I'll Explain Later: a Doctor Who podcast

Jim Hall, Matt Nida & John West

A monthly podcast about Doctor Who

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
    We'll Meet Again

    It's the end! And the moment has been reached with our signature lack of preparation. Thankfully we've still got two blockbuster Doctor Who stories to enjoy in our sequeltastic season finale - the Fourth Doctor's first encounter with Davros in Genesis of the Daleks, and the Twelfth Doctor's return to Skaro in The Magician's Apprentice and The Witch's Familiar. 

    Thanks so much for joining us over the last six weeks - it's the last episode in the season, but we'll be back in the not too distant future. If you've been enjoying the show, please leave us an Apple Podcasts review, and do drop us an email to [email protected] - we'd love to hear from you.

    We'll be back - keep 'em peeled!

    12 October 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    Death Disco

    It's the "Of Death" special! In perhaps our most tenuously-themed episode yet, we discuss the uncanny valley, AI and helium as we consider Fourth Doctor classic The Robots of Death, then we switch mediums entirely to cop a load of X-rated VR while untangling the knots in our minds as we indulge ourselves in Third Doctor radio romp The Paradise of Death. (The latter nearly inspired us to upload last week's episode again in a high concept practical joke, but we thought better of it.) Plus we unveil a brand new game show format, exclusively for our listeners.

    It's our last episode in the season next week - so "X" your comments to us here or drop us an email here. See you at the curtain call...

    5 October 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 24 minutes

    It's a holiday special! Not in the Christmas sense, or indeed in any meaningful way at all beyond that these are two stories where the Doctor and co attempt to take a holiday and fail. Under the microscope this week are Eleventh Doctor double threat The Girl Who Waited and the Seventh Doctor's encounter with Delta and the Bannermen.

    Questions? Thoughts? Email them to [email protected] - and if you're enjoying this season of episodes, do leave us a lovely review wherever you get your podcasts!

    28 September 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Land Of My Fathers

    It's a Welsh special on this week's I'll Explain Later as we hop across the border to enjoy two stories that put Wales at the heart of the action - the Ninth Doctor's tense trip to Boomtown, and the Third Doctor's iconic brush with The Green Death.

    Email your thoughts and questions to [email protected] or "X" us at @explainlaterpod - and we'll be back next week with another pair of adventures whose breadth and depth are perfectly proportioned for the small screen.

    21 September 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 28 minutes

    It's a dastardly double bill on this week's I'll Explain Later as we look back on the Doctor's encounters with two diabolical masterminds - Professor Zaroff, in aquatic Second Doctor caper The Underwater Menace, and The Sixth Master (as no-one calls him) in apocalyptic Tenth Doctor series finale The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords. Can anything in the world stop us now? With our erratic release schedule, probably, but do check back next week for our next exciting episode...

    Thoughts? Feedback? Views on the Question of the Week? Emails to [email protected] or X us (as no-one calls it) at @explainlaterpod...

    14 September 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    Under The Sea

    We're back! Thanks for sticking with us during our extended hiatus - we toyed with releasing a charity single, but instead decided to knuckle down and record a WHOLE NEW SEASON of I'll Explain Later. We'll be dropping new episodes weekly for the next six weeks, covering a slew of Doctor Who adventures past and... even more past.

    And we're kicking off with a Sea Devil special, as we look at Third Doctor classic The Sea Devils and make our first foray into the Chris Chibnall era with Thirteenth Doctor swashbuckler Legend of the Sea Devils. Is either one of them a clanger? Listen in to find out.

    As always, email your thoughts to [email protected], particularly your thoughts this episode's Question Of The Week. And check back next week for our next episode!

    7 September 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 54 minutes
    Walking In The Air (live, 25 May 2021)

    We tackled some weighty issues head-on in this month's livestream, as our analysis of MARCO POLO, THE RINGS OF AKHATEN and REMEMBRANCE OF THE DALEKS took in the Paradox of Tolerance, the history curriculum and advanced horticulture. Luckily, we still found room for our usual array of double entendres and general low-brow humour as well. Come for Matt's treatise on Terry Nation's indictments of British cultural memory; stay for John's attempt at a Venetian accent.

    Thanks to everyone who joined us on the night. Please send your emails to [email protected]; you can also tweet us @explainlaterpod. And keep your eyes peeled for details of June's live show!

    26 May 2021, 12:58 pm
  • 2 hours 9 minutes
    Court of the Crimson King (live, 27 April 2021)

    For this month's live show, we fought against our better instincts to bring you a bumper-length consideration of all 14 episodes of 1986's courtroom epic Trial of a Time Lord. Along the way, we discovered a wholly unexpected intersection between the worlds of Doctor Who and reggae, considered the health and safety implications of Time Lord architecture, and wondered just how long the Matrix has been lying to us for. Thanks to everyone who joined us on the night and contributed via the chat box!

    We'll be back in May with another live episode, but in the meantime do leave us a (nice!) review on Apple Podcasts, tweet us at @explainlaterpod or email us on [email protected] - we'd love to hear from you.

    28 April 2021, 3:26 pm
  • 1 hour 42 minutes
    Relight My Fire (live, 6 April 2021)

    It's about time! A little more so than usual on this month's live show, as we weigh up the pros and cons of time-wimey classics Day of the Daleks and The Girl in the Fireplace, before going deep on heavyweight Time Lord brawler The Invasion of Time. Along the way we discuss the Doctor's drinking habits, whether Milton Johns minded being typecast, speculate on whether Steven Moffat took inspiration from the Crystal Maze, and have a pretty spectacular dust-up over one of the three stories (you'll have to listen to find out which).

    If you like the show, please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or tell your friends! And don't forget to join us for the next live show on Tuesday 27th April at 8pm (BST / UK time) where we'll be taking on Trial of a Time Lord in its entirety...

    7 April 2021, 5:45 pm
  • 1 hour 50 minutes
    Living In A Box (live, 23 Feb 2021)

    Our second livestream saw John and Matt tackle a trio of returning monster mash-ups in mind-boggling detail - taking in Cyberman sugar-rush THE MOONBASE, Gravity Bar crawl THE SONTARAN EXPERIMENT, and the box-fresh PANDORICA OPENS / BIG BANG two-parter.

    Along the way, we discussed whether Kit Pedler had an easy gig, enjoyed some prescient Sontaran video-conferencing, and apologised to Murray Gold. We also battled one or two technical issues with John's mic - nothing that will reduce your enjoyment of this episode (that's what our actual words are for) but something you may clock from time to time.

    View the video version of this episode here!

    Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for details of our next livestream...

    24 February 2021, 8:08 pm
  • 2 hours 6 minutes
    Bored In The House (Live, 26th January 2021)

    We emerge sleepily from an 18-month hibernation, only to find that we're confined to the house and a lot's changed in the interim. But our debut LIVE episode gave us the chance to find out whether kid's telly fave Doctor Who could tell us anything useful about the Very Strange Times we're living in, as we delved into Hartnell-era viral sensation The Ark, Peter Davison's laugh-a-minute swan-song The Caves of Androzani, and Peter Capaldi's adventures in lockdown in Heaven Sent.

    Along the way, we discussed PPE supplies in the far future, invisible buttocks, the logistics of milking a bat, and we received some welcome real-time fact-checking from our livestream viewers.

    Thanks to everyone who joined us on the night. You can watch a video version of this episode here - keep an eye on our Twitter for the date of our next live episode!

    28 January 2021, 2:01 pm
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