Whitley Strieber

Journeys to the Extreme Edge

  • 1 hour 1 minute
    You CAN Do Telepathy–Plus a Powerful New Meditation from Whitley
    Telepathy pioneer Diane Hennacy Powell joins Whitley for a deep dive into her discoveries about the telepathic abilities of the unvoiced, followed by a discussion of how, once we understand that telepathy is real, we can all learn it. Whitley tells a great story about a telepathic exchange with an unvoiced person on a streetcorner in Mexico City on January 18. Then, for subscribers, he leads us into a deep meditative state as only Whitley can do. This is a very beautiful, powerful show. Visit Diane on her website, DrDianeHennacy.com Get a signed copy of Diane Hennacy Powell's book from her website. Click here to order. Not an Unknowncountry.com subscriber? Support Dreamland, our excellent news offering and so much more. AND enjoy being part of our community of explorers. Click here to explore our options.
    7 February 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Meet Tom Matte, The Man Who Can See The Matrix

    In this episode, guest host Kelly Chase sits down with author and experiencer, Tom Matte. Tom’s story is a fascinating one. After getting sober following a drug-induced mental breakdown, he found that he suddenly had abilities that he’d never had before including a greatly enhanced capacity for math and a strange new psi ability that he calls “Upsight.” 

    31 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Shadow of the Anunnaki: Andrew Collins goes Deep in Time to a More Mysterious Site than Gobekli Tepe
    Dreamland at its most informative and unforgettable. Andrew Collins is back with a mind opening and mind bending new discovery. His richly informative and magnificently illustrated new book, Karahan Tepe: Civilization of the Annunaki and the Cosmic Origins of the Serpent of Eden takes us deep into our lost past and leads us to vitally important new understanding of just what was happening during the unfolding cataclysm of 9,000 BCE. What is the hidden meaning of the serpent, which is a symbol common to ancient cultures from Turkey to the Americas and across the world? This show sheds light into a dark corner and a denied reality. Visit Andrew Collins on his great website, AndrewCollins.com Did you know that you can go on the adventure of a lifetime in Turkey with Andrew as your guide? Click here for more information! To get Karahan Tepe, visit Andrew's website or click here. Not an Unknowncountry subscriber. Help us keep the lights on! Click here.
    24 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    The Inside Scoop on James Fox’s Controversial New Docu The Program

    Legendary filmmaker James Fox joins Whitley for a deep dive into his explosive new documentary, The Program.

    17 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 46 minutes
    HELD OVER TILL JAN 17: The Telepathy Tapes with Producer Ky Dickens DON’T MISS THIS INCREDIBLY SPECIAL SHOW
    Whitley had to evacuate his home due to the Pacific Palisades fire but he has returned and is safe. Next week, we have an extraordinary show that PROVES that NASA is not telling the whole story about Mars and the moon. The Telepathy Tapes has stormed to the top of the podcasts charts around the world because it makes an overwhelming case that telepathy is real, and in this show producer Ky Dickens tells us just why that is true. Of course, many of the close encounter witnesses who are involved on Unknowncountry know this because of their own life experiences. The Telepathy Tapes tells the heart-rending and inspiring story of how unvoiced people on the autism spectrum can communicate telepathically, and how this discovery is enriching their lives and freeing them to contribute to society in wonderful new ways. Later in the show, there is even a remarkable apparent moment of telepathy when Ky Dickens texts one of the unvoiced people to get him to answer one of Whitley's questions. His response strongly suggests that he has telepathic awareness, with or without conscious awareness of it, of what is being discussed in the interview.
    3 January 2025, 12:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 46 seconds
    A Close Encounter Witness Videos a UFO Interior
    For our Christmas special, close encounter witness "John" is joined by an expert in forensics and a video expert to tell us about the first UFO interior ever filmed by a witness. John's video will be shown during the program. There is no alteration of the image. John accidentally found the video on his phone weeks after it was made. The video was geolocated to a spot down the street from his home and a hundred feet in the air. All of the details are present in the show. Have a joyous Christmas season. We will see you again in 2025! Give yourself a Christmas present--and us. Subscribe today! Click here.
    20 December 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    The Martian Enigmas and Our Lost Past

    The Martian Enigmas and Our Lost Past

    13 December 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    An Astonishing and Revelatory New Vision of the UFO Mystery

    In this episode, guest host Kelly Chase sits down with researcher Daniel Elizondo. Daniel is the co-author of Loose Threads, which is one of the most remarkable and revelatory pieces of work that has been done in terms of understanding the history of ufology and how it relates to the current disclosure movement.

    6 December 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 51 seconds
    Happy Thanksgiving Dreamlanders! See You Again Next Week!

    Barbara Hand Clow joins us with a devastating look at once into the distant past when a great civilization was overtaken by a catastrophe so tremendous that it left us in a state of amnesia and ushered in a dark age known as the Kali Yuga. Then she shifts into the present, drawing on her Cherokee ancestry and her own powerful channeled information from her personal Pleiadian connection, she lays out her expectations for the future and details how we can both protect ourselves and raise our consciousness in response to what is about to happen.

    29 November 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Contact Challenges from Pilots to Our Children

    Dr. Iya Whiteley brings stunning insights and ideas into areas like astronaut mental health during long term deep space travel, pilot encounters with UAP and how we improve our abilities to perceive and interact with our visitors, and how


    our children both can be helped and can help us in this greatest of all human endeavors. You will never have encountered anyone like Dr. Whiteley with her great knowledge and advanced insights.

    15 November 2024, 12:00 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Why We Lost Our Magic and How to Get It Back

    Legendary author and scientist Dr. Dean Radin, chief scientist at the Institute for Noetic Sciences, goes deep into the relationship between us and the universe around us. Why do our visitors have extraordinary powers like levitation and telepathy and we don’t. Or do we?

    8 November 2024, 1:00 pm
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