Halo Live Wire

Juice57 & Arc Blu

A simple podcast where we (Juice and Arc) talk about pretty much whatever we want to within the bounds of Halo 2. Sometimes we get distracted, but we'll stay in the realm of reason as much as possible.

  • Aladdin on Speed
    Well guys, it has been some time since we put out something, eh? So, in order to get something out that might have some kind of value or quality of interest, I hooked up my new capture card to my sister's SNES, and did a speed run thru Capcom's Aladdin. I had a blast, but sorry the quality bugs out so often... the machine is really old.


    - Download (iPod) -
    18 January 2007, 8:22 pm
  • Halo (and Me) on TV
    Hey everyone! Well, just like I've been promising the last couple of days, I got something on the low to middle end of cool for ya. Last night at 12:30 until 1 I got to play a game of halo with some buddies of mine on their college talk show. It’s not anything fancy, Team Slayer - Lockout - Normal Weapons, but if you’re trying to size me up, here's your chance. But I'm not sure how accurate it’s going to be, the screen was about the size of a sock after diving it up for the 4 player split screen. Enjoy~

    -> Watch the game (iPod) <-

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    23 September 2006, 8:17 am
  • Sykotic Interview from MLG Chicago

    Hey everyone, about time we got some actual content for you to muse over, eh? Well, I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Sykotic721 and asking him a few questions regarding his experience at MLG Chicago, in which he competed in the Amateur FFA as well as some side events. You can find this interview under the 'Halo' section of the Library, or (because I'm such a nice guy) just click HERE.

    - Download the PDF here -



    31 July 2006, 4:44 am
  • John &amp; Murphy

    Download the Video (iPod)

    Well, here is my very first attempt at a semi-decent Halo 2 Machinima. Granted it didn't turn out as good as I would have hoped, but I did learn valuable lessons about what it takes to make a high level Halo film. Enjoy as John and Murphy take you on a ride you will soon forget... roflcopter =P
    12 June 2006, 5:54 am
  • PodTac Halo PC Clan Tryouts
    well, i thought id anounce it here, but there are a few days left before the tryouts (there may not be enough people to make cuts). take a listen to NightFox10 and Spartan1118 as they talk about what the PC clan will be about and what their looking foward to.

    -Download Here-

    -Email NightFox10- -Email Spartan1118-
    7 June 2006, 12:34 am
  • Episode VI

    Well everyone, we are back with another ground breaking episode of Halo Live Wire. Episode VI promises to be our best yet as Juice and I catalogue the last 4 levels of the Halo 2 Campaign, as well as bring you all the important news and recent happenings at Halo Live Wire! Enjoy~

    - Download the Episode -- Download the Preview (iPod) -- Shownotes -

    Thanks to UnKnOwN NighT for this episode's artwork. Another thanks to Paradox who is designing our website. Go check it out!

    EDIT: The Episode Preview has been added, and is avaliable to be downloaded through iTunes
    3 June 2006, 11:56 pm
  • Number Six - On Its Way
    hey everyone, episode six is recorded and is being edited as we speak... or type/read, whatever. look for it around the 23rd (this tuesday)...
    until then, peace
    22 May 2006, 12:41 am
  • Tiny Little Sugar Cookies
    Hey guys, here's a montage that I helped make for Juice. Its a nonsence selection of us just having some fun. Enjoy ~

    Download the Video (iPod)

    Watch it at Mythica

    3 May 2006, 3:57 am
  • Episode #5
    Bom Dia, Everyone! And it really is a good day for us here at Halo Live Wire. We hope the wait has been worth it, 'cause EPISODE 5 IS NOW HERE!!! Now don't panic when you see that its only 53 seconds long, the audio is only a PSA for the fact that Ep 5 is a VIDEO PODSAST. Thats right, not only to you get to hear our beautiful voices, but you also get to see me getting PWND by the Flood! Unfortunantly we do not have hosting that alows us to put video through iTunes, so youll just have to watch it here, or download the file off of Google Video, who were so nice as to host it for us (there are 3 file types, Mac/Windows, Video iPod, and Sony PSP to choose from).


    - Download Preview Here (iPod)-

    Shoutout to Paradox for this Episode's Artwork. Awesome bro!

    Also, Special Shoutout to our Guest-Host for the Episode: SharpShot15, who is also Co-Hosting on his own Podcast: 360 Talk: The Unofficial Xbox 360 Podcast. Go check it out!

    - Download Video Here -

    EDIT: The Episode Preview has been added in place of the PSA, and is avaliable to be downloaded through iTunes
    20 April 2006, 10:09 pm
  • For Your Amusement
    Sharpshot15 + Juice57 + Skype Credit + Call-In Pizzeria = ... don't worry, we've already done the math for you.

    - Download Here -
    11 April 2006, 7:18 am
  • Recent Downtime: where are we?
    Good afternoon everyone, or whatever time you may read this at. I hope this entry finds you doing well. As I write this, the Podtacular April Tournament is comming to a close, so congradulations to the winners.


    First of all I would like to say hello to all of our listeners, and thank you for your support. It means a lot to us. As it stands, we are currently going through a bit of a slump with our podcasting and website, and you all deserve to know (if you really care) what's going on.


    To make a long story short, we have been busy. Very busy, and not feeling very creative to boot. We have attempted to record episode #5 a total of three times now, all of them ending in a technical failure of sorts. Anyone in the podcasting world will be sure to tell you that this can be very discouraging to say the least. Following in suit with our last 2 episodes, #5 will continue with the Halo 2 Campaign. However, both juice and myself are having an incredibly hard time coming up with some way to make this episode interesting, as imho, these are some of the most boring levels in the entire campaign. So… I would like to ask our listeners for help. We need you guys to send anything you may have about Sacred Icon or Quarantine Zone. Contact information can be either to Juice57 ([email protected]), MadGex ([email protected]), or our podcast e-mail ([email protected]).


    Also, there is some work going into a new website for our show. We would love any input that you would like to see in it. As it stands, it could become anything that we see fit (basically, we have no idea what we’re gonna put on this baby) and I think it would be awesome if you guys had a hand in creating its body. After all, it is a community website that we hope helps you all enjoy playing the game of Halo 2 that much more.
    So to wrap things up here, thank you for checking in with us and we hope that you all continue to tune into our shows as they come out. Peace everyone.


    postscript: its a puma
    9 April 2006, 1:05 am
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