The Scottish Independence Podcast

Scot Independence Podcast

The Scottish Independence Podcast is the first and oldest podcast documenting the Scottish Independence movement. Interviews with activists, politicians, artists, writers and more, and occasionally a comedy episode....

  • 34 minutes 45 seconds
    ScotIndyPod 187 - Odes To Our Adversaries
    Just occasionally in all the years I've been doing this, mostly for laughs, I've made a few little, ahem, tributes, to some of our political adversaries.

    The 187th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast is a run through of some of the best of these, because I think most of us are in need of a laugh at the moment.

    Hope you enjoy.

    These podcasts are independently minded and independently funded, you can help to keep them going by making a donation.
    15 June 2020, 4:00 pm
  • 28 minutes 21 seconds
    ScotIndyPod 186 - Tory Lies, Trump, Empire
    The 186th episode of the Scottish Independence Podcast is amongst other things, a mix of some bad excuses.

    There's a bad excuse for a Prime Minister, a bad excuse for a President of the United States, and a few bad excuses for the behaviour of the British Empire.

    Along with that, there are people trying to expose those excuses, and how they got on with it.

    Hope you enjoy.
    9 June 2020, 5:23 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    ScotIndyPod 185 - Billy Kay on Scotland and Identity
    The 185th episode of the Scottish Independence Podcast is a talk by Broadcaster, writer and activist and former guest on the show, Billy Kay, about Scottish identity.

    Have you ever noticed when you go abroad that the locals always seem to know what happened in 1437 in every wee nook and cranny of their town. Have you also noticed that this often isn't the case in Scotland? Why would that be? Kay explores this idea in the talk, but also provides some great stories from Scottish history, and there are a few revelations as well. For example, which UK Prime Minister may well have supported Scottish Independence?  Which SNP MSP alledges that she was followed around the Houses of Parliament in the dark by Scottish Labour MPs.

    Also, there's something about the special branch meddling in the Scottish Independence Movement.

    All that and more, hope you enjoy.
    29 May 2020, 4:40 pm
  • 25 minutes 37 seconds
    ScotIndyPod 184 - How Has Any of This Changed?
    The Queen, God, the EU (in and out), your mate's dug, Alpha Centauri, cherry tomatoes, wind, Nigel Farage, xylophones, Bungle from Rainbow - whatever it is, if you listen to some people, it's a reason against Scottish Independence.

    The latest they are using is the virus, so for the 184th episode of the Scottish Independence Podcast I have taken some pieces of talks from before the coronavirus and I'm asking to you to think about if they still apply, or even, are they more urgent questions than before?

    And it finishes with an idiot for good measure.

    Hope you enjoy.
    3 May 2020, 9:59 pm
  • 15 minutes 28 seconds
    ScotIndyPod 183 - Tories Out
    For episode 183 of The Scottish Independence Podcast I'm taking you back to that wonderful world of a dew months ago in which the only things we had to worry about were Tory lies causing unnecessary death and hardship, and a babbling manboy in the White House.

    Oh wait, both of those things still apply.

    Anyway, it's a collection of whoppers, evasions and other nefarious activity from the Tories, just in case you ever forget what they are like.

    Hope you enjoy.
    26 April 2020, 4:13 pm
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    ScotIndyPod 182 - The Clyde-Built Constitution
    "A mendacious drunkard's promise, made to convince his wife not to leave him", yes you guessed it, The Vow.

    However, the 182nd episode of the Scottish Independence Podcast is, thanks to Independence Live, a talk given by Mark McNaught with an intro by John Drummond (former convenor of the Independence convention).

    It's about the importance of making a draft consitution for Scotland BEFORE a second referendum. It also gets into the problems with the constitutional situation in the UK "Arguably the most incoherent and feudal political system on Earth".

    The project, which seems to be on hold at the moment, can be found at

    Hope you enjoy.
    17 April 2020, 5:45 pm
  • 7 minutes 58 seconds
    ScotIndyPod 181 - The Declaration of Arbroath
    Obviously you weren't expecting there would be any UK wide celebrations of The Declaration of Arbroath, were you?
    However, the indy movement has stepped up and we've had the documentary by Lesley Riddoch and Charlie Stuart, and there will be an illustrated version too.

    For my own part, I decided just to read the whole thing, not the few quotes we usually hear, and make it available as audio, so here it is. Obviously I read the translation from the National Library of Scotland, not the original Latin.

    Doing it, it was easy to see how it is in part a plea, partly a statement of intent, in one part an offer, and in another part a threat.

    A truly interesting document. A pity that no one in British broadcasting seems to think so (I know there are other things going on right now, however if they had had any intention of doing anything it would have been planned and done before the coronavirus outbreak).

    Hope you enjoy.
    6 April 2020, 9:20 pm
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    ScotIndyPod 180 - All You Wanted To Know About Constitutions But Were Afraid To Ask
    The 180th episode of the Scottish Independence Podcast is, thanks to Independence Live, a talk given by John Drummond (former convenor of the Independence convention).

    In this talk he explains to an audience why he thinks it is a pivotal that we have a constitution prepared and ready to go before a second referendum, and not as something to be decided after.

    Hope you enjoy.
    4 April 2020, 8:46 pm
  • 28 minutes
    ScotIndyPod 179 - Walkin The Dog and April Fools
    We’re back. A few episodes are ready to go.

    To start off with, I think we are all in need of a laugh, so here’s something many of the show’s regular contributors and myself knocked up a few years ago for April Fool’s Day.

    A lot of people on both sides of the debate didn’t realise we were joking.

    Hope you enjoy.
    31 March 2020, 2:14 pm
  • 1 hour 29 minutes
    Scottish Independence Podcast 178 - The Brexit Shambles and Beyond
    The 178th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast is a long in-depth look at the Scottish economy and what may happen after Brexit. It features friend of the show and someone who has been a guest several times, MSP Ivan McKee.

    Before that however, we've someone getting Farage telt, and after that we've got, just for the change of it, someone saying Scotland won't have any problems getting into the EU at all.

    He spoke about what I outlined above, and also responded to some criticisms of the growth commission and gave an idea of the thinking behind it. You may or may not agree with everything that is in it (I don't, and some of the audience members at the talk didn't agree either), but it is useful to hear the rationale behind it.

    Hope you enjoy.
    16 November 2019, 2:25 pm
  • 39 minutes 2 seconds
    Scottish Independence Podcast 177 - Everything In The Balance
    The 177th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast has quite a varied menu. What is the UK govt spending millions on telling citizens living abroad? Do (Labour) MPs bother to read things before voting for them? There's also a No to Yes convert, some speeches from the recent march in Edinburgh, a confused person and more.

    And is one of the most famous Scots changing his mind?

    Hope you enjoy.
    23 October 2019, 5:37 pm
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