GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

Nikki Walton

  • 11 minutes 17 seconds
    There's No Such Thing As Peace of Mind #GMweekends

    There’s no such thing as peace of mind.

    But there is a Peace beyond the mind.

    A Peace that temporarily appears as the mind, while simultaneously, eternally remaining as Itself.

    A Peace that inner chanting brings attention to.

    A Peace that doesn't have to be practiced.

    A Peace that doesn't need a name.

    A Peace that appears as the best version of you.

    A Peace that appears as all things.



    Radiate Peace.

    A lot can happen in a month. Watch.

    I Love you,


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    Today's Quotes:

    "There's no such thing as peace of mind.  Mind means disturbance. Restlessness itself is mind." -Nisargadatta Maharaj

    "After a night of prayer, He changed my life when He sang, "Enjoy Me." -St. Teresa of Avila

    Excerpts from "Every Prophet's Name" by St. Teresa of Avila in 'Love Poems From God' by David Ladinsky

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    12 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 6 minutes 16 seconds
    Becoming a GoOD Receiver #GMweekends

    That same Awareness in which the body begins to sway, is the same Awareness that appears as answered prayers. It's both the prayer and the answer.

    I Love you,


    [email protected]

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    Today's Quotes:

    "No prayer is complete without presence." -Rumi

    "By sincere prayer you put yourself in a receptive mood. You become good receiver. You tune your heart radio. Prayer is a form of tuning. Once you tune your heart through prayer, you get all the cosmic things Whatever you pray for, you get. Pray for peace, you are tuning you radio to the peace station. Pray for beauty, you tune your radio to the beauty station. More things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of: We don" know the power of prayers. Don't we say, "You want it, you got it!" It is literally true; if you really want it sincerely, you get it.  Real want, sincere want, honest want is prayer. Through that sincere prayer, you tune your heart to God." -Swami Satchidananda

    "Everything starts with Love, remember; Love is the ultimate law. Then prayer, mercy, grace, follow of their own accord." -Osho

    "Move like you know you're being taken care of." -Unknown on IG 

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    11 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 7 minutes 11 seconds
    Say to God, "I Am Listening", and watch what happens! 💥❤️‍🔥

    Your goal is to continue to be what you are, 

    even when the weight of that body,

    the presence of that body,

    the experience of that body,

    and its mind,

    is (t)here.

    Instead of being the body,

    you simply just become aware of the body,

    like you're the light shining on the body,

    the spotlight on that body. 

    You are this Light, 

    that hears. 

    "You have no idea how powerful awareness is until you consistently hold it on yourself."

    - @Peterstoughton1 

    I Love you


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    "Fear comes from the heart. If ever you feel overcome by dread of some illness or accident, you should inhale and exhale deeply, slowly and rhythmically several times, relaxing with each exhalation. This helps the circulation to become normal. If your heart is truly quiet you cannot feel fear at all." - Yogananda 

    10 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 8 minutes 27 seconds
    Your mind is not the Healer, Christ is.

    Only the fullness of the Christ is here. 

    And every time you close your eyes,

    you're saying, like Jesus did, 

    "Come out, 

    rise up...",

    and everything that was dead in your life, will. 

    I Love you, 


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    "Some people think when you say, "God within" that you are referring to "the Mind and how to use it", but that isn't it either." - Joel Goldsmith 

    "Peace. Peace. "My Peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth." "My peace. The Peace of Christ. And, now, I am going to tell you a secret: More healings have taken place through absolute silence than ever have taken place through all of the arguments a metaphysician could think up in the whole history of the world. If you want, really and truly, to know what healing is, all right! When you are called upon for help, sit down and get at peace. Think no thought. Just sit there and wait, wait. Be patient and wait for the Peace of the Christ to descend upon you. And, in that point or place in consciousness where one would be ready for the Spiritual Answer - the Spiritual Consciousness - to unfold, we, here, are in a different position than we were when we were functioning with treatments. You see, we have come to such a place in consciousness, due to all we have been through these many years, that we are ready for the next "Higher Step." Even if mental argument were necessary to us in the earlier days of our work, even if affirmation and denial were necessary then, they are not so now. We can leave those forms alone. Learn to sit down, relax. Whether the case is sin, disease, death or unemployment - and, whether or not it is serious - sit down and relax. Do not try to "handle" it. Do not try to "work" on it. Do not try to "treat" it. Rather, try to sit back. And, in silence, create a kind of vacuum for God - the Christ- to rush in. Sit down and relinquish your thought that the human mind is a healer. Christ is the Healer. I, The Substance of the whole work we are doing, is this: God Is." - Joel Goldsmith 

    "Sometimes God lets you hit rock bottom so that you realize that God is the rock at the bottom." - @living.chrisitnan 

    "One who is not amazed by the magnificence of this creation, his eves are not yet opened. Once your eyes are opened, they close and this is meditation. (Laughter) Tell me, what is not a mystery in this creation? Birth is a mystery; death is a mystery. And life is certainly a greater mystery, isn't it?" - Ravi Shankar 

    9 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 10 minutes 31 seconds
    The Battle's Not Yours

    In Luke (9:23), Jesus says, " If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross every day and follow me." 

    When you remember Love, 

    yourself is forgotten. 

    For that instant, 

    you are beyond the body, 

    beyond the story, 

    beyond the world, 

    being Love. 

    No narration, 

    no history,

    no future,

    no language,


    See how much freer you are when you are no thing?

    When you're no one?

    We're all trying to be somebody.

    Trying to make a name,

    when the only way to make a name is to take His. 

    To forget yourself,

    to become nothing.

    Rumi says, "then He makes you everything."

    I Love you, 


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    The Battle's Not Yours- From Joel's Private Papers 

    8 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 7 minutes 55 seconds
    And all I could say was, 'Oh my God. It's You. You're here!'

    "It was astonishing when I first felt His presence.

    It was a little after midnight.

    The room became so still, and so quiet.

    And so peaceful and calm.

    Like when it snows.

    But warm.

    And undeniable Presence.

    And all I could say was,

    "Oh my God. It's You. You're here!

    You're really here!"

    And I cried the good cry and slept the good sleep,

    with the Master sitting right there.

    I'll never forget that day.

    I pray a day like that for every Seeker."- @that_baltimore_girl replying to this IG post on my feed


    The time has come for God to give you the fruit of your practice, 

    of your devotion,

    of your love,

    of your patience.

    Your faith.

    This felt-faith. 

    But you have ears that can hear,

    and eyes that can see This. 

    You're looking at the past. 

    Don't be fooled by appearances. 

    Look past that to This. 

    Don't judge by what you think you know, 

    by what you think is coming. 

    You don't know.

    You just keep coming back to the Silence.

    You keep stopping,

    because in that stopping (in that stilling of the mind) things are changing.

    And the more you stop,

    the more things change,

    to reflect how you're feeling, 

    how you're being.

    I Love you

    I am you, 


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    "Even if I speak in Urdu, Farsi or French, the Conscious Power that is flowing through the words will come into you. So with this, the vibrations will flow into you, even if you do not understand the language. The love that is flowing from within is what is touching you. As you may not know the name of the flower, but the fragrance is flowing into you. The fragrance is the Consciousness and the flower is in the name. Even if you do not understand the name, the fragrance comes through. Each human can smell it and he can tell even ithe is English, French or Indian. Everyone knows. There is no need to speak about it." -Sri Nirmala Devi Mataji 

    "The time has come for God to give you the fruit of your devotion." - Shirdi Sai Baba 

    "Give strength to hands that are tired and to knees that tremble with weakness. Tell everyone who is discouraged, “Be strong and don't be afraid! God is coming to your rescue..." - Isaiah 35:3-7 

    7 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 5 minutes 53 seconds
    I Am Immersed in the Flame of Love

    Lovingly affirm:

    "I am immersed in the flame-

    The flame of time,

    The flame of love,

    The flame of life.

    The universal fire flows through me."*

    The Living God is appearing as you and every seeming thing. 

    I feel Light(er) when you get this. 

    And you're getting this. 

    I Love you, 


    "Everything exposed to the light itself becomes light" (Ephesians 5:13). In prayer, we merely keep returning the divine gaze and we become its reflection, almost in spite of ourselves (2 Corinthians 3:18). The word prayer has often been trivialized by making it into a way of getting what we want. But I use prayer as the umbrella word for any interior journeys or practices that allow us to experience faith, hope, and love within ourselves. It is not a technique for getting things, a pious exercise that somehow makes God happy, or a requirement for entry into heaven. It is much more like practicing heaven now. +Adapted from The Naked Now: Learning to See as the Mystics See, pp. 22-23.

    "Live for a few days in the meditation, "I am immersed in the flame-The flame of time, The flame of love, The flame of life. The universal fire flows through me." Step into that fire. wholeheartedly, Starting with the big toe, Then, surrendering everywhere. Only the not-self, Which doesn't exist anyway, Burns away. Attend to this continually And awaken into tranquility. Your essence is renewed in the flame, For it is flame and knows itself as flame Since the first heartbeat of creation.

    Imagine the entire world consumed by flame. Stay steady, do not waver, As fire transmutes form into light. The soul reveals itself." To itself as Radiance.- the Radiance Sutras 

    6 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 7 minutes 44 seconds
    Negative Thoughts: How to Stop Them #GMweekends

    A meditation to help you IMMEDIATELY surrender negative thoughts. It's useful not just during 'formal' meditation, but in every moment you find yourself fearful or worried.   You shift from being aware of being 'you', to being aware AS the Christ Light that you truly are.  You shift out of your mind, and into the mind that was in Christ.  Into the no-mind of the Buddha.  How does that mind sound?  Is it thinking about your troubles, your past, your future? Or is It silent... steady?  How does It feel?   

    Stay (t)here.   

    I Love you,


    [email protected]

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    Today's Quotes:

    "Constantly have this mind among yourselves which was in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 2:5-11

    "Just as a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, so the disciplined mind of a yogi remains steady in meditation on the Self." -Bhagavad Gita

    "People come to me to ask for blessings, they don't understand the knowledge that one is not the body, but the consciousness within, is the blessing." -Nisargadatta Maharaj

    "Having realized that I am with, and yet beyond the world, I became free from all desire and fear. I did not reason out that I should be free, I found myself free, unexpectedly, without the least effort.  Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became natural and the natural became real. And above all, infinite affection, love, dark and quiet, radiating in all directions, embracing all, making all interesting and beautiful, significant and auspicious." -Nisargadatta Maharaj

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    5 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 6 minutes 33 seconds
    My Heart is Beating in the Peace of God #GMweekend

    Assume, just for today, that the sound of your heart beating is the presence of God with you.

    That every time you stop,  listen, and feel for the heart beating, you know that God is (t)here.

    You know that God is in the silence of the listening.

    You know that God is beating that heart.

    You know that God is that heart.

    You know that God is both being ‘you’, and beyond ‘you’.

    And because you know This, because you feel This,

    your new chapter begins.

    I Love you and I'm with you!


    GoOD Mornings merch: ▶▶ Today's Quotes:

    My Heart is Beating in the Peace of God "Surrounding me is all the life that God created in His Love.  It calls to me in every heartbeat and in every breath; in every action and in every thought. Peace fills my heart, and floods my body with the purpose of forgiveness. Now my mind is healed, and all I need to save the world is given me. Each heartbeat brings me peace; each breath infuses me with strength.  I am a messenger of God, directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in love, and held forever quiet and at peace within His loving Arms. Each heartbeat calls His Name, and every one is answered by His Voice, assuring me I am at home in Him. Let me attend Your Answer, not my own. Father, my heart is beating in the Peace the Heart of Love created.  It is there and only there that I can be at home.'  - Lesson 267

    "In proportion as you are listening (to Silence), you are consciously aware of the presence of God, the power. the reality, the joy, the Spirit, the life, and the wisdom of God... Recognizing your Self as Consciousness, and adopting the listening ear, the attitude of consciousness, you become the child of God that is joint-heir to all the heavenly riches." -Joel Goldsmith (Consciousness is What I Am)

    4 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 5 minutes 47 seconds
    You Must Learn to Proceed Without Certainty

    That Joy you're feeling again makes the impossible possible. 

    That dream, 

    that vision, 

    that flashes sometimes, 

    that feels very much out of reach right now, 

    is right in front of you. 

    But you still see it as that familiar space,

    or as those familiar faces. 

    Keep smiling at the familiar,

    look lovingly at the familiar.

    That's how it changes. 

    I Love you


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    "The roar of joy that set the worlds in motion is reverberating in your body and the space betweem all bodies. Beloved, listen." - The Radiance Sutras  

    "You must learn to proceed without certainty." - IG @Interconnctd

    "Elaborate rituals and garish images May be useful in meditation when your mind is whirling with thoughts Of sex, money, and power, wandering like an elephant in heat. Go ahead and use these tools, yet know, Beating drums and blaring trumpets Cannot summon the One who is already present. I am not a collection of incantations Known only to experts. I am not a ladder to be climbed. A sequence for piercing energy centers in your body. lam not to be found at the end of a long road. I am right here.

    Sacred texts sing of my reality, But I cannot be found in them, For I am the one listening. I am always closer than breath. Heat and fire are not two separate things. These are just verbal distinctions. The Goddess and the One who holds Her Are one and the same. We are inseparable. The way to me is through Her." - The Radiance Sutras 

    3 May 2024, 6:00 am
  • 5 minutes 45 seconds
    The mind can't think at this altitude.

    What do you hear when thinking stops?

    When wanting stops?

     Ask yourself that question and linger in the silence behind the question. 

    Who am I when I want nothing? 


    Before I went to India,

    I was told in a very Divine way by someone sent to me,

    to come there with an empty heart,

    and an empty mind,

    not wanting anything,

    not desiring anything,

    not craving anything,

    not seeking solutions or answers,

    not seeking anything,

    not expecting anything at all.

    And I felt it.

    I heard that message so clearly.

    And of course, the mind came up and I said, "Well, how do I do that? How do I go about doing that?"

    And he said, "just Love God."

    The Loving replaces the wanting.

    It eclipses it.

    You just keep quiet.

    You go where there are not words,

     and you find the Love (t)here,

     and you place your attention (t)here.

    The wanting may still be (t)here,

    but your attention is on the Loving,

    it's on the having. 

    He said, "You come like that,

    you come empty and open,

     and you'll get everything you want.

    Everything you wanted. 

    That's the secret.

    I love you


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    "Give me grace to see beyond this moment here. to believe that there is nothing left to fear. that You alone are high above it all." - @proverbs_31life

    "I am where there are no words." -Ramana Maharshi

    "Examine everything in life & say THIS IS NOTHING,, & what remains is love,,& that is everything..." - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

    "The great void is subject to destruction, the AJAPA ([mantra repeated mentally] Simran without tongue, Name remembrance which goes on automatically) is also subject to destruction. The region of Unstuck Melody is similarly subject to destruction. Kabir says only those who are lovers of Ram [God] shall not die. They have become forever immortal." - Kabir

    Passages from the Radiance Sutras 

    "Desiring and knowing, Knowing and desiring. Just for a breath, Forget what you want. Forget what you know. Receive the real teaching."

    "Radiant One, inquire: Before desire arises in me, who am I? Before I know anything, who am I? Seek always the intimate joy Of your original Self, And move through this world in freedom."

    2 May 2024, 6:00 am
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