Pour Over Scripture

Jon Jorgenson

The Pour Over Scripture Podcast is a new podcast from pastor and Bible teacher, Jon Jorgenson. This show is a safe space for coffee snobs and Bible nerds to wrestle with the confusing, frustrating, ancient, and beautiful world of the Bible. By exposing modern misuses and abuses of this sacred text, Jon will seek to lead listeners toward a more authentic, life-giving reading of the Old and New Testament.

  • 19 minutes 23 seconds
    The Bible Is Not A Rulebook

    How we view the Bible will determine how we read the Bible? In today's episode, Jon discusses how the Bible is not a religious rulebook, but a deep source of wisdom.


    How The Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns

    FOLLOW JON ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jonjorgenson/

    COVER ART & EDITING BY CHRIS SCHWAAR: http://www.chrisschwaar.com/

    4 March 2021, 7:55 pm
  • 21 minutes 58 seconds
    What Can We Expect From The Bible?

    What are some healthy expectations that will actually help us to engage with the Bible in the way it's meant to be read? In today's episode, Jon discusses the dynamic genre of ancient, sacred scripture.


    The Lost Art of Scripture by Karen Armstrong

    FOLLOW JON ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jonjorgenson/

    COVER ART & EDITING BY CHRIS SCHWAAR: http://www.chrisschwaar.com/

    12 February 2021, 5:07 pm
  • 17 minutes 9 seconds
    How To Mis-Read The Bible

    How are we meant to read a book like the Bible? What type of person is the ideal reader for these ancient texts? In this episode, Jon discusses how we mis-read and mis-use the Bible, and how we might approach it in a better way.


    The Blue Parakeet by Scot McKnight

    FOLLOW JON ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jonjorgenson/

    COVER ART BY CHRIS SCHWAAR: http://www.chrisschwaar.com/

    5 February 2021, 7:19 pm
  • 20 minutes 8 seconds
    When the Bible HELPS...and HURTS

    The Bible is a helpful text that has been used in both helpful and hurtful ways. In today's episode, Jon talks about both the life-giving and harmful work of the Bible throughout history.


    The Great Spiritual Migration by Brian McLaren

    The Blue Parakeet by Scot McKnight

    Christian Devils: How the Bible was used to mobilize oppression of Native Americans

    FOLLOW JON ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jonjorgenson/

    COVER ART BY CHRIS SCHWAAR: http://www.chrisschwaar.com/

    29 January 2021, 3:49 pm
  • 1 minute 6 seconds
    Introducing The Pour Over Scripture Podcast
    The Pour Over Scripture Podcast is a new podcast from pastor & Bible teacher Jon Jorgenson. This podcast is a safe space for coffee snobs and Bible nerds to explore the strange, beautiful, frustrating, ancient, and confounding world of the Bible. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE & FOLLOW today and never miss an episode. Follow Jon on Instagram: www.instagram.com/jonjorgenson Cover Art : http://www.chrisschwaar.com/ Music: Isaac Joel
    8 January 2021, 3:31 am
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