Sovereign Nations

Sovereign Nations

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  • 35 minutes 14 seconds
    The 2024 Election | Public Occurrences, Ep. 121
    Following the turmoil surrounding the 2020 presidential election, many individuals have completely lost confidence in the electoral process. In fact, some may even question whether the election truly occurred in 2020. In today’s episode, Michael O’Fallon urges every eligible citizen to cast their vote for Donald Trump in this year's election. Furthermore, it is essential for us all to remain vigilant and ensure that if Donald Trump emerges victorious, he will exclude the Fabian technocrats from his cabinet. Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2024 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #election
    5 November 2024, 12:00 am
  • 40 minutes 14 seconds
    The 10 Stages That Lead to Genocide | Public Occurrences, Ep. 120
    America is currently immersed in a troubling wave of animosity that spans various ethnicities, religions, and sexual identities. The tolerance and respect we once had for each other's freedom to worship, speak, and spend according to our own conscience are now under threat from a divisive and perilous force. This dialectical cabal promotes violent conflicts, dehumanization, and the erosion of civil discourse, jeopardizing our ability to coexist peacefully. Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2024 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #genocide
    2 May 2024, 8:22 pm
  • 39 minutes 1 second
    The 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion | Public Occurrences, Ep. 119
    Thousands of leftist, revolutionary college students are currently assembling on campuses, fervently calling for the end of Israel while perpetuating acts of antisemitism. At the same time, a sizable number of young rightist groups on social media platforms are also propagating antisemitic remarks, while advocating for an authoritarian new world order that is notably aligned with "Christianity." It is crucial to recall that similar protests occurred in 2020 during the George Floyd riots, which took place amid the Covid lockdowns. Additionally, there were protests related to supporting Ukraine against Russia, that could be appropriately referred to as "hate week" (George Orwell, 1984). The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution. It is important to bear in mind that the primary objective of these orchestrated hate-filled riots from the left, as well as the social media hate propagated by far-right groups like the Groypers, is to create instability within our nation. The intention behind this destabilization is clear: to ignite a revolution. This is because, the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution. You find yourself amid an endeavor to transition our world from a system based on objective truth, reality, and liberty, and into a realm dominated by radical subjectivism, hyperreality, and authoritarian governance. Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2024 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #michaelofallon #yuribezmenov
    26 April 2024, 8:37 pm
  • 24 minutes 11 seconds
    Limited Hangout | Public Occurrences, Ep. 118
    In today's complex and deceptive American landscape, information and knowledge hold immense influence over the choices we make as individuals and as a society. However, not all information that is presented to the public is reliable or comprehensive. One concept that unveils this phenomenon is known as a "limited hangout." This term, coined by former CIA officer Victor Marchetti, describes a strategy utilized by governments, intelligence agencies, or organizations to disseminate selective or manipulated information in order to divert attention away from more damaging revelations. A limited hangout can manifest in various ways, with its primary goal being the manipulation of public perception while creating an artificial sense of transparency. The orchestrators of a limited hangout strategically disclose only a portion of sensitive or incriminating information concerning a particular event or issue. This diversionary tactic aims to divert attention from deeper truths and enable control over the narrative. Consequently, this technique effectively obscures reality and facilitates manipulation. One classic example of a limited hangout can be seen in government investigations into controversial events such as political scandals or high-profile crimes. In some cases, authorities may selectively release certain documents or evidence while withholding others that could expose deeper levels of corruption or wrongdoings. By providing just enough information for plausible deniability while distorting the overall picture, those involved in limited hangouts can protect their interests and manipulate public opinion. Examples of limited hangouts in modern times include the revelation of Jeffrey Epstein's client lists, the hypothesis about a lab leak causing COVID-19, and the infamous Twitter files that exposed interference by the FBI and other government agencies in relation to stories about Hunter Biden's laptop during the 2020 Presidential election. Unfortunately, no one involved in these crimes or controversies has faced punishment or been convicted for their actions against minors, which is considered one of the most abhorrent crimes against humanity. Additionally, there has been no accountability for violating the first amendment rights of millions of Americans. The intelligence agencies merely provide insufficient information to divert public attention and hope that these stories will eventually fade away. Meanwhile, those responsible for committing heinous crimes go unpunished and unaccountable. In today's podcast, Michael O'Fallon explores the reasons behind the utilization of limited hangouts and its implications for a distressed U.S. population amidst the tumultuous year of 2024. Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2024 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations
    10 January 2024, 1:10 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    The Sovereign Nations 2024 Forecast | Public Occurrences, Ep. 117
    In my Sovereign Nations 2024 Forecast, I reflect on the accuracy of my past predictions and issue warnings about imminent challenges. Over the years, I've highlighted the emergence of Critical Race Theory, divisive tactics, and the manipulation of societal structures by global entities such as the World Economic Forum. Looking ahead to 2024, I predict potential compromises in our digital infrastructure, ongoing law enforcement challenges, and intensified efforts to reshape Christianity. My forecast anticipates a push for Balkanization, economic transformation towards scarcity, and the rise of artificial intelligence. Additionally, I emphasize political developments, potential conflicts with China, and the promotion of a digital meta world. I stress the importance of defending the U.S. Constitution and urge vigilance to proactively address these forecasts. Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2024 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations
    3 January 2024, 9:31 pm
  • 1 hour 53 minutes
    Reaction is the Real Action | Dr. James Lindsay
    With Liberty & Justice For All, Session 14 Leftist activism often seeks direct victories but resorts to an action-reaction strategy when faced with obstacles. This political warfare tactic involves provoking a response, controlling how it's portrayed to the audience, and using it to further their agenda. Saul Alinsky's principle, "your enemy’s reaction is your real action," underpins this approach, involving a two-step process of provocation and advancement. In the United States, where conservative Christianity poses a significant challenge to Marxist influence, a movement known as "Christian Nationalism" is deliberately stirred to nullify Christian resistance against the spread of Woke ideology. Dr. James Lindsay's lecture delves into the action-reaction dynamic as a political tool and exposes the deliberate setup of Christian Nationalism as a response to Woke provocations, serving as a critical warning to the American church. Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #jameslindsay #reaction
    28 September 2023, 6:28 pm
  • 52 minutes 21 seconds
    Panel: Entryism | Woodard, O'Fallon, Connell, Lindsay, Benzinger, and Roach
    With Liberty & Justice For All, Session 13 At the "With Liberty and Justice for All" conference in Clearwater, FL, a thought-provoking panel took place. I was joined by John Connell, Bill Roach, James Lindsay, Jon Benzinger, and Andy Woodard as we delved into an intriguing discussion. Their focus was on understanding the mechanisms behind the rise of reflexive movements within the church, such as the Neo-Marxist Woke Church movement on the fringe left (Marcusians) and the reactionary Christian Nationalism movement on the cringe right (Schmittians). These movements, they argued, possess the ability to gain momentum and insidiously seize control of the church, acting as parasitic forces that disrupt and dismantle previously united groups. In both situations, entryism was the primary strategy employed by both external and internal agitating forces. -Michael O'Fallon Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #entryism #christiannationalism
    27 September 2023, 8:11 pm
  • 41 minutes 34 seconds
    The Fracturing of Evangelical Christianity | Dr. Jon Benzinger
    With Liberty & Justice For All, Session 12 Today, it seems we can’t agree on anything anymore. Movements like Marxist social justice and Christian Nationalism have inserted conflict into Evangelicalism, separating brothers, decimating institutions, and muddying established doctrine. In this message, Dr. Jon Benzinger laments this fact, calls Christians to unity with other Christians (Rom 12:16, 1 Cor 1:10, Eph 4:3-6), and to stop listening to Christians who are causing division (Rom 16:17, 2 Cor 11:4, Titus 3:10). The Evangelical church has been a united bulwark against cultural revolutions for decades. Those who see us as their enemies infiltrate our institutions and introduce mini-revolutions into the church because they actually listened to Jesus when He said that a house divided against itself cannot stand (Matt 12:25). If we can’t stop the in-fighting and unite against the real enemy—satanic tyranny on both the right and the left—it could be too late for our Republic. Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #jonbenzinger #christianity
    27 September 2023, 4:04 pm
  • 57 minutes 55 seconds
    Whatever Happened to Freedom? | Dr. John Connell
    With Liberty & Justice For All, Session 11 In the founding of this nation, deists and Christians came together on one issue in particular: Religious faith is not an issue that the state has any business dictating. I believe that with all my heart. Let me tell you something else I believe – no man or prince or church or any form of centralized power has any business telling anyone what they can and can’t believe. Whether deists or Christians, the founders of this nation had the wisdom to put it in writing that the government had to steer clear of telling Christians and/or the church what they can or cannot do or what they can or cannot believe. Unbelievably, there are now those who actually want to establish the United States as a Christian nation with power concentrated in one person. Are you kidding me? Never mind the logistical nightmare with a monster of that size; consider the history of such attempts. I am compelled to ask the Christian nationalists this question: Are you trying to run my life? If so, then back-off and stand down. -Dr. John Connell Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #johnconnell #freedom
    26 September 2023, 1:20 pm
  • 39 minutes 22 seconds
    The Christian Prince: A Savior Complex Personified | Nick Shalna
    While there are a number of reasons both historical and biblical to avoid and oppose the concept(s) of Christian Nationalism, there are a few underlying points that don’t seem to have garnered enough attention. The idea that America's core values and constitution need to be uprooted and replaced with a new founding lies at the core of this movement. But in addition to this, many of the ideas put forth have distorted biblical concepts such as the great commission, submission to government and the usage of the Law. These distortions are necessary in order for Christian Nationalism to present itself with any sort of uniformity. A movement that seeks to rule a nation needs a leader, and the main proponents of this new nation have suggested a “Christian Prince”, and no, they don’t mean the one who is currently ruling the Universe and died on the cross for your sins. This Christian Prince will hold the highest office in the land and will be the image of God on the earth. This figure is not only yet another vicar of Christ, but also suspiciously similar to the Messiah that first century Jews expected in contrast to Jesus of Nazareth. Anyone who has not been deceived by a woke culture can see and understand that there certainly has been and is an ongoing attempt at a neo-Marxist revolution from within America's institutions. But the proper response to an attempt at totalitarianism is not more totalitarianism, even if it’s (deceitfully) called Christian. -Nick Shalna Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #christiannationalism
    25 September 2023, 7:09 pm
  • 1 hour 20 seconds
    How to Actually Save the World | Andrew Woodard
    With Liberty & Justice For All, Session 9 There’s rioting in the streets, illegals pouring across our border, mutilation of our children, the murder of the unborn, corruption in our politics and elections, and globalist leaders enacting perverse agendas to create an apocalyptic utopia. What are Christians to do in the face of such dire circumstances? Today many people are turning to Christian nationalism for hope and an attempt at answers to the societal decay we see all around us. Before we can examine the false hope of Christian Nationalism, we need to first consider the discrepancies over definitions. There are many different views, all claiming the title. The second point to consider is the theology of the movement. Though it is diverse, one point in common across the movement’s branches is that Christian Nationalism is a theology of glory, rather than a theology of the cross. “At its core, Christian Nationalism can justifiably be called a ‘theology of glory’ that seeks to build the Kingdom of God on the earth without necessarily requiring gospel preaching or conversion. Its central focus is morality, politics & power. None of which are actually overtly Christian.” -Andy Woodard In this talk we consider a few biblical passages which offer both examples of a theology of glory and a theology of the cross and conclude with the following points of application. 1. Recognize that it’s not too late to repent. Hebrews 3:13 2. Acknowledge the sovereignty of God. Daniel 2:21 3. Put NO confidence in princes. Psalm 146:3 4. Do not despise the little things. 1 Samuel 14:6 5. Boldly, Clearly speak the truth. 2 Corinthians 4:2 6. Trust wholly in the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7 7. Confront evil in the camp when necessary. 1 Corinthians 5:12 Support Sovereign Nations: Follow Sovereign Nations: © 2023 Sovereign Nations. All rights reserved. #sovereignnations #andrewwoodard #christiannationalism
    23 September 2023, 7:07 pm
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