Night City Stories: A Cyberpunk 2077 Podcast

Mash Those Buttons

Welcome to Night City Stories! A podcast where we focus on the story and experience of Cyberpunk 2077. Join us weekly as we explore Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 as well as dive deeper into the world of Cyberpunk.

  • 40 minutes 55 seconds
    #16: The Voodoo Boys, The Animals, and Pacifica
    This week we step away from the main quest path and talk a little history about The Voodoo Boys, The Animals, and Pacifica. Turns out, there were more than one version of the Voodoo Boys, and the Animals aren't just a roving gang of brutes. We discuss how Pacifica was meant to be a high end resort for corpos and tourists, but thanks to the Unification War, that didn't pan out.

    This weeks episode is a bit shorter than normal, but next week we finally dive into Pacifica and meet the Voodoo Boys.

    Episode URL:


    Jarret Redding

    Bob Schissler

    Justin Maxey

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

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    29 April 2021, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 42 seconds
    #15: Down The Street (Part 1) and Both Sides, Now

    This week we finally move on with Takemura in the main mission Down The Street. We meet his contact in hopes of getting a meeting with Hanako Arasaka. As you can imagine, things don't go as planned, but we still get something valuable out of the conversation.

    After that, we head over to Judy's to wrap up Evelyn's story line. She called us earlier asking us to come over immediately, and when we get there, things aren't good. We have a conversation with Judy that leads to her line of side quests.

    Episode URL:


    Justin Maxey

    Jarret Redding

    Bob Schissler

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

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    22 April 2021, 5:43 pm
  • 54 minutes 1 second
    #14: Life During Wartime Finale and Tapeworm (Part 1)
    Last episode we finally found Anders Hellman, and this week we get to talk to him. This week we'll focus on our conversation with Anders Hellman, and some of the new information he gives us about the Relic. Also, after we talk with Hellman, Johnny needs to get something off of his chest, so we'll talk about the first part of Tapeworm.

    Episode URL:


    Jarret Redding

    Bob Schissler

    Justin Maxey

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

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    1 April 2021, 6:46 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    #13: Lightning Breaks and Life During Wartime
    This week we pick up where we left off at the Sunset Motel and grab a drink with Panam. Its time for her to hold up her end of the deal and help you get Anders Hellman. Depending on if you helped with Nash or not will determine how friendly Panam gets with you. After Panam lays out the plan we head to the Satwave Power Station for a little sabotage that helps bring the AV with Hellman down. Unfortunately, things don’t work out as planned and Mitch and Scorpion end up getting involved in an unexpected twist for Panam.

    Episode URL:


    Justin Maxey

    Bob Schissler

    Jarret Redding

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

    Website: Discord:

    25 March 2021, 9:55 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    #12: Ghost Town (Part 2), The Aldecaldos, and Fall of the Bakkers
    This week we start with Jaa talking about how he caught up his Corpo playthrough, as well as finally got a sword. He discusses chopping up Tiger Claws at Clouds and punching Fingers in the face. We also finish up the main quest Ghost Town. Panam takes us to her (former) Nomad camp looking for help from a few old friends. While there we take the time to discuss a bit of Aldecaldo history, as well as find a shard that gives us some background on the fall of the Bakker clan. That’s of particular interest to us because Nomad V was a member of the Bakker clan, so it may give us some insight into why the left.

    After that we head to Rocky Ridge to set a trap for Nash and his crew. After dark we take them on, but Nash is not there. It is decision time with Panam. Will we go with her to the Raffen hide out and get revenge? Or do we make her stick to the deal and just deliver the goods to 6th Street?

    Episode URL:


    Justin Maxey

    Bob Schissler

    Jarret Redding

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

    Website: Discord:

    12 March 2021, 7:28 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    #11: Double Life and Ghost Town (Part 1)
    This week we kick off the show talking a bit about crafting. On Jaa’s first playthrough he felt like he didn’t need to do a lot of crafting, but after trying more specialized builds, he’s been using it more often. After that we move into this weeks main quests: Double Life and Ghost Town. Double Life has zero action, but you get a layer Evelyn’s mystery peel back more. We discuss her interaction with the Voodoo Boys, our currently relationship with Judy, and some emails we found at Judy’s apartment.

    From there we move start the Ghost Town quest by going to the Afterlife. We talk to Rogue, but are a bit confused as to why she’ll talk to us and not Takemura considering she doesn’t want anything to do with those who were involved with Kompeki Plaza. We get the details on Hellman, and then cut a deal with Panam for her to help with the Hellman job.

    Episode URL:


    Justin Maxey

    Bob Schissler

    Jarret Redding

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

    Website: Discord:

    4 March 2021, 8:19 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    #10: The Space In Between and Disasterpiece
    This week we finally find Evelyn as we complete the missions The Space In Between and Disasterpiece. We head to Jig-Jig street to find Fingers, a Ripper Doc known for his resourcefulness as well as creepy nature. Depending on your currently relationship with Judy the dialog can go in several directions. This is another dialog heavy area of the game, but after we get enough info, we’re able to track down Evelyn’s location which leads us to somewhat of a dungeon type area that we need to fight through.

    Even though we are mostly dealing with enemies, we do get a lot of information on the Scavs what types of illicit businesses they run. We also get a look into how they take orders, and trick people into becoming their prey.

    Episode URL:


    Justin Maxey

    Bob Schissler

    Jarret Redding

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

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    18 February 2021, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    #9: Automatic Love
    This week we are Bob-less, but we are pushing an episode out anyway to keep things moving. We’re covering the main quest: Automatic Love. Picking up after meeting with Takemura, we’re going to head to Lizzies to meet up with Judy where, depending on your dialog, we’ll earn Judy’s trust to find out where Evelyn is, or have a heated conversation about it. We’ll also head to Clouds, the premiere Dollhouse in Night City, where we’ll learn what happened to Evelyn as well as our “deepest desires”.

    Also, Jaa wants to know why so many people picked Angel when they mean to pick Skye, as there is more than enough information to tell you who’s who. We also discuss the different approaches you can take to getting the info you need at Clouds.

    Episode URL:


    Justin Maxey

    Jarret Redding

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

    Website: Discord:

    12 February 2021, 9:39 am
  • 1 hour 22 minutes
    #8: Back from the Dead, Meeting Johnny, and The Plan
    This week, V comes back from the dead! We talk about the second half of the Interlude, and the beginning of Act II. We discuss the downfall of Dexter Deshaun, escaping terrible Arasaka Ninjas, and Vic saving our life. We also dig into Vic giving V the bad news about their situation, and our first interactions with Johnny Silverhand.

    Things are looking bad, but V isn’t going out without a fight. We meet with Takemura to discuss his plan for revenge, but also the plan to save V’s life. We also dive a little bit into side missions regarding Mama Wells and Delamain.

    Episode URL:


    Jarret Redding

    Justin Maxey

    Bob Schissler

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

    Website: Discord:

    4 February 2021, 10:03 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    #7: The History of Arasaka
    This week we are doing things a little differently. After the heist ends poorly for V you end up in the memories of Johnny Silverhand as he executes his plan to take down Arasaka. We figured it would be a good time to learn more about Arasaka and how it rose to power. We discuss Arasaka’s beginnings in 1915 Japan, how it built its wealth through World War II, Saburo’s vision, and how it was executed.

    We also discuss Love Like Fire, the interlude between Act 1 and 2 where Johnny Silverhand [REDACTED] at Arasaka tower. Cyberpunk 2077 does not really do justice to the impact Johnny’s actions, so we also discuss the fallout from the event that left Arasaka, and even the Japanese government, crippled. Finally, we discuss how Arasaka regained its strength and how it got such a strong foothold in Night City.

    Episode URL:


    Justin Maxey

    Jarret Redding

    Bob Schissler

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

    Website: Discord:

    21 January 2021, 10:02 am
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    #6: The Heist
    This week we finally finish up Act 1 as we make our way through its final mission: The Heist. V and Jackie finally hit the big time as they enter Afterlife for the first time. We meet Claire the bartender, and get our first look at Rogue. We also finally me T-Bug for the first time in the real as we meet with Dexter Deshawn one final time before the big job to get all the details. Well, not all the details. Stuff like, how much we are going to make is still kind of up in the air. Small stuff…

    We are introduced to Delamain for the first time as we head to Konpeki Plaza. Things seem to be going well until an unexpected visitor comes to visit Yorinobu, and that is when the plan goes to hell. We discuss our escape, the consequences, and how it all ends.

    Episode URL:


    Jarret Redding

    Justin Maxey

    Bob Schissler

    Thank you for listening to a Mash Those Buttons podcast! You can keep up with all of our podcasts in the following locations.

    Website: Discord:

    15 January 2021, 3:26 am
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