The Worst Writer in the World

Meet Rufus & Howard. Rufus is an English teacher with a degree in literature. Howard is an unemployed idiot. One of them spent their entire childhood writing stories and scripts. Unfortunately, it was Howard. Welcome to The Worst Writer in the World; a co

  • 34 minutes
    Worst Writer - Time Jump, Part 2
    Who's that time-traveller running across the glass roof of the British Museum, being pursued by his own past self (probably)? FIND OUT in Young Howard's thrilling screenplay: TIME JUMP! Get all six episodes now at
    16 December 2024, 10:35 am
  • 38 minutes
    Worst Writer - Time Jump, Part 1
    Who's that time-traveller running across the glass roof of the British Museum, being pursued by his own past self (probably)? FIND OUT in Young Howard's thrilling screenplay: TIME JUMP! Get all six episodes now at
    25 November 2024, 10:00 am
  • 52 minutes
    Worst Writer - Grett Binchleaf & the Adventure of the Infinitely Big House, Chapter 1
    The adventures of Grett Binchleaf as a kid. Get the rest of the book at
    4 November 2024, 10:00 am
  • 57 minutes
    Worst Writer - Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (1989), Part 2
    We watched the final Indiana Jones movie (if you don't count those two that came after it) - and now we're going to recount the plot in detail. This episode contains spoilers for every single thing that happens in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade. Get loads more exclusive episodes right now by joining the gang at
    7 October 2024, 9:00 am
  • 42 minutes
    Worst Writer - Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (1989), Part 1
    We watched the final Indiana Jones movie (if you don't count those two that came after it) - and now we're going to recount the plot in detail. This episode contains spoilers for every single thing that happens in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade. Get all of this story now by joining the gang for just $2 at
    23 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 48 minutes
    Worst Writer - Dottersea Bags Home
    We read a short story that Howard wrote recently (just 11 years ago) about a man, a dog, and a bag. Get loads more exclusive episodes right now by joining the gang at
    9 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 59 minutes
    Worst Writer - The End of the WuWuWorld, Part 3
    This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several stories we've previously released, especially Jack's Turkeys.)
    12 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 40 minutes
    Worst Writer - The End of the WuWuWorld, Part 2
    This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several stories we've previously released, especially Jack's Turkeys.)
    29 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 37 minutes
    Worst Writer - The End of the WuWuWorld, Part 1
    This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several stories we've previously released, especially Jack's Turkeys.)
    8 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 48 minutes
    Worst Writer - Gatecrashers
    13-year-old Howard wrote a story about all his classmates going to a party - where two uninvited guests cause havoc, and all the boys are devilishly handsome. Join the gang for loads of exclusive content:
    24 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 33 minutes
    Worst Writer - BONUS - It's The Mister Fluckcast
    Once again, we're releasing an episode from our most Secret of Gangs on Patreon - into the wild. It's the Mister Fluckcast! Starring Mister Fluck, Mike & Brian, and Gorbilla. All ten episodes of the It's the Mister Flcukcast are available now for just USD$7 at - as well as hundreds of other exclusive audio episodes.
    10 June 2024, 9:00 am
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