The Paperless Federalists

The Paperless Federalists

Join Justin and Cary as they informally discuss each of the 85 Federalist Papers by ripping away the complex language to Monday morning quarterback Hamilton, Madison, and Jay. A podcast for American history buffs and armchair constitutional scholars.

  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    Election Day Special - The Electoral College - TPF 0F

    The guys are back with a special Election Day episode where they discuss the Electoral College. They cover the history, the process, and current events involving the Electoral College including potential changes to the system. Tune in and enjoy!

    3 November 2020, 5:14 am
  • 53 minutes 38 seconds
    Federalist No. 29 – From the Vault - TPF29

    It’s been a while, but we’re back.  We’re surviving 2020 and reaching back to bring you an episode originally recorded in September 2019. We will have more episodes coming shortly.  Enjoy!

    31 October 2020, 7:39 pm
  • 1 hour 43 seconds
    Federalist No. 28 - Coloring Outside of the Lines - TPF28

    Cary and Justin return to discuss Hamilton’s Federalist No. 28.  They discuss how Hamilton is focused on the consolidation of power into a national government, and the dangers in Hamilton’s arguments.  Welcome back to all of those listening!

    7 September 2019, 5:39 pm
  • 45 minutes 13 seconds
    Federalist No. 27 - Good Government for Good People - TPF27

    Cary and Justin return to discuss Hamilton’s prolific paper, Federalist 27.  Included in this episode are gems such as, “Good people like good government, and bad people like bad government.”  Also, Cary teases a conspiracy theory like no other.  Enjoy!

    2 June 2019, 2:07 am
  • 47 minutes 4 seconds
    Federalist No. 26 - The Power of the Purse - TPF26

    Cary and Justin are back to discuss Hamilton's faith in the congress to check to the power of the executive.  Pop cultural references abound in this new episode! 

    24 February 2019, 7:58 pm
  • 52 minutes 11 seconds
    Federalist No. 25 - And We're Back ... - TPF25

    Cary, Justin, and Hamilton return to continue the discussion about standing armies.  After a break, the guys are back.  Join us for a new episode!!

    16 November 2018, 2:39 am
  • 44 minutes 48 seconds
    Federalist No. 24 - The Nuclear Option - TPF24

    Hamilton recognizes the concern of standing armies in peacetime, and the danger to liberty they represent.  As a way to calm these concerns, he offers a method by which the Legislative branch can check the power of the Executive.  Instead of attacking his critics head on, Hamilton employs the “neutral observer” as a method of demonstrating how no well-reasoned person could possibly disagree with his position.

    30 August 2018, 1:10 am
  • 42 minutes 17 seconds
    Federalist No. 23 - Hamilton is Really a Sith Lord! - TPF23

    Hamilton returns to discus what sort of protection the federal government should provide to its member states, how much power the federal government should have, and how the federal government will exercise that power.  During this paper, Hamilton reveals himself as a closet monarchist, and a champion of the Leviathan.  Emperor Palpatine would be proud!!

    14 August 2018, 1:28 am
  • 55 minutes 31 seconds
    Federalist No. 22 - Hamilton’s Way or the Highway - TPF22

    Hamilton is back to discuss the need for nationwide regulation of commerce, a national military, equal suffrage between the states, and the need for a supreme court.  In true Hamilton fashion, he presents his arguments as being the best possible choice.  Join Justin and Cary as they discuss Hamilton’s arguments in this paper, and how they conflict with earlier arguments presented in these papers.

    31 July 2018, 3:23 am
  • 33 minutes 45 seconds
    Federalist No. 21 - Staying on the Path - TPF21

    Justin channels his inner-Hamilton and keeps trying to go off topic.  Cary keeps the guys on task and on the path as they discuss Federalist Paper No. 21.

    24 June 2018, 1:49 am
  • 51 minutes 46 seconds
    Post-It Notes!! - TPF 0E

    The guys are back with an informal episode full of insights and laughs.

    17 April 2018, 12:42 am
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