Big Question

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  • 35 minutes 19 seconds
    Future Black Panthers? | BQ

    We've seen so many Black Panthers already in the MCU, which had us thinking could we see more?!

    We've seen the Black Panther Bashenga in a retelling, T'Chaka in a flashback, T'Challa, Killmonger, and now Shuri! Who could be next? Who could get a prequel?! In this episode of Big Question, Jessica Clemons and Tommy Bechtold list off some of marvel comics BPB aka Black Panther Baddies! From Captain America to a venom symbiote-Killmonger, who could show up next or who deserves a little movie?!

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    3 December 2022, 10:00 pm
  • 53 minutes 35 seconds
    WAKANDA FOREVER: Did Namor Ever Battle the Eternals? | BQ

    After learning about Namor’s long life on Earth, did crochet cross paths with some other immortal beings?

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    Black Panther: Wakanda Forever had many revelations, one of the biggest being that Namor has been swimming around Earth for over 400 years. With the MCU also learning about the Eternals in phase 4, we can’t help but wonder if the Eternals and Namor ever crossed paths. And are the Eternals responsible for Namor and the Talokanil’s creation? In this episode of Big Question, Jessica Clemons and Off-Screen Producer Brandon list off the evidence for a potential Namor/Eternals crossover, as well as dive into the hotly debated topic of whether or not Namor could defeat Hulk and Thor.

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    18 November 2022, 6:30 pm
  • 47 minutes 15 seconds
    House of the Dragon Season 1 RECAP: Lingering Questions and Season 2 Theories | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Season 1 has ended, but we still have some questions and theories before we leave Westeros until season 2.

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    House of the Dragon’s first season was a triumphant return to time in Westeros nearly 200 years before we last saw the continent in Game of Thrones. But between all the calculated moves from Rhaenyra and Alicent as they line up their sides of the Targaryen family for the Iron Throne, we still have questions about some of the plot points from this first season. And as we wait impatiently for season 2, we theorize what could lay ahead in the story, beyond what’s covered in the source material. Will Laenor ever return? Who will learn about Aegon’s Dream? How do dragons procreate?! Plus, it’s the return of the Talking Tolkien section! In this episode of Big Question present Talking Dragons, Jessica Clemons and Brandon Barrick discuss some of their favorite moments of the season and theorize on what might be next in season 2!

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    31 October 2022, 4:58 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    House of the Dragon Ep 10 REACTION & ENDING EXPLAINED: The Dance of the Dragons | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Episode 10 Reaction! In this episode, we see how Rhaenyra and Daemon react to the news from King’s Landing of Viserys’ death.

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    Watch The Rings of Power on Prime Video and listen to all eight episodes of The Official The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Podcast for free on Amazon Music.

    House of the Dragon episode 10, The Black Queen, shows us how Rhaenyra and Daemon react to the news of Viserys’ passing and Aegon’s crowning as the new king of Westeros. Rhaenys’ arrival with the news of what’s going on down in King’s Landing sends Rhaenyra into premature labor, and she is forced to try and keep Daemon and the rest of the realm together during all of it. Corlys and Rhaenys decide to back Rhaenyra’s claim to the throne and provide sea and air support. After Rhaenyra recovers from her misscarriage, she begins to assess the situation and see which Houses will continue to stand with her. She sends her sons Jacaerys and Lucerys out on dragonback to check in with the Arryns, Starks and Baretheons, however one of the sons does not return. Jessica Clemons and Brandon Barrick react to this incredible season finale, and layout what’s at stake for season 2!

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    24 October 2022, 7:31 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    House of the Dragon Ep 9 REACTION & ENDING EXPLAINED: Rhaenys’ Huge Mistake | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Episode 9 Reaction! In this episode, a new king is crowned in Westeros as plans are made to keep Rhaenyra and her family away from the throne.

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    House of the Dragon episode 9, The Green Council, finds Alicent and Otto aligning their supporters for Aegone to ascend to the throne the morning after Viserys’ death. Anyone who isn’t on Team Green is going to be dealt with, either with prison or death. Meanwhile, the hunt is on in Flea Bottom to find Aegon so he can be cleaned up and crowned king. Both Alicent and Otto want to be the first ones to talk to him, mainly about the fate of Rhaenyra and her family. Ser Criston Cole and Aemond find him first and bring him back to Alicent. Also in this episode, Rhaenys is asked to choose which side she supports, and while she doesn’t give an answer verbally, she makes her loyalties known when she bursts through the floor of the Dragonpit during the coronation of Aegon riding her dragon Meleys. Jessica Clemons and Brandon Barrick react to this devastating episode for the Smallfolk, and whether or not Rhaenys made the correct decision in letting Alicent and her family live.

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    17 October 2022, 7:49 pm
  • 58 minutes 39 seconds
    House of the Dragon Ep 8 REACTION & ENDING EXPLAINED: The Curse of the Prophecy | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Episode 8 Reaction! In this episode, a man loses his head and the two sides of Viserys’ family sit down to break bread, and then try to break each other.

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    House of the Dragon episode 8, The Lord of the Tides, the petition for the line of succession of the throne at Driftmark bleeds into a larger battle for the coming fight for the Iron Throne looming just around the corner. Rhaenyra and Daemon plead their case for why Lucerys should remain as the chosen heir to Driftmark, while Alicent and Otto would rather see Corlys’ brother Vaemond take control of the Driftwood Throne, as well as the largest navy in Westeros. Through it all, an ailing Viserys just wants to see his family united before he shuffles off this mortal coil. However, an ill-timed mention of Aegon’s Song of Ice and Fire puts his wife Alicent in a position to undo the succession he has set forth for his own daughter Rhaenyra. Jessica Clemons and Brandon Barrick react to this skull-splitting episode and break down what could be coming in the Dance of Dragons.

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    11 October 2022, 6:53 pm
  • 1 hour 21 seconds
    House of the Dragon Ep 7 REACTION & ENDING EXPLAINED: Will He Return? | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Episode 7 Reaction! In this episode, dragons are gained, an eye is lost, families are combined and not all fiery deaths are permanent.

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    House of the Dragon episode 7, Driftmark, finds us at the seat of House Velaryon for Lady Laena’s funeral. It’s a chance for former friends to stare daggers at each other as the battle lines begin to be drawn. Aegon keeps drinking and chasing tail, while his brother Aemond is chasing the biggest, riderless dragon in Westeros, Vhagar. Rhaenyra and Alicent come to blows after their kids get into a tussle, while Viserys just tries to keep the peace and stay alive. Corlys and Rhaenys argue about what’s best for their remaining family. And Rhaenyra and Daemon decide to join forces and combine their families into a Targaryen version of the Brady Bunch. But before they do, they find a way to get Laenor out of the picture. Jessica Clemons and Brandon Barrick react to this episode and break down what’s possible for Laenor now that he is presumed dead by the world.

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    3 October 2022, 6:50 pm
  • 59 minutes 59 seconds
    House of the Dragon Ep 6 REACTION & ENDING EXPLAINED: What is Larys’ Plan? | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Episode 6 Reaction! Larys didn’t start the fire, it was always burning since the world’s been turning.

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    House of the Dragon episode 6, The Princess and the Queen, gives us the biggest time jump of the series yet by propelling us forward 10 years in Westeros. Rhaenyra and her three sons are trying to maintain their status in Kings Landing against an Alicent who is hellbent on seeing her own son Aegon ascend to the Iron Throne. Ser Criston Cole is totally team Alicent now, and does his best to out Ser Harwin Strong as the true father of Rhaenyra’s children. Meanwhile, Daemon and his wife Laena Velaryon are visiting Pentos with their two daughters and a third child on the way. They have a few dragons in their arsenal, including the mighty Vhagar, but will they find a way back to Westeros any time soon? Jessica Clemons and Brandon Barrick react to this episode and break down the shocking conclusion set in motion by a very devious Larys Strong.

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    26 September 2022, 7:18 pm
  • 58 minutes 56 seconds
    House of the Dragon Episode 5 Reaction & Ending Explained! | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Episode 5 Reaction! What really set off Ser Criston Cole against Joffrey?

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    House of the Dragon episode 5, We Light the Way, finds us celebrating the coming marriage of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon. But before the opening banquet can even come to a close, there is bloodshed on the dancefloor. Ser Criston Cole is finding it hard to live with the secret of his night of passion with the Princess, and Alicent Hightower is finding new ways to navigate the politics of the royal court without her father around to help. And through it all, King Viserys is just trying to live long enough to have a decent legacy. Jessica Clemons and Brandon Barrick react to this episode and breakdown the series of events that led to Ser Criston Cole finally snapping.

    19 September 2022, 7:43 pm
  • 56 minutes 42 seconds
    House of the Dragon Ep 4 REACTION: Did Otto Kill Viserys Father? | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Episode 4 Reaction! Between Daemon Targaryen and Otto Hightower, who is the biggest threat to Viserys?

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    House of the Dragon episode 4, King of the Narrow Sea, jumps ahead another year as Rhaenyra searches for a suitor in Westeros. Daemon Targaryen returns to King’s Landing triumphant from his defeat of the Crab Feeder and appears to mend the conflict with his brother Viserys. Rhaenyra spends a wild night with Daemon amongst the smallfolk of King’s Landing, and after being ditched by her uncle at a Pillow House finds herself turning to Ser Criston Cole to fulfill her needs. Otto Hightower shares the gossip of Rhaenyra and Daemon with Viserys, leading him to kick Daemon out of King’s Landing and dismiss Otto as Hand of the King. But which of these men will seek their revenge? Jessica Clemons and Brandon Barrick react to this episode and debate who is the bigger threat to Viserys’ rule.

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    12 September 2022, 7:50 pm
  • 1 hour 11 seconds
    House of the Dragon Ep 3 REACTION: Final Scene Battle Plan Explained | Talking Dragons

    House of the Dragon Episode 3 Reaction! Who is the dragon Seasmoke and why wasn’t he used sooner?

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    House of the Dragon episode 3, Second of His Name, takes us ahead in time another three years in Westeros. King Viserys and his wife Alicent now have a two year old son named Aegon. Many Lords in the realm want him to be named heir, but for now Rhaenyra still holds the title. The war against the Crab Feeder and the Triarchy wages on in the Step Stones, but just as the situation appears to be hopeless, the reveal of Laenor Velaryon riding the dragon Seasmoke turns the tides in Daemon Targaryen’s favor and ends the war in the Narrow Sea. Brandon Barrick and Zach Huddleston react to this episode and discuss the bloody repositioning of Targaryen claims to the Iron Throne.

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    6 September 2022, 9:58 pm
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