How to Get Over Your Ex

Breakup Coach Dorothy

  • 13 minutes 40 seconds
    Ep. 248 - How to set monthly intentions to build your bigger and better life

    Are you stuck in the aftermath of a breakup, unsure how to move forward and build the life you deserve? In this episode, we delve into the power of intentionality in overcoming your ex and creating your bigger, better life. Discover how integrating the Thought Model and Living Visions can guide and direct your journey, helping you place a clear order with the universe. Learn to set meaningful intentions, analyze past actions, and blueprint your future self. With these tools, you'll gain clarity, purpose, and the momentum needed to transform your life. Click to listen and start setting your intentions for a brighter future today!

    Resources From Episode:

    • The Thought Model by Brooke Castillo
    • Living Visions introduced to me by Jamie Berman from Living Visions by Michael Beckwith
    22 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 24 minutes 25 seconds
    Ep. 247 - The #1 tool to save your relationship

    Are you and your partner struggling to make things work but deeply desire to stay together? This episode introduces the transformative tool called the Feedback Wheel, where thought and mindset work are applied within the context of a relationship. Created by Terrence Real's groundbreaking book, "Us: Getting Past You & Me to Build a More Loving Relationship," this tool helped save my marriage and can do the same for you. Learn how to communicate effectively, understand each other's perspectives, and find actionable solutions to your conflicts. Whether you're in the midst of a challenging period or want to strengthen your partnership, this episode provides practical steps to navigate and improve your relationship. Click to listen and discover how the Feedback Wheel can change the game for you and your partner (whether that’s your next relationship or your current).

    Terrence (Terry) Real:

    15 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 12 minutes 19 seconds
    Ep. 246 - Integrated grief

    Struggling with grief long after a traumatic event? In this episode, we explore the transformative concept of integrated grief, showing how to embrace and incorporate grief into your life rather than resist it. Discover how to turn grief from a painful scar into a meaningful beauty mark. Through personal anecdotes and powerful journaling prompts, learn to welcome grief, allowing it to shape and enrich your life. Click to listen and find out how to make your grief a part of your story, transforming it into a source of strength and inspiration.

    8 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 24 minutes 43 seconds
    Ep. 245 - How to help a friend through a breakup

    Feeling helpless watching a loved one struggle through a breakup or divorce? In this episode, we tackle the challenge head-on with ten actionable ways to provide real support. From validating their emotions to shifting their mindset and offering practical resources, learn how to help them navigate this difficult time more effectively. Say goodbye to the usual advice like "it just takes time" and discover new strategies that truly make a difference. Click to listen and empower yourself to be the supportive friend or family member they need right now!

    Resources mentioned in the episode:

    The Get Over Your Ex Course: 

    Why do I feel addicted to my ex? Podcast episode:

    1 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 33 minutes 14 seconds
    Ep. 244 - How to feel like yourself again after a breakup

    If you feel like you lost yourself in your last relationship, today is the day we talk about how to feel like yourself again after a breakup. Leave with brilliant insights and mind blowing moments that will help you feel like yourself again TODAY.

    The Get Over Your Ex COURSE:

    24 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 8 minutes 17 seconds
    You're worth it

    Bravehearts, to truly learn something is not to simply “know it”. To truly learn something is to “master it.” You cannot master something unless you put it to practice. When I hear Bravehearts saying “I’m trying, I’m trying, I’m trying” or “I logically know…” it shows me they’ve learned to the point of “knowing” but not to the point of mastering. 

    You’re worth it to master the art of non attachment. You’re worth more than 5 days. You’re worth the time, energy, and effort you put into your last relationship. 

    THE GOYE COURSE (start today for only $185):

    17 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 28 minutes 29 seconds
    Ep. 243 - The Attachment Cycle

    Feeling suffocated by your intense attachment to something, only to see it slip further away  (like your ex)? In this powerful episode, we dive into “the attachment cycle” and how it's keeping you stuck, whether it's a relationship, a goal, or a dream. Discover how understanding and navigating the attachment cycle can help you collapse the timeframe to bring your desires into reality. Learn practical steps to recognize when you're gripping too tightly, move through resistance, cultivate curiosity, and ultimately release attachment. Join me as we explore how to create safety in your mind and body, propelling you toward the life you've always wanted (regardless of what your ex is doing). Don't miss this transformative discussion—click to listen now!

    With a special announcement from Breakup Coach Dorothy that long time listeners will love! 

    PS. The LAST ENROLLMENT for the Get Over Your Ex in 3 months or less program is open. The deadline to enroll is Friday, June 14th at midnight:

    10 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 19 minutes 11 seconds
    Ep. 242 - How to manage anger after a breakup

    Struggling to manage anger after a breakup? You're not alone. In this episode, we tackle the challenge of dealing with post-breakup anger head-on. Learn why it's essential to let yourself be angry and how to channel that anger through physical movement. Then, discover how to identify the root causes of your anger and decide if you're ready to shift out of it. By following these steps, you'll find a healthier way to process your emotions and move forward. Tune in today to gain practical insights and exact steps to managing YOUR anger after a breakup.

    5 months of healing in 5 days at the How to Get Over Your Ex 5 day training starting today! (June 3 - 7):

    The last enrollment is open this week for the Get Over Your Ex program. Enrollment will close Friday, June 14th at midnight, if you’ve wanted to work with Dorothy, this will be the last chance for the remainder of 2024:

    3 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 43 minutes 26 seconds
    Ep. 241 - Grieve together, dream together, the power of friendship in your breakup

    Join us in this week’s episode as we discuss what it’s like to grieve together and dream together. Friendship plays a huge role in the healing journey. You don’t have to go through this terrible heartbreak alone. Leave this episode feeling connected to others and confident in your ability to grieve and dream in a brand new way. 

    LIVE 5 day How to Get Over Your Ex training! Happening June 3rd - 7th. Come join Breakup Coach Dorothy and other bravehearts taking the work from the podcast and implementing these tools over five days completely free! 

    Accomplish 5 months of healing in just 5 days!

    27 May 2024, 9:00 am
  • 22 minutes 54 seconds
    Ep. 240 - Grief vs getting over your ex

    We dive deep today into the distinction between experiencing grief and truly being over your ex. Discover 5 different forms of grief that you have never heard of before and how experiencing these forms of grief cannot define your progress towards being over him/her. Listen today to transform your relationship with grief and take the next step toward a life that’s bigger and better than the one you had with your ex.

    LIVE 5 day How to Get Over Your Ex training! Happening June 3rd - 7th. Come join Breakup Coach Dorothy and other bravehearts taking the work from the podcast and implementing these tools over five days completely free! 

    Accomplish 5 months of healing in just 5 days!

    20 May 2024, 9:00 am
  • 20 minutes 22 seconds
    Ep. 239 - How to tell your friends and family about your breakup

    In today's episode, we're tackling a tough yet crucial aspect of healing post-breakup: sharing your story with friends and family. It's a daunting prospect, especially when loved ones were invested in your relationship. But fear not! We've got you covered with five key points to navigate this conversation with grace and empowerment. From avoiding the victim-villain narrative to setting boundaries on support, we'll guide you through each step. Tune in now for invaluable insights and practical advice. 

    13 May 2024, 9:00 am
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