Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss

Leslie M. Thornton

  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Ep 255 Action Vs. Emotion

    Have you ever wondered why, despite your best efforts, true happiness and fulfillment seem to be out of reach? Many individuals find themselves trapped in cycles of dieting, self-criticism, and unfulfilled desires, believing that external changes will bring them the internal peace they seek. This relentless pursuit often leads to increased stress, emotional turmoil, and a sense of continued dissatisfaction. 

    However, as explored in today's episode, the key to genuine transformation lies not in external changes but in addressing deep-seated emotions, challenging limiting beliefs, and embracing one's true desires. Through personal anecdotes and client success stories, Leslie demonstrates how confronting and transcending internal barriers can unlock wisdom, happiness, and lasting change, offering a path to permanent weight loss and life satisfaction.

    "Finding out what I want, finding the coach who can help me get what I want. Taking action and booking a call, feeling whether I feel like it's right, asking whatever questions I need to ask to know that it's right for me. And then paying the money and doing the work. It's that simple. It's that simple to get everything you want in your life." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    01:58 - Using the concept from tantric meditation, which involves balancing action and being to achieve one's goals, whether it be weight loss, food freedom, career advancement, or relationships

    08:15 - Emotional triggers behind food obsession and how healing from food obsession is possible, regardless of the severity of one's issues

    14:31 - Sharing a personal journey of overcoming fears and stepping out of her comfort zone emphasizing the importance of facing fears and seeking support for long-term success. 

    26:20 - True progress requires feeling and experiencing emotions rather than just analyzing them

    32:36 - Explaining how her high-ticket coaching program requires personalized, ongoing conversations to effectively address each client's unique patterns and transformation

    38:48 - Taking immediate action to achieve personal transformation, rather than waiting for ideal conditions

    44:59 - The importance of understanding and owning one's authentic desires rather than conforming to external expectations

    46:59 - Manifesting your desires by prioritizing your desires, facing your fears, and investing in yourself despite financial challenges

    49:12 - Merely listening or thinking about change is not enough; take action by booking your call now

    51:23 - How suffering comes from identifying with negative thoughts and what's needed to loosen the grip of these thoughts and achieve lasting change

    55:13 - A client story to illustrate how addressing underlying anxieties and emotions can transform one's perspective, leading to a lasting, positive change

    58:40 - Encouraging everyone to address their deep-seated emotions and limiting beliefs to attain wisdom, healing, and lasting happiness, including permanent weight loss.

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    22 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 52 minutes 34 seconds
    Ep 254 New Exciting Advancements to the HPWL Program

    Many individuals find themselves caught in a vicious cycle of dieting, emotional eating, and self-judgment, leading to a constant mental obsession with food and weight. This relentless battle not only impacts physical health but also takes a significant toll on emotional well-being and self-esteem.

    As this struggle intensifies, traditional methods of weight loss often fall short, leaving people feeling frustrated and defeated. Countless diets and exercise plans promise quick fixes but fail to address the underlying psychological and emotional factors that contribute to unhealthy eating habits and body dissatisfaction. This creates a sense of hopelessness and disillusionment, making sustainable change seem unattainable.

    However, with Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss (HPWL) and the exciting advancements in the program there is hope. With its HEAL method and by incorporating cutting-edge techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a focus on aligned and authentic action, the HPWL Program offers a holistic approach to overcoming the mental obsession with food, body, and weight. This transformative program empowers individuals to heal their emotional wounds, discover their true selves, and create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle that feels natural and fulfilling.

    "This podcast is going to talk about the advancements that I've made, but sometimes clients in the beginning don't feel comfortable with it. They don't like it because it's like, how is this going to actually cause me to lose weight? But it's like there needs to be this period of time where you are actually playing with no rules, permission to eat, knowing how you feel after. And then making new decisions, having new learnings that gets you into a space where your mind quiets and you create that safety and then you can start making empowered choices." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    04:06 - Holistic approach to weight loss: The HEAL method --- first two components - Hypnosis and Emotional Mastery

    11:28 - How transforming one's relationship with food involves a deep commitment to mental and emotional health, rather than just physical health

    16:49 -  The need to live authentically and followone's true desires rather than adhering to external rules and societal expectations

    23:55 - Cultivating a healthy and intuitive relationship with food and one's body

    33:21 - Taking aligned and authentic action as part of the healing process [third component of the HEAL method]

    41:47 - Discussing about the accountability component to the accelerator program

    46:40 - Giving yourself that lasting self-care: HEAL method's fourth component

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    15 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 46 minutes 21 seconds
    Ep 253 Inside Look of HPWLs Fastrack to Freedom Group Coaching Call

    Navigating the complexities of diet mentality versus food freedom is not merely about what we eat, but how we think and feel about food. The restrictive nature of traditional dieting often pushes one in a cycle of guilt and perfectionism, overshadowing the potential for true emotional and mental freedom. On the other hand, embracing food freedom involves redefining our relationship with food, fostering a mindset of self-acceptance, and understanding our body's genuine needs. Through the application of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and other therapeutic techniques, individuals can transcend ingrained diet mentalities, allowing for personal growth and a healthier, more holistic approach to well-being. Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss Fast Track to Freedom encapsulates this belief.

    The journey towards inner peace and emotional freedom in relation to food has far-reaching impacts beyond mere weight loss. It influences every aspect of life, from professional achievements to personal relationships and overall mental health. By adopting a growth mindset and shedding black-and-white thinking, individuals can experience a profound transformation. Programs focusing on these areas provide invaluable support, offering tools to conquer limiting beliefs and cultivate a vibrant, self-expressed life. Taking decisive action towards this inner work not only enhances one's well-being but also positively affects those around you, creating a ripple effect of health and lasting happiness.

    "You can't take your personal life out of your food freedom because oftentimes the reason that we snap back into diet mentality over and over again and have bad body image issues and all the mental obsession is because it's emotional and it's usually actually triggered by other emotional things going on in the background that we just may not be fully present to." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    00:01 - Sharing a sense of the culture and dynamics within the "Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss, Fast Track to Freedom" client group call

    04:17 - Highlighting the shared experiences among group members, such as dealing with special needs children, grief, and personal challenges, which foster a sense of community and mutual support

    12:36 - How in the Hypnosis program participants are encouraged to fully experience and process their emotions rather than suppress them

    15:32 - Helping clients differentiate between their thoughts and reality by understanding that perceptions can be subjective and not necessarily accurate

    20:02 - Distinguishing between diet mentality thoughts versus food freedom thoughts

    23:40 - How overcoming diet mentality requires facing fears and discomfort to achieve true food freedom and personal growth 

    28:53 - Sharing how diet mentality makes it difficult to adopt a growth mindset

    34:52 - One more spot left for an upcoming NLP training in September

    35:51 - How achieving mastery over one's relationship with food, body, and weight can lead to profound personal transformations in all areas of life

    41:34 - The need to take action now to improve your inner health and consequently enhance your outer health and overall life quality

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    8 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 26 minutes 42 seconds
    Ep 252 Understanding and Addressing your Relationship with Food through Metaphors

    Despite the countless diets and weight loss plans, the mental and emotional turmoil associated with food and body image remains unresolved for many. The real issue lies not in the food itself but in the deeper, often hidden emotional and psychological wounds that drive unhealthy eating behaviors. These underlying issues are like the submerged part of an iceberg—vast and largely unseen, yet crucial to understand and heal. Ignoring these deeper problems perpetuates a cycle of temporary fixes and long-term dissatisfaction.

    In this episode, we dive into Anita Johnston's "Eating in the Light of the Moon," a book that uses powerful metaphors to shed light on the complex relationship between food and emotions. By exploring stories like 'the log in the river', 'the red herring', 'the woman in the moon', 'the peasant quest', 'the princess and the pea', and 'the iceberg', we reveal how diet mentality distracts from true healing. Through these metaphors, we learn the importance of connecting with our inner wisdom and addressing the real issues beneath the surface.

    Join us as we uncover the path to true food freedom, where emotional mastery and self-empowerment replace the constant battle with diet mentality. By listening to this episode, you'll gain valuable insights and practical tools to start your journey toward a healthier, more fulfilling relationship with food and yourself.

    "These stories and metaphors serve as powerful tools to help the reader understand and relate to their experiences with eating disorders, encouraging a deeper exploration of their emotions and fostering a path to recovery." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    00:01 - Insights from the book "Eating in the Light of the Moon" by Anita Johnston which delves into the psychological and emotional dimensions of eating disorders and unhealthy relationship with food

    05:40 - How to truly heal: Listening to not just what you say but focusing on the pattern that goes inside your brain

    06:53 - Advocating for intuitive eating as a key component of healing

    07:59 - Focusing on the concept of self-discovery and healing as integral to transforming one's relationship with food and oneself

    09:32 - Building community and the need to seek support from others

    11:18 - Discussing the first metaphor, 'the log in the river'

    14:09 - Talking about the metaphor of 'the red herring'

    18:00 - What does the metaphor 'woman in the moon' illustrate 

    20:03 - 'Peasant quest': What does this metaphor represent

    21:16 - 'The princess and the pea' and what this reveals about the food and body weight issues

    22:07 - Understanding this 'metaphor of the iceberg' 

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    1 July 2024, 8:00 am
  • 36 minutes 27 seconds
    Ep 251 I sold out on you!

    Are you still stuck in a cycle of diets, never finding the one right answer to your health and wellness journey? Does the constant battle with food, body image, and self-worth leave you feeling defeated and unmotivated? Let's dive deep into exploring why traditional diet mentalities often fail us and how a more holistic, personalized approach can lead to lasting transformation.

    We'll uncover the pitfalls of black-and-white thinking in dieting, showing you how every diet you've tried has provided valuable lessons, even if it wasn't the ultimate solution. You'll hear about the power of setting clear intentions and the transformative impact of coaching versus one-off therapy sessions.

    Plus, we'll discuss how integrating faith and science can enhance your journey to emotional mastery and inner peace. Whether you’re struggling with low confidence, social anxiety, or just a general dissatisfaction with your weight and body image, this episode offers actionable insights and inspiration to help you break free and achieve lasting wellness, freedom, and happiness. Get ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

    "When you follow your dreams and you get out of your own way mentally, emotionally, and you set yourself up for success, health follows that." - Leslie Thornton 

    What you will learn from this episode:

    00:01 - Become an active participant in your self-development and not just passive spectator 

    06:54 - Only action can lead to real results and a fulfilling life

    10:11 - 3 crucial factors on how to achieve a lasting transformation

    15:24 - Importance of understanding the emotional and psychological roots of eating habits, rather than just focusing on control measures

    18:51 - You are your 'miracle mouth'

    22:23 - Healing past issues to make room for new inspiration and motivation

    24:46 - Differentiating between coaching and therapy or one-off sessions

    28:04 - Addressing concerns about potential conflicts between religious beliefs and her program and discussing how religious teachings and scientific principles can align

    32:26 - Book a call and take the first step to your lasting transformation

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    24 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 39 minutes 45 seconds
    Ep 250 Why don't I stay accountable to myself?

    Have you ever found yourself caught in a cycle of on and off dieting, perpetually striving for weight loss only to be met with frustration and disappointment? This struggle, familiar to many, often stems from deeper emotional issues that go unaddressed. The constant battle with food, body image, and weight can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and self-hatred, trapping individuals in an endless loop of fleeting diets and temporary fixes. 

    The real problem lies not in the diets themselves, but in the underlying emotional turmoil that drives these behaviors. To break free from this cycle, it's essential to shift focus from external goals to inner healing and self-awareness. By understanding and aligning with our true desires and addressing the root emotional causes, we can achieve lasting peace and fulfillment in our relationship with food and our bodies. 

    Hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) offer powerful tools to help individuals tap into their inner truth, manage their emotional states, and ultimately transform their approach to health and well-being.

    "You will always be a yo-yo dieter if you do not actually pay attention and heal stuff. That anger, self-hatred, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, that's just hanging around there. That's the emotion that's causing you to eat. That's the emotion that causes you to binge eat. So it's like tackling that and you're creating spaciousness in your body." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    00:01 - Addressing the common struggle of staying accountable to oneself despite being a person of high integrity who holds others to their word

    02:12 - Integrity versus perfectionism and how they impact self-accountability with regard to dieting and weight loss

    09:10 - The importance of emotional mastery and introspection rather than rigid perfectionism

    16:23 - Seeking support and exploring programs that focus on holistic, sustainable transformation rather than temporary, restrictive measures

    22:22 - Achieving lasting change in weight and health requires aligning actions with one's true desires

    25:12 - Focusing on what genuinely brings you peace and happiness instead of being driven by ego or societal expectations

    29:42 - Understand and accept your current state rather than constantly shifting between different diets and approaches

    34:22 - Recognizing and addressing underlying emotional issues rather than just focusing on external goals or diets

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    17 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 32 minutes 55 seconds
    Ep 249 Personal Trainers and Nutritionists VS Hypnosis for Permanent Weight Loss

    Are you tired of the short-term results from personal trainers and nutritionists? Do you find yourself sliding back into old habits despite rigorous workout routines and carefully planned diets? The problem isn't with your effort or commitment; it's that traditional approaches often focus solely on external changes without addressing the internal struggles that drive your behaviors.

    Imagine spending hours at the gym and meticulously counting calories, only to be derailed by emotional triggers that lead to overeating or unhealthy food choices. It's frustrating and disheartening, leaving you feeling like a failure, stuck in a cycle that seems impossible to break. These external solutions, while beneficial, don't equip you with the tools to manage the emotional and psychological aspects of your relationship with food.

    This is where Hypnosis and emotional mastery come in as game-changers. Unlike traditional methods, the Hypnosis program dives deep into the root causes of your eating habits. By addressing emotional triggers and developing a strong, resilient mindset, you'll achieve lasting freedom from food-related stress and guilt. This holistic approach not only transforms your eating behaviors but also enhances your overall emotional well-being, leading to sustainable, life-long results.

    Today, we'll be exploring the differences between Hypnosis for permanent weight loss and more conventional approaches like hiring a personal trainer or nutritionist. Inspired by insights shared by a client who recently completed her eight-week Hypnosis program, we'll uncover why Hypnosis isn't just about shedding pounds but also about transforming your relationship with food, body, and self. Let's explore a new path to lasting change and emotional mastery.

    "If you're someone who feels guilty, shameful, upset, fearful around any topic, food, body and weight, going to the doctor and stepping on the scale-- any of that. If any of that emotionally upsets you, then using a nutritionist or a personal trainer will help you get the results short term. It will not get you to live a life in full color." - Leslie Thornton

    What you'll learn from this episode:

    01:01 -  highlighting a client experience on the  differences between hiring a fitness coach, personal trainer, nutritionist, and using hypnosis for weight loss

    04:13 - Hypnosis' weight loss approach on internal changes and self-empowerment versus rigid diet and exercise regimen

    08:13 - A client testimonial of emotional resilience of making healthier choices without guilt or shame.

    12:40 What makes you successful in the Hypnosis program

    19:27 - How emotional mastery helps you stay consistent in your journey

    22:38 - Important insight on why some clients don't feel that Hypnosis is working

    25:59 - What growth means with Hypnosis for permanent weight loss

    28:27 - Take action and take risk

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    10 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 34 minutes 19 seconds
    Ep 248 No regrets before you die!

    Do you ever feel trapped in an endless cycle of obsessing over food, body, and weight? Does the constant mental chatter about your appearance leave you feeling anxious, unfulfilled, and disconnected from your true self? These struggles can consume your life, leaving little room for genuine happiness and personal growth.

    In this episode, we'll explore how Hypnosis can be a powerful tool to break free from these limiting beliefs and patterns. By addressing the root causes of your struggles, you can transform your relationship with food, body, and weight, and open the door to a life filled with peace, confidence, and authentic joy. Join us as we delve into the journey of holistic health and discover the incredible possibilities that lie beyond the obsession with physical appearance.

    Leslie discusses the profound impact of Hypnosis on overcoming food, body, and weight struggles. She highlights personal experiences and client success stories to illustrate how shifting focus from physical to holistic health can lead to lasting happiness. Emphasizing mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, this episode encourages taking risks and investing in personal growth to achieve true freedom and fulfillment.

    "Every time you make a mistake on your eating, you know that you are hard on yourself or other people tell you that and you're not doing anything about it.I just would hate to see anybody pass away, which could happen at any time. I've seen it happen at any time, not knowing that they could have experienced connection, peace, happiness, joy, and freedom." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    00:01 - Take decisive action and avoid living with regret

    03:41 - The importance of taking risks and making decisive actions to transform one's life

    09:48 - Internal conflicts many people face and how Hypnosis can help resolve these 

    13:49 - New possibilities that open up when you heal your food, body, and weight struggles

    17:39 - Effectiveness of the Hypnosis program in helping individuals transition from food obsession to inner peace and self-acceptance

    20:06 -Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) personal breakthrough sessions on promo until June 15th

    23:43 - Emphasizing the importance of taking risks and investing in personal development to achieve a fulfilling life

    25:40 - Significance of coaching in rewiring subconscious patterns for behavioral changes, resulting in improved mental and emotional health

    29:07 - Leslie's passionate advocacy for a holistic approach to health, emphasizing the importance of mental and emotional well-being alongside physical health

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    3 June 2024, 8:00 am
  • 15 minutes 44 seconds
    Ep 247 How to Manage Stress About Your Weight Over the Holiday

    Are you exhausted by the never ending cycle of dieting, weight loss, weight gain, and the constant stress about food and your body? Does the pressure to stick to strict diets, the guilt of missing workouts, and the anxiety of weight fluctuations consume your daily thoughts? This mental and emotional turmoil can feel endless and maddening, leaving you feeling like a failure when you can’t keep up with unrealistic expectations.

    Imagine holidays and vacations where instead of enjoying yourself, you are plagued by the fear of overindulging and the dread of seeing the scale go up. After a weekend of social gatherings and parties, the panic sets in on how you will get back on track. The self-criticism and guilt can be overwhelming, creating a negative spiral that affects your overall well-being.

    This struggle is not just about food or weight—it’s about the mental and emotional patterns that drive your behaviors. But you can break free from this cycle. You don’t have to live with this constant stress and self-criticism. There is a way to achieve peace with food and your body, and it starts with addressing the root of the problem: your mindset.

    Hypnosis offers a powerful solution to this issue. It goes beyond the surface-level tactics of dieting and exercise to address the deep-seated mental and emotional patterns that fuel your struggles with food and weight. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, hypnosis helps you change your relationship with food, your body, and yourself. You can let go of rigid food rules and embrace a balanced, intuitive approach to eating. And heal the negative emotions and self-criticism that drive unhealthy behaviors.

    "You're saying you need to follow this, you have to follow this. This is how you have to do it. This is how you should be doing it. But nothing lasts if it's not something you have chosen authentically and empowered for yourself." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    01:48 - Sharing personal experiences and anecdotes of challenging it can be to maintain a food plan, especially during holidays and vacations

    03:31 - Different individuals' experiences and emotional reactions to weight gain and food behavior

    06:55 - Finding a personalized and authentic way of eating that aligns with one's own desires and lifestyle, rather than adhering to rigid food rules

    08:57 - How lasting change comes from making authentic and empowered choices rather than following external rules and shoulds.

    10:52 - Setting an authentic intention for how you want to eat and take care of yourself during holidays, focusing on what genuinely feels right for you

    14:36 -Addressing the underlying mental and emotional patterns rather than just focusing on physical actions like dieting or exercise

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    27 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 34 minutes 17 seconds
    Ep 246 How to TRULY Attract Love By Your Permanent Weight Loss Journey

    The quest for love often intersects with the pursuit of physical perfection. Many of us, driven by societal pressures, find ourselves obsessively focused on weight loss as a means to attract the ideal partner. This fixation, however, can lead to a cycle of anxiety and disconnection from one's authentic self, ultimately hindering the very goal we seek to achieve. Despite rigorous dieting and weight loss efforts, the desired deep, meaningful relationships often remain elusive, leading to frustration and self-doubt.

    This struggle is magnified by the belief that physical appearance is the sole determinant of attractiveness and compatibility. People frequently ignore the deeper, more intrinsic factors that foster genuine connections. The constant worry about weight and diet not only disrupts one's emotional well-being but also diminishes the ability to be present and authentically engaged in relationships. This preoccupation hinders energy, intuition, and emotional expression—key elements that contribute to a vibrant and attractive persona.

    However, the solution lies not in relentless dieting, but in undertaking a profound journey of self-discovery and inner healing. By shifting the focus from external validation to internal alignment, individuals can unlock their true selves and, in turn, attract partners who appreciate them for who they genuinely are. Embracing this holistic approach to weight loss and self-acceptance paves the way for authentic relationships.

    In this episode, Leslie delves into this transformative process of healing by way of Hypnosis. Through Leslie's personal anecdotes and practical advice she highlights how embracing one's authentic self, including their natural body shape and eating habits, can lead to both permanent weight loss and the attraction of a truly compatible, loving partner. This journey, though challenging, ultimately empowers individuals to cultivate deeper connections and live fulfilling lives, free from the constraints of societal expectations.

    "If you master understanding your triggers and what upsets you and what creates emotion, you're going to master your life. Like you're going to master relationships because relationships have lots of emotions involved." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    00:01 - The importance of acknowledging and understanding one's true desires when losing weight

    06:36 - Addressing the psychological aspects of dieting and emotional eating

    09:35 - Exploring the relationship between weight loss, self-worth, and attracting a healthy, authentic partner 

    13:59 - The importance of authenticity in both diet and relationships. 

    18:38 - Attractiveness is solely not tied to being thin

    23:24 - Significance of feeling secure and confident in oneself and in one's body, and how this security can attract positive attention and relationships

    26:18 - The value of hiring a coach to help you in this journey of healing your food and body weight issues

    27:15 - How achieving a healthy and secure relationship involves inner work and self-acceptance

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    20 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 28 minutes 56 seconds
    Ep 245 How to Stay Consistent and on Track with your Eating

    Are you struggling to maintain consistency with your eating habits? Do you find yourself self-sabotaging after a few days of eating well, only to spiral back into old patterns of behavior? Many of us face the challenge of staying on track with our health goals, only to be derailed by negative self-talk and emotional eating.

    But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle of self-sabotage and find lasting success in your weight loss journey? 

    In today's episode, we'll explore the root causes behind why we struggle to stay consistent with our eating habits and discover actionable strategies to overcome these challenges.

    Let's delve into the power of self-compassion, emotional awareness, and authentic motivation in achieving permanent weight loss. By understanding the underlying factors influencing our behavior and learning how to cultivate a positive mindset, you can reclaim control of your health and well-being.

    Stay tuned as we uncover the path to staying on track with your eating habits and discover a new perspective on achieving lasting success in your weight loss journey.

    "The number one killer of transformation of you being able to get back on track faster is you judging yourself. The more that you can embrace the fact that you are a human being and you have hard things that can happen to you and hard emotions that you feel just by nature of being a human the easier it's going to be for you to get back on track." - Leslie Thornton

    What you will learn from this episode:

    00:55 - What you should be mindful about when it comes to losing weight

    04:12 - How changing values affect your weight loss issues

    07:12 - The number one killer of you staying consistent with your goal and how to control the external forces getting in the way of your weight loss journey

    10:33 - Fear-based motivation versus outcome-driven motivation

    15:27 - Why weight loss is different from stopping smoking or alcohol

    18:01 - Free Hypnosis 

    20:12 - Do what feels authentic for you and find the best way to be accountable for yourself and your goal

    24:42 - Create that muscle of self-compassion and celebrateprogress

    Valuable Resources:

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    13 May 2024, 8:00 am
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