Any Other Business

Rob Bence and Rob Dix from Property Hub

Any Other Business is a brutally honest window into the daily reality of running a growing business. Rob Bence and Rob Dix started Property Hub in 2012 – and despite the seeming success of growing to a team of 50 across two cities, the reality has been anything but glamorous. Listen in as Rob & Rob share their daily disasters and admit to multi-million pound mistakes – then follow along in real-time as they attempt to make their most audacious move yet...

  • 23 minutes 47 seconds
    7 things you’re never told when starting a business

    What is it really like to start a business? 

    In a time where everyone seems to be starting one, and social media is filled with all the highlights, fancy cars and trips around the world, you might’ve found yourself asking just that. 

    And with the amount of information that’s out there, you probably thought you’ve got the full picture. 

    But what if we told you there are some key details that always seem to be missed out? 

    In today’s episode Rob & Rob are giving you a glimpse into the reality, as they reveal the seven things no-one warns you about when starting a business. 

    Tune in now and hear the home truths you need to digest, if you want to become an entrepreneur. 

    And make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 






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    1 November 2021, 6:00 am
  • 20 minutes 37 seconds
    The inside scoop on our new app - Portfolio

    If you’ve not already heard we’re launching an app! 

    The announcement of Portfolio couldn’t have gone any better, but naturally people have got A LOT of questions. 

    And in this episode, we’re diving right in and answering some of them. 

    From what the business plan looked like and how it’s impacted the rest of the business, to how Rob & Rob got people to buy into the idea, they’re leaving no stone unturned in today’s episode. 

    Rob & Rob are answering: 

    • How do you know there will be a demand for Portfolio? Did you do any market research or was it more of a gut feeling? 
    • How has your team changed and how have you got people to buy into the journey? 
    • Have other parts of the business suffered or been neglected? 
    • How did you write a business plan for Portfolio, and can you share your goals? 
    • As a business owner, how do you weigh up the risk and reward when making changes to a business that isn’t broken? 

    Tune in now! 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 






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    25 October 2021, 5:00 am
  • 20 minutes 28 seconds
    We answer YOUR business questions

    We’re back and we’re answering your burning business questions. 

    This week, Rob & Rob are taking a look at the questions you’ve submitted at and giving you their best business tips. 

    Covering everything from the worse things about being a business owner, and how much you should pay yourself to what they would do differently if they started all over again – this is an episode you don’t want to miss. 

    Rob & Rob are answering: 

    • Me and my business partner constantly disagree, how would you deal with it if this was you two? 
    • How much should I be paying myself as a business owner? 
    • What are the worse things about being a business owner? 
    • If you had to start the business again, what would you do differently? 
    • My side hustle is about to take off, how do I know when it’s the right time to quit my job? 
    • How to start marketing your business, when you don’t know how? 

    Tune in now! 

    Want to submit your own business questions you can do that here

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 





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    18 October 2021, 5:00 am
  • 41 minutes 11 seconds
    We’re finally revealing EVERYTHING

    We’re back and we’ve got one hell of a season two for you. 

    Season one was the origin story - we took you down memory lane, sharing our journey so far - our biggest wins and our epics failures. 

    We teased about the exciting project we’ve been working on for the last two years and we’re finally ready to reveal it all to you. 

    You’ve waited long enough. 

    So get ready to join us, in real-time, and follow the journey of our most audacious project to date. 

    We’re about to completely change the property investment game with our new app - Portfolio. 

    Portfolio allows you to become a property investor in a matter of minutes through an app on your phone.  

    Game-changing – right?! 

    Tune in now and get ready to hear how this idea came to fruition and just how tough it’s been to get off the ground.  

    And if hearing about it just wasn’t enough, you can watch our big reveal video here. 

    AND if Portfolio has got your attention, join the waitlist here to find out when you can get access. 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 






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    11 October 2021, 5:00 am
  • 1 minute 29 seconds
    Season two is here!

    It’s almost time! 

    Season two is almost here and we’re ready to reveal what we’ve been busy working on for the last year. 

    We’ll be sharing everything - so join us for our most audacious move yet, as we completely disrupt the industry. 

    Are you ready? 

    Tune in now! 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 





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    16 September 2021, 2:39 pm
  • 28 minutes 59 seconds
    The season finale

    This is it. 

    Season one has finally come to an end, and what a season it’s been. 

    Rob & Rob haven’t shied away from sharing their greatest lessons, successes and epic disasters. 

    And there’s plenty more in store for season two, so keep your eyes and ears peeled as Rob & Rob are going to reveal their most audacious move yet and take you along for the ride. 

    But for now, Rob & Rob are wrapping up season one, and sharing some massive hints at what lies ahead. 

    In this episode, you’ll find out: 

    • What’s in store for season two. 
    • How to be the first to find out what we’re doing next. 
    • What’s been happening behind the scenes in the business over the last six months. 

    Tune in now! 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 





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    12 July 2021, 5:00 am
  • 20 minutes 13 seconds
    How to stay optimistic when business is tough

    Is the glass always half-full or half-empty? 

    Not being optimistic in business could be holding you back. Business definitely isn’t for the risk averse or the pessimistic.  

    But this doesn’t mean blind optimism is the way forward either. 

    In this episode Rob & Rob are discussing the importance of optimism in business and revealing how you can harness it. 

    You’ll find out: 

    • The importance of staying optimistic but realistic. 
    • How to harness optimism when it doesn’t come naturally. 
    • What optimism means to Rob & Rob. 
    • How to be critical at the right time. 

    Tune in now! 

    And if you’re looking for The Magic of Thinking Big book you can find that here and don’t forget to check out our other must-read business books

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 





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    5 July 2021, 5:00 am
  • 24 minutes 29 seconds
    How to network like you mean it

    Networking is a powerful tool.  

    A good network can play a huge part in a business success story - helping you recruit talent, find customers, mentors and even investors. 

    People often think that the only way to network is at an event, in a room full of people, handing out your business card to anyone who’ll take it. 

    But this just doesn’t work for most people. 

    Rob & Rob, didn’t like networking like this, so they thought of other ways to expand their contacts - without having to do the things they hated. 

    And in this episode, they’re revealing other ways to network and how you can do it successfully. 

    So if working the room isn’t for you, then this episode is a MUST listen. 

    You’ll find out: 

    • How Rob & Rob network. 
    • Why networking is so important 
    • What networking has done for Rob & Rob, and what it can do for your business 
    • How to avoid the networking styles you don’t enjoy 

    Tune in now! 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 





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    28 June 2021, 5:00 am
  • 15 minutes 46 seconds
    Essential business podcasts you should be listening to

    Rob & Rob are HUGE fans of podcasts. They love making them, but they’re also avid listeners themselves. 

    Podcasts are a great way to learn, and with so many shows out there offering advice, stories and experiences, it can be difficult to know where to start. 

    Thankfully, Rob & Rob have listened to most business podcasts out there, and they’ve curated a list of their top nine shows that are an essential listen. 

    There’s a range of recommendations so there’s at least one podcast to help you along every different step of your business journey. 

    Tune in now! 

    And if you’re looking for the episodes of Tropical MBA that Rob & Rob featured on, you can find them below: 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 





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    21 June 2021, 5:00 am
  • 30 minutes 32 seconds
    8 unusual things we’ve done to grow our business

    When you see other successful businesses, it’s tempting to follow suit and copy the things that made them successful. 

    But that’s not going to work for everyone. Copying someone else's route to success could be what leads your business down the path to failure. 

    Going against the grain, and thinking outside of the box can unlock rapid growth and that’s exactly what happened for Rob & Rob. 

    The ideas that worked for others were some of their biggest failures and it was only when they started to think unconventionally, that they began to notice some serious growth. 

    So, in this episode, they’re sharing the eight unusual things they did to exponentially grow Property Hub and are giving you the tips to come up with your own unusual ideas. 

    If you’re ready to kickstart your businesses journey and expand even further - this is the episode for you. 

    You’ll find out: 

    • The eight unconventional things that helped grow Property Hub. 
    • Why being boring in business won’t pay off. 
    • The reason you shouldn’t copy someone else's route to success. 
    • How to come up with your own unconventional ideas to grow your business. 

    Tune in now! 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 





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    14 June 2021, 5:00 am
  • 20 minutes 17 seconds
    Essential business lessons you were never taught at school

    Have you ever thought - ‘Why didn’t I learn this at school?’  

    School doesn’t teach you how to become an entrepreneur. It teaches us a lot, but not everything: some things simply cannot be taught by a textbook. 

    Education is priceless, and you should always be striving to learn more – but this isn’t limited to just academia. You can learn so much more just from in the trenches real-life experience.  

    Rob & Rob weren’t your typical top of the class students: they struggled throughout school but it was after they left that they truly began to find their feet in the world of business and learn the important skills that they use every day. 

    In this episode they’re sharing the key skills you need to be successful in business that school simply won’t teach you. 

    So if you’re just getting started in business this is the episode for you. 

    You’ll find out: 

    • What Rob & Rob were like at school. 
    • What skills you need to be successful in business. 
    • How you can learn those skills. 

    Tune in now! 

    And if you’re looking for Rob & Rob’s top productivity hacks, you can listen to the full episode here

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel - and don’t forget to hit the notification bell to be the first to find out when new episodes drop.  

    You can also find out more about us here and here

    And if you’d like to follow the journey of our businesses, you can do that here: 





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    7 June 2021, 5:00 am
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