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  • Taiwan Elections and Organ Donation

    Following are the words we've talked about in this show.


    选举 xuǎn jǔ: election

    九合一 jiǔ hé yī: 9 in 1

    拜票 bài piào: asking for votes

    热情 rè qíng: passion

    村干部 cūn gàn bù: village cadres

    被选举人 bèi xuǎn jǔ rén: candidate of an election

    共产党 gòng chǎn dǎng: communist party

    国民党 guó mín dǎn: nationalist party

    九三学社 jiǔ sān xué shè: Jiushan Association

    网友 wǎng yǒu: internet user; e-friend

    亲民 qīn mín: to treat the people as one would treat one's family

    太子党 tài zǐ dǎng: princelings

    死刑 sǐ xín: death penalty

    囚犯 qiú fàn: prisoner; convict

    捐赠 juān zèng: donation

    安乐死 ān lè sǐ: euthanasia

    10 December 2014, 9:26 am
  • APEC Blue and Shopping Festival

    Following are the words we've talked about in this show.

    国际 guó jì: international
    段子 duàn zi: joke, parody
    雾霾 wù mái: smog
    伸手不见五指 shēn shǒu bú jiàn wǔ zhǐ: too dark to see one's own fingers
    限行 xiàn xíng: traffice limitation and regulation
    情商 qíng shāng: EQ
    习大大 xí dà da: nickname for Xi Jin Ping, China's president
    本土 běn tǔ: local, domestic
    亲民 qīn mín: to love people like one's own family, people first
    血拼 xuè pīn: a funny expression of shopping
    双十一 shuāng 
    shí yī: 11th of November, Cinese online shopping day
    光棍节 guāng gùn jié: single's day
    红包 hóng bāo: red envelop, cash packge
    天猫 tiān māo:
    海淘 hǎi táo: shopping overseas
    剁手 duò shǒu: to chop off one's hand
    电闸 diàn zhá: power switch 




    26 November 2014, 3:55 am
  • 30 minutes 32 seconds
    Taiwanese National Day, Hong Kong and Ebola

    Today we talk about 双十节 shuāng shí jiē, the day that commenmorates the founding of the Republic of China in 1911. Don't miss the show as our hosts from both sides of the straits get into some fascinating discussion about the history and relations between the Repubic and People's Republic of China. 

    Following are the keywords used in this podcast:

    双十节 shuāng shí jiē: Double-Ten Day
    国庆日 guó qìng rì: National Day
    国民党 guó mín dǎng: Chinese Nationalist Party
    纪年 jì nián: chronology
    外省人 wài shěng rén: Mainlanders
    原住民 yuán zhù mín: Aborigine
    蓝营 lán yíng: Blue Camp
    绿营 lǜ yíng: Green Camp
    戒严 jiè yán: martial law
    崇拜 chóng bài: adore
    民国 mín guó: The Republic of China
    五四运动 wǔ sì yùn dòng: May Fourth Movement in 1919
    中山装 zhōng shān zhuāng: Sun Yat Sen's uniform
    诗意 shī yì: poetic
    占领中环 zhàn lǐng zhōng huán: Occupy Central
    安居乐业 ān jū lè yè: live and work in peace and contentment
    稳定 wěn dìng: stable, steady
    地球仪 dì qiú yí: terrestrial globe
    口罩 kǒu zhào: face mask
    埃博拉 āi bó lā: Ebola (virus)
    雾霾 wù mái: smog
    传染病 chuán rǎn bìng: infectious disease

    22 October 2014, 5:46 am
  • 34 minutes 55 seconds
    A High Profile Couple's Romance and Chinese Views on Divorce and Dating a Younger Man

    Keywords and phrases used in the show: 

    娱乐界 yú lè jiè:showbiz

    个性 gè xìng:personality

    姐弟恋 jiě dì liàn:love affair between an older woman and a yonger man

    分手 fēn shǒu:break up

    狗仔队 gǒu zǎi duì:paparazzi

    女大三,抱金砖 nǚ dà sān ,bào jīn zhuān:mature wife ensure you a joyful life

    参与 cān yǔ:to participate

    相亲 xiāng qīn: blind date

    剩女 shèng nǚ: leftover woman

    钻石王老五 zuàn shí wáng lǎo wǔ: golden bachelor

    80后 bā líng hòu: generation born in 80's

    重组家庭 chóng zǔ jiā tíng: reconstituted family

    第二春 dì èr chūn: refreshment

    破碎家庭 pò suì jiā tíng: a broken family

    单亲家庭 dān qīn jiā tíng: a single-parent family

    人民调解员 rén mín tiáo jiě yuán: the people's arbirators

    分分合合 fēn fēn hé hé: on-again-off-again relationship

    15 October 2014, 10:22 am
  • 42 minutes
    Healthcare in China

    Following are the words we've talked about in today's show.

    冰桶挑战 bīng tǒng tiāo zhàn: ice bucket challenge
    接受 jiē shòu: to accept
    批评 pī píng: criticism
    渐冻人 jiàn dòng rén: ALS patient
    肌肉萎缩症 jī ròu wěi suō zhèng: ALS
    医疗 yī liáo: medical care
    医疗制度 yī liáo zhì dù: medical system
    受害者 shòu hài zhě: victim
    医患关系 yī huàn guān xì: relationship between doctors and patients
    慢性病 màn xìng bìng: chronic illness
    俗称 sú chēng: colloquial name
    过世 guò shì: pass away
    节哀顺变 jiē āi shùn biàn: to restrain one's grief
    可惜 kě xī: pity
    遗憾 yí hàn: sorry
    医闹 yī nào: hospital violator
    医疗事故 yī liáo shì gù: medical negligence
    过度用药 guò dù yòng yào: over prescription
    医托 yī tuō: hospital scalper
    挂号 guà hào: to register
    吃药 chī yào: to take medicine
    社区医院 shè qū yī yuàn: community hospital
    小儿科 xiǎo ér kē: pediatrics
    家医科 jiā yī kē: policlinic
    医保 yī bǎo: health insurance
    养老保险 yǎng lǎo bǎo xiǎn: endowment insurance
    赤脚医生 chì jiǎo yī shēng: barefoot doctor
    咳嗽 ké sòu: cough
    门诊 mén zhěn: outpatient service
    委屈 wěi qū: grievance
    隔离 gé lí: isolation
    信任 xìn rèn: trust
    中医 zhōng yī: TCM
    养生 yǎng shēng: health preserving
    扭 niǔ: to wring
    推拿 tuī ná: massage
    中成药 zhōng chéng yào: Chinese patent drug
    副作用 fù zuò yòng: side effect
    病因 bìng yīn: cause of disease
    针灸 zhēn jiǔ: acupuncture

    1 October 2014, 7:42 pm
  • 33 minutes 27 seconds
    Alibaba's IPO and China's Obsession with Apple

    This week Jenny and Fiona talk about the recent Alibaba IPO, China's obsession with Apple products and a few web services you need to know in China. 
    Here's a list of key words used in the show:  

    科技 kē jì : technology
    网络公司 wǎng luò gōng sī : web company
    路演 lù yǎn : road show
    消费者 xiāo fèi zhě : consumer
    企业家 qǐ yè jiā : entrepreneur
    创业者 chuàng yè zhě : founder, starter
    生意 shēng yì : business
    美食 měi shí : delicious food
    上瘾 shàng yǐn : addicted
    淘金 táo jīn : gold digging
    淘米 táo mǐ : to wash rice
    广交会 guǎng jiāo huì : The China Import and Export Commodities Fair
    生态链 shēng tài liàn : eco-chain
    果粉 guǒ fěn : Apple fans
    肾 shèn : kidney
    屌丝 diǎo sī : common people
    可穿戴产品 kě chuān dài chǎn pǐn : wearable products
    智能硬件 zhì néng yìng jiàn : intelligent hardware
    低头族 dī tóu zú : phubber
    脸书 liǎn shū : Facebook
    禁 jìn : to block
    公众号 gōng zhòng hào : public number
    么么嗒 me me dā : kisses (on internet)

    25 September 2014, 2:51 am
  • 30 minutes 54 seconds
    iCloud Photo Leak and Attitudes towards Sex in China

    Following are the words we've talked about in this episode.

    好莱坞 hǎo lái wū: Hollywood
    手提电脑 shǒu tí diàn nǎo: laptop
    纯洁 chún jié: pure; chastity
    下流 xià liú: indecency
    富二代 fù èr dài: second generation rich
    不检点 bù jiǎn diǎn: not be on one's good behavior
    骇客 hài kè: hacker
    黑客 hēi kè: hacker
    不雅照 bù yǎ zhào: indelicate photo
    开放 kāi fàng: open
    坦荡 tǎn dàng: light heart
    贞洁 zhēn jié: chastity
    求种 qiú zhǒng: asking for a link or BT seed
    虚伪 xū wěi: false; hypocritical
    闷骚 mēn sāo: restrained
    渣男 zhā nán: loser
    同居 tóng jū: live together
    自慰 zì wèi: masturbation
    开房 kāi fáng: to rent a room in a hotel (esp. for a secret liaison)
    性教育 xìng jiāo yù: sex education
    发育 fā yù: growth
    打胎 dǎ tā: abortion

    18 September 2014, 7:22 am
  • 27 minutes 21 seconds
    Chinese Travel Habits

    Key words used in the show:

    月饼 yuè bǐng: moon cake

    烧烤 shāo kǎo: barbecue

    海鲜 hǎi xiān: seafood

    跟团 gēn tuán: to follow a group

    说走就走 shuō zǒu jiù zǒu: to leave and really mean it; to leave immediately

    旅行 lǚ xíng: travel

    自助 zì zhù: to help one's self

    背包客 bēi bāo kè: backpacker 

    迁徙 qiān xǐ: to migrate

    驴友 lǘ yǒu: a type of friends who often travel with you

    爬山 pá shān: to climb moutain

    手续 shǒu xù: procedure

    台胞证 tái bāo zhèng: Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents

    同胞 tóng bāo: compatriot

    通行证  tōng xíng zhèng: passport

    中华传统 zhōng huá chuán tǒng: Chinese tradition

    11 September 2014, 6:36 am
  • 28 minutes 6 seconds
    Celebrities and Drugs

    Following are the words we talked about in today's show.

    明星 míng xīng:celebrity

    涉毒 shè dú:be involved in drugs

    打击 dǎ jī:strike

    波 bō:wave

    严禁 yán jìn: strictly prohibit

    大麻 dà má: weed

    阴性 yīn xìng: Yin, negative

    阳性 yáng xìng: Yang, positive

    养不教,父之过 yǎng bù jiāo, fù zhī guò: a child is better unborn than untaught

    冰毒 bīng dú: crystal meth

    鸦片 yā piàn: opium

    零容忍 líng róng rěn: zero tolerance

    看守所 kān shǒu suǒ: house of detention

    3 September 2014, 4:24 am
  • 24 minutes 59 seconds
    Are Chinese Men Not Good Enough for Chinese Women?

    Following are the words we've talked about in this show.

    配得上 pèideshàng: be good enough for

    优越感 yōuyuègǎn: superiority feeling

    躺枪 tǎngqiāng: accusation on innocent person

    小白脸 xiǎobáiliǎn: gigolo

    潮流 cháoliú: fashion

    包办婚姻 bāobànhūnyīn: arranged marriage

    早恋 zǎoliàn: puppy love

    猥琐 wěisuǒ: sleazy

    剩女 shèngnǚ: left-over women

    滞销 zhìxiāo: unmarketable

    20 August 2014, 10:07 am
  • 29 minutes 34 seconds
    Chinese Tech Giants

    Following are the key players in the Chinese tech scene:

    百度 bǎi dù :

    腾讯 téng xùn :

    微信 wēi xìn :

    微博 wēi bó :

    阿里巴巴 ā lǐ bā bā :

    天猫 tiān māo :

    淘宝 táo bǎo :

    京东 jīng dōng :

    13 August 2014, 3:11 am
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