The Nutrition Nuggets Podcast

Dale Pinnock

Helping YOU get clarity on Nutrition. Presented by Dale Pinnock. Best selling author of 18 books that are now in 19 Languages in 22 countries. Dale holds a BSc in Human Nutrition, a BSc in Herbal Medicine, and a Post Graduate degree in Nutritional Medi...

  • 29 minutes 1 second
    The Three Keys To Life Long Health

    Culinary Medicine College:

    With so much conflicting dietary advice, divided opinion, and contradiction, what SHOULD we be eating and doing from a dietary perspective? The truth is NOBODY knows. What we do know however is how our modern diet is killing us. What if we flipped that on. its head and did the opposite. What would that look like and what could happen?Ā 

    18 January 2024, 6:00 am
  • 16 minutes 11 seconds
    Nutritional Supplements - How To Know What To Look For

    If there is one question I get more than any other on social media it is "how do I know what to look for with nutritional supplements? How do I choose a good one?". Well, this episode answers that very question.Ā 

    We cover:

    Determining your needs
    Watch out for these ingredients
    Know this about dosage ranges
    Insist on THESE manufacturing standards
    If they don't have this certificate, bin them
    And a whole lot more.

    If you find this useful, please do share with a friend too.Ā 

    11 January 2024, 1:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 27 seconds
    New Year Diet? Just Do THIS!

    Here we are again. The new year diet nonsense crowding the headlines and popular press. The time when everyone ends top totally confused, fed up with the contradiction restriction and rubbish, gives up and just goes back to their old ways.Ā 

    Well, Im here to tell you to ignore the noise and just focus on one beautifully simple thing! Take a will be relieved!

    5 January 2024, 10:00 am
  • 8 minutes 50 seconds
    Surviving The Christmas Indulgence

    There is no escaping the fact that this time of year can take its toll on how we feel. A few days of cheese, wine and mince pies and we can soon feel out of whack.Ā 

    In this episode I want to share with you my top 5 tips to prevent the heavy horrid washed out feeling that days of indulgence can bring, whilst still enjoy yourself. Ā 

    15 December 2023, 7:00 am
  • 13 minutes 27 seconds
    Controlling Appetite - How To Do It Effectively!!

    Are you driven to snack constantly? Our modern foods and the environment we are in has caused havoc with our appetites and our natural hunger signals.Ā  Regulating appetite is certainly a big concern for so many people that I work with. The beauty is though, with a few key changes we can change the chemistry that keeps our appetite in check and start to get back to our natural responses to food and natural eating patterns that are right for us and our own bodies.Ā 

    Intros episode I explain how to do it and why it works.Ā 

    24 November 2023, 6:00 am
  • 9 minutes 8 seconds
    GastroIntelligence: Decoding the Gut-Brain Relationship

    In this episode, I delve into the surprising truth behind the gut-brain connection, focusing on the pivotal role of the gut microbiome rather than neurotransmitters in this crucial communication pathway.

    Discover how the diverse world of gut bacteria influences not just our digestive health, but also our mental wellbeing and cognitive function. We'll explore:

    • The Microbiome-Brain Link: Uncover the latest scientific findings on how gut microbes affect brain communication, challenging previous beliefs about gut neurotransmitters.
    • Fiber Diversity for a Healthy Microbiome: Learn why a varied fibre diet is key to nurturing a robust microbiome, and how this diversity can positively impact your brain health.
    • Practical Dietary Tips: Get actionable advice on enhancing your microbiome through diet, focusing on fibre-rich foods for optimal gut and brain health.

    This episode is packed with insights, and practical dietary strategies, making it a must-listen for anyone interested in the intricate relationship between diet, gut health, and mental wellness.

    #MicrobiomeHealth #GutBrainConnection #FiberDiet #MentalWellness #NutritionPodcast

    16 November 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 17 minutes 30 seconds
    Unveiling the Truth About Antioxidants: Myth-Busting and Health Tips

    Are antioxidants the secret elixir of youth? Can they truly prevent chronic diseases, or is it just marketing spin? Get the lowdown on how these powerful compounds work, and why the hype might be leading you astray. Discover the real benefits of antioxidants, the risks of overconsumption, and the truth about those "miracle" supplements.

    Join me as I explore:

    • The fundamental science of antioxidants and free radicals: no PhD required!
    • Evidence-based insights on how antioxidants influence health and aging.
    • The inside story on antioxidant-rich foods vs. supplements: What does the research say?
    • Practical, actionable tips on incorporating the right balance of antioxidants into your daily diet.

    Plus, we'll answer the burning question: Can you actually "eat the rainbow" to boost your health?

    Don't get lost in the claims and confusion. Let Nutrition Nuggets be your guide to eating smarter and living healthier. Be sure to subscribeĀ 

    šŸ‡ #Antioxidants #NutritionPodcast #HealthyEating #DietMyths #NutritionFacts #HealthAndWellness #NutritionNuggets #FreeRadicals #Superfoods #NutritionalScience

    10 November 2023, 6:00 am
  • 10 minutes 45 seconds
    A powerful anti-inflammatory diet in just 2 easy steps - THESE TWO TRICKS CHANGE EVERYTHING!

    Inflammation is one of the biggest influences on long term disease risk, especially the likes of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and many cancers. The beauty is though, our diet and lifestyle can have an enormous influence upon our inflammatory load. In this episode we will cover:

    āœ… Acute vs. Chronic Inflammation: What sets them apart?
    āœ… Inflammation's sinister link to a host of chronic diseases.
    āœ… Navigating the minefield of inflammatory foods vs. those that heal.
    āœ… Low GL diet: A cornerstone in managing inflammation.
    āœ… How omega-3 promises a turnaround in inflammation levels.

    By equipping yourself with the right knowledge and incorporating anti-inflammatory strategies into your diet, you can pave the way for a healthier life.Ā 

    #AntiInflammatoryDiet #chronicinflammationĀ  #chronicdisease #inflammation

    4 August 2023, 6:00 am
  • 12 minutes 2 seconds
    Prevent Type 2 Diabetes in 10 Key Ways

    Are you ready to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes? In this episode, I will share 10 proven evidence based strategies that can make a world of difference in your journey towards a healthier life. Each element here plays a crucial role in keeping type 2 diabetes at bay.

    Stay tuned as we dive deep into the science behind preventing type 2 diabetes and offer practical tips that you can implement in your daily routine. Knowledge is the first step towards change.

    Prevention is key, and the earlier you take action, the better the chances of maintaining optimal metabolic health.
    Also available on YouTubeĀ 

    28 July 2023, 5:00 am
  • 9 minutes 38 seconds
    HDL vs LDL - What Your Doctor ISN'T Telling You!

    How often have you wondered, "what is the difference between HDL and LDL?" Or pondered, "is high cholesterol actually dangerous?"Ā 

    In this short video I wanted to unravel the mysteries behind high cholesterol, shedding light on its impact on our health. Understand the clear distinctions between harmful and harmless cholesterol types. Discover what cholesterol level is considered high and why it matters.Ā 

    I also wanted to show you what actually CAUSES it to get high in the first place and to bring you practical, effective strategies for cholesterol lowering. Specifically, with guidance on how to lower cholesterol through dietary changes.Ā 

    Donā€™t forget to subscribe for more insights on health and wellness.

    Also available on YouTube

    21 July 2023, 11:00 am
  • 6 minutes 12 seconds
    Are Carbs Killing You Slowly?

    There are carbs that kill and carbs that heal. Undeniably. Discover the crucial links between carbohydrates and the cause of the Worlds biggest killer - heart disease, and more importantly how moving over to the right types can protect your heart long term. One simple swap is all it takes.Ā 

    Carbohydrates influence many aspects of cardiovascular disease, and the amount of poor quality carbohydrates that many of us are consuming is driving heart disease faster and faster. From creating a pro-inflammatory environment, through to influencing blood fats, carb choices matter. This video unpacks how carbs have the capacity to drive heart disease and why. It also describes the simple swap that you can make and how this can protect you.

    6 July 2023, 12:00 pm
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