Better Together


  • 54 minutes 27 seconds
    Faith Overcomes Doubt with Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy

    When the storms of life try to flood our hearts with pain, we have the opportunity to exercise our faith. Standing on God's truth helps us overcome doubt and counteract shame. His comfort is ever-present in our grief, and He is the only One able to heal our deepest hurts. In this conversation, Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy discuss how we can respond to life’s toughest trials with faith and perseverance.             


    Catch up on the previous conversations in this series:

    1. Reignite Your Dreams!

    2. Leave Your Comfort Zone!

    3. Rely on God’s Strength


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


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    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    8 December 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 56 minutes 30 seconds
    Friendships Fueled by Faith with Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy

    Who has God placed in your life who encourages you to grow? We all need friends who cheer us on and hold us accountable. God created us to live in community. In all seasons of life, we need each other to heal and thrive. In this conversation, Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy discuss how to find and grow relationships that are healthy, vulnerable, and supportive. 


    Catch up on the previous conversations in this series:

    1. Reignite Your Dreams!

    2. Leave Your Comfort Zone!

    3. Rely on God’s Strength

    4. Faith Overcomes Doubt


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


    Join our community on Instagram // Facebook // YouTube // TikTok 


    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    8 December 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 56 minutes 57 seconds
    Rely on God’s Strength with Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy

    God's strength is perfect. We get to trade our worry and fear for radical faith, eternal hope, and supernatural joy. No matter what our circumstances look like at the moment, we keep our eyes on our Heavenly Father because He never fails. Join Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy for stories of God's sustaining power, grace, strength, and faithfulness.


    Catch up on the previous conversations in this series:

    1. Reignite Your Dreams!

    2. Leave Your Comfort Zone!


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


    Join our community on Instagram // Facebook // YouTube // TikTok 


    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    2 December 2024, 5:09 pm
  • 56 minutes 28 seconds
    Thankful in All Seasons with Laurie Crouch, Sheila Walsh, Toni Collier, Robyn Wilkerson, and Blynda Lane

    GIVE THANKS! There are many verses in Scripture that talk about gratitude, but how do we give thanks in ALL circumstances? Shifting our focus from our situation to our Savior makes us aware of His nearness and gives us HOPE! Gratitude is the key to accelerating our spiritual growth! In this conversation, Laurie Crouch, Sheila Walsh, Toni Collier, Robyn Wilkerson, and Blynda Lane discuss the importance of choosing gratitude no matter our situation.


    Catch up on our previous conversation, “Leave Your Comfort Zone!” And come back next week as we return to our conversation with Christine Caine to discuss how to rely on God’s strength.   


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


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    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    25 November 2024, 3:14 pm
  • 57 minutes 30 seconds
    Leave Your Comfort Zone with Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy

    Jesus has taken away every excuse! He told us that He is with us wherever we go. When God calls us into a season, He not only prepares the way, but He also expands our capacity. His grace is more than enough to carry us into the unknown. Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy explore the power of stepping out in faith and leaving all our excuses at the foot of the Cross.


    Catch up on our previous conversation, “Reignite Your Dreams!” Next week, we will be back with a special Thanksgiving conversation on how we can choose gratitude in ALL seasons!  


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


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    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    17 November 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 29 seconds
    Reignite Your Dreams with Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy

    Don't let disappointment or a long season of waiting hinder your dreams! When God places a dream in our hearts, He is only One who can bring it to full fruition. We must allow Him to prepare the way and trust that when He begins a work in us—He WILL complete it! In this conversation, Christine Caine, Hosanna Wong, Blynda Lane, Inés Franklin, and Elyse Murphy discuss how to dream big and prepare for God's plan.


    Come back next week as we continue this conversation and discuss how to step out of your comfort zone! In the meantime, catch up on last week’s conversation, “Believing for the Impossible.”


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


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    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    10 November 2024, 12:30 pm
  • 55 minutes 59 seconds
    Believing for the Impossible with Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane

    What is your "impossible"? When we face circumstances that only God can change, we have the opportunity to grow our faith and watch God move in miraculous ways! In this conversation, Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane share stories of personal breakthroughs, reflect on the faithfulness of God, and share how to believe for miracles!


    Catch up on the previous conversations in this series:

    1. The Purpose of Signs and Wonders

    2. Giving God Reverence

    3. How to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

    4. Seeking God’s Heart


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


    Join our community on Instagram // Facebook // YouTube // TikTok 


    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    3 November 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 57 minutes 50 seconds
    Seeking God’s Heart with Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane

    Are you ready to step out in faith? What if you can't see the next step? Sometimes, God asks us to trust Him like never before. When we understand His heart, we find a Father who is always faithful and whose plans are always good. Join Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane for a conversation on how to answer the call of God and step out in BOLD FAITH!


    Catch up on the previous conversations in this series:

    1. The Purpose of Signs and Wonders

    2. Giving God Reverence

    3. How to Use Your Spiritual Gifts

    Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s conversation, “Believing for the Impossible.”


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


    Join our community on Instagram // Facebook // YouTube // TikTok 


    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    27 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 56 minutes 23 seconds
    How to Use Your Spiritual Gifts with Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane

    What are your spiritual gifts? You are already equipped with gifts that God wants to use in your corner of the world! Understanding our purpose builds our faith, empowers us to serve others, and brings glory to God. In this conversation, Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane discuss how to discover and use your spiritual gifts!


    Catch up on the previous conversations in this series:

    1. The Purpose of Signs and Wonders

    2. Giving God Reverence

    Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s conversation, “Seeking God’s Heart.”


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


    Join our community on Instagram // Facebook // YouTube // TikTok


    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    20 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 56 minutes 52 seconds
    Giving God Reverence with Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane

    In the presence of a holy God, we are forever changed! He is the only One worthy of all glory, honor, and praise! When we surrender our lives to Him, there is no limit to what He will do in and through us! Join Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane as we focus our attention and affection on our good God.


    Catch up on our previous conversation, The Purpose of Signs and Wonders! And come back next week as we discuss how to use your spiritual gifts!


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


    Join our community on Instagram // Facebook // YouTube // TikTok 


    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    13 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 57 minutes 12 seconds
    The Purpose of Signs & Wonders with Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane

    Are miracles, signs, and wonders still happening today? We serve an All-Powerful God who is faithful and good. When He calls us to take a step of faith, our obedience transforms our hearts and changes our lives. In this conversation, Sheila Walsh, Naomi Raine, Nicole Binion, Alexandra Hoover, and Blynda Lane share personal encounters with God, explore modern-day miracles, and discuss the purpose of signs and wonders.


    Come back next week as we continue this conversation and discuss the importance of giving God reverence. In the meantime, catch up on last week’s conversation, Hope for the Disappointed.


    Do you want more Better Together? We have 1000+ conversations available! Start watching now for free on TBN+


    Join our community on Instagram // Facebook // YouTube // TikTok 


    Better Together is TBN’s first daily original program made by women for women! We discuss faith, family, friends, and so much more—no topic is off-limits. Find out what happens when real friends get together for real conversations!

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    6 October 2024, 11:00 am
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