Falkirk Center

Falkirk Center

Rooted in compelling, absolute truths, our principles transcend generational divides and withstand cultural trends. As the creeds of secularism are proving tenuous and unsatisfying to millions of Americans, there has never been a better time to fill this void and amplify these truths. To take up this cause, Liberty University has launched the Falkirk Center for Faith and Liberty with the purpose of educating, inspiring, and mobilizing Christians in the battle to preserve American liberty.

  • 7 minutes 42 seconds
    Confronting ANARCHY and ANTISEMITISM on College Campuses. How Should Christians Respond? | Here's The Point

    So how should Christians respond? Here’s the point. Colossians 2:8 says, “See to it that no one take you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than Christ.” Antisemitism is evil. Period. Yes, we must confront it. We also not be naïve about the antecedent of Antisemitism today. America has a problem with Marxism and Marxist ideologies that have taken college campuses by storm.
    Learn more at standingforfreedom.com

    7 May 2024, 9:28 pm
  • 23 minutes 27 seconds
    The Stories of Detransitioners: Why They’re FIGHTING BACK against Gender Ideology | Give Me Liberty Ep. 83

    Mary Margaret Olohan, the author of "Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult," joins Ryan to discuss why detransitioners are fighting back against gender ideology. In recent years, the belief that men and women can change their gender has surged in American culture, creating a phenomenon where many people were biologically altered at a young age and have grown to regret it. Mary explains that this is fueled by the "insidious lie" of gender ideology and discusses how we can combat it. All of this and more on the Give Me Liberty podcast starting NOW! Learn more at standingforfreedom.com Like, share, and subscribe for more! Stand up for TRUTH. Follow us! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/110010433804... Twitter: https://twitter.com/freedomcenterlu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedomcent... Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/freedomcenterlu Find us on Rumble! https://rumble.com/user/FreedomCenterLU Listen on the go! https://anchor.fm/freedom-center

    3 May 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 15 seconds
    Are PRO-HAMAS Protestors Running College Campuses? How Should Christians Respond? | Here's The Point

    Today, Chaz-style encampments fill the campus of Columbia University. The occupiers are shouting, “Kill all Zionists! Long Live Hamas.” But this isn’t just at Columbia. From New York to California, blue cities and blue campuses are erupting with the most prejudicial, vehement, and vilest expressions of hatred toward the Jewish people that America has ever seen. It is by no means isolated and it is alarming just how widespread this has become. There are only two directions before us in this civilizational moment. We will either experience a true revival and recovery of those eternal principles and foundations in the Gospel that once made America strong as Alexis de Tocqueville observed, or we will lose them in this generation as our culture commits the Romans 1 folly of suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. Christians cannot afford to be silent in this moment. Faithfulness demands obedience. As the apostle Paul said, “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” We must take a stand for truth and righteousness. And we must take the hill. It is the most loving thing we can do. Learn more at standingforfreedom.com

    24 April 2024, 8:45 pm
  • 5 minutes 42 seconds
    NEW Title IX Rules Spell DANGER for Women's Rights! How Should Christians Respond? | Here's The Point

    On Friday, April 19th the Biden Administration finally rolled out new rules to amend Title IX regulations and expand the legal definition of sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity. This will have broad and sweeping effects on primary, secondary, and post-secondary education all across the country, influencing and impacting student programs, facilities, scholarships, housing, healthcare, and freedom of speech and religion in public spaces. How should Christians think about it? Here’s the Point. All freedom is derived from our Creator and while not every government is capable of defining or defending those rights, they are pre-political and exist outside of any bureaucracy. All biological reality was determined at creation by the God of creation. We desperately need revival in America. The reason we have such a fragmented and incoherent understanding of rights and freedoms in America is that we have a government and a people that have denied God along with the universe He has made. And this isn’t just a political problem, at its root it is a deeply spiritual problem. America needs the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bold defenders of freedom and basic biology in the public square. Learn more at standingforfreedom.com

    22 April 2024, 8:45 pm
  • 8 minutes
    Has the Mainstream Media Lost America's Trust? | Here's The Point

    The Berliner story reveals there is bias, more importantly, there is dissension among the rank-and-file media class. How should Christians think about this? Here’s the Point: The counterfeit world of digital media, news, and information might seem monolithic and if compared to a castle fortress, impregnable. But it has serious cracks, and the foundation is built on sinking sand. No one, absolutely no one, can propagate myths and deceptions in perpetuity. There are real costs to doing that and the bill always comes due in the end. As the saying goes, they can fool everyone some of the time, they can even fool some all of the time, but they can never fool everyone all the time. Truth always wins. Christians are beholden to the truth. It is the truth that sets us free. In the book of Acts, the public enemies of Christ could not conceal the Resurrection as fake news or a theory – not even for a day. They were compelled by overwhelming evidence to concede the resurrection and the obvious truth that they had killed an innocent man. Not even the Roman government, ruled by an absolute dictator with no delegated power, could overturn the truth. Yes, truth wins and truth saves. While the American people have lost trust in the media, Christians had better not lose trust in the truth. Not only that it is truth, but that it will set us free. Learn more at standingforfreedom.com

    18 April 2024, 8:45 pm
  • 6 minutes 24 seconds
    Iran ATTACKED Israel for the FIRST Time in History... Are we Closer to WWIII? | Here's the Point

    How should Christians think about Iran’s attack on Israel? Here’s the Point. There is no question that today’s conflict has significant repercussions geopolitically, but also biblically. The modern state of Israel was attacked by an Islamic regime that has promised to harm them for over 40 years. And just as we have witnessed the rise of antisemitism on America’s top college campuses, and have heard the slogan “from the river to the sea” shouted by a democratic member of Congress, we cannot be indifferent to the conflict that Israel is embroiled in today. Antisemitism is not only manifest in direct hatred towards Jewish people and modern Israelis. It is also manifestly expressed in attitudes of apathy and indifference. We see that everywhere in America, including the church. Christians would do well to remember that the God of Scripture has not counted the Jewish people out (Rom 11:23-36). Jesus Christ is our Messiah, and He is the only hope for real and lasting peace in Jerusalem (Ps 122:6). There is still Gospel work to do. Jesus Christ is the only means of salvation and the only name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved (Act 4:12). We are looking forward to the day when our Jewish neighbors and friends will also be called brothers and sisters because of what Jesus Christ has done.

    15 April 2024, 9:22 pm
  • 22 minutes 35 seconds
    How FAITH and REASON can Save America w/ Dr. Jay W. Richards | Give Me Liberty Ep. 82

    Dr. Jay W. Richards of the Heritage Foundation joins Ryan to discuss his new book, "Fight the Good Fight: How an Alliance of Faith and Reason Can Win the Culture War." Dr. Richards offers insightful perspectives on how embracing both faith and reason can empower individuals to navigate and even transform the cultural landscape. Drawing from his expertise in economics, philosophy, and theology, Dr. Richards articulates a compelling vision for how these timeless principles can equip believers to effectively engage in the pressing issues of our time. Learn more at standingforfreedom.com

    12 April 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 7 minutes 57 seconds
    Will the REAL Pro-Life Movement Please Stand Up? | Here's The Point

    Today, Ryan covers President Trump’s statement on abortion, Arizona’s Supreme Court ruling, and the response. Here’s the Point Christians must hold to the Supremacy of Christ in all things. Our loyalty isn’t to a party or a candidate but to Christ alone, and life is a non-negotiable. Let’s be clear. Abortion is never medically necessary, and an innocent baby that is conceived in rape or incest should not be killed for a crime it did not commit. A person is always a person no matter how small. Dr. Seuss taught us that. Yes, Christians must work to protect life and advance those protections. I want to make clear that I am not endorsing any candidate in this presidential race, but Christians already know the 3 candidates and what they have said, more importantly, what they have done and what they will do on the issue of life. Christians must apply a sense of biblical realism using wisdom and judgment in making their decision. This includes proposed policies with all three candidates in this race and their lasting impact. Naivety is not an option when considering life and death. It is time for real pro-Life advocates to stand up. Learn more at standingforfreedom.com

    10 April 2024, 8:59 pm
  • 6 minutes 58 seconds
    Has the U.S. Turned its Back on Israel? | Here's The Point

    To further add to the political distance, on Thursday, April 4th, President Biden called for “an immediate ceasefire” in Gaza and told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that “the overall humanitarian situation” was “unacceptable.” Indeed, the entire “U.S. policy with respect to Gaza will be determined” by the Biden administration’s “assessment of Israel’s immediate action” address the humanitarian conditions on the ground. How should Christians think about this present crisis? Here’s the point. Moral clarity is most needed right now. Hamas is evil. Let’s be clear. Their insistence on genocide, human sacrifice, and human body shields to defend, promote, and achieve their geopolitical ambitions should never gain the sympathy of anyone with a moral conscience. Christians must be outspoken about the realities of terrorism, violence, and fear that is being orchestrated and promoted by Hamas and has earned the praise of the most reprehensible advocates in the Western world. Christians cannot lack moral clarity when it is needed most right now.

    8 April 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 40 seconds
    Physically Healthy 28 year old Scheduled her own Death | Here's The Point

    Zoraya ter Beek is 28 years old and from the Netherlands. She is physically healthy but she has decided to be euthanized in May and to be cremated. But why? She claims that she once had ambitions of being a career psychiatrist but did not finish school. She suffers from depression, autism, and a personality disorder, but she has still managed to be in a relationship with her boyfriend who is a 40-year-old IT programmer, who she claims to also love. Here's the point: As Christians, we worship a God who not only created us but created us for His glory. We must recognize that from birth, every man and woman, created in the image of God also belongs to God. As Christians, we also recognize a double responsibility, not only from creation, but Christ has purchased and redeemed us by His blood on the cross. We have been bought with a price, so we must honor and glorify God with our bodies. Learn more at standingforfreedom.com

    4 April 2024, 9:00 pm
  • 5 minutes 12 seconds
    J.K. Rowling Calls BLUFF on New Scottish Hate Crime Law and WINS - for Now.. | Here's The Point

    Imagine a hate crimes law that is careful to mention that you are now free to commit blasphemy. In Scotland, you cannot offend anyone, but you are now free to offend God. Here’s the Point - Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32). Jesus also said, “In the world, you will have trouble, but fear not, for I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33). There is no loving way to embrace a lie and there is no loving way to bind the truth. Make no mistake hate speech according to the new laws of Scotland, isn’t pure hatred, but pure hatred for the truth.

    Learn more at standingforfreedom.com

    3 April 2024, 8:45 pm
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