Magick & Alchemy by Tamed Wild is an enchanting podcast for modern-day witches and the earth-spirited. Join hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew each week as they discuss witchcraft, divination, mythology, and all things magick and alchemy.
In episode 146 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby interview Brigit Esselmont. Brigit is an intuitive entrepreneur, best-selling author of Everyday Tarot, and Founder of Biddy Tarot. In this conversation, Brigit reflects on her introduction to tarot, and how the cards helped bring her deepest desires to life. She discusses co-creating alongside the universe, goals vs. intentions, intuition vs. anxiety, and how she handles creative setbacks. Brigit also introduces listeners to her upcoming book, Intuitive Manifesting: Align with Your Inner Wisdom and Attract Your Dream Life.
Learn more about Brigit Esselmont on her website and preorder her book here.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Radiant Rider-Waite Smith Tarot
The Biddy Tarot Deck
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-weekly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 145 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby & Kate Belew finish their series inspired by the wyrd and wonderful. In Wyrd Women Pt. 3, they meet an old woman named Baubo. Baubo is a goddess of belly laughs, and in the myth of Persephone and Demeter, she is the unassuming problem solver. While Demeter mourns, Baubo dances in the face of grief, showing us that laughter is a spell that heals the heart. Next, they meet wyrd woman Simona Kossak, an activist and lover of more than human creatures who fought to protect Poland’s oldest forests and was sometimes called Witch.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Wild Medicine: An Illustrated Guide to the Magic of Herbs, Bundy & Belew
Episode 6: Persephone & Pluto
Episode 80: Psychedelic Witchcraft
Episode 130: Patron Saints of Spring
Storytime: Hades & Persephone
Goddess Series: Persephone
Encyclopedia of Spirits, Judika Illes
Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life, Sharon Blackie
Baubo votives
“Baubo: Laughter in the Face of Grief,” Deanna Riddick
The Health Benefits of Humor
Iambe and Baubo: A Study in Ritual Laughter, Olga Arans, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988.
Women Who Run With the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
“The Extraordinary Life of Simona Kossak,” Janusz R. Kowalczyk
Białowieża Forest, UNESCO World Heritage Convention
“Galloping Ghosts,” Diane Ackerman
“A Life Less Ordinary with a Real-Life Snow White,” Liam Ward
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
If you desire magick in the mail, you can subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-weekly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 144 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby & Kate Belew continue their series inspired by the wyrd and wonderful. In Wyrd Women Pt. 2, they begin in the cosmos and explore the folklore of the Pleiades star cluster. Also known as the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades possess mythical ties to Aphrodite, Artemis, bees, doves, and the Winter Solstice. In the second part of this conversation, Kate introduces listeners to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, author, occultist, and founder of the Theosophical Society.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Earth Medicines, Felicia Cocozin Ruiz
The Gift of Healing Herbs, Robin Rose Bennett
Additional decks and books from the Tamed Wild Library
Episode 103: Earth Medicines with Felicia Cocozin Ruiz
Episode 117: Hometown Hauntings
Episode 134: Summer Magick
Episode 108: The Furies & the Harpies
Artemis: Virgin Goddess of the Sun, Moon & Hunt, Sorita d’Este
Women’s Encylopedia of Myths & Secrets, Barbara Walker
The Myth of Alcyone & Ceyx
"Pleiades in Ancient Mesopotamia," Lorenzo Verderame
The Night School: Lessons in Moonlight, Magic, and the Mysteries of Being Human, Maia Toll
Cultural Astronomy - Aztec
“Madame Blavatsky and the Secret of the Masters,” Jules Evans
Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology, Helena Blavatsky
Theosophical Society
"White Lotus Day celebrates the ‘founding mother of occult in America,’ Helena Petrovna Blavatsky" - The Conversation
Encyclopedia Brittanica
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
In episode 143 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby & Kate Belew go in search of wyrd and wonderful women for their new mini-series, Wyrd Women. During this first conversation, Kate and Kristin introduce listeners to the Fox Sisters and Nettie Colbourn, young mediums who gained notoriety during the rise of Spiritualism in the 19th century. They contemplate divining with the unseen and necromancy, as well as Elsie Wheeler and the creation of the Sabian Symbols.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 139: The Magick of Perception: Rituals for Adornment & Glamour
Episode 78: An Interview with Annie Finch
Episode 97: Human Design with Xenia Viray
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Tamed Wild Winter Box
The Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present, Hutton, Ronald
“The Fox Sisters and the Rap on Spiritualism,” Abbott Kahler
Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide, Sanaya Roman and Duane
“Why Did so Many Victorians Try to Speak with the Dead?” Casey Cep
Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist?: Curious Revelations From the Life of a Trance Medium, Nettie Colburn Maynard
Everyone Calls Me "Nettie": The True Story of a Trance Medium in Abraham Lincoln's White House, Ackerman, Lawrence
Sabian Symbols - Cafe Astrology
“Elsie May Wheeler – Spiritualist Medium With A Gift For The World”
Find your Sabian Symbols! -
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include books, crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 142 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby interview Heidi Smith. Heidi is an author, psychosomatic therapist, registered herbalist, and flower essence practitioner. In this conversation, Heidi explores the realms of prayer, vibrational medicine, and what it means to work with the unknown. She considers the relationship between prayer and the physical body as well as prayer and psychedelics. She suggests that ideas can be spirits, and introduces us to her new book, The Uncommon Book of Prayer.
To learn more and connect with Heidi, visit and follow her on Instagram @moonandbloom.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 64: Handfasting & Witchy Weddings
Episode 80: Psychedelic Witchcraft
The Moon in Carolina, Episode 25: Wedding Rituals with Kate Belew
Major Arcana: Portraits of Witches in America, Frances F. Denny
The Bloom Book: A Flower Essence Guide to Cosmic Balance, Heidi Smith
The Uncommon Book of Prayer: A Guide to Co-Creating with the Universe, Heidi Smith
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 141 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew interview Brandi Amara Skyy. Brandi is a Catalyst, Author, and Wild Dream coach who believes there is a fire and Universe inside waiting to Big Bang its way out of us. In this conversation, they discuss the archetype of the wild woman, dreams as portals, and the altar within. Brandi also considers the intersections between drag and ritual, Miss Piggy as a muse, and introduces listeners to her new book, Magick for Transformation.
To learn more about Brandi and her offerings, head over to her website,, sign up for her newsletter, and order a copy of her latest book.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Magick for Transformation, Brandi Amara Skyy
Episode 135: An Interwith with Sorita d’Este
Episode 110: Feral Girl Summer
Artemis : Virgin Goddess of the Sun, Moon & Hunt, Sorita d’Este
Love Stories of Myth & Lore, Tamed Wild
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, Sappho & Anne Carson
Women Who Run With The Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Elemental Tarot, Caroline Smith
The She Wolfe Tarot, Serpentfire
The Little Book of Drag, Brandi Amara Skyy
Be More Drag, Brandi Amara Skyy
The WOKE MAGIC Grimoire, Brandi Amara Skyy
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 140 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby honor the Samhain season with a conversation about altar-building, marigolds, and inviting in the beloved dead. They consider Samhain’s ties to creativity and inspiration and go looking for the spirits who celebrate their solar returns at Samhain.
Sources & Shoutouts:
From the Cauldron Born, Hughes, Kristoffer
Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Visions of the Cailleach: Exploring the Myths, Folklore and Legends of the pre-eminent Celtic Hag Goddess, Sorita d’Este
“The Witches: The Story of the Cailleach” - Tamed Wild Blog
“Goddess Series: The Winter Witches” - Tamed Wild Blog
Episode 116: The Veil Is Thin
“When ‘Dumb Suppers’ Were a Halloween Love Ritual,” Anne Ewbank
Folklorist Wayland D. Hand
“How Can Flowers and Their Colors Promote Individuals’ Physiological and Psychological States during the COVID-19 Lockdown?” Junfang Xie, Binyi Liu, Mohamed Elsadek
Celebrating Latino Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Cultural Traditions, Maria Herrera-Sobek
“Dia de los Muertos / Day of the Dead,” Sueltenfuss Library
“Herbarium: Magical and Medicinal Uses of Marigold”
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 139 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby reflect on the magick of perception, ritual adornments, and glamour. They consider blue eyeshadow as a spell, clothes as armor, and self-expression as a form of witchcraft. They talk about the glamours cast by fiction, fashion, and the fairies.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Small Spells Deck
Wild Medicine Deck V. 2
“The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries,” Evan Wentz
“All was delusion, nought was truth”- Faery Glamour
“Writing Faery: A Tale of Viviane,” Jack Wolf. From The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens
The Midnight Library, Matt Haig
“Haute Macabre, Haute Couture: Witchcraft in Fashion,” Gabriela Herstik from The Library of Esoterica’s Witchcraft
Judika Illes
“Our Lashes, Ourselves: Eye Makeup and the American Woman,” Eileen Reynolds
“From Blue Velvet to Buffalo 66: how blue eye shadow conquered cult film,” Isabelle Truman
“A Queer History of Blue Eyeshadow, Pop Culture’s Time-Honored Symbolic Hue” “Color Magic: A Witch's Guide to Color Meanings and Energies,” Sophie Saint Thomas
Episode 101: Weed Witch with Sophie Saint Thomas
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 138 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby discuss the art of alchemy. They contemplate alchemical history and the purpose of this ritual, as well as the women alchemists who paved the way for this tradition. They consider symbolic alchemy, astrological alchemy, and introduce listeners to the first female astrologer.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 135: An Interview with Sorita d’Este
Episode 40: Boundaries
Episode 79: Protection Spells & Hexes
Episode 48: Athena and Medusa
Episode 66: Fire Magick
Episode 91: Types of Magick, pt. 1
The Golden Dawn
A Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
“Facts about Sulfur,” Stephanie Pappas
The Origins of Alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Jack Lindsay
Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra
Mirrors in the Earth, Asia Suler
The Night School, Maia Toll
Astrology, Psychology, and The Four Elements, An Energy Approach to Astrology and Its Use in the Counseling Arts, Stephen Arroyo, M.A.
“The Work of Alchemy,” Eve Dembrowski
“Birth Chart Basics, The Astrology houses,” Kate Belew
“Heliodora, First Known Hellenistic Woman Astrologer,” Demetra George
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 137 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby fill their harvest baskets with seasonal harbingers and autumnal spells. They begin in the trees, gathering orange foliage and messages from Mercury before moving on to the stories of saffron and descent. They visit the apple orchards and the Garden of the Hesperides, harvesting the fruit of the dead and contemplating the mysteries that abound in our mythical groves.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 116: The Veil is Thin
Episode 72: Mabon Magick
Episode 114: Tales of the Corn
Episode 79: Protection Spells & Hexes
Episode 61: Wind, Feathers, & Bird Lore
Episode 39: The Witch’s Familiar
“Seed to Dust,” Mark Hamer
Chani Nicholas
"Crystal Color Magick: Orange," Cole Exley
"Hecate and the Hare," Little Witch Books
"Saffron: Tracing the Origins of a Treasured Ancient Spice"
"The simple crocus flower embodies the hope of spring after a long Wisconsin winter," Chris Hardie | Wisconsin State Farmer
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
"Earthwise Herbal (Old World Plants)," Matthew Wood
Allantide - CornwallForever
"Apple Folklore, Fairy Tales, Myth, and Magic," Enchanted Living Magazine
"Sacred Tree Profile: Apple’s Medicine, Magic, Mythology, and Meanings"
The Practical Herbalist
Geoffrey of Monmouth's Vita Merlini
"Avalon: The Isle of Apples"
The Judgement of Paris - Tamed Wild
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical an
In episode 136 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby interview Empress Atlantis. Empress is an astrologer, planet worshipper, psychology graduate, showcased artist, commissioned poet, content creator, and online comedian. In this conversation, Empress peels back the layers of our natal charts and discusses chart rulers, retrograde planets, and asteroid returns. She revisits the stories of Ceres (Demeter), Pallas (Athena), Juno (Hera), and Vesta (Hestia) and their influence on our personal mythologies. Empress also talks about Apophis, working with malefic asteroids, and humor as magick.
You can learn more and connect with Empress Atlantis via her website, Instagram, or laugh with her over on X (formerly Twitter). Find out which asteroid goddess you are by taking her quiz here.
Sources & Shoutouts: Natal chart with Asteroids - Asteroid Ephemeris
Episode 132: Mythical Steeds & Horses
Retrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape, Erin Sullivan
Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-Emerging Feminine, Demetra George
Linda Goodman
Zane Stein
Centaur Space
Jenny Kellogg
Melanie Reinhart
Stellar Sanctum
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
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