The Natasha Crain Podcast

Natasha Crain

Equipping Christians to think biblically about worldviews, apologetics, culture, and parenting in a challenging secular world.

  • 5 minutes 13 seconds
    Quick Response 2: If Trans People Aren't Harming Anyone, Why Should You Care What They Do to Themselves?

    Today I’m addressing the following tweet from someone who is troubled by Christians and others who are concerned about public policy related to transgender issues: “For all those who are terrified of trans people and believe this is more important than any other issue, can you please let me know just once when a trans person harmed you? One personal, specific story please.”

    5 December 2024, 10:00 am
  • 4 minutes 37 seconds
    Quick Response 1: If Christianity is really about saving souls, we wouldn't legislate values

    Welcome to my first quick response episode, in which I respond briefly to popular claims I see online that sound good and draw in a lot of Christians, but fail from a biblical and/or logical perspective.

    Today, I respond to a Tweet from Rev. Benjamin Cremer, a progressive Christian on X who has quickly been gaining influence with a lot of people. Here’s the post:

    “Dear Christian, If your religion is really about 'saving souls' then you wouldn’t demand for it to be legislated. Because making someone follow your religion by force of law against their will is an extremely effective way to ensure they reject your God in their hearts."

    Before you listen, see if you can identify three types of errors: logical, civic, and biblical.

    22 November 2024, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    47. What the Church Is Getting Wrong about Race and Racism, with Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager

    Today I’m talking with my good friends from the Center for Biblical Unity, Monique Duson and Krista Bontrager, about their new book, Walking in Unity: Biblical Answers to Questions on Race and Racism. Ever since 2020, there have been all kinds of discussions about race in the church, and unfortunately a lot of those discussions have included some very unbiblical ways of thinking. I’m so grateful that Krista and Monique have written this excellent and accessible book that counteracts culture's problematic ideas. In this conversation, we cover all kinds of topics, like:

    • What is the difference between anti-racism, racial reconciliation, and biblical unity?
    • Should the church see disparities between races as evidence of racism?
    • Why haven’t churches been better at biblical discernment with respect to identifying unbiblical ideas about race and racism?
    • How much should the church be addressing racial justice? Is it mostly a “progressive” issue?
    • Is a “colorblind” approach the best solution? 
    • Should all churches be multiethnic?
    • And much more.

    Get the book here:

    Learn more about the Center for Biblical Unity here:

    21 November 2024, 10:00 am
  • 52 minutes 40 seconds
    46. Exposing the History of the Sexual Revolution, with Seth Gruber

    Today I talk with Seth Gruber about his new documentary that exposes the "hidden history of the secular moral revolution and the architects of our current culture of death." Seth's documentary and corresponding book are called The 1916 Project and reveal the long, devastating trajectory of how we got to where we are today as a culture that celebrates the choice to kill preborn babies. The film and book are both amazing, and I highly recommend them.

    Seth and I also discuss the importance of Christians voting in this election and why, even with Trump's weakened stance on abortion, there's no moral equivalence between his and Harris's platforms. 

    You can watch The 1916 Project documentary for FREE now until the election on X! Go here:

    Learn more about The 1916 Project and how you can screen it at your church:

    Get The 1916 Project book:

    Connect with Seth:

    28 October 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    45. The State of Christian Colleges, with Dr. Everett Piper

    What is the state of Christian colleges today? Is a Christian college education worth the money? How should parents evaluate a given Christian college to determine if it’s biblically sound? What are some signs that a school is going progressive? These are just a few of the questions I discuss with my guest today, Dr. Everett Piper.

    Dr. Piper was president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University for 17 years, during which time he led his school from relative obscurity to a position of national recognition and influence. He presently serves as a contributing columnist for The Washington Times and his commentary on religion, education, leadership and politics is featured in local and national media outlets coast to coast. Dr. Piper is also the author of the national best-selling book, Not a Daycare: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth.


    10 October 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    44. What Investigating Death Teaches Us About the Meaning of Life, with Detective J. Warner Wallace

    Cold-case homicide detective, popular national speaker, and best-selling author J. Warner Wallace joins me to talk about his new book, The Truth in True Crime: What Investigating Death Teaches Us About the Meaning of LifeJim has incredibly unique and valuable insights about life from his many years working homicide cases. In this episode, he shares some of his greatest learnings from "investigating death." 


    17 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 52 minutes 41 seconds
    43. America's Disastrous Search for a More Inclusive Deity, with Erwin Lutzer

    My guest today is Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Dr. Lutzer is pastor emeritus of The Moody Church, where he served as the senior pastor for 36 years. He is an award-winning author of many books, including We Will Not Be Silenced, and the featured speaker on two radio programs heard on more than 750 outlets worldwide. 

    In this episode, we talk about Dr. Lutzer's brand new book (just released today!), called The Eclipse of God: Our Nation's Disastrous Search for a More Inclusive Deity (and What We Must Do About It). I had the honor of reading an early copy and endorsing it, and I highly recommend it. As I said in my endorsement, “I can't think of a better book to quickly bring Christians up to speed on the key forces that have led to our culture's disastrous attempt to redefine and abandon God.” We had a fantastic conversation in this episode about how America's gotten to the point of worshipping a self-made deity rather than the one true God. Don't miss this! Dr. Lutzer will give you insights into our current cultural moment that you won't forget.

    10 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 36 minutes 47 seconds
    42. How The After Party Curriculum Is Sowing Political Confusion in the Church

    The After Party is a small group curriculum and corresponding book that's being heavily promoted this election year to individuals, churches, and Christian institutions. The marketing is designed to attract churches who would like to simply encourage charitable communication around politics, but the execution is designed to convince Christians that they shouldn’t be so conservative. In this episode, I do a deep dive on the book to make the case that it's not what it's marketed to be and that it should absolutely be avoided by the church.

    This podcast is available in article form at

    31 August 2024, 12:00 am
  • 54 minutes 56 seconds
    41. Is There a Leftist Agenda Infiltrating the Church?, with Megan Basham

    Megan Basham's new book, Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda, has become the source of much discussion and controversy in the few days it's been out. In this episode, Megan and I talk about the central thesis of her book, the evidence for it, and why Christians should be concerned. She also responds to many of the objections people have had to it over the last few days.

    Get the book here:

    7 August 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    40. How to Discern Truth from Culture’s Lies, with Pastor Jack Hibbs

    Deception of many different kinds is a pervasive problem in the church today. The problem with deception, of course, is that people rarely know when they're being deceived. In this episode, I talk about some of the most pressing examples of deception in the church with pastor Jack Hibbs based on his new book, Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture's Lies.

    Pastor Jack is the founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, which is a community of 10,000 members in southern California. His podcast attracts 250,000 listeners monthly, and he broadcasts to 800 radio stations daily. 


    Unshaken Conference tickets and information:

    Register for a Summit Summer Conference and get $200 off with code NATASHA200 at

    Pastor Jack's newest book, Living in the Daze of Deception: How to Discern Truth from Culture's Lies

    Pastor Jack Hibbs' website:

    26 April 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    39. The Biggest Faith Challenges Facing the Next Generation, with Dr. Jeff Myers

    Culture has gone through an enormous shift in the last few years, and raising kids with a confident faith is more challenging than ever. Today I talk with Dr. Jeff Myers about the biggest faith challenges today and how parents (and grandparents!) should respond. Dr. Jeff is the president of Summit Ministries and is one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development. This is a conversation that every Christian concerned about the next generation needs to hear (and that should be all of us!).


    Register for a Summit Summer Conference and get $200 off with code NATASHA200 at (and an additional $100 off if you do so before March 31!)

    Unshaken Conference

    My apologetics books for parents:

    Parenting Gen Z by Jason Jimenez

    Legacy Coalition

    27 March 2024, 9:00 am
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