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Bell tells of the time Rich Vos was unkind to him. Thank God for quick wit, as Doug strikes back. Doug also recalls quips he shared with Quinny and breaks the news about the big tour with Doug, Colin, Bobby and Rich - THREE CARDS AND A BELL. Doug also gets choked up recalling the romantic medleys of John Hinckley.
Bell spins an epic yarn about meeting Kim Kardashian on social media and realizing she's fallen on hard times. It's Bell to the rescue as he hurries to aid her financially at her new day job. Doug also falls for Jeanette from the car rental company. An episode chock full of romance.
In a star-studded episode, Bell remembers some of his funny stand up routines. And the time Angie Jolie is in the crowd and Bell took no prisoners. Kate Beckinsale makes an unpleasant cameo. He bumps into Derek Jeter and Don Mattingly in a restaurant and winds up in litigation.
Doug is out for a romantic supper which is spoiled by the Wu Tang fellows being such fans. Bell also seizes the moment to pitch and idea to Joseph Gordon-Levitt and bumps into Dave Grohl at a concert, demanding to know who Dave's favorite drummers are.
Chock full of space jokes, Bell regales us with when he met a hotty at the planetarium and also met Neil deGrasse Tyson. Hopefully, he doesn't lose his patience with Dougie. Doug also meets (has run ins) with Michio Kaku and the cranky Buzz Aldrin.
Episode 46 will honor the 46th President of the US, Donald Trump! Bell tells the story of performing as a conservative comic at Mar A Lago. He was a hit and even got to interact with Clint Eastwood.
Doug bumps into Aaron Judge and tells an innocent white fib to get a ball signed. He also breaks out his world famous Morgan Freeman impression as he recounts their Oscar talk in the elevator. Doug also councils Tom Brady with love advice.
Bell meets fellow icon Kanye West to discuss recent controversies and teaches Ari Shaffir to be more woke. Bell also attempts to pass along his wisdom to Dave Chappelle, who listens to the wrong people unfortunately.
Zac Amico comes in hot and fires out a multitude of mean-spirited jokes. Chip generously showed Mike Rainey how to market his new book Percs by doing a beautiful reading. Lyle also offers to help Kerryn message her dishy trainer. Kerryn also discussed her 'expansion' and Xia admitted she needed a 'reduction'.
Ralph Sutton makes a triumphant return with his homemade pecan butter. Everyone tries it except Chip, who is convinced there are unseemly ingredients. Flutesy becomes interested in Twitch streaming and is convinced a vegetable snack stream would be a terrific idea. Mike Figgs tries the nut butter and makes the correct assumption it would be better if served on Flutesy's toes.
Chip interviews Duane Scott Cerny, who sells the furniture of dead people. They bond over ghosts, since Lyle has travelled through many realms. They are also joined by Ming, Bryan Johnson and his best gal Maribeth, who were late because they decided to detour through Brooklyn. They discuss the Flash trailer. Ming discusses feet and being a good boy. Chipperson sexily describes foot calluses.