

    Some of you asked where to find ornithology jobs. We recommend checking the Birds Canada site if you'd like to work with us!  Or check out Work Cabin for jobs in the larger conservation community. 

    Others asked for audio and birdsong resources for North America. Try:

    Lindsay Lalach is currently working towards her Masters of Science in Biology at Simon Fraser University, her research is focused on the winter movement and foraging ecology of Brandt's Cormorants in the Salish Sea.

    David Toews is an Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Penn State University. He did his undergrad at Acadia University in NS, and MSc and PhD at UBC. He also serves as the “population genetics expert” for the Birds Specialist Subcommittee of COSEWIC. He has studied avian evolution since 2005, and has been focused on speciation and hybridization in warblers. 

    Doug Tozer is the Director of Waterbirds and Wetlands with Birds Canada. His academic and professional career has focused on developing workable conservation solutions for birds, and raising awareness of the importance of these animals; through programs such as the Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program, Canadian Lakes Loon Survey, and Long Point Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Program.

    Jody Allair is an avid birder and naturalist who enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for the natural world. He is the Director of Communications at Birds Canada and has written numerous articles on birds, birding and connecting with nature. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram at @JodyAllair.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.  

    16 December 2024, 8:00 am
  • 33 minutes 45 seconds
    The Wake-up Call: Eastern Whip-poor-will

    Some call them goatsuckers, others may think of them as dragons in the night sky...but we know them lovingly as the Eastern Whip-poor-will.

    We're joined by three researchers who are exploring the habitats, food sources, and migratory ranges of the Eastern Whip-poor-will.  We learn all kinds of spooky facts about this elusive species, and gain insights into their threats and challenges. Plus we get to take a behind the scenes look at how research is done for this species at risk.

    Help us keep doing what we do best by donating today. Thank you! 

    Natasha shared many great ways to help the Eastern Whip-poor-will and aerial insectivores, here are some of our favorites: 

    And if you'd like to keep learning, check out the State of Canada's Birds, get some quick facts, or dive into some research that was mentioned in the episode! 

    Help birds and bugs today by ordering some bird-friendly coffee. When you use the code 'warblers' at check out, Birds and Beans makes a donation to this podcast. 

    Victoria Pepe is a first-year master’s student at the University of Waterloo, working under the supervision of Dr. Liam McGuire. She is researching the home range dynamics and nest site selection of Eastern Whip-poor-wills. Victoria hopes to help bridge the knowledge gaps for this species with her research, helping to inform landowners on how they can help support Whip-poor-will populations and entice this iconic bird to use their properties. 

    Lauren Weeks is completing her master's in the McGuire Lab at the University of Waterloo. Her main topics of interest are avian migration and diet composition. Passionate about the outdoors, Lauren loves hiking while looking for cool birds and bugs. She hopes her research will contribute to conservation efforts to support species at risk. 

    Natasha Barlow grew up near Point Pelee National Park in southern Ontario, and didn't fully appreciate the area until she had already moved away. Thankfully, she realized the error in her ways, and after completing her masters assessing the efficacy of restoration and conservation strategies on protecting sagebrush songbirds, she now coordinates various field-based research projects, runs citizen science programs, and advocates for change for aerial insectivores in Ontario as a Projects Biologist with Birds Canada. 

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.

    25 November 2024, 8:00 am
  • 20 minutes 34 seconds
    Winter is better with Project FeederWatch

    As we get deeper into the fall months, we're joined by Olivia Carvalho to chat about an underappreciated pastime... winter birding!

    With Olivia coordinating Project FeederWatch in Canada, she has great insights on how to help birds through the coldest months, winter adaptations, birds you might expect to see at your feeder, and more!

    What birds are at your feeder? Let us know by joining Project FeederWatch!
    Remember, you don't need to have a feeder to be part of the fun!

    Stay warm this winter with a cup of Bird Friendly coffee from Birds and Beans. Use the code "Warblers" to support this podcast. Grab a bag today!  

    Olivia Carvalho is the Community Engagement Specialist for Birds Canada. She oversees the coordination of Project FeederWatch, Great Backyard Bird Count, and Gardening for Birds in Canada. Her role connects her with thousands of birders (and birds!) across the country, and she believes birding is for everyone.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.

    4 November 2024, 8:00 am
  • 30 minutes 51 seconds
    Canada's bird populations: the good, the bad, the uplifting

    How are Canada's birds doing? Recently released, The State of Canada's Birds brings us valuable insights into the health of our favourite species. Some have recovered wonderfully, like waterfowl and birds of prey, yet others are struggling and need urgent attention.

    Catherine Jardine of Birds Canada and Marie-Anne Hudson with Environment and Climate Change Canada join us - after spending 4 years of their lives digging into this data - to share the biggest news on Canada's birds.

    Explore the report and share what you learn. Together, we can have a positive impact on Canada's birds. 

    Marie-Anne Hudson has a BSc from McGill University in Applied Zoology and a PhD from McGill University in Wildlife Biology, which she got while also working as an environmental consultant and bird bander. With over a decade of experience, in 2023 she became the Unit Head of the Science Coordination and Reporting Unit with Environment and Climate Change Canada.

    Catherine Jardine is the Associate Director of Data Science and Technology at Birds Canada. Her work focuses on supporting hundreds of research and monitoring projects investigating the ecology, distribution and population dynamics of all bird species through two main platforms; NatureCounts ( and the Motus Wildlife Tracking System (

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.

    15 October 2024, 7:00 am
  • 25 minutes 27 seconds
    Quebec's river of warblers

    An incredible migratory phenomenon occurs along the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. Thankfully, the Tadoussac Bird Observatory is located in just the right place to observe and study this mass movement of warblers and other songbirds.

    Alexandre Terrigeol joins us during peak migration to share more about this phenomenon and about the other work occurring at the bird observatory, including bird banding research, educational workshops, and an annual birding festival!

    Learn more about the Tadoussac Bird Observatory (or Observatoire d'oiseaux de Tadoussac). Support bird observatories through the Birds Canada Birdathon.

    Pick up a bag of Bird Friendly coffee from Birds and Beans; supporting everyone from the boreal birds in this episode, to the coffee farmers themselves. Use the code "Warblers" to support this podcast!

    Alexandre Terrigeol is a biologist and director of the Tadoussac Bird Observatory. A relative newcomer to the world of ornithology, he uses both his work and his free time to share his passion for biodiversity, particularly birds. As much as possible, he wants to contribute to research through participatory science tools, photography and sound recordings.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.

    23 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 38 minutes 48 seconds
    Vultures: Sentinels of the Skies

    With their heads buried in a carcass, vultures may seem like gross, unwanted creatures. But we have to disagree! Vultures have fascinating adaptations that make them essential parts of a healthy ecosystem. John Kinghorn joins us from South Africa to share his unabashed love for vultures, help us understand why their populations are plummeting, and what we can do to help.   

    Learn more about the many projects BirdLife South Africa is leading and collaborating on to help vultures. And celebrate International Vulture Awareness Day on September 7th by sharing this podcast!

    This was a listener suggested episode. Leave us reviews, comments on social media, or send an email with your episode suggestions! 

    Bird-friendly certified coffee is an easy way to support habitat conservation (and this podcast!). Birds and Beans will donate 10% of proceeds to Birds Canada when you check out with the code "Warblers", or use this link.

    John Kinghorn undertook a southern African Birding Big Year at age 19, and became the sixth person to record more than 800 bird species in the region in one calendar year, also setting a record for the youngest person achieve this milestone. His deep-rooted passion for conservation shines through in everything that he does. With a career spanning 11 years as a professional specialist bird guide, John acquired an LLB [law] degree and completed his articles of clerkship as a Candidate Attorney. John is currently spearheading BirdLife South Africa’s world renown Community Bird Guide Programme, empowering communities, and continuing to enhance South Africa’s status as leaders in avitourism through key stakeholder engagement.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada. 

    26 August 2024, 7:00 am
  • 35 minutes 19 seconds
    Grasslands, Birds, and Beef

    Grassland ecosystems and birds are increasingly under threat as agricultural operations expand to meet growing food demands. Yet, agriculture itself can be the solution!

    Through personal anecdotes and a deep appreciation for the unique wildlife of the Canadian prairies, Ian Cook highlights the importance of grasslands and the need to find collaborative approaches that support farmers and producers, as well as the birds we all love.

    Learn more about the Bird-friendliness Index here.

    It takes a team. Ian wanted to shout out to the following groups for supporting this work: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Manitoba Habitat Conservancy, Saskatchewan Stock Growers Foundation, South of the Divide Conservation Action Program Inc., Nature Conservancy of Canada, and Fish and Wildlife Development Fund.

    Another way to support habitat protection is by drinking Bird Friendly coffee! Purchase through this link, or type "Warblers" into the coupon code box, and Birds and Beans will donate 10% of the purchase price to Birds Canada. Thank you!

    Ian Cook is the Grassland Conservation Manager at Birds Canada. Ian grew up on a mixed farm in western Manitoba, developing a deep connection with the natural world, which inspired him to pursue a career that bridges agriculture and conservation. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Manitoba and is a Professional Agrologist and Certified Crop Advisor. Through his work, Ian strives to find mutually beneficial solutions for wildlife, the environment, farmers, ranchers, and society at large, and create working landscapes full of birdsong and bursting with life. 

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.

    29 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 28 minutes 5 seconds
    The Wake-up Call: Olive-sided Flycatcher

    "Quick, three beers!" Jody Allair joins us to propose that the Olive-sided Flycatcher is one of Canada's best boreal birds. Will you agree?

    While they do breed in the boreal forest, the cosmopolitan Olive-sided Flycatcher can be seen right across Canada during migration. Join us to learn more about their charming song and hunting habits, so that you can spot this bird the next time it perches on a tree top near you. And as usual, learn how you can help this threatened species and others like it.

    Pick up your very own Olive-sided Flycatcher t-shirt here. All proceeds support bird conservation in Canada. Yay, merch!!

    And continue to learn more about Birds Canada's 2024 Avian Ambassador.

    Pick up some Bird Friendly coffee to support habitat protection! Purchase through this link, or type "Warblers" into the coupon code box, and Birds and Beans will donate 10% of the purchase price to Birds Canada. Thank you!

    Jody Allair is an avid birder and naturalist who enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for the natural world. He is the Director of Community Engagement at Birds Canada and has written numerous articles on birds, birding and connecting with nature. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram at @JodyAllair.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.  

    24 June 2024, 7:00 am
  • 16 minutes 58 seconds
    Getting to know Swifts and Swallows

    This bonus episode is all about getting to know swifts and swallows, those speedy aerial acrobats that make summer skies so lively.

    Rielle Hoeg joins us to help shed some light on these two groups of birds. You'll get pointers on how to tell them apart, and which species are present across Canada. We also learn about their population status and a cool new project in Atlantic Canada aiming to protect Bank Swallow habitats.

    Learn more about how you can help Aerial Insectivores across Canada. And check out this incredible story about Chimney a barn. 

    Rielle Hoeg grew up in rural Nova Scotia, playing in the woods and developing an appreciation for all the wonderful critters, plants and fungi around her. During her undergraduate and Master’s degrees at Acadia University, she had opportunities to work with shorebirds, aerial insectivores, and her spark bird: the Leach’s Storm-petrel! At Birds Canada, Rielle splits her time amongst Chimney Swifts, Piping Plovers, shorebirds, and Leach’s Storm-petrels, and is grateful to work with so many passionate, inspiring people (colleagues and volunteers alike!). 

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada. 

    10 June 2024, 7:00 am
  • 37 minutes 51 seconds
    Warblin' about Warblers

    Around 37 warbler species nest in Canada each summer. But how much do you really know about them?

    Long overdue, this episode is all about warblers! We explore the quirkiest behaviours, the best warbler songs, marvel over fun facts, and hear tips on where to find warblers no matter where you are in Canada. If you've ever wondered what that quick flash of bright yellow in the tree is...this episode is for you.

    Help warbler species and help The Warblers Podcast at the same time! Order Bird Friendly Certified Coffee from Birds and Beans. They'll donate 10% of the proceeds to Birds Canada when you check out with the code "Warblers", or use this link.

    Brendan Boyd has been working with birds in some way or another for most of his life. Growing up in Toronto, he spent his free time exploring green spaces across the city and volunteering at the Toronto Bird Observatory. While birds started off as a hobby, they have now turned into a career. Before joining Birds Canada as the Ontario Forest Birds Program Coordinator, Brendan completed his PhD, which examined how the size of forests that adult Wood Thrushes choose to nest in, affects their long-term survival. 

    Alex Isreal is an aspiring naturalist, wildlife biologist, and an all-around nature enthusiast. Alex’s interest in birds began during her undergraduate degree, and she continued to pursue this interest into her Master’s degree where she studied nesting behaviour in Wood Thrushes. Although Alex is currently working as a bat researcher, her first love and introduction to wildlife biology will always be birds.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada. 

    21 May 2024, 7:00 am
  • 29 minutes 24 seconds
    A Writer's Guide to Conserving Grasslands

    Trevor Herriot grew up exploring the aspen parkland and grasslands of southern Saskatchewan, deeply connected to the natural world around him. His passion for the prairies led him to become one of Canada’s most vocal proponents for the protection of grassland birds through his writing.

    With a recently released first novel, The Economy of Sparrows, and several award winning non-fictions books under his belt, we were keen to sit down with Trevor to learn more about what drives his grassland focused writing, and explore the threats and issues that are top of mind for many across the prairies.

    Help bird habitats today, simply by sipping on a cup of Birds and Beans coffee! When you purchase through this link, or type "Warblers" into the coupon code box, Birds and Beans will even donate 10% of the purchase price to Birds Canada. Thank you! 

    Recommended reading from this episode:
    The Economy of Sparrows - Trevor Herriot
    Grass, Sky, Song - Trevor Herriot
    Hours and the Birds - R. D. Symons
    The Wind Birds - Peter Matthiessen
    The Singing Life of Birds - Donald Kroodsma
    The Spell of the Sensuous - David Abram
    Arctic Dreams - Barry Lopez
    Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kimmerer
    The Unsettling of America - Wendell Berry
    Or anything written by Scott Weidensaul or Aldo Leopold

    If you’ve got another book that listeners would love, please leave your recommendation in a review!

    Trevor Herriot is a naturalist, grassland conservationist, and the author of several award-winning books, including Grass, Sky, Song and the national bestseller River in a Dry Land, both of which were short-listed for the Governor General’s Award for Nonfiction. He is a recipient of the Kloppenburg Award for Literary Merit and the Saskatchewan Order of Merit. He and his wife Karen live in Regina, and spend much of their time on a piece of Aspen Parkland prairie east of the city. His latest work, The Economy of Sparrows is his eighth book, but first novel.

    Jody Allair is an avid birder and naturalist who enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for the natural world. He is the Director of Community Engagement at Birds Canada and has written numerous articles on birds, birding and connecting with nature. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram at @JodyAllair.

    Andrea Gress (she/her) secretly thinks Piping Plovers are better than all the other birds...studied Renewable Resource Management at the University of Saskatchewan. She pivoted towards birds, after an internship in South Africa. Upon returning, she worked with Piping Plovers in Saskatchewan, and then as the Ontario Piping Plover Coordinator. Years of sharing her love of plovers with beach goers has turned into a full time communications role with Birds Canada.  

    29 April 2024, 7:00 am
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